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Permit Number: T05CM04963
Parcel: 11804165A

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: OTHER

Permit Number - T05CM04963
Review Name: OTHER
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
TO: Jeff Stanley, PE
SUBJECT: Site Plan Engineering Review for Storage Shed Structure
LOCATION: 1639 W SAN LUIS BL, T14S R13E Sec22, Ward 1
REVIEWERS: Suzanne Bohnet and Elizabeth Eberbach

SUMMARY: The Site Plan and Drainage Report were received by Engineering on September 15, 2005. Development Services Department Engineering Division has reviewed the received items and does not recommend approval of the proposed placement of the storage shed in the floodplain until the following comments have been addressed.

1) Tucson Code 26-5.2.(9): At this time an outstanding elevation certificate is required for the existing building on this parcel. It is imperative that the elevation certificate be completed and returned to the City of Tucson in order to substantiate the elevation listed for the FFE on the site plan. Contact Bev Hester (ext.2205) for returning the elevation certificate or if you have questions about the form. An elevation certificate will be required for the shed as well.
2) Tucson Code 29-14: The wash on the south side of this parcel is Cholla Wash and is a W.A.S.H. Ordinance wash and is listed as a low riparian habitat. Address the following comments:
a) Tucson Code 23A-50(3): An application for this overlay will be required; contact Zoning for application process or questions.
b) Provide topography with labeled contours that includes the bottom of the wash.
c) Show top of bank on plan.
d) Add a general note to the site plan stating that the development meets the requirements of the Watercourse Amenities, Safety, and Habitat Ordinance Tucson Code Chapter 29, Article VIII.
3) Tucson Code 26-8(d)(2): Address the following 1,350 sqft storage shed building pad comments:
a) In areas where fill is to be used to raise the elevation of the building site, the building shall be located no less than 25 feet from any edge of the fill for the pad, unless a study prepared by a state-registered professional civil engineer and approved by the city engineer shows that a lesser distance is acceptable. The report must explain how the design will provide appropriate pad size for this structure, and erosion protection recommendations based upon Cholla Wash 100-year flooding depths and increased velocities. Provide design for the building pad to comply with this section of regulation.
b) Explain in report that the required fill for the storage shed shall be placed where it does not divert, retard or obstruct the flow of water to such an extent that it creates a danger or hazard to life or adverse impact to adjacent properties.
4) DS Sec.10- Provide erosion hazard setback calculation in the drainage report.
5) DS Sec.10- Add statement that the site is in Special Flood Hazard Area Zone AH as well as Zone X unshaded as indicated on the FEMA FIRM panel. If the calculated floodplain limits do not match the FEMA limits or topography, add the floodplain limit delineation from the drainage report study on planview.
6) DS Sec.2- Provide topography that is labeled for FEMA datum (NGVD), or both NAVD and NGVD. Label FFE for the storage shed based on NGVD.
7) DS Sec.11-01.4.F.1.b: Add note regarding fill quantities.
8) DS Sec.11-01.2.2.I: A grading permit will be required for the proposed development. The site plan may be revised to be titled a site/grading plan, or a separate grading plan may be submitted.
9) DS Sec.10- Submit a Floodplain Use Permit Application with the grading permit submittal.

The re-submittal should address all of the above items. Address the comments and prepare a clear and complete response letter. Submit three copies of the site/grading plan, revised drainage report, copy of signed overlay application, floodplain use permit application, grading permit application, and response letter.

Elizabeth Eberbach, PE
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Development Services