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Permit Number: T05CM03787
Parcel: Unknown

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: SITE

Permit Number - T05CM03787
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
07/19/2005 JIM EGAN FIRE REVIEW Denied 1. Fire hydrants required. Existing fire hydrants shall not be removed. Inaccessible fijre hydrants shall be relocated.
2. Minimum 18 feet turn radii required at all intersection of PAAL.
3. All building shall be accessed with minimum 20 feet wide drives.
4. Fire lane signs required.

FROM: Terry Stevens FOR: David Rivera
Senior Planner Principal Planner

7812 E. Speedway Blvd.
Site Plan

Transmittal date: 1st Review 8-05-05

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. Legal description provided does not include Lot 1 but is shown as part of this site plan. Change legal to include all parcels indicated on the site plan. DS 2-02.2.12

Lot 1 has been rezoned and is now zoned C2. See rezoning case # C0-93-24 and Development Plan bk 15 pg 53. These case numbers must be provided at the lower right hand corner of the site plan as well as any conditions of the rezoning must be listed on the plan. The submitted site plan for lot 1 is indicating the original layout from the tentative plat with proposed changes. As per aerial photographs the actual conditions are as per the Development Plan in bk15 pg 53. Please correct to the proper layout. The changes made to the Development Plan as indicated on the site plan (removing the landscaping and installing parking spaces} would require a new Development Plan which must be approved by Mayor and Council.

For your information an aerial photograph indicates an addition to the west side of the building on lot1 which has eliminated the required loading zone. The loading zone must be reinstalled in the location approved on the Development Plan or a violation may be issued. See attached aerial photograph.

2. Provide the project address on the plan. DS 2-

3. The location map provided does not meet the criteria of DS 2-05.2.1.D,.1,.2,&.3. Please correct.

D. A small, project-location map shall be drawn on the first sheet of the development plan, preferably in the upper right corner. The map should cover approximately one (1) square mile, be drawn at a minimum scale of 3" = 1 mile, and provide the following information.
1. Show the subject property approximately centered within the one (1) square mile area.
2. Identify conditions within the square mile area, such as major streets and watercourses.
3. Section, township, and range; section corners; north arrow; and the scale will be labeled.

4. Lot dimensions and bearings are missing at the northern portion of the east property lines. DS 2-

The line weight provided for dimensions and bearings for all lots and the perimeter lot lines is to light for a clear understanding of information as well as microfilming for our records. Please correct

5. As per DS 2- provide the height of all existing and proposed buildings.

Provide elevation drawings for all proposed structures with heights clearly indicated

6. As per DS 2- Provide the required setbacks and distances between buildings. Setbacks must be indicated from future and existing curbs as well as property lines for any proposed expansions, new structures or future structures.

7. As per DS 2- Provide off-street parking, including fully dimensioned layout, location, parking spaces' size and number, and typical parking space details for both handicapped and standard spaces, together with access thereto.

Clearly indicate the square footage of use for dining purposes at the Food Court area. The indicated Food Court area square footage must be included in parking area calculations as well as FAR calculations and percentage of expansion calculations.

The indicated compact parking spaces are allowed only in the Downtown Redevelopment District as per LUC Please remove all compact parking spaces from this site plan.

Clearly indicate the number and location of all required handicap parking spaces and van accessible parking spaces. Provide a detail of both types of accessible parking spaces. An eight foot wide access aisle is required along side of the van accessible parking spaces as per ANSI 502.3.1

Clearly indicate how angled parking spaces meet the dimensional requirements of DS 3-05.6 Table 1.

As per DS 3-052.13.C, .1, .2, .3 Clearly indicate compliance with the following for the entire site.
1. A vehicular use area must be provided with post barricades or wheel stop curbing designed to prevent parked vehicles from extending beyond the property lines; damaging adjacent landscaping, walls, or buildings; or overhanging adjacent sidewalk areas.
2. When wheel stop curbing is used, it is to be located two and one-half (2½) feet from the front of the parking space. (See Figure 5.)
3. Barriers must be designed and located so as not to impede pedestrian circulation.

The parking calculations notes which I believe are trying to indicate that the shopping center is more than 50% retail does not indicate such. It is indicating less intensive than 1/200. Provide the total square footage of all retail and the percentage of retail to total square footage.

The note for ratio to total leasable area is not part of the parking calculation. Please clarify or remove.

In the site/building data clearly indicate the use of each structure, such as retail, restaurant, financial, etc. For future use clearly indicate the number and uses of spaces in building B.

8. As per DS 2- Provide off-street bicycle parking, including materials for lighting, paving, and security; fully dimensioned layout; location; specific type of rack and the number of bicycles it supports; and the location and type of directional signage. See DS 2-09

The bicycle parking indicated needs to be provided for all uses based on the number of required vehicular parking spaces required for each use.

9. As per DS 2- Provide existing and future curb, sidewalk, and sight visibility triangle locations for both Speedway and Pantano as per the MS&R requirements. If the existing and future are the same location indicate as such. Provide dimensions from property line to future curb locations. Speedway as per the MS&R map is a 120' right of way with widening at the intersection of Pantano. The submitted site plan does not indicate the right of way widening for the intersection of Speedway and Pantano.

10. As per DS 2- Provide the widths and locations of all PAAL's as per DS 3-05.2.1.C.1, .2,.3, .4

There are several areas through out the plan that do not indicate the PAAL widths and pedestrian:
1. At the canopy for the future center. Required 24' PAAL and 1' setback from open structures as per DS 3-05.2.2.B.1.
2. At Lot 4 area for new parking spaces.
3. At the parking spaces for the new buildings at Lots 5 &6
4. The parking area west of building 5.
5. The south side of buildings 3,4 and 5.
6. All sides of building 1.
The above list is not a complete list of all areas requiring PAAL locations. Please review DS 3-05 for design criteria of vehicular use areas.

The line weight of dimensions for PAAL's, parking spaces, etc. is not adequate for a clear understanding and for microfilming of plan. Please correct.

See DS 3-05.2.1.C.2, .a, .b, .c, & .d For drive through aisle service criteria for vehicular use. Clearly indicate stacking spaces, dimensions, and how these will not interfere with PAAL's, parking spaces and pedestrian circulation.

11. As per DS 2- Provide the bicycle, pedestrian, and handicapped circulation criteria. Clearly identify circulation paths widths and locations to all buildings from Speedway and Pantano. Include on the site plan locations and details for handicap ramps, truncated domes, slopes of ramps, pedestrian refuge areas for all buildings, etc. See DS 2-08 for criteria of pedestrian circulation.

12. As per DS 2- If applicable provide location, type, size and height of existing signage including billboards.

13. As per DS 2- Provide individually fully dimensioned loading spaces and maneuvering areas for each of the principal uses indicated on the site plan. See LUC 3.4.1 for criteria regarding loading zone location, number, size and maneuvering.

14. AS per DS2- Some of the easements indicated appear to be located under new construction which is not allowed. Provide documentation of abandonment of easements.

15. As per DS 2- Provide zoning for existing parcels. Lot 1 has been rezoned to C2. Clearly indicate the zoning boundaries for each type of zoning.

16. As per DS 2- Provide refuse container location, size, and access thereto fully dimensioned.

17. Because of the lack of information this cannot be considered a complete review. Please review Development Standards 2-02.0, 2-08.0,2-09.0, 3-05.0 and the appropriate sections of the Land Use Code before reubmitting. Based on changes made to the site plan and responses to the above comments further comments may be forth coming.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 791-5550 ext. 2000.
08/05/2005 TERRY STEVENS ZONING HC SITE REVIEW Denied see zoning comments
08/05/2005 ANDREW CONNOR LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1. On sites where the gross floor area of the existing building(s) is more than ten thousand (10,000) square feet, expansion in square footage of land area, floor area, lot coverage, or vehicular use area as follows:

2. If the expansion is less than 25%, the requirements of this Division apply only to the proposed expansion. Existing development on the site is subject to the zoning regulations in effect at the time the existing development received zoning approval per LUC

· If the expansion is 25% or greater or if expansions as of February 15, 1991 cumulatively result in a 25% or greater expansion in land area, floor area, lot coverage, or vehicular use area, the requirements of this Division apply to the entire site per LUC

· See zoning comments pertaining to Lot 1 development plan and rezoning Case # C9-93-24. Any changes to approved development plans will require plans to be submitted to CDRC for review.

· Provide any previously approved plans and include additional expansion calculation if necessary with re-submittal.

3. Show property lines on landscape plans identical to site plan per DS 2-07.2.1.A

4. Street landscape borders shall be located entirely on site, except that, if approved by the City Engineer or designee and complies with the City Engineer's requirements on construction, irrigation, location, and plant type per LUC

5. Provide NPP plan or application for exception per DS 2-15.0

6. Additional comments may apply.
08/08/2005 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied Provide NPP plan or application for exception per DS 2-15.0
08/17/2005 PAUL MACHADO ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied To: Incite Architects DATE: August 17, 2005
7065 N. Oracle Road
Tucson, Arizona 85704

SUBJECT: 7812 E. Speedway Blvd.,Saguaro Vista Shop. Ctr.
Site plan T05CM03787 (First Review)
T15S, R14E, Section 08

RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Site Plan and Hydrology Report.

The Site Plan (SP) and Drainage Statement (DS) cannot be approved as submitted. Please address the following review comments prior to the next submittal.

Site Plan:

1. Please include a response letter to the comments along with the corrected copies of the SP.
2. As per the Federal ADA requirements, all wheel chair ramps shall have the truncated domes instead of the standard grooves that are shown on COT SD 207. Aside from the Truncated Domes, all wheel chair ramps shall be constructed in accordance with COT SD 207.
3. Please provide North arrow and scale per D.S. 2-02.2.1.
4. Please provide property description per D.S. 2-
5. Please label lot dimensions and bearings per D.S. 2-
6. Label existing and future sight visibility triangles per D.S. 2- Also the SVT on Pantano Road is shown reversed.
7. Fully dimensioned loading space(s) and maneuvering area(s) per D.S. 2-
8. Please provide Drainage patterns and finished grades per D.S. 2-
9. Please list estimated cut & fill quantities per D.S. 2-
10. Please show dimensioned right-of-way, including any applicable Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Plan right-of-way per D.S. 2-
11. All easement of record must be graphically shown on the plan together with recording docket and page per D.S. 2- Demonstrate that the parking medians placed in the existing drainage esmt. will not cause any adverse effects.
12. Dimension from street monument lines to existing and proposed curbs, sidewalks, driveways, and utility lines per D.S. 2-
13. Please provide existing topographic contours at intervals not exceeding two (2) feet and/or spot elevations as pertinent and Bench Mark based on City of Tucson Datum, including City Field Book and page number per D.S. 2-
14. Show Site plan number (T05CM03787) on all sheets per D.S. 2-
15. Show refuse container location, size, and access thereto fully dimensioned per D.S. 2- and D.S. 6-01.0. Obtain approval and documentation for the relocated refuse locations by John Clark at Enviromental Services @ 791-5543 x1136.
16. A permit or a private improvement agreement will be necessary for any work performed within the Right-of-way. Contact Permits and Codes at (520) 791-5100 for permit information.
17. Please show the proposed roof drainage patterns, 100% of the 10-year flow must be conveyed under the sidewalks including any other site drainage as well. Please provide supporting calculations to demonstrate compliance with D.S. 3-01.4.4. If the location(s) of the roof scuppers have not yet been decided, a general note indicating sidewalk scuppers will be used when the roof scuppers locations have been designed and located will suffice.
18. List the consulting engineer and the owner/developer on the plans with the pertinent information.
19. Add note: "Depress all landscaped areas 6" maximum for water harvesting".

Drainage Statement:
1. Please include a response letter to the comments along with the corrected copies of the DS.
2. A Drainage Statement is brief description of drainage conditions……….per S.M.D.D.F.M., chap. II, 2.1.3.
3. The content and format of the Drainage Statement should follow S.M.D.D.F.M., chap. II, 2.2.
4. Show the project address on the cover of the Drainage Statement.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550 x1193 or Paul.Machado@tucsonaz.gov
Paul P. Machado
Senior Engineering Associate
City of Tucson/Development Services Department
201 N. Stone Avenue
P.O. Box 27210
Tucson, Arizona 85726-7210
(520) 791-5550 x1193 office
(520) 879-8010 fax
C:/7812 E. Speedway Blvd. site