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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: COMMERCIAL TI
Permit Number - T05CM03034
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
07/07/2005 | JIM EGAN | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
07/11/2005 | ROBERT SHERRY | MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Complete the Envelope Compliance section of the energy calculations to show compliance to Section 802, IECC 2000. The output submitted for ComcheckEZ shows "Envelope Compliance: Unknown (insufficient data)". 2. The 2000 International Mechanical Code is the relevant code for this project. 3. Show that the condensate traps for the air conditioning units as detailed on sheet AC-4 are sized per the manufacturer's requirements. Reference Section 307.2.4, IMC 2000. 4. Provide information on the sequence of operation for the restroom exhaust to show that recirculation of the air from the restroom will not occur. Reference Section 403.2.1, IMC 2000. 5. Provide smoke detectors in the return air duct, upstream of any outside air connections, for all air distribution systems with a capacity greater than 2,000 CFM. Reference Section 606.1, IMC. 6. Show the electrical requirements of the heat tape used for freeze protection. 7. Provide calculations demonstrating adequate ventilation. Reference Section 401, IMC 2000. 8. Coordinate the design of the exhaust systems for the grills, griddle, and the fryers as shown on the "K" sheets and the "AC" sheets. 9. Show that the grease duct-to-hood joint ("silicon sealed joint") for the non-canopy Type I hoods as shown on sheet K-8 meets the requirements of Section 506.3.3.2, IMC 2000. 10. Revise the enclosing shaft for the grease duct to provide a minimum separation of 6" between the duct and the shaft. Reference Section 506.3.11, IMC 2000. 11. Provide information to show that the design of the common grease duct serving EF-2 meets the requirements of Sections 506.3.5 and 506.3.8, IMC 2000. 12. Show how the common grease duct serving EF-2 is supported. Reference Section 506.3.4, IMC 2000. 13. Provide cleanouts for the common grease duct serving EF-2. Reference Section 506.3.10, IMC 2000. 14. Revise the termination of the Type I exhaust outlets per Section 506.3.13, IMC 2000. 15. Provide structural calculations and details to show that the Type I hoods are supported in accordance with Section 507.6, IMC 2000. 16. Provide information to show that the make up air for the kitchen hood complies with Section 508.1.1, IMC 2000. |
07/11/2005 | ROBERT SHERRY | WATER | REVIEW | Approved | |
07/12/2005 | ROBERT SHERRY | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Provide plans sealed and DATED by an Arizona Registrant. Reference Section 302.2, Uniform Administrative Code, 1997. 2. Revise the font size used on the drawings to a minimum of 10 points. Reference Section 302.3, Uniform Administrative Code, 1997. 3. Show that the net free area of the specified combustion air louvers meets the requirements of Table A, Chapter 5 of the State Plumbing Code. Reference Section 507.4, UPC 1994 as amended by the State of Arizona. 4. Appliances to be directly connected to the water supply system that do not have listed, integral backflow preventers or integral air gaps may require reduced pressure principle backflow preventers. Please submit equipment sheets for determination. Reference Section 603.0, UPC 1994. 5. Include all fixtures and the water requirements of the HVAC equipment when calculating the total demand and determining pipe sizes. Include the pressure drop associated with the pressure reducing valve in the calculations. Reference Section 610.1, UPC 1994. 6. Verify the pressure drop used in the water pressure calculations due to the reduced pressure backflow preventer. Reference Section 610.2, UPC 1994. 7. Provide upper terminal cleanouts on horizontal drainage pipes exceeding 5 feet in length (horizontal drain lines serving sinks and urinals require cleanouts regardless of length). Reference Section 707.4, UPC 1994. 8. Coordinate the trap sizes of the floor sinks as shown in the "Plumbing Fixture and Food Service Equipment Plumbing Schedule" with the design shown on sheets P-2 and P-5 and with Detail 3/P-6. 9. Any sink compartments in the pot sink that are not used for sanitizing the cookware shall be directly connected to the sanitary drain system. Reference Sections 304.0 and 801.2, UPC 1994. 10. Clarify the design of the waste piping and the nature of the waste from EF-2. Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 1994. 11. Clarify the design intent of the "PVC pipes for water, oil, and CO2". Shown on sheets K-9 and P-3. Reference Section 103.2.3, UPC 1994. |
07/18/2005 | CHRISTY FOREMAN | BUILDING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | CITY OF TUCSON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STRUCTURAL REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 7/20/05 ACTIVITY NUMBER: T05CM03034 PROJECT NAME: In-N-Out Burger3711 E. Broadway Blvd. ARCHITECT / ENGINEER: Steven Langford PROJECT REVIEWER: Christy Foreman TRANSMIT ORIGINAL DRAWINGS WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. PLEASE CALL AT 791-5550 X1108 OR EMAIL AT CFOREMA1@CI.TUCSON.AZ.US IF YOU CARE TO DISCUSS. 1) Special Inspection forms need to be submitted before a permit will be issued. 2) Sht. A-1 Notes Applicable Codes pr table 1003.2.2.2 = 78 occupants, occupant load tabulation - total occupant load = 124. Please clarify which is correct. 3) Designate 6" to 8" setback from edge of curb for detectable warnings per ANSI Standards A117.1 section 406.13.2 - see sht. A-3 Accessibility standards. 4) Plumbing fixtures shown on sht. A-5 do not match with what is specified shall be provided on sht. A-1. 5) See table 503 - A-2 VB fully sprinkled does not allow unlimited square footage. Complete sht. A-1 accurately. Provide an accurate Code Analysis Data sht. 6) Sht. A-1 section B-B shelving detail 8/A15 should be sht. A16? 7) L1, L2, L3, & L4 not shown on S-3 shear walls per E-2 structural calculations. 8) Bldg. Width and heights used to calculate loads do not appear to match architectural drawings. 9) Seismic analysis - structural calculations sht. E-4 specifies IBC 2000 City of Tucson approved code = IBC 2003. 10) E-7 structural calculations require >18x10x3/4" detail 10/s-2 specifies 10x16x1". Please justify the different size. 11) Structural calculations D-1, D-2, D-3, & D-4 Wood column design specifies per UBC 1997 City of Tucson approved code equals 2003 IBC. 12) E-19 structural calculations - embedment of column specifies 1.5 ft. detail E-19 specifies 24" embed. Please clarify. 13) E-19 specifies footing data lateral soil bearing: 200% increase per footnote 4 UBC Table 18-1-A . City of Tucson approved code equals 2003 IBC. 14) Clarify location of structural member's TEP-1, TEB-1 sht. F-3 structural calculations. If trash enclosure? 1/s-9 members specified are different. 15) Provide structural calculation diagram for all framing members that have been justified in calculations to cross-reference with drawings provided. 16) Please specify equipment package and loads to verify roof framing members have been designed for the loads. 17) Provide foundation, roof framing, structural calculations justifying trellis west side of building. Please clarify. Sht. A-18 or A-19? 18) Provide awning attachment detail. 19) Clarify signage for restroom facilities per chapt. 7 ansi A117.1. |
07/25/2005 | GERRY KOZIOL | WWM | REVIEW | Approved | |
08/01/2005 | LINDA BUCZYNSKI | ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | TRANSMIT ORIGINAL DRAWINGS WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. PLEASE CALL AT 791-5550 X1106 OR EMAIL AT Linda.Buczynski@tucsonaz.gov IF YOU CARE TO DISCUSS. 1. Note 5 Sheet E-2, make applicable to damp locations as well. 2. Could not find Keynote 4 on Sheet E-1. 3. Demonstrate compliance with the Tucson Lighting Code, http://www.tucsonaz.gov/dsd/Codes___Ordinances/Tucson_Lighting_Code.pdf. 4. Regarding Note 2 on Sheet E-1, and Note 15 on Sheet E-6, designate that neon sign lighting as "Future" or "By Others", "Under Separate Permit" or "Not in This Contract". We do not as a matter of practice accept deferred submittals on lighting items. 5. Regarding Note 3 on Sheet E-1, there is no City of Tucson Electrical Code. The proper references are the 2002 National Electrical Code and City of Tucson amendments, http://www.tucsonaz.gov/dsd/2002_NEC_amend.pdf. 6. Provide disconnects for Circuits B-38 and B-27. Reference NEC 600.6. 7. The trash compactor enclosure has more than one branch circuit, and thus is in violation of NEC 225.30, as well as 225.31 and 225.32. 8. Grounding Detail Sheet E-2 refers to NEC 250-81. No such Section in the 2002 NEC. 9. Minimum font size is 10 point, or a little over 1/8". Please enlarge as necessary. 10. Grill Table 41.5A is protected by an 80A CB. Per NEC 422.11 (E) (3), it appears that this should be a 70A CB. Typical comment for any appliance, such as Ice Machines on Ckts A-25,27 and A-29,31, and W.I. Cooler on C-17,19,21 (NEC 422 (E) (2)). 11. It appears that some of the appliances (#22, #40, #44, #68) do not have disconnects as required by NEC 422 Part III. This may be resolved by specifying that their circuit breakers are capable of being locked in the open position per 422.31 (B). 12. Clarify in one place on the plans which panels are to be series rated, which are to be fully rated, and for which the Contractor has an option. For any series-rated combination, be specific about the upstream and the downstream OCPD. Do not leave it up to the Contractor to determine if motor currents exceed 1% of the rating of the lowest OCPD. Update references to NEC 2002. 13. Provide fault calculations for any equipment which is not designed to be series-rated, or for which the Contractor has an option. 14. Sheet E-4 note by telephone board refers to Pacific Bell. No Pacific Bell here.15. General Note 7 And mechanical General Note 2 Sheet E-6 provide NEC references which are not in the 2002 Code. Please update. 16. EF-2 is listed on Sheet AC-1 as 5 HP, or 16.7A per NEC Table 430.150. Please re-evaluate the 15 AF on SLD Sheet E-2. 17. According to SLD Sheet E-2, there are two EC-1s. Only found one such equipment on Mechanical Plans. 18. It is unclear under what criteria the taps for EF-2 and EC-1 are Code-compliant. Please discuss in the Response Letter. 19. Circuit C-31 powers EF-2 from a 20/1 CB, which is incorrect for its power requirements, and which is also redundant as EF-2 is on the SLD Sheet E-2. 20. It appears as though EC-1 should be on a 6 AF, not a 15 AF, if the intent is to provide overload protection. If Manufacturer's requirements call for the 15 AF, disregard. 21. Walk-In Refrigerator Equipment 85 is on 3-phase power on electrical plans. This equipment is single phase on Sheet K-1. 22. Equipment 83,84 is on 3-phase power on electrical plans. This equipment is single phase on Sheet K-1. 23. Outlets which are installed to serve electrical loads which exceed 1.5A may not be counted as 180 VA per outlet. Typical. Example: 5A loads on Ckts D-6 and D-8. 24. Sheet E-8 not reviewed. Font size too small. See Comment #9 above. 25. Provide feeder size for Panel D. 26. Provide OCPD for Panel D. 27. Provide for grounding of the UPS as a derived system per NEC 250.30. 28. Table for service load calculations is 220.36, not 220-36. NEC 2002 provides a totally different table from that of 1999. 29. Since you are going to be using the table referenced in Comment #27 above, please delete the reference to the other calculation method, that is, the last two columns of the Load Summary. The figures in these columns differ from those of the Electrical Plans Examiner, and since they will not be used in the final determination of service loading, it would not pay to take the time to resolve this. |
08/02/2005 | LOREN MAKUS | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Approved | |
08/03/2005 | DAN CASTRO | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | Zoning Review Section may not approve the building plans prior to Structural Review approval. Compliance with Development Agreement Condition No. VI.h (exhaust scrubbers) is required prior to Zoning Review sign off. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
09/26/2005 | JMORALE1 | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
09/26/2005 | SUE REEVES | REJECT SHELF | Completed |