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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: SITE
Permit Number - T05CM01626
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
04/18/2005 | JIM EGAN | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
05/06/2005 | ANDREW CONNOR | NPPO | REVIEW | Passed | |
05/06/2005 | ANDREW CONNOR | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | 1. A 5' wall to screen residential zoned properties from new addition is required per LUC 3.7.2-I. 2. A 6' wall to screen all residential zoned properties from new loading zones is required per LUC 3.7.2-I. 3. Walls required by this Division must be of masonry material or masonry with a stucco or textured finish per LUC |
05/06/2005 | TERRY STEVENS | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | DSD TRANSMITTAL FROM: Terry Stevens FOR: David Revira Principal Planner PROJECT:T05CM01626 9550 E Golf Links Add: Floor Space Expansion Transmittal date:1st Review 5/2/05 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed. 1. Provide the min. setback of 5' from the pedestrian refuge area, measured from the west wall of the proposed addition and the PAAL. DS 2-02 sec.2.1.11 & DS 3-05 sec.2.2.B.1 2. Pedestrian circulation paths are required from Golf Links Rd. and Harrison Rd. to and including the main building, as per DS 2-08 sec.3.1. 3. Sidewalks are required at the northwest corner of the new addition. Striped asphalt does not meet the requirements of DS2-08 sec.4.1.A thru F & DS 2-08 sec.5.1.A thru E. 4. Provide a typical detail for handicap accessible parking spaces as well as required access aisles as per ANSI 117.1 sec. 502.2 & sec. 502.3 5. Clearly indicate the required handicap accessible parking spaces which are van accessible as per ICBO 2003 Sec. 1106.5 6. Clearly detail all handicap access ramps, showing slopes, widths, min. clear space, landings, etc. as per ANSI 117.1 sec. 405 7. Since no additional parking is being added and the expansion is less than 25% additional bicycle spaces are not required. If you are adding bicycle parking spaces they must meet Development Standard 2-09 & LUC 3.3.4. Please provide details for all new bicycle parking spaces. 8. Clearly indicate the zoning boundaries between the C1 & C2 zones. DS2- 9. Provide an area Location Map as per DS 2- & DS 2-05.2.D. 10. Provide the height of the new structure and dimension the required setback distance to the south property line. DS2- & DS2- 11. Revise note B. to reference last approved site plan. T05CM000567 12. Provide the legal description of the property. DS2- 13. Dimension the new loading zones as well as the required PAAL distance between the loading zones. DS2- 14. Provide a new FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) calculation that meets the requirements of Development Designator"31" . Maximum FAR of .90. LUC3.2.3.2 & LUC3.2.11 If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 791-5608 ext. 2000. |
05/12/2005 | PAUL MACHADO | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | To: Joel Kramer DATE: May 12, 2005 Architect 6000 E. River Road Tucson, Arizona 85750 SUBJECT: 9550 E. Golf Links Road Site plan T05CM01626 (First Review) T14S, R15E, Section 26 RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Site Plan and Drainage Statement. The Site Plan (SP) and Drainage Statement (DS) cannot be approved as submitted. Please address the following review comments prior to the next submittal. Site Plan: 1. Please include a response letter to the comments along with the corrected copies of the SP. 2. Provide a location map per D.S. 2- & 2-05.2.D. 3. Please provide property description per D.S. 2- 4. Label existing and future sight visibility triangles per D.S. 2- 5. Please label all vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and handicapped circulation clearly identified per D.S. 2- 6. Please list estimated cut & fill quantities per D.S. 2- 7. Please show dimensioned right-of-way, including any applicable Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Plan right-of-way per D.S. 2- 8. Show Site plan number (T05CM01626) on all sheets per D.S. 2- 9. Show refuse container location, size, and access thereto fully dimensioned per D.S. 2- and D.S. 6-01.0. 10. A permit or a private improvement agreement will be necessary for any work performed within the Right-of-way. Contact Permits and Codes at (520) 791-5100 for permit information. 11. Please show the proposed roof drainage patterns, 100% of the 10-year flow must be conveyed under the sidewalks including any other site drainage as well. Please provide supporting calculations to demonstrate compliance with D.S. 3-01.4.4. If the location(s) of the roof scuppers have not yet been decided, a general note indicating sidewalk scuppers will be used when the roof scuppers locations have been designed and located will suffice. 12. List the consulting engineer and the owner/developer on the plans with the pertinent information. 13. Add note: "Depress all landscaped areas 6" maximum for water harvesting". Drainage Statement: 1. A Drainage Statement is required for parcels not affected by 100 year flows of 100 cfs, of more per S.M.D.D.F.M., chap. II, 2.1.3, therefore the drainage study report is not acceptable. 2. The content and format of the DS should follow S.M.D.D.F.M., chap. II, 2.2. 3. Show the project address on the cover of the DS. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550 x1193 or Paul.Machado@tucsonaz.gov Paul P. Machado Senior Engineering Associate City of Tucson/Development Services Department 201 N. Stone Avenue P.O. Box 27210 Tucson, Arizona 85726-7210 (520) 791-5550 x1193 office (520) 879-8010 fax C:/9550 E. Golf Links Road site |
05/20/2005 | SREEVES1 | ZONING HC SITE | REVIEW | Needs Review |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
05/24/2005 | DELMA ROBEY | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |