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Permit Number: T05BU02499
Parcel: 12907006U

1435 E 36TH ST

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: GRADING

Permit Number - T05BU02499
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
10/13/2005 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied Site plan approval is necessary to continue review.
11/07/2005 DAVID RIVERA ZONING REVIEW Denied 11/07/05

Development Services Department
Zoning Review Section

David Rivera
Principal Planner


1. The grading plan has been reviewed by Zoning Review Section but cannot approve the plan until it has been approved by the Engineering, and Landscape Review Sections and until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed.

2. Zoning could not verify that the grading plan was in compliance with the approved site plan. Please submit two copies of the approved and stamped site, landscape, and NPPO plans with the next grading plan submittal.

3. Zoning will re-review the grading plan on the next submittal to insure compliance with the approved and stamped site plan. Additional comments may be forthcoming.
11/28/2005 ELIZABETH EBERBACH ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied TO: Marc Frost, RA, Poster Frost Associates, Inc.
SUBJECT: Park Villa Casitas, Site Plan and Grading Plan Review
LOCATION: 1435 E 36TH ST, T14S R14E Section 19, Ward 5
REVIEWER: Elizabeth Eberbach

SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Development Services Department reviewed the Site Plan submittal and does not recommend approval at this time. The Drainage Report was reviewed for Site Plan purposes only. Address the following comments for resubmittal.

1) In Section iii, the imperviousness is stated as 15%. The existing imperviousness needs to be based on existing houses or other impervious structures at the site, which may include existing concrete slab, and storage sheds. It may not include stockpiling of construction materials or other temporary impervious structures.
i) Provide justification of 15% impervious figure based on existing conditions, or revise statement on page 10.
ii) Update the affected existing conditions hydrologic data sheets.
2) Revise threshold retention volume calculations to reflect Table 4.3 runoff coefficients. Clarify reference to "Table 3.1".
3) DS Sec.2-03.2.3.J: Drainage Report shall provide details and calculations for a sediment trap or other sediment control device for basins.
4) DS Sec.10-01: Design for basins needs clarification. Explain outlet structure wall in report. This feature does not meet the natural look for basin designs. Provide solution for outlet that follows the guidelines listed in the Detention/Retention Manual.
5) Clarify scupper calculation sheet. Explain depths of scupper with a detail.
6) The soils in this area are D soils. Discuss impact to basin design for this project.

7) DS Sec.10-01: Design for basins needs clarification. Address the following comments on sheet C2.2:
a) Provide existing and proposed spot elevations around perimeter of basin areas.
b) Show minimum 1% flow grade at bottom of basin areas to show positive drainage toward outlet bleed pipe and to reduce potential for ponding problems.
8) DS Sec.2-02: Explain/provide full parcel boundary information of sheet C1.1.
9) Add building numbers to sheet C2.2.
10) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.15: Show limits of the 100-year floodplain and water surface elevation on C2.2.
11) Show roof drainage directions on sheet C2.2.
12) Sidewalk shall be provided along west entrance area. Show on sheets C1.1, C1.3, and C2.2.
13) Show all size and locations for scuppers on sheet C2.2, including at drainage inlet adjacent to southwest building.
14) DS Sec.10-01.III., 10- A Geotechnical Evaluation was submitted for review. Address the following comments:
a) Provide any recommendation for setbacks from building to basins.
b) The soils report shall provide identification / assessment of any potentially hazardous geotechnical areas, and specifically, state whether there are special provisions for the soil preparation for this development in the area that was used for fire training. Provide any geotechnical recommendations.
c) Provide slope stability recommendations for any proposed constructed slopes.
d) Provide minimum distance from foundations to drainage swales
15) Revise street/parking/drive area sections to reflect page 8 of the Geotechnical Evaluation for pavement design which indicates a minimum or 2"AC/7"BC or 2.5"AC/5"BC.
16) Add reference to the soils report in a general grading note and include any associated addenda for Western Technologies Inc. Geotechnical Evaluation.
17) DS Sec.11-01.14.2&3: On planview sheet C2.2, label dimension of minimum setback from demarcation of ponding limits to edge of building footprint from the basin areas. This dimension should be at an acceptable distance per geotechnical recommendations.
18) There are depictions of drainage outlets from the PAAL areas into landscaped areas around the proposed building structures. Ponding from drainage areas should be minimized near foundations. Provide assessment of plans by the geotechnical engineer with recommendations of drainage setbacks from structures. Provide dimensions between swales and building structures on sheet C2.2.
19) DS Sec.10-01.4.3: Where human activity zones are located in basin areas, 8:1(H:V) side slopes are needed at location of pedestrian access, and shall not conflict with inlets to the basins. Label grades for side slopes in drainage basin areas.
20) DS Sec.10- Delineate access to basin areas on sheet C2.2 (minimum ramp size is 15 feet wide at 15% slope. Show that no proposed vegetation will block access on sheet L1.2.
21) Provide dimensions for basin areas for inspection purposes.
22) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.33. Show location of existing fire hydrants within 300 feet of the site boundaries on sheets C1.1 and C2.2.
23) PC/COT Stnd Det.207: Provide 12% grade on ramp for curb access on sheet C1.6.
24) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.20: All easements of record must be graphically shown on the plan together with recording docket and page reference. Show and label also the utility easements listed in Title Report. Acknowledge that if any easements are relocated, not in use, or proposed for abandonment, then the documentation of the vacation / abandonment / relocation shall be submitted. Any blanket easements should be listed in the notes, together with recordation data and their proposed status.
25) DS Sec.2-03.2.1.J: Remove grid lines at H/C ramps on planviews and provide notation, legend symbol, or a detail for the curb access ramps with notation to provide truncated domes per ADAAG. This is an update to COT standard detail 207.
26) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.32: Solid Waste Pick-up Discussion: An optional right-of-way is proposed for solid waste pick-up. The alternate onsite pick-up scenario has maneuverability issues and may impose more of a safety risk to a project with senior citizens and high pedestrian traffic. The option for the off-site pick-up appears to provide sufficient maneuverability, lessen the safety risks, and thus would be an acceptable option. Address the following solid waste pick-up comments:
a) DS Sec.6-01.4.2.C: State in response letter and clarify on plans whether detail shown on C1.4 will be built.
b) DS Sec.6-01.10.Fig.2: Submit copy of documentation from Solid Waste Department of Environmental Services (contact: John Clark) accepting solid waste pick-up access, maneuverability and details as shown on most recent plans.
c) DS Sec.6-01.10.Fig.2: There is a required 10'x10' clear area for each bin in the refuse enclosure which relates to the rear bollards. Revise detail 11 on C1.5 to reflect 10-ft minimum between rear bollards and back of enclosure gate.
d) DS Sec.6-01.4.2.C: Spacing for bollards are acceptable. However, add notation for reference to PC/COT Stnd Detail 106 for bollards on sheet C1.5.
27) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.21: Dimension all curb radii on planview sheet C2.2.
28) For detail D/C2.3, add filter fabric to rip rap slope.
29) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.10: Label dimensions of existing and future sight visibility triangles on sheets C1.1, C1.3, C2.2, and L1.2.
30) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.17. Provide estimated cut and fill quantities in table on sheet C2.2.
31) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.23: Address the following topographical comments:
a) On sheet C2.2, label and show local benchmark for basis of elevation.
b) On sheet C2.2, provide datum for basis of elevation.
c) On sheet C2.2, label and show monuments that bound the basis of bearing.
32) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.19: For sheet C2.2, provide a cross section of 36th Street right-of-way and frontage of project, showing existing and future MS&R right-of-way dimensions.
33) For sheet C2.2, , dimension existing sidewalk along 36th street; this may need to be constructed as 6-ft wide sidewalk for MS&R requirements.
34) The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall meet the minimum requirements of the Construction General Permit. Revise the SWPPP to address all of the following comments.
a) Provide list of operators with signatures.
b) Provide copy of NOI.
c) Label and show on exhibit, the receiving waters.
d) Provide discussion of what practices may be used for dust control practices for this site.
e) Show additional stabilized entrances if needed.
f) Provide the activities record and stabilized sequence lists. There should be a list of the sequence of events that begins with stabilization items, and proceeds to earthwork and grading activities, then ends with removal of control measures.
g) Add a note to sheet C2.6 stating that the operator shall report to ADEQ any noncompliance (including spills) which may endanger human health or the environment. The operator shall orally notify the office listed below within 24 hours:
i) Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
1110 W. Washington, 5th floor (5515B-1)
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Office: 602-771-4466; Fax 602-771-4505
h) Add a note to the grading plan and SWPP that a pre-construction meeting is required as well as SWPP inspection that includes some of the following information: Call for Pre-construction meeting. For a DSD Engineering Inspection, call IVR (740-6970), or schedule with a Customer Service Representative at the Development Services Department, or contact DSD Engineering at 791-5550 extension 2101, or schedule inspections online at: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/Online_Services/Online_Permits/online_permits.html
i) Show location for concrete washout areas on plan view.
35) Explain how maintenance for the common areas including the drainage facilities will be provided.

Address the comments prior to resubmittal. Submit three copies of the site/grading plan, four copies of the SWPPP, two bound copies of the geotechnical report, the revised drainage report, and a response letter. If you would like to set up a meeting or if you have questions, call me at 791-5550, extension 2204.

Elizabeth Eberbach, PE
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Development Services Department

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
12/23/2005 SUE REEVES OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
12/23/2005 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed