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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: GRADING
Permit Number - T05BU02254
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
09/20/2005 | ANDREW CONNOR | NPPO | REVIEW | Denied | Site plan approval is necessary to continue review. |
10/10/2005 | ELIZABETH EBERBACH | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | TO: M3 Engineering SUBJECT: 2965 E FAIRLAND SV Grading Review LOCATION: T15S, R14E, Section 24, Ward 5 REVIEWER: Elizabeth Eberbach ACTIVITY NUMBER: T05BU02254, T05CM04691 Summary: Engineering Division has reviewed the submitted items, and does not recommend approval. The following comments for the grading and site plans are offered for sheets CG101 - CG502 and CS102: GRADING AND SITE PLANS COMMENTS: 1) LUC Sec. Some overlay zones require a separate review process which has been recently implemented. An application must be filled out for the following overlay zone that affects your project: W.A.S.H. Ordinance. If this has not already been completed, contact Zoning Manager Patricia Gehlen 791-5608 ext. 1179 to process the overlay zone application. 2) Tucson Code Sec.29-12: A W.A.S.H Ordinance wash begins 1,085 feet from the southeastern corner of the parcel and runs northwesterly along Railroad Wash. From the plans, alterations to the W.A.S.H. Ordinance study area are proposed, therefore a Hydrology/hydraulic study of the wash and its hydrology and hydraulics is required and shall be submitted for review. Although the area of the project is somewhat disturbed, the intent of the W.A.S.H. submittal is to provide for the restoration of vegetation disturbed as a result of development in and adjacent to W.A.S.H. Ordinance washes per this section of the Tucson Code. The W.A.S.H. report may incorporate the drainage report that was submitted plus provide information and explanation to items a through i as listed in Tucson Code section 29-16(b)(1). Provide a W.A.S.H. Exhibit showing the 50-ft Study Area and the Resource Area delineated within that area. If any portion of the 50-ft study area is proposed to be developed, a mitigation plan shall be included in the W.A.S. H. Report, and the report shall explain how it complies with regulations within the ordinance. 3) Regarding the Drainage Report, address the following: a) Provide 404 compliance statement in report. b) DS Sec.10- Provide 100-yr floodplain limits on the plan views. c) DS Sec.10- Provide depth of water at site within the parking area; design shall show that the parking does not exceed 1 foot in depth during the 100-yr event. 4) DS Sec.11-01.4.C: Provide the following clarification/notations on the grading plan: a) It is important to clarify actual disturbance area that will be needed to construct the improvements. Provide additional planview detail for northwest corner of the project depicting detail for keynote 5 on sheet CG101. b) Add a general note stating that materials and / or construction equipment may not be stockpiled or parked outside of grading limits or in the wash or wash study area at any time. c) All grading construction shall be completely within the parcel boundaries for the grading permit. Clarify/label parcel corner pins. Clarify "lease" area and projects limits. d) Add a general note stating that all grading construction work shall conform to City of Tucson Development Standards Section 11-01. e) Clarify whether the tie storage area will be a covered structure. State whether these materials need protection from stormwater runoff to prevent offsite runoff pollution. f) Show roof drainage direction and location of scuppers on grading plan sheet. g) Label cut and fill quantities. 5) A complete SWPPP report and plans are required. The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan shall meet the minimum requirements of the AzPDES Construction General Permit (CGP) and include the general permit and copy of the NOI. Please provide three copies of the revised site plan/grading plan, 4 copies of the SWPPP, one copy of the WASH report, one copy of the drainage report, and a response letter. I can be reached at 791-5550, ext.2204 if you have questions. Elizabeth Eberbach, PE Civil Engineer Engineering Division Development Services Department |
10/14/2005 | MICHAEL ST. PAUL | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | Site plan approval, landscape plan approval and engineering approval are required. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
10/19/2005 | KMEDINA1 | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |