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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: GRADING
Permit Number - T05BU00017
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/19/2005 | DAN CASTRO | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | Grading plan may not be approved by Zoning until the Engineering Section has approved the grading plan. |
01/24/2005 | ANDREW CONNOR | NPPO | REVIEW | Denied | Site plan approval is necessary to continue review. |
02/03/2005 | DOUG WILLIAMS | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | SUBJECT: Hydrologic/Hydraulic Report, Site, Grading, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention plan review DATE: 3 February 2005 ACTIVITY NUMBERS T05CM00027/T05BU00017 T14S, R14E, Section 29 Engineering Division has reviewed the Subject items. Approvals are not recommended at this time. Please provide revised site, grading and SWPP plans, and a revised Hydrologic and Hy1111draulic report. Please include a response letter addressing in detail where necessary, responses to all of the following comments: HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC REPORT: 1. Please correct the site address on the cover to 2800 EAST 36th St. B, in accordance with of the City of Tucson's Standards Manual For Drainage Design and Floodplain Management - SMDDFM - (Development Standard 10-02.0). 2. Specify in the report that the church association will be responsible for the "..ownership, operation, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, and liability of the drainage improvements described in the report" (DS 10-02.0, Section E) 3. Provide an offsite watershed map that reflects more recent conditions and topography in a revised report. Please assure all future drainage submittals to this office contain the most recent photo-topo available. There appears to be significant additional offsite watershed area not addressed/delineated east of Country Club, north of the area depicted in the submittal. Revise and depict the 100-year floodplain limits and areas of sheet flooding resulting from 100-year flood peaks of 100-cfs or greater. Include spot- or water surface elevations, ground contours, and clearly label any regulatory floodplain as such (existing and developed) on the exhibit (DS 10-02.0, Sections A 3) 4. Provide all items listed in Sections C 1-8 & Sec. 5.2 (1-6) as pertinent, on the site plan (DS 10-02.0). 5. Show onsite drainage conditions on a topo map having a scale of a minimum of one inch equals 40 feet, with one foot contour intervals (the site or grading plan may be modified for this purpose). Show on this map: (a) watershed boundaries (b) all points of drainage concentration, and (c) flowlines and grade breaks used to compute basin lengths and average watercourse slopes, at a minimum (DS 10-02, Section B 2). 6. All hydraulic cross sections are to be clearly identified on a map of suitable scale so that they may be easily cross-referenced to the hydraulic calculation sheets presented, plotted to scale, at a minimum (DS 10-02, Sec. E). 7. Describe and present hydraulic calculation sheets for each of the hydraulic systems used to collect offsite flow, such as collector channels and flow-through (wall) openings; to convey flows through the project; and to return flow(s) to natural or existing locations and magnitudes along the downstream property line (DS 10-02, Sec. B, C & F). 8. Depict and label minimum building setbacks as recommended in a soils and geotechnical engineering report, maximum water surface elevations, and limits of ponding on the site plan [DS 2- A (d & e)]. 9. Provide a detail for a trash rack in the retention basin(s), as referenced in the maintenance checklist. Trash racks shall be provided for all pipe and orifice outlets 24" or less in diameter, and for grated outlet structures (DS 10-02.0, Sec. C 1 & Section 3.3.3 of the Pima County/City of Tucson Stormwater Retention/Detention Manual - DS 10-01.0). 10. As part of the basin maintenance checklist, state that the annual inspection report shall contain the following summaries: (provide language verbatim, as written in DS 10-02 Sec. C 2 a & b). 11. For each significant watercourse (1 acre or greater in size) entering or leaving the site, the contributing drainage area with flow arrows and the 100-year peak discharge must be shown (DS 10-02, Sec. 5.2.4). 12. If additional watershed analysis determines a portion or portions of the site are affected by regulatory flow, provide notation in the report that the owner/developer agrees to: (1) have an Arizona Registered Professional Land Surveyor certify the lowest floor elevations of all new structures location within the floodplain; and (2) obtain a floodplain use permit from City Engineering - Development Services Department (DS 10-02 Sec. 5.2.6). 13. A soils report is required to be submitted in conjunction with the design of each surface storage facility which utilizes infiltration as a method of basin drainage. The report shall contain at a minimum, technical information on soil classification, erodibility, permeability, slope stability, groundwater elevation, infiltration rates, recommended minimum building setbacks (from basins and drainageways), whether or not hydro-collapsing soils are present, and contain the results of a minimum 30 foot deep soil boring (10-01.0, Section 14. Address/discuss and provide appropriate design for retention basin embankment/emergency spillway requirements in the report. Specifically, address the minimum design standard for emergency spillway conveyance of the unattenuated 100-year peak discharge under developed conditions in a manner and direction as would occur under pre-developed conditions (DS 10-01 Section 3.3.4). 15. Provide scupper conveyance/sizing calculations for all concentrated flows and basin discharge locations under all sidewalk areas. At a minimum, 100% of all 10-year flows shall be conveyed under sidewalk areas (DS 2-08.5.1 E & DS 3-01.4.4 F). 16. The bleed pipes may not be approved as proposed. Shallower basins and the use of engineering methods (such as engineered basin bottoms) must first be investigated prior to requesting the use of a bleed-off. Revise the report and exhibits accordingly, and provide retention basin percolation test results with discussion and analysis in the revised report. Assure the test results discussion/analysis address the maximum allowed time of disposal for each basin (DS 10-01.0, Sec. 3.5.1). 17. Describe and demonstrate how site grading will comply with Chapters 1 and 4 of the Pima County/City of Tucson Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual, with particular attention/discussion given to how the basins will serve as: project amenities; multi-use facilities; will be visually appealing; whether they will serve as human activity zones (8:1 slope maximums in such areas); and whether intended as passive and/or active recreation areas (DS 10-01.0). 18. Please refer to Section 4.3 of the Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual for additional retention/detention technical design guidelines and requirements, and provide discussion and designs for conformance with these guidelines (DS 10-01.0). 19. Address/discuss the proposed encroachment in the floodway fringe in the report text. Assure existing conditions floodplain limits, water surface elevations reflect any revised offsite hydrology SITE PLAN: Please note that revisions to the hydrologic and hydraulic report may result in necessary revisions or additions to the site and grading plans. Please assure revisions are depicted on the site and grading plans, as necessary. 1. Depict and label future sight visibility triangles based upon future curb location for 36th Street and Forgeus Ave. and Cochise Vista intersections (consider Menor Stravenue a continuation of, or connection for 36th Street), in accordance with the City's Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Plan. Future curb locations and all other existing sight visibility triangles must be depicted as well (DS 2-02.2.1A 10 & DS 3-01.5.B 2). 2. Dimension all ingress/egress, driveway, and PAAL widths (DS 2-02.2.1 A 11 & DS 3-05.2.1 C 1). 3. Provide 18' minimum unobstructed radii at all locations where a Parking Area Access Lane (PAAL) intersects another PAAL, or local street where emergency and solid waste vehicles maneuver; and minimum 25' radii (curb returns) at PAAL intersections with major streets (DS 3-05.2.1 C 3 a). 4. Depict any revised limits of the 100-year floodplain (existing and developed conditions), with water surface elevations provided (DS 2-02.2.1 A 15). 5. Depict proposed refuse container locations, size and access thereto, including maneuverability/access to the dumpster(s), assuring 36'and 50' inside and outside turning radii are provided. Refer to Development Standard 6-01.0 for additional solid waste provision requirements (DS 2-02.2.1 A 32) 6. Provide a typical dumpster enclosure detail and specify a minimum 5" thick concrete slab, with bollards to be placed on the rear and side walls of the enclosure, if required. Assure a minimum of 20 feet between sidewall bollards is dimensioned (DS 6-01.4.0). 7. Depict scuppers; fully labeled and dimensioned where site drainage is concentrated and at basin outflow locations, for conveyance of 10-year flows (min) under sidewalk areas (DS 2-08.5.1 E & DS 3-01.4.4 F). GRADING PLAN: The grading plan must indicate all revisions that occur as a result of drainage report and site plan comments provided for this project. Please ensure the site and grading plans are consistent with one another prior to resubmittal. Additional comments may be necessary upon resubmittal depending upon the nature and extent of necessary revisions. Please address all comments listed below and clearly depict grading/construction-related changes to the site that occur as a result of all comments provided. 1. Depict the proposed driveway entrance/PAAL at this location, as proposed on the site plan. Ensure all dimensioning is provided and consistent with the site plan. 2. Provide basin top and bottom elevations in all basin plan views and details, and include/address associated any erosion protection, fully labeled and dimensioned. 3. Provide perimeter cross sections and include spot elevations/proposed finish grades for each cross-section. 4. Depict and clearly label grading limits. 5. Depict detention basin outlets, any out-fall/riprap channels discharging to the right-of-way, and associated scuppers with details for 10-year flow conveyance (minimum) under sidewalk areas. 6. Revise and include all construction details and notes consistent with a revised hydrologic and hydraulic report and site plan addressing the comments provided above. (SWPPP): Please submit three copies of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP's) with text containing detailed discussion addressing all required items for stormwater pollution prevention plan preparation, implementation, and practices as outlined in the construction SWPPP Checklist, available at the following link: http://www.adeq.state.az.us/environ/water/permits/download/cswppp.pdf. Ensure a copy of the Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) General Permit is included in the text and that each submittal contains a signed copy of the Notice of Intent (NOI) as submitted to Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), and Owner/Operator certifications, as required. The SWPPP should be consistent with the Site and Grading plans and drainage report. Listed below are some items that must be included with a resubmittal. For additional information regarding SWPPP content specifications, go to: http://www.azdeq.gov/function/forms/appswater.html Please visit the links provided for complete SWPPP preparation/requirements. Listed below are some of the minimum items that must be provided with a submittal: 1. Provide the project owner/operator's name and signature with date. 2. Provide a copy or copies of signed owner/operator certifications with the resubmittal. 3. Depict and label an appropriate washout location. 4. Depict and label a sediment trap or basin (optional). 5. Depict and label an appropriate protected material storage area. Resubmittal will require a revised Hydrologic and Hydraulic Report, revised Site and Grading plans, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans addressing all items listed above at a minimum. Please note that subsequent comments may be necessary upon resubmittal depending on the nature and extent of revisions that occur to the plans. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550, extension 1189 or via email at: Doug.williams@tucsonaz.gov Douglas Williams Sr. Eng. Associate Engineering Division Development Services Department |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
03/01/2005 | DELMA ROBEY | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |