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Permit Number: T04CM05370
Parcel: 133243720

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: OTHER

Permit Number - T04CM05370
Review Name: OTHER
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
02/04/2005 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. Revise the water demand calculation using the fixture unit values from Table 6-3, UPC 1994. Include all appliances and fittings connected to the water piping (e.g. the rinse sprayer, E23). Note that Table 6-3 shows a mop sink as 4 fixture units (see also Table A-2).
2. Provide water pressure and water pipe sizing calculations. See Section 610.7 for instructions for water pipe sizing calculations; the source of supply is the meter and the developed length of piping is from the meter to the most remote outlet served by that meter. Reference Section 610.4, UPC 1994.
3. Provide upper terminal cleanouts on horizontal drainage pipes exceeding 5 feet in length (horizontal drain lines serving sinks require cleanouts regardless of length). Reference Section 707.4, UPC 1994.
4. Provide specifications and operating parameters for the water heater. The water heater is shown as being gas-fired (but no gas load is provided) and also as being electric. The model noted on sheet A1 is not offered by the manufacturer in sizes greater than 50 gallons.
5. Comment not addressed. Provide information to show that the owner furnished fixtures will meet the requirements of Section 301.1, UPC 1994.
6. Provide indirect waste for one compartment of the 3-compartment sink. Reference Section 801.2, UPC 1994.
02/04/2005 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. The supplied cut sheets describe a hood and exhaust fan but the drawings do not indicate that either of these units is to be installed on this project. If a listed hood is not to be installed, show how the proposed hood complies with the exhaust requirements of Section 507.13, IMC 2000.
2. The ventilation calculations call for the two existing rooftop air conditioners to each supply 1080 CFM of outside air. Show that the units have the capacity to handle this much outside air. Reference Section 508.1, IMC 2000.
3. Correct the general note that describes the construction of the grease duct. Reference Section 506.3.3, IMC 2000.
4. Provide a grease reservoir for the fan per Section 506.3.8 IMC 2000.
02/07/2005 TACHONG1 WWM REVIEW Needs Review

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
02/07/2005 TAMI ACHONG OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
02/07/2005 TAMI ACHONG REJECT SHELF Completed