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Permit Number: T04CM02196
Parcel: 12801011A


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL

Permit Number - T04CM02196
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
09/13/2004 DOUG LAAKSO BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied T04CM02196 .. 302 S. WILMOT ROAD .. DGL .. DATE : 9/13/04

2ND REVIEW .. Comments #1 through #9 ..

Comments must be addressed to get a Building Permit.

1. Provide site plan, sealed by Bridge Engineer of Record , dimensionally tieing the bridge structure to two adjacent property lines , ( site plan to be "clean" with no prior approval stamps by public jurisdictions when submitted for this permit.).
2. Provide completed code review checklist ( see website www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd ; forms and applications for downloadable form).
3. Provide completed commercial plan review submittal checklist, ( see website www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd; forms and applications for downloadable form).
4. Provide copy of soils report for review.
5. Provide structural design per IBC or provide AASHTO code for review.
6. Provide Inspection Program per Uniform Administrative Code Section 302.5.
7. Special Inspection is required for : 1. Caissons 2. Foundation excavation and compaction 3. Concrete 4. Bolts in concrete 5. Reinforcing steel 6. Epoxy anchors 7. Prestressed concrete box girders 8. Lateral ties , detail 4/S5 9. Field welding 10. Installation of joint material 11. High - strength bolting
Additional Special Inspections may be required with completion of review.
8. Shop drawings are required for : 1. Precast box girders 2. Guardrail 3. Handrail.
9. Address accessibility of site, bridge and buildings on site, per IBC Chapters 11 and 34 and ANSI A117.1-1998 ed.

Questions? Please call Douglas Laakso , Structural Plans Examiner with the City of Tucson Development Services Department at (520) 791- 5550 x 1111.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
09/13/2004 BETH GRANT OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed