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Permit Number: T04CM00971
Parcel: 130054970

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL - SITE

Permit Number - T04CM00971
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
06/22/2004 Jim Egan FIRE REVIEW Approved
07/01/2004 David Rivera HANDICAP-SITE REVIEW Denied See zoning comments

FROM: David Rivera
Senior Planner
FOR: Patricia Gehlen
Principal Planner

Tucson Nursery School
2385 S. Plumer Avenue
Site Plan

Transmittal date: 2nd Review July 1, 2004

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

*** I made a site inspection of the subject property on July 1, 2004 to verify as built conditions and playground equipment setbacks and locations. The plan submitted for review does not accurately depict existing site conditions. Please address the following comments.

In order to verify the building square footage of the new structure please label the building dimensions as requested per the previous comment. As also mentioned in the previous comment all structures are to be drawn on the plan, labeled, and dimensioned. This has not done as requested.

Also, there are canopy structures that have been built over the playground equipment and three shed structures that must be drawn, labeled, and dimensioned on the plan. The shed structures are considered gross floor area and must be included as part of the overall building expansion calculation. This additional building area plus the new modular structure increases the gross floor area too greater than 25 percent expansion requiring full code compliance. The entire site must meet full code compliance. This plan has been reviewed by other agencies as a less than 25 percent expansion based on the previous submittal and did not know that this plan must be reviewed for full code compliance. Additional review may be required by other agencies.

I have left the previous comments made on June 1, 2004 because they still apply and additional comments may be forthcoming based on revised plan and overall building square footage. If you wish to meet with me regarding this project or wish to meet Patricia Gehlen please call us to set up an appointment with either one of us or both of if requested. Our phone number is 791-5608 extension 1181 for David and 1179 for Patricia. Before re-submitting it is advisable that you meet with us.

I acknowledge that some of the comments related to the new modular structure have been addressed.

1. This site plan has been reviewed for compliance with the site plan content and specifications of development standards 2-02, on site pedestrian circulation (sidewalks), 2-09 bicycle parking, 3-01 sight visibility triangles, 3-05 vehicular use areas and pedestrian refuge, and land use code criteria for the specific use of Day Care, DD "41".

Building expansions are cumulative and apply in this case as a result of additional shed structures placed on the site. Under the assumption that the gross floor area of the proposed modular structure plus the additional shed structures is greater than 25%, this plan has been reviewed by the zoning review section for full code compliance. Full coded compliance applies to the specific use and code criteria related to the use such as, vehicle and bicycle parking, handicapped parking, loading zones, building setbacks, lot coverage, pedestrian circulation and the subject to sections listed for the use.

2. All text height must be a minimum of 12 point (.12). Please adjust height of the location map text to 12 point. The location map must cover one square mile and must be drawn at a scale of 3 inches equals one-mile minimum. Also please add the section, township and range under the location map. DS 2-02.2.1.A.4

3. Please dimension all structures and if applicable draw extended patio covers, overhangs, label and dimension. Per the last approved site plan all structures have been shown but not dimensioned. In 1988 a permit for a modular building was approved. The building footprints on the new plan and the 1988 plan do not seem to match. Please review the attached copy of the 1988 plan and make revisions to the new plan that match what was approved. If additional structures such as shade or patio covers have been constructed since 1988, please provide copies of the approved site plan for verification. DS 2-02.2.1.A.6

4. The proposed new structure must be setback a minimum of 20 feet from the north property line as specified in LUC section (performance criteria). The location of the building and the proposed opening does not meet the specified criteria to allow a setback of less than 20 feet. Please relocate the building to meet the 20-foot setback.

Per LUC section (performance criteria), All recreation areas must be setback twenty-five feet back from the adjacent property zoned R-3 or more restrictive. The play areas shown on the site plan must be defined and dimensioned. In addition a five-foot high masonry wall is required to buffer the play areas. Define and dimension the play areas and draw and label the required walls. DS 2-02.2.1.A.7

5. Because this project must meet full code compliance the all required number of parking spaces must be provided on site. Based on the existing and proposed building square footage of 6,178 a total of 31 vehicle-parking spaces are required. Per the plan and the parking calculations a total of 11 spaces have been provided. The vehicle-parking spaces and the vehicular use area must meet the criteria for vehicular use area as specified in development standards 3-05. Please provide the additional parking spaces and revise the parking calculations. Insure that the vehicular use area meets the specifications of development standards 3-05. DS 2-02.2.1.A.8

Based on the number of vehicle parking spaces required for this project a minimum of two handicapped parking spaces are required of which one of the spaces must be a van accessible space with an eight-foot wide access aisle. The two handicapped spaces may share the eight-foot wide accessible aisle or a five-foot wide access aisle is required for the second handicapped space. Revise the handicapped parking calculations to state two spaces required two provided of which one is a van accessible space.

6. This project must be provided with bicycle parking facilities. The number of bicycle parking spaces required is calculated on four percent of the total spaces provided. Based on the number (31) of vehicle parking spaces required for this project a minimum of two class two spaces is to be provided. Show on the plan the location and add a fully dimensioned detail drawing with the type and manufacturer of the rack, number of bicycle the rack supports, lighting, and surfacing material of the pad. See development standards 2-09 for more information on the requirements and specifications related to bicycle parking. Revise or add a bicycle parking calculation. DS 2-02.2.1.A.9

7. Please label the angle of the existing parking and refer to parking area table in development standards 3-05 for parking space width, length, PAAL width etc. based on the proposed angle of the parking spaces.

As part of the required vehicular use area a pedestrian refuge area with a four-foot wide concrete sidewalk is to be provided between a PAAL and an enclosed building. This pedestrian refuge is to be provided along the entire length of the west side of the building that is adjacent to the PAAL, DS 3-05.2.2.B. Dimension the width of the driveway at the north end of the parking lot. DS 2-02.2.1.A.11

8. Per development standards 2-08.4.1.A, at least one sidewalk will be provided to a project from each street on which the project has frontage. A four-foot wide concrete sidewalk must be provided from the project and connect to the existing sidewalk on Plumer Avenue. The sidewalk must be concrete and physically separated from the vehicular use area. The required sidewalk must interconnect with the onsite pedestrian circulation path (sidewalk) and must be accessible for the handicapped. Handicapped access ramps must be provided at key locations and transitions such as from PAAL to sidewalk. The slope of the access ramps must be no greater than 1:12.

It is not clear on the drawing if a sidewalk exists along the west side of the building and if connects to the onsite pedestrian circulation path (sidewalk). Please draw, label, and dimension the width of the sidewalks. A sidewalk must be provided from the single parking space on the south side of the building between the parking space and the building and must connect to the on site pedestrian circulation (sidewalk).

The proposed striped walkway from the handicapped parking space must be relocated out of the PAAL area and must connect to the pedestrian circulation and accessible route. The sidewalk must be constructed of concrete, be four feet wide and be within a five wide pedestrian refuge area. DS 2-02.2.1.A.12

9. Draw on the plan the location, type and size of all existing or proposed freestanding signage including if applicable existing billboards. DS 2-02.1.A.13

10. This project must be provided with one 12-foot by 35-foot loading zone. Please draw and dimension the loading zone on the plan and demonstrate maneuverability into and out of the loading zone. The street may not be used for maneuvering into or out of the loading zone. Provide the loading zone and add a loading zone calculation. DS 2-02.2.1.A.14

11. If applicable all existing easements must be drawn and labeled, including recordation information. DS 2-02.2.1.A.20

12. If applicable draw existing or proposed freestanding lighting. The location type and height of the light poles must be labeled. DS 2-02.2.1.A.25

13. Please draw and label the required five-foot high walls for the screening the recreation areas. DS 2-02.2.1.A.27

14. Under the Site Calculations / Info text block, list the following under the use note, DD "41", Childcare - subject to LUC section, B, .C, .D, .E, .F.1, .G.4. The LUC subject to performance criteria must be met. Please demonstrate how the performance criterion has been met. List on the plan the number of kids cared for (maximum allowed is 30), list the hours of operation, demonstrate compliance with the required building setbacks, provide a copy of the license, and indicate on the location map if other daycare facilities are within 600 feet of this site. DS 2-02.2.1.A.31

15. Show refuse container location and size and access thereto fully dimensioned. DS 2-02.2.1.A.32

16. Please revise the plan as requested and required. Revise all calculations to list the allowed and proposed, required and provided, maximum and actual items as they relate to lot size, FAR, vehicle and bicycle parking, loading zones, building heights, and setbacks. DS 2-02.2.2.A.1 - .6

17. It may be necessary for the landscape and engineering reviewers to re-review the plan for full code compliance. Both sections have approved the plan without knowing this was a full code compliance review. Call Loren Makus of the engineering review and Joe Linville of the landscape review and inquire as to the full code compliance applicability for their discipline review.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call David Rivera, (520) 791-5608.

RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised site plan and landscape plan and requested documents.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
08/03/2004 TAMI ACHONG OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed