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Permit Number: T04BU01979
Parcel: 140420420

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: GRADING

Permit Number - T04BU01979
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/13/2004 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied Site plan must be approved to continue review.
08/19/2004 Loren Makus ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: October 31, 2003
TO: OPW Engineering, LLC
SUBJECT: Commercial Parking Lot, Site Plan and Grading Plan Review
REVIEWER: Loren Makus
ACTIVITY NUMBERS: T04CM03684 and T04BU01979

SUMMARY: The Site Plan and Grading Plan were reviewed by Development Services Department Engineering Division. The Site Plan, Grading Plan and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) were not approved at this time.
Site and Grading Plan comments:
1. Valencia Road is an MS&R arterial. Label and dimension the existing and future right-of-way for Valencia Road. (DS 2-02.2.1.A.19)
2. Show drainage patterns. Show how water will be directed to the retention/detention basin. (DS 2-02.2.1.A.16)
3. Provide details of the basin to show the following:
a. Basin cross-section
b. General dimensions of the basin
c. Inlet structures
d. Ground surface on each side of the weir and stabilization at the weir outlet.
4. Provide results of a percolation test showing that the retained volume will be disposed of within 12 hours.
5. Provide a legend entry for the symbol used at the west end of the three southernmost parking bays.
SWPPP comments:
6. For clarity, revise Item 2 in the Sequence of Major Activities to indicate what is meant by 'sediment trap."
7. Revise the SWPPP to be consistent with the Site/Grading plan in the matter of import or export.
8. Revise the section on offsite vehicle tracking to refer to the correct detail.
9. Revise the Timing of Control section to clarify which 'Temporary Sediment Traps" will be constructed.
10. Revise Item 3 of the Timing of Controls Section to provide specific time requirements for the interim controls.
11. Part IV.C.2.a. Describe the project and its intended use after NOT is filed
12. Part IV.C.2.e.Revise the general location map to show a 1 mile radius around the site.
13. Part IV.C.2.e. Include and identify receiving waters in the general location map.
14. Part IV.C.3.a. Identify on the map drainage patterns and estimated slopes after grading
15. Part IV.C.4. Identify on the map or in a narrative, the nearest receiving water(s), including ephemeral and intermittent streams, dry sloughs, or arroyos.
16. Part IV.D.5.b Describe where and what type of velocity dissipation devices will be used at discharge locations.
17. Part IV.J.1. Each Operator must sign the SWPPP

Revise the Site Plan, Grading Plan and the SWPPP to address all of these comments and resubmit three copies of the grading plan and the SWPPP. If you would like to meet with me to discuss any of these comments please call me at (520) 791-5550 ext. 1161.

Loren Makus, E.I.T.
Senior Engineering Associate
Engineering Division
Development Services
09/09/2004 PETER MCLAUGHLIN ZONING REVIEW Denied Site Plan approval required.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
09/23/2004 TAMI ACHONG OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed