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Permit Number: T04BU00946
Parcel: Unknown


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: GRADING

Permit Number - T04BU00946
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/23/2004 JIM TATE ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: April 22, 2004

The following items must be revised or added to the Grading Plan. Please include a letter with the next submittal addressing how all the engineering and floodplain comments have been addressed.

Resubmittal Required: Grading Plan


1. A copy of the stamped approved Development Plan / Tentative Plat must be included with the Grading Plan submittal.

2. The Plat is currently in the review process. Any changes made to the plat must be reflected on the Grading Plan.


1. General Grading Note 13 refers to the City of Marana. This is a City of Tucson project.

2. General Grading Note 9 refers to a Soils Report prepared in 1995. General Paving Note 15 refers to a Soils Report prepared in 2001. The submitted Soils Report is dated 2003.

3. The General Paving Notes seem to refer predominately to right of way issues. This Grading Plan is not for the purpose of public improvements. Separate right-of-way permits must be obtained from the Department of Transportation, Permits and Codes. Perhaps the General Grading Notes and General Paving Notes can be combined in General Notes and eliminate the right of way issues (such as note 3 design speed, etc.). Note 8 should refer to Chapter 36 of the IBC not the UBC. Note 16 must specify that changes to these plan must be approved by the City of Tucson Development Services Department not the Department of Transportation.

4. Remove the approved signature line for the Department of Transportation. This Grading Plan once approved will be stamped by DSD.

5. Remove the "Preliminary" stamp from all sheets.

6. Place a note on the plan that all roof downspouts will be routed under any adjacent sidewalk. Sidewalks must be flood free for up to the ten year event. DS 2-08.4.1.E

7. Provide length and width dimensions for the basins. This will facilitate grading inspections. IBC 36.9.4

8. The plans do not specify what the weir outlets and inlet spillways are to be constructed of or the designed thickness of the material. Specify. IBC 36.9.4

9. Sheet 7 Weir to Scupper Detail B shows distance B to bottom of (concrete ?). The Drainage Report specifies this distance as the weir invert (top of concrete ?). The length of the weir shows outside concrete. The Drainage Report specifies this as an inside dimension.

10. Detail D shows a DIM "X' and DIM "Y" but does not show what these dimensions refer to.

11. Sheet 4 says, "See curb opening detail C/7" at scupper locations. These are incorrectly labeled. The scupper detail is Detail A Sheet 7. All the details on sheet 7 should be correctly located on the plan sheets 2-5.

12. Detail B Sheet 7 specifies Basin 7 weir length of 17 ft. The Drainage Report specifies 10 ft. Basin 8 is missing from the plan. The Development Plan, Drainage Report, and Grading Plan must all agree as to basin information.

13. Sheet 7 Detail A Barricade Railing Detail "D" Sheet 3B. Where is Sheet 3B?

14. Detail A Sheet 7 shows outflow of 13.8 cfs for Basin 7/8. The plan does not show a basin 8. Sheet 4 shows a basin 7 outflow of 14.9 cfs. None of these values agree with the Drainage Report.

15. Detail C Sheet 7 the chart with curb opening widths needs to label the first column as "basin".

16. Sheet 7 Detail E shows a "DIM A" and "DIM B". A and B are not called out anywhere.

17. Sheet 7 Detail E says, "VANED GRATE SEE SPECIAL NOTE". Where is the special note?

18. Sheet 5 shows a 6" pvc pipe from the Home Depot building to Basin 1. The outlet invert on the plan says 12.5. The bottom of the basin is 17.5. Also, what is the purpose of the pipe? This pipe is not called out in the Drainage Report. Is there a catch basin associated with it?

19. Label and dimension the on-site storm drain system. The Development Plan / Tentative Plat shows inverts, sizes, types, etc. This information must be on the Grading Plan. IBC 36.9.4

20. The Legend symbols on Sheet 1 seem to apply more to a residential subdivision plat than a Grading Plan. Most of these symbols do not show up anywhere on the plan.

21. Page 10 of the Geotechnical Report says, "Retention areas should be a minimum of 15 feet away from the structures." Buildings 3 and 4 are both closer than 15 feet to the basin.

22. The Geotechnical Report says, "Infiltration testing has been performed within the proposed retention / detention basin..." The report only specifies one basin and only one test was done. There are actually 10 basins on the project.

23. Sheets 4 and 5 shows locations of Detail D/7. Detail D/7 shows both an inlet and outlet structure. At the locations noted on sheets 4 and 5, some have only inlets, some outlets, some both. Sheets 2 and 3 don't specify the inlet/outlet drainage structures at all. All inlet and outlet structures must be correctly labeled. See comment 11 above. IBC 36.9.4

24. A minimum of one 15-foot-wide vehicular access ramp must be provided into each basin. Small basins must show an access ramp width appropriate to the type of vehicle that will be maintaining the basin. SMDDFM, 14.3.4

DATE: April 21st, 2004
PROJECT ADDRESS: 4302 North Oracle Rd.
PROJECT REVIEWER: Patricia Gilbert, Engineering Associate

The following items must be revised or added to the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Please include a response letter with the next submittal that states how all comments have been addressed.


1. On the SWPPP the project developer and contractor has been identified. However, the SWPPP must clearly indicate which operator has control over plans and specifications and which operator has control over day to day operations. Provide identification of all operators and the areas over which each has control. Revise as necessary. (Part IV.C.1)

2. Please acknowledge that each operator is responsible for submitting a completed NOI to ADEQ and to the City of Tucson. An NOI has been submitted by the Bourn Partners but not for the general contractor, Triumph Builders. (Part IV.F)

3. Provide existing data on soils and quality of site discharges (Part IV.C.2.d)

4. Identifying receiving waters within 1 mile of the project site on the location map and state in the narrative section of the SWPPP. (Part IV.C.2.e) (Part IV.C.4)

5. Identify off-site material storage areas used solely by the project (i.e. stock piles, staging area). If there is not please state so in the SWPPP. (Part IV.C.6)

6. Stabilization practices when construction has temporary ceased has been acknowledged in the section, "Timing of Control." However it is not specific to what does "interim conditions" mean. One day, ten days or 30 days? In areas where construction has temporarily or permanently ceased, stabilization measures must be implemented within 14 days. If construction will resume within 14 days, then no stabilization measures are needed. Clarify what interim conditions mean and be more specific to what is required per Part IV.D.4. (i.e. interim conditions = 14 days). (Part IV.D.4.b)

7. Please note regarding stabilization practices when construction temporary or permanently ceased: if the site is using vegetative stabilization (i.e. hydroseeding) but is located in an area with an average rainfall of < 20 inches and it is during seasonally arid conditions, vegetative stabilization measures must be initiated as soon as practicable.

8. Some of the required information on the inspection form has not been included on the SWPPP. Specifically list the required information from Part IV.H.5 in the section, "Inspection and Maintenance Procedures number 4." Revise as necessary.

9. Although the SWPPP has a section where the contractor has an area to record dates and reasons of temporary pauses in grading activities, the following records of stabilization must be maintained:

Dates when major grading activities occur. (i.e. grubbing, subgrade, finish grade, etc.)
Dates when construction temporarily or permanently ceases on a portion of the site.
Dates when stabilization measures are initiated and completed. (Stormwater controls)

Revise the SWPPP as necessary.

10. Please note that the operator shall report oil or hazardous materials releases in excess of reportable quantities, or that may endanger human health or the environment, within 24 hours to ADEQ: (602) 771-4466 FAX (602) 771-4505. (Part VII.L.5.a)
Grading plans may not be reviewed and approved until Engineering approves the plans.
05/06/2004 Joseph Linville NPPO REVIEW Denied Submit a reference copy of the approved development plans, landscape plans, and native plant preservation plans.

Add a note to the grading plan which states the following:
Prior to any site disturbance a pre-grading inspection is required. Inspections may be scheduled by calling the IVR system at (520) 740-6970, inspection #9015 or by calling the Landscape Field Representative directly at 791-5640 Ext. 1140.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
05/07/2004 DELMA ROBEY OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed