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Permit Number: T04BU00133
Parcel: Unknown

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: GRADING

Permit Number - T04BU00133
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
02/10/2004 Patricia Gehlen ZONING REVIEW Denied Zoning
Grading plan may not be reviewed and approved until approved copies of the revised tentative plat are included in the submittal package
02/17/2004 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied Submit approved Tentative Plat, landscape and NPPO plans.
03/22/2004 Elizabeth Eberbach ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied SUBJECT: Engineering review of the Tierra Vista S02-017 Phase 2 Grading Plan
ACTIVITY #: T04BU00133
REVIEWER: Elizabeth Eberbach
LOCATION: T15S, R14E, Section 9

SUMMARY: The Grading Plan, SWPPP, master drainage report, and Pattison-Evanoff Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation were reviewed by Engineering. Development Services Department Engineering Division does not recommend approval of the Final Plat at this time. The

1) Assure that any applicable rezoning conditions have been met per Bk52 pg56 General Notes 7 and 8.
2) The 100-year ponding limits of the basins shall be labeled on sheets 6 and 7. Assure setback from ponding limits and any proposed structures meet minimum setbacks listed in the geotechnical engineering evaluation page 9.
3) On sheet 1, address the following items:
a) Show in typical lot grading details how surface drainage recommendations from pages 5 and 11 of the geotechnical engineering evaluation are met. Clarify elevation relationship of high point and finish pad grade elevations.
b) For general notes, address the following comments:
i) General Grading Notes 1 and 22 shall reference the 2003 edition which is now the current edition of the PC/COT Standards.
ii) For General Grading Notes 27 and 28, label and show on sheet 7 the basis of bearing and basis of elevation on plan view.
iii) Clarify General Grading Note 14. Verbiage is missing.
c) Address the following items for the legend:
i) Add delineation for 100-year ponding limits (for the basins)
ii) Grading limit linetype and phase linetype are not clear. Differentiate between the two linetypes and assure that the linetypes for each match the legend.
4) On sheet 7, address the following:
a) Provide detail / section to explain how interceptor swale along south Phase 2/3 boundary will continue across Sunrise Valley Drive.
b) Remove or move placement of call out for street section A/2.
c) Label and delineate easements for turn-around areas at ends of Bright Sun, Desert Walk, and Sunrise Valley streets.
d) Provide drainage easements for the proposed interceptor swale as well as all drainage improvements beyond the Phase 2 boundary line.
e) Show delineation and provide Book and page of abandonment for Britannia Way right-of-way.
f) Revise grading limits for Phase 2 to include construction of drainage pipe in proposed Bright Sun Avenue roadway area.
g) Revise keynote 1: "TEMPORARY PAVED TURN AROUND, 42" RADIUS".
5) The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) does not meet the minimum requirements of the Construction General Permit. Revise the SWPPP to address all of these comments.
a) This SWPPP is apparently prepared to address phases II and III of the Tierra Vista Subdivision. It is permissible to prepare a single SWPPP to address all phases of a project but the various parts must be consistent with each other. The following are examples of inconsistencies between the plan sheets and the separate narrative. Revise the SWPPP as necessary to provide consistency or to provide the correct information in only one location within the submittal.
i) The size of the project
ii) Run-off coefficients
iii) Source Identification-Site Description
iv) Discharge location
v) Inspection procedures
vi) Pollutant storage and inventory
b) The SWPPP indicates that it is not anticipated that any potential pollutants will be stored onsite during any phase of construction for this project. This is not a reasonable assertion. Address all of the usual potential pollutants found at construction sites.
c) Provide a manufacturer's statement that indicates silt fence is an acceptable control measure for solid waste. (Part IV.D.2.b) Otherwise, revise the SWPPP to provide a best management practice for preventing solid waste from becoming a pollutant.
d) Revise the stabilization practices section on page 5 of the SWPPP Text to describe the specific permanent stabilization practices that will be used.
e) Revise the "Concrete Trucks" statement on page b of the appendix to describe the procedures that will be used for concrete trucks. If concrete trucks are not allowed to wash out or discharge surplus concrete on site, provide procedures that will be used to prevent the surplus and washout from becoming a pollutant elsewhere.
f) Provide specific practices that will be used to meet the goals describe on sheet 1 of the plan sheets under "Construction Management Practices," "Erosion and Sediment Control Practices" and "Waste Management and Disposal."
g) Describe the practice and schedule to routinely remove offsite accumulation of sediment. (Part IV.D.2.c.)
h) Describe the location, size and retention capacity of the drainage basin(s) and the areas that drain into them. For a drainage area of equal to or greater than 10 disturbed acres, describe how and where a basin with storage for a 2-year, 24hour storm per disturbed acre drained will be used. Or, describe how and where a basin with 3600 cubic feet of storage per disturbed acre drained will be used (Part IV.D.5.a.i)
i) Describe how BMP's will be implemented for non-stormwater discharges. (Part IV.D.7)
j) Include copy of the general permit (AZG2003-001) as part of the SWPPP. (Part IV.F)
k) Provide a certification and signature for each operator. (Part IV.J.1)
l) Add a note stating that the operator shall report to ADEQ any noncompliance (including spills) which may endanger human health or the environment. The operator shall orally notify the office listed below within 24 hours:
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
1110 W. Washington, 5th floor (5515B-1)
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Office: 602-771-4466; Fax 602-771-4505
6) A final complete drainage report compiled with any drainage addenda and errata will be required to be submitted at grading plan or revised Final Plat review stage, whichever is later.
7) Submit results from the percolation tests, along with the calculated infiltration rates for the tests and the designed infiltration rates.

For resubmittal, please submit the revised SWPPP, infiltration information, the revised Grading Plan, and any drainage or geotechnical addenda. Make sure that one copy of the approved Tentative Plat is included so that Zoning can do their review. For further clarification, call me at 791-5550, extension 2204.

Elizabeth Eberbach, PE
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Development Services Department

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
03/24/2004 EGRANT1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed