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Permit Number: T03OT02041
Parcel: 13821030F

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: SITE

Permit Number - T03OT02041
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments

TO: Development Services Department
Plans Coordination Office

FROM: Michael St.Paul FOR: Patricia Gehlen
Planning Technician Principal Planner

334 West Los Reales Road
New Chruch
TRANSMITTAL: December 15, 2003
DUE DATE: December 17, 2003

COMMENTS: Please attach a response letter with the next submittal, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. There appears to be a lot split on this site plan dividing the eastern O-3 portion of this site from the C-1 portion of the site. Please provide copies of the zoning approved lot split documents.
LUC Sec 4.1.2
2. Provide the legal description of the property on the site plan.
DS 2-
3. Provide the east and south lot line dimensions.
DS 2-
4. The west and south setbacks are incorrectly identified in the General Notes. Both Los Reales Road and 12th Avenue are classified as Major Streets and Routs (MS&R) and have an ADT of 1000 or greater. The setbacks are the greater of twenty-one feet or the height (21' or H).
DS 2-
5. Provide the Future sight visibility triangles (SVTs) for the west and south ingress/egress points of Los Reales Road and 12th Avenue on the site plan.
DS 2-
6. Please explain the egress on the north side of the property. An egress is not permitted to a dirt wash road. I this egress is legal it shall require dimensions
DS 2-
7. Provide complete pedestrian access and circulation from the main structure to Los Reales Road and 12th Avenue. Provide dimensions for the sidewalk along the handicapped parking on the north side of the building.
DS 2-
DS 2-08 & LUC Sec
8. Graphically depict all easements of record on the site plan along with the recording docket and page.
DS 2-
9. Provide a dimensioned detail of the Class I bicycle parking to be provided, including how it is to be locked.
DS 2-02.2.9
10. Provide handicapped parking sign locations and sigh detail.
12/15/2003 MICHAEL ST. PAUL HANDICAP-SITE REVIEW Denied Signage required. See zoning review comments.
12/18/2003 LOREN MAKUS ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: December 18, 2003
TO: Debbie Shinstine
SUBJECT: Maranatha Church Site Plan
REVIEWER: Loren Makus

SUMMARY: The Site Plan and Drainage Report were reviewed by Development Services Department, Engineering Division. The site plan was not approved at this time. The Drainage Report was reviewed and accepted for site plan review purposes only. Please address the following comments.

Site Plan Comments:
1) Show drainage finish grades and drainage patterns. Provide sufficient detail to demonstrate that drainage patterns follow the description in the drainage report. (DS 2-02.2.1.A.16)
2) Show alley improvements for erosion control at the basin outlet and to provide paved access to the exit to the alley. Right-of-Way permits or Private Improvement Agreements will be required for all work in the right-of-way.
3) Revise the driveway return radii to meet the minimum 25 feet for driveways to Los Reales Road and to Twelfth Avenue. (Transportation Access Management Guidelines for the City of Tucson Section 5.5)
4) Show the intersection Sight Visibility Triangles for the intersection of Los Reales Road and 12th Avenue. (DS 2-02.2.1.A.10)
5) Provide 25-foot curb return radius for the driveway/PAAL per the Transportation Access Management Guidelines for the City of Tucson, Arizona section 5.5.
6) Show how drainage will be directed to landscape water harvesting areas to the maximum extent. (LUC
7) Provide a detail of the inlet and outlet weirs on the site plan.

Revise the site plan to address all of these comments and resubmit two copies for review. Include a letter explaining how each comment has been addressed.
Loren Makus
Senior Engineering Associate
Engineering Division
Development Services
12/19/2003 JIM EGAN FIRE REVIEW Approv-Cond Fire sprinklers are required. Separate permits and submittals rquired for underground fire sprinkler piping.
12/28/2003 JOE LINVILLE NPPO REVIEW Denied A native plant preservation plan is required. LUC 3.8
12/28/2003 Joseph Linville LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1) A native plant preservation plan is required. LUC 3.8
Revise the landscape plan as necessary to conform to native plant preservation requirements. DS 2-15.3.4.B

2) Revise the site plan to include any required or proposed screen walls. DS 2-01.2.1

3) Revise the site and landscape plans to include screening along the north property line, 5' masonmry walls are required.
LUC Table 3.7.2-I

4) An irrigation plan is required. DS 2-07.2.2.C

5) Include the limits of grading/disturbance on the landscape plan. DS 2-07.2.2.B

6) Revise the landscape plans as necessary to avoid conflicts with proposed plantings and future sight visibility triangles. Plants, other than trees, which typically exceed thirty inches in height are to be located outside of the SVT's.

7) Revise the site and landscape plans to include barriers at the perimeter of all vehicular use areas per DS 3-05.2.3.C.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description