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Permit Number: T03OT01726
Parcel: 120063210

4301 S 6TH AV

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: SITE

Permit Number - T03OT01726
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
05/01/2004 David Rivera ZONING REVIEW Denied DSC TRANSMITTAL

FROM: David Rivera
Senior Planner

FOR: Patricia Gehlen
Principal Planner

Carlos Auto Sales
4301 S. 6th Avenue
Site Plan

Transmittal date: 1st Review May 3, 2004

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. On May 3, 2004, I made a site inspection of the property to be developed as an Auto Sales use. I have determined that based on the existing/previous development/use and site conditions, I have concluded that the vehicle parking as shown on the plan is not existing or striped as depicted on the plan. The buildings on the site have garage bays that opened from the east and west of the building closest to Sixth Avenue and the bays opened on the west side of the second building along the east side of the property.

In addition, the last approved site plan does not indicate that the parking spaces along the south side of the building are existing or that shared a parking agreement was approved by the City of Tucson. Also, the plan depicts eight angled parking spaces along the south side of the building and per the site inspection eight spaces are not striped as depicted. A City of Tucson approved site plan and copy of the approved shared parking agreement with vehicle parking expansion for the restaurant or previous garage use must be submitted with the subsequent site plan submittal packet.

I am reviewing this plan for a change of use from an Auto Service and Repair use to the proposed Vehicle Rental and Sales use DD "31" subject to LUC sections and .B, and as a greater than 25 percent expansion of parking area. Based on the expansion of parking area this site will be subject to full code compliance and full code compliance review fees. If you have any questions regarding this determination please feel free to call Patricia Gehlen or me at 791-5608.

This plan has been reviewed by the Zoning Review Section for compliance with LUC requirements for the Vehicle and Sales Use, DD "31" and relevant development criteria, DS 2-08 pedestrian circulation and sidewalks, 2-09 bicycle parking facilities, 3-01 lines of sight, and 3-05 vehicular use areas.

2. Per the last approved site plan, the east building setback for the two bay building is indicated at 13'-0". The new site plan depicts the building at six feet from the east property line. Per today's code a minimum building setback of one and one-half times the height of the structure is required when the use is next to R-3 zoning. Please clarify how the building setback has changed from 13 feet to six feet. An LDO may be required for the proposed building setback. DS 2-02.2.1.A.7

3. As indicated in comment one, vehicle-parking spaces are not striped or exist on the site as depicted on the site plan. The last approved site plan does not depict or note vehicle parking anywhere on the site. From the nature of the use it is clear that vehicle parking was not approved as shown on the plan. This is new vehicular use area specifically for customer parking and must meet all design requirements for vehicular DS 3-05 use areas and pedestrian circulation DS 2-08. Please address the following items.

A. Back-Up Spur. A back-up spur will be provided at the end of a row of parking if no ingress or egress is provided at that end. The spur will be a minimum of three (3) feet in depth, will have a three (3) foot radii, and will have a wheel barrier to prevent encroachment onto any unsurfaced areas. A minimum distance of three (3) feet will be provided between the back of spur and any wall, screen, or other obstruction over six (6) inches in height. A back-up spur as noted in DS 3-05.2.2.D and depicted in figure 2 DS 3-05.2.2.D at the south end row of parking between the two buildings.

B. A five-foot pedestrian refuge area with a four-foot wide concrete sidewalk is required adjacent to an enclosed structure and a PAAL. The refuge area and sidewalk must be physically separated from the PAAL area. Provide the required refuge area and sidewalk along the north and west sides of the two bay building.

C. A four-foot wide raised concrete sidewalk is required along the east side of the three bay building between the building and the parking spaces. If the spaces are not provided with wheel stops that are placed two and one-half feet from the front of the parking spaces the width of the required sidewalk must be increased to six and one-half feet to allow for the overhang and a four clear sidewalk area.

D. The vehicle display area as proposed does not provide for maneuvering into and out to the display spaces without having to use the street (Sixth Avenue). Maneuvering in and out of the vehicle display spaces must occur completely on site. Per the plan the spaces would have to be accessed by using Sixth Avenue as a PAAL to access the space whether front loading or rear loading the vehicle. All commercial uses are to provide vehicular maneuverability on site. In addition vehicles are not allowed to back up onto a major street or route, which is what will occur on this site. It appears that the proposed area for the display area will not be functional or safe for the on coming traffic on Sixth Avenue or for the customer wishing to test drive a vehicle and must have to back out onto the street which is not permitted.

E. The vehicular use area between the two buildings may not meet the vehicular use area requirements, based on the requirements for a pedestrian five foot wide pedestrian refuge area, a 24-foot wide PAAL for two-way traffic, and the required sidewalk adjacent to the east side of the three bay building. Please re-design the vehicular use area to meet compliance.

F. Adjust the vehicular parking calculations to state the correct number of spaces required and provided. The square footage of the west building, based on the labeled dimensions, equals 1725 sq. ft. Per the square footage (2850) of both buildings the number of parking spaces required equals 11.40 and 1.37 spaces for the gross lot area. The required amount equals 13 spaces. Revise the calculation accordingly. Also one of the spaces provided must be handicapped accessible (Van Accessible) with an eight-foot wide access aisle. The access aisle must be must connect to the pedestrian circulation and access ramps must be installed where required to provide access to the buildings. State under the parking calculation that one handicapped parking space is required and that one van accessible parking space has been provided.

G. When the side(s) of a parking space abuts any vertical barrier over six (6) inches in height, other than a vertical support for a carport, the required width for the space is ten (10) feet. This requirement is to provide extra width to allow passengers to enter and exit the vehicle on the side where the barrier exists. The two vehicle parking spaces adjacent to the required 30-inch screen must be ten feet wide, spaces 1 and 5. Revise as required.

H. Some form of barrier must be placed along the southwest side of the site to prevent traffic from the restaurant development from encroaching onto the display area and for vehicles on display for the auto sales use from overhanging onto the PAAL or parking area.
DS 2-02.2.1.A.8

4. Bicycle parking is required for this use and must be provided based on four percent of the number of vehicle parking spaces provided. When the number of bicycle parking spaces is calculated and the number is than two, two spaces will be provided. The spaces must be class one spaces, which are long term for the employees.

Provide off-street bicycle parking as required, including materials for lighting, paving, and security; a bicycle facility detail drawing with a fully dimensioned layout; location; specific type of rack or locker and the number of bicycles it supports; and the location and type of directional signage.

Add a bicycle parking calculation that states the number of spaces and type of facility required and number of spaces that have been provided. DS 2-02.2.1.A.9

5. Existing and future sight visibility triangles must be shown along all street entrances (driveways) and the corner of the Columbia Street and Sixth Avenue. The lines of sight through a triangle must not be obscured between the height of 30 inches to six feet, as stated in DS 3-01.5.1.A.1 and .2. Draw and label the required sight triangles and label the lengths as required by the development standards 3-01.5.3 lines of sight matrix. Vehicle parking spaces, spaces for the display of vehicles may not be placed within the SVTs. DS 2-02.2.1.A.10

6. Approval must be granted from the Traffic Engineering Division to allow the two Sixth Avenue curb cuts to remain as shown on the plan. All ingress and egress vehicular drives must be a minimum of 24 feet wide for two-way traffic. DS 2-02.21.A.11

(See related comment 3.D regarding the vehicular use area. The PAAL between the two buildings will not meet the minimum width for a two way PAAL.)

7. A four-foot wide concrete sidewalk must be provided from the street sidewalk on Columbia Street and Sixth Avenue and connect to the onsite pedestrian circualtion. The required sidewalks must provide a continuous pedestrian circulation through the development. In addition the pedestrian circulation must be handicapped accessible. Draw and label the required sidewalk and demonstrate accessibility with access ramps where necessary. DS 2-02.21.A.12

8. One 12-foot wide by 35-foot long loading space is required for this use. The space must be provided on site and must have onsite maneuverability into and out of the loading space. Draw, label, and dimension the loading space and demonstrate maneuverability into and out of the loading space. DS 2-02.2.1.A.14

9. Please find attached a copy of the most recent paving plan, which clearly depicts the right-of-way dimensions. The curb to property line dimension according to the paving plan is ten feet from face of curb. Per the plan the curb to property line dimension has been labeled as 12 feet. Please revise as required. DS 2-02.2.1.A.19

10. All existing easements of record or proposed easements must be drawn and labeled. The purpose, width, location, and recordation information must be labeled. DS 2-02.2.1A.20

11. If applicable, existing or proposed freestanding lighting must be drawn on the plan. The location, type and height of the poles must be labeled. DS 2-02.2.1.A.25

12. See comments by the landscape reviewer regarding the requirements for landscape borders, screening and NPPO. DS 2-02.2.1.a.27

13. List as notes the existing and proposed uses along with the appropriate development designator and subject to section numbers as listed in the Land Use Code. DS 2-02.1.A.31

14. Show the location and type of the refuse container. DS 2-02.2.1.A.32

15. If applicable list all relevant approvals such as DSMR, Board of Adjustment variances, etc. that may apply to this site as a result of the full code compliance. DS 2-02.2.1.A.38

16. Add a legend and symbols that were used to prepare this drawing. DS 2-02.2.1.B

17. For consistency, all changes that are made to the site plan must also be made to the landscape plans. DS 2-02.2.1.C

18. Please add an LUC code Data table that provides all information related to the proposed use. The information required shall include, the allowed and proposed floor area ratio, allowed and existing building heights, the number of required and provided vehicle and bicycle parking calculation (including handicapped spaces), the number of required bicycle parking spaces and class, development designator, etc. DS 2-02.2.2.A.1 -. 6

19. Submit a copy of the approved C of O and the site plan for the restaurant adjacent to the south of the proposed auto sales building.

Additional comments will be forthcoming based on your responses to the comments, the redesign of the site plan, and approved or existing conditions of the development to the south which is to be utilizing a portion of this parcel for the restaurant parking.

20. Please submit a revised site plan that demonstrates compliance and provide all requested documents, which support the parking or the restaurant use to the south.

Please insure that all text height is 12 point (.12) including the text for the location map.

The location map must cover one square mile and must be drawn at a scale of 3 inches equals one mile. List the section township and range under the location map.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call David Rivera, (520) 791-5608.

RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised site plan and landscape plan and requested documents.
05/03/2004 DAVID RIVERA HANDICAP-SITE REVIEW Denied see zonigncomments
05/06/2004 JOE LINVILLE NPPO REVIEW Approved Exception per 2002 PC aerial photo.
05/06/2004 Joseph Linville LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1) Revise the site and landscape plans to include screening of the vehicular display area from the R-3 parcel to the east.
LUC Table 3.7.2-I

2) Revise any areas determined to be part of an expansion of the vehicular use area to comply with LUC

3) Revise the plans as requested by other agencies.
05/27/2004 Doug Williams ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied SUBJECT: Site review - 4301 S. 6th Ave
DATE: 27 May 2004
T14S, R13, Section 36

Engineering Division has reviewed the Subject Site Plan. Approval is not recommended at this time. Please address the following comments:

1. Provide lot bearings and basis of bearings, in accordance with Development Standard (DS) 2-
2. Depict existing and future sight visibility triangles for a Drive/Parking Area Access Lane (PAAL) intersecting an arterial street - 6th Avenue, and existing sight visibility triangles for the Columbia Street (DS) 2-02.2.10 & 3-01.5.0.
3. Depict drainage patterns, finish floor elevations, and finish grades (DS 2-
4. Dimension and label the future Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Plan half right-of-way for 6th Avenue. This document may be accessed at: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/planning/genplan/msr.pdf (DS 2-02.2.1 A 19).
5. Dimension and label from street monument line(s) to existing curb, new sidewalk, driveways and utility locations, and identify the type of centerline depicted, such as right of way, construction, section line, etc. (DS 2-02.2.1 A 21).
6. Provide existing topographic contours and/or spot elevations as pertinent, and Benchmark based of City of Tucson Datum, including City Field Book and Page number (DS 2-02.2.1 A23).
7. A centralized onsite refuse provision is required for all commercial developments, per Development Standard 6-01.0. A Development Standard Modification Request (DSMR) will be required to obtain permission for pickup service other than as required by this standard. Depict a refuse container location, size and access thereto, fully dimensioned and labeled (DS 2-02.2.1 A32).
8. Depict roof drainage direction and downspout locations. Include depiction of sidewalk scuppers for conveyance of 10-year flows at a minimum under sidewalk areas at each location, where applicable (DS 2-08.4.1 E & 3-01.4.4 F).
A right of way permit is required for proposed work or development activity in the right of way. Contact Permit and Codes Section, Tucson Department of Transportation (TDOT) at 791-5100 for questions.
If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550, ext. 1189 or Doug.Williams@tucsonaz.gov

Douglas Williams
Sr. Engineering Associate
Engineering Division
Development Services Department

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
05/28/2004 LISA LESNY OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed