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Permit Number: T03OT01270
Parcel: 11615087J

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: FLOODPLAIN

Permit Number - T03OT01270
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/08/2003 DOUG WILLIAMS ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied SUBJECT: Site Plan/Floodplain Use Permit Review - 1601 W. St. Mary's Road
REVIEWER: Doug Williams
DATE: 7 August 2003
ACTIVITY NUMBER(s): T03OT01270/T03CM00208
T14S, R13E, Section 10

SUMMARY: Engineering Section has reviewed the Drainage Report, Site Plan and Floodplain Use Permit application received on 17 July 2003. Consulted for review of this project were the City of Tucson Development Standards (DS), the Pima County/City of Tucson Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual (DS 10-01.0), Tucson Code, Chapter 26 (Floodplain and Erosion Hazard Management Regulations) and the Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management (SMDDFM - DS 10-02.0). The Site Plan and Floodplain Use Permit may not be approved prior to drainage report approval. Engineering Division approval is not recommended at this time - resubmittal is required. Please address the following comments prior to resubmittal:


1. The encroachment analysis must demonstrate that this development will, at a minimum:
a) not increase the water surface elevation by more than one tenth of foot,
b) not generate adverse impacts, including but not limited to erosion, upstream or downstream, and
c) not result in damage (adverse impact) to public facilities as a result of erosion or flooding events (Section 26-5.2, Tucson Code).
Please refer to the above section, and Section 26-11.2, for floodplain use permit submittal requirements and conditions that must be met prior to floodplain use permit issuance;
2. Provide discussion, any calculations and modeling for the apparent split of Silvercroft Wash flow. The report must address all flows potentially affecting the site (SMDDFM, Section A 4);
3. Submit hydrologic data sheets for each principal point of drainage concentration, for post-developed conditions, where appropriate (SMDDFM, Section A 6);
4. Revise the existing conditions topographic map, and provide the following items at a minimum:
a) existing FEMA floodplain limits for the entire site
b) all drainage easements and underground conveyance systems, fully labeled, with Q100 noted;
5. Provide either normal depth or backwater computations to describe the existing and developed conditions flow depths, widths and velocities (SMDDFM, Section
6. Describe the hydraulic analyses (and results) used to evaluate the floodplain in, and adjacent to, the proposed development (SMDDFM, Section A & B);
7. Clearly label and depict all 100-year floodplain limits, with water surface elevations for floodplains with Q100's of 100 cfs or greater onsite, to include any within 200 feet of the developing site, and any underground conveyance systems, with easement recording information, and label each as "Regulatory Floodplain" (SMDDFM, Sec C 1 & 6);
8. Identify and label each significant drainage concentration point, along with its 100-year peak discharge and corresponding drainage area (SMDDFM, Sec C 4);
9. Submit all hydraulic calculation sheets used for delineation of the offsite and onsite floodplains, as well as those used for evaluating flow depths, velocities and durations (SMDDFM, Sec D);
10. Provide hydraulic cross section information described in paragraph E, per (SMDDFM, Sec E);
11. Provide discussion of, and comparison with the reports and or studies referenced in the drainage report, in accordance with paragraph G (SMDDFM, Section G);
12. Please check the existing and developed conditions water surface elevations for section B-B, provided on Figures 5 and 6. It appears there may be an inadvertent elevation provided on Figure 6;

Please note that any proposed revision to, or alteration of the current FIRM panel floodplain delineation will require a submittal of a Letter Of Map Revision (LOMR) for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) review and approval.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550, ext. 1189 or Dwillia1@ci.tucson.az.us

NOTE: Grading plan/permit and Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) approvals will be required for this project.

Douglas Williams
Sr. Engineering Associate
Engineering Division
Development Services Department

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
08/26/2003 LISA LESNY OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed