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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: FLOODPLAIN
Permit Number - T03OT00494
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
04/22/2003 | DOUG WILLIAMS | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | SUBJECT: Rojo Residence REVIEWER: Doug Williams DATE: 22 April 2003 ACTIVITY NUMBERS: T03OT00494/T03CM01491 SUMMARY: Engineering Section has reviewed the Site Plan and Floodplain Use Permit application received on March 25, 2003. Site Plan and Floodplain permit approvals are not recommended at this time. A hydrology report prepared by a State-registered Civil Engineer is required for development on this parcel, in accordance with the City of Tucson's Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management (SMDDFM), section 2.1.2, and Tucson Code, Section 26-11.2 (a) 2 (e). The report shall contain at a minimum, an encroachment analysis, erosion hazard setback calculations, recommended minimum finished floor elevation, delineation of the 100-year floodplain and erosion hazard setback, and the Cholla Wash Watercourse Amenities Safety Habitat (W.A.S.H.) ordinance 50' study area delineation. The following comments are offered: FLOODPLAIN USE PERMIT: 1) The report shall: a) demonstrate compliance with the items listed in the SMDDFM, sections 2.3 and 5.2.1 - 5.2.6 (Development Standard 10-02.0); b) delineate the erosion hazard setback (section 26-7); c) provide an encroachment analysis addressing the effects this proposed development will have on the flow of water through the area being developed and the surrounding areas, in accordance with Tucson Code, Section 26-11.2 (a) 1, 2 (a-f); d) address minimum finished floor elevations and any erosion protection for the proposed structure, and applicable pads for utilities; e) clearly depict and label the FEMA floodplain limits on the site, with water surface elevations noted, and provide reference to the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panel number(s) and flood zone designation; f) discuss the effects of the development on flood heights, water velocities, erosion protection recommendations, existing channel size, and the resultant effects on structures and properties affected by the regulatory floodplain; g) demonstrate compliance with floodway fringe development, outlined in Section 26-5.2, Tucson Code; SITE PLAN: 1) Provide a scaled drawing, per Development Standard (DS) 2-; 2) Provide lot dimensions and bearings (DS 2-; 3) Depict the limits of the 100-year floodplain and water surface elevation (DS 2-; 4) Depict drainage patterns, proposed finished floor elevations, and finish grades (DS 2-; 5) Provide existing estimated cut/fill quantities (DS 2-; 6) Depict the ½ right of way for San Luis Blvd. (DS 2-; 7) Provide dimensions from street monument line to existing and proposed curbs, sidewalks, driveways and utility lines (DS 2-; 8) Depict existing topographic contours at intervals not exceeding 2' and/or spot elevations as pertinent and Bench Mark based on City of Tucson Datum, including City field book and page number (DS 2-; 9) A grading plan may be required for this project - please provide, and proposed limits of grading. 10) A $150.00 drainage review fee will be required with the resubmittal, in accordance with Section 26-11.2 (i), Tucson Code; 11) The applicant or applicant's agent must sign the Floodplain Use Permit application. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550 ext. 1189 or Dwillia1@ci.tucson.az.us Douglas Williams Engineering Division Development Services Department |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
04/24/2003 | MONICA VALDEZ | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
04/24/2003 | MONICA VALDEZ | REJECT SHELF | Completed |