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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T03CM05675
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/05/2004 | EROSE1 | WWM | REVIEW | Needs Review | |
01/05/2004 | EROSE1 | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Approved | |
01/05/2004 | GP | 3RD PARTY REVIEW-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | Plans submitted for building permit have been checked for conformance with current codes. Corrections required are noted below. All corrections must be made to the original drawings and two new complete and corrected sets resubmitted along with a written reply to all comments. To facilitate a timely recheck please insure all drawing changes or revisions made to previously issued sheets are highlighted by cloud and revision number. ARCHITECTURAL COMMENTS General 1. The plan referenced specified EIFS, stone veneer and stucco system. Provide evaluation report / listing for these items. 2. Provide the civil plans. Only the development plan is in the plan set. 3. Provide calculations for light and ventilation requirements for each building type. Ref. IBC 1204. 4. Show the location of attic access for buildings 2 through 6. Ref. IBC 1208.2. 5. Provide the sound transmission for vertical and horizontal separations at dwelling units. Ref. IBC 1206. 6. Provide shop drawings and structural calculations for each prefabricated stair type. 7. Provide listed assemblies for penetrations of fire resistive construction. Ref. IBC 711. 8. Provide specifications for signage identifying accessible elements. Ref. IBC 1109. 9. Sheet A7.7, Building 1, elevator sections is not in the plan set. Please provide. 10. Include Sheet A3.0, A-9.8.2, and A-9.8.2 in the sheet index. Sheet A0.1 1. In the code analysis data, the fire prevention code is the 2000 IFC, the electrical code is the 1999 NEC, the energy code is the 1998 IECC and the accessibility code is the ICE/ANSI A117.1 1998 edition. Please note accordingly. Sheet A1.0 1. Complete the square footage tabulations. Building 1 appears to be incorrectly identified as Building 2. Revise. Buildings 2, 3, and 4 do not include garages. Delete this reference. Sheet A3.0 1. Specify fire protection ratings of doors at fire resistive assemblies. Ref. IBC 714. 2. Specify hardware for egress doors compliant with IBC 1003.3.1.8. Sheet A3.1.1 1. Indicate on the window schedule which windows will have safety glazing. Ref. IBC 2406. Sheet A-7.8.0 1. Complete the detail reference to Sheet S9.1 in section C/A-7.8.0. Sheet A-9.1 1. Provide shop drawings and structural calculations for the cantilevered parking structures. 2. Call out bond beam specifications for screen wall detail 7/A-9.1. Sheet A2.4 1. The plan indicates sidelights at door 201. These were not found in the door or window schedule. These require safety glazing. Please include in the schedule and note the safety glazing requirement. Sheet A-2.6 1. Window 102 requires safety glazing. Please include the safety glazing requirement on the schedule. Ref. IBC 2406. Sheet A-9.11 1. Detail stone veneer anchorage. Ref. IBC 1405.6. STRUCTURAL COMMENTS Building 1 General 1. Soils Report on page 4 indicates 1500psf allowable bearing capacity at 1.5’ depth below finished grade and 2000 psf at 2’ depth. Please clarify where in the Soils Report recommendations for 3000 psf soil bearing is addressed as this value appears to be assumed by the Structural Engineer for foundations of Building #1. 2. Clarify discrepancy in steel section of columns at Frame MF5 (along Line C) between computer program and plans. 3. Complete Structural Calculations including design of steel column base plates and spread footings missing from this submittal package. Coordinate with Comment #1 above for allowable soil pressure. 4. Provide computer print out for service reactions at steel frames as used for basic anchor bolt design on page 197. 5. Reference page197 of calculation package, formula (16-5) and clarify column section of W 14 x 145, which is not applicable to this project. Recheck tension in anchor bolt where ÿMA=0 calculations appear to eliminate the moment; please clarify. 6. In correspondence with Comment #5 above, please verify interaction of tensile and shear anchor bolt check on page 202 where 135k nominal strength in tension is inconsistent with previously calculated 153.2k load on pages 197-199. Verify total shear and pull out check adequacy. Sheet S1.1 1. Coordinate with Framing Plans at Roof, third and second floors and recheck total point load at foundations from SC7 steel tube columns at N/W Entry. Verify foundation requirements where 1’ wide continuous footing is provided below columns. 2. Recheck Call Out 108 at stairs as it appears to be incorrect. Sheet S1.2 1. Reference pages 73and 76 of calculation package and recheck Beam FB28 designed for W 18 x 60, but shown on plan as W 12 x 14; please clarify. Sheet S1.3 1. Reference steel columns at intersection of Lines D-3, B-3 and B-5 and coordinate with page 43 of Structural Calculations where these columns are designed for W 12 x40, but are shown on plan as W 12 x 26. Also see comments on Roof Framing Plan for roof point loads and recheck. 2. Provide information on plans indicating shoring or non-shoring will be provided for construction of composite beams. 3. Clarify section of beam at steel frame along Line 6 as it is unreadable. 4. Third Floor Framing Beams FR9 (page 22) accommodate column point loads from Roof Framing plus reactions from Floor Beams FB4 and FB5. Refer to page 47 and clarify total load at “P2” point load in accordance with reactions from FB5 (page 35) and upper column reaction. Sheet S1.4 1. Gravity Calculations for roof framing are incomplete. Verify distributed dead and live loads applicable at each specific location, and provide calculations for all beams. Typical. Address point load reactions transferred on the third floor. 2. Recheck adequacy of W 16 x 31 (SB1) beam along Line 4 between D-E, Line C between 5-6, or roof lines where MF7 and MF8 are located. Independent check shows beams are overstressed. Similarly verify total imposed loads and adequacy of W 16 x 40 (SB11) beam at steel frame MF2 (along Line 4). 3. Reference page 7 of calculation package where RSB2 beam is noted, and clarify calculations on page 9. 36’ span used per submitted calcs is inconsistent with plan dimensions. Please recheck and update. 4. Reference page 15 where loads for Column RC1 are developed. Coordinate with reactions from RSB3 beam, (page 11) previously determined to resolve discrepancy in column point load. Buildings 2, 3 and 4 Sheet S0.1 1. Design dead load for Buildings 2, 3, and 4 specified on GSN is not consistent with dead load specified and used per Structural Engineer’s calculations; please clarify. Sheet S2.1 1. Revise drafting mistake at Note Block to address Details 408 and 413 for Site Walls rather than 408 and 410. Sheet S2.2 1. Recheck 3-1/8 x 9 GLB at WL4 (or FH1 per page 32-2 of Structural Calculations). It appears that live load accounts for 40 psf floor load and does not include Balcony live load; please clarify. Recheck beam reaction and adequacy of vertical support provided on Sheet S0.6. 2. Balcony joists WJ5 at two side elevations are designed for 3x6@16”o.c. per page 19-2 of calculation package, but 3x6@24”o.c. joists are specified on S0.6; please clarify. 3. Recheck WJ7 joist specification at Rear Canopy Roof. Joist Schedule provided on Sheet S0.6 indicates 2x6@32”o.c., which is underestimated and does not match structural design on page 19-2 where 3x6@32”o.c. is developed; please clarify. 4. Recheck adequacy of 4 x 10 section of WB15 beam at Stair Balcony Area along Line 1 down from Line A. Coordinate with page 21-2 of Structural Calculations where beam marked as FB6 is designed for 3-1/8 x 12 GLB. Also verify/update Call Out 529 where beam to beam connection is supposed to be defined. Sheet S2.3 1. Revise Holdown Schedule where Marks HD4, 5, and 6 shall be denoted. 2. Complete Shear Wall Schedule including missing sole plate nailing between upper and lower level shear walls. Building #5 Sheet S0.1 1. Design Dead load for Building 5 specified on GSN is not consistent with dead load specified and used per Structural Engineer’s calculations; please clarify. Sheet S5.1 1. Recheck 25’ tall wall at North elevation and coordinate with pages 115/116-2 where wall is designed for 2 x 8 D.F.#2 @12”o.c. Address on plans such wall framing as it appears to be missing. 2. Recheck vertical reactions from WB10 floor beam at both supports and verify adequacy of soil bearing pressure under two steel columns SC4A placed on continuous foundation. Sheet S5.2 1. Recheck Call Outs 618 and 619 on Roof Framing Plan as they appear to be at incorrect location; please clarify. 2. See Sheet A-6.3 for second floor steel canopy at East elevation of Building 5 and address corresponding call out on Structural Plans for detailing. 3. Reference Floor Note #124 and Detail 633 and clarify where on plans connection of Canopy B to the building structure is detailed. 4. Coordinate with tension/compression holdown seismic forces developed at shear panels along Line 3 at second floor and clarify whether such loads are transferred downward. For example see design of WB7 Floor Beam (FB3 per page 99-2 of Structural Calculations and Layout), where such condition is not taken into account. Please update and provide specific detail for tie-down connection to the lower level resisting elements. Sheet S5.3 1. Reference Second Floor Shear Wall Plan, recheck length of shear wall piers provided along Line A. Wall length addressed on page 173-2 of Structural Calculations of 12.33’, 9’, and 6.5’ are incompatible with plan dimensions; please clarify. 2. Reference First Floor Shear Wall Plan and recheck length of shear wall piers provided along Line A. Wall length addressed on page 173-2 of Structural Calculations of 8.33’, 8’, and 22.33’ are incompatible with plan dimensions; please clarify. 3. Clarify discrepancy in second floor shear load between 22953 lbs per page 163-2 and 21156 lbs from Shear Lines 2 and 3. Load distribution first is based on 52’ wide building, but then 43’ width is taken into account, which reduces horizontal seismic shear and shear value along longitudinal walls; please recheck. 4. Coordinate with Lateral Calculations provided for uplift value at 5’ long shear panels along Line 3; specify missing specification of Holdown HD7 and detail connection of shear panel to footing. 5. Complete Shear Wall Schedule including missing sole plate nailing between upper and lower level shear walls. Building #6 Sheet S0.1 1. Design dead load for Building 6 specified on GSN is not consistent with dead load specified and used per Structural Engineer’s calculations; please clarify. Sheet S6.1 1. Recheck 25’ tall wall at North elevation and coordinate with pages 115/116-2 where wall is designed for 2 x 8 D.F.#2 @12”o.c. Address on plans such wall framing as it appears to be missing. 2. Recheck vertical reactions from WB10 floor beam at both supports and verify adequacy of soil bearing pressure under two steel columns SC4A placed on continuous foundation. 3. Please coordinate with Roof Framing Plan for location of WB1A roof beam between Gridlines E & F. Left support of this beam in lines with right support of the same beam between Gridlines D & E, but columns are not shown on Foundation Plan in proper place. Please recheck and update. Verify capacity of soil bearing pressure having two columns at one location. 4. Similar to Comment #3 above, foundations under supports of WB10 floor beam between Gridlines E & F are not addressed at correct place. Please recheck and update. Sheet S6.2 1. See Sheet A-6.4 for second floor Steel Canopy at East and West elevations of Building 6 and address corresponding call out on Structural Plans for detailing. 2. Reference Floor Note #124 and Detail 633 and clarify where on plans connection of Canopy B to the building structure is detailed. 3. Coordinate with tension/compression holdown seismic forces developed at shear panels along Line 3 at second floor, and clarify whether such loads are transferred downward. For example see design of WB7 floor beam (FB3 per page 99-2 of Structural Calculations and Layout), where such condition is not taken into account. Please update and provide specific detail for tie-down connection to the lower level resisting elements. Sheet S6.3 1. Clarify discrepancy in second floor shear load between 18803 lbs per page 163-2 and 15566 lbs from Shear Lines 2 and 3. Load distribution first is based on 52’ wide building, but then 43’ width is taken into account, which reduces horizontal seismic shear and shear value along longitudinal walls; please recheck. 2. Coordinate with Lateral Calculations provided for uplift value at 5’ long shear panels along Line 3 and specify missing specification of Holdown HD7 and detail connection of shear panel to footing. 3. Complete Shear Wall Schedule including missing sole plate nailing between upper and lower level shear walls. PLUMBING COMMENTS General 1. Provide civil site utility drawings with the resubmittal. Sheet P2.0 1. The 2” gas line shown with a developed length of 300 feet and demand of 1800 cfh requires a 3” line. Ref. UPC 1217. Sheet P3.1 1. Specify plumbing water conservation provisions. Ref. UPC 402 as amended. 2. Specify showers and tub / shower combinations will have control valves of the pressure balance or thermostatic mixing valve type. Ref. UPC 410.7. MECHANICAL COMMENTS General 1. Please provide calculations for required outside air. Ref. IMC 403.3. 2. In specification 15080 specify maximum flame spread and smoke development in accordance with IMC 604.3 and ASTM E84. Sheet M2.6 1. Specify means of protection for appliances located in the garage and subject to vehicle impact. Ref. IMC 304.5. Sheet M2.4 1. Note provisions for the protection of horizontal assembly penetrations. Ref. IMC 607.6. ELECTRICAL COMMENTS Building 1 General Show location of elevator on plan under Keynote 6. Buildings 2, 3 and 4. General Show number of conductors for electrical ranges three #6, and one #10 and electrical dryers, three #10- and one #10. Ref. NEC 250-114(3). Sheets E2.3 and E2.4 Number 2/0 XHHW AL as shown is only rated 135 Amps at 75ÿ. Panels and breaker terminals are only rated 75ÿ, however, HPO-2 is not required to be used in Load Calculation (116.8 Amps). Recalculate conductors and overcurrent for feeders. Ref. NEC 310-16 (75ÿ column) and NEC 220-21. Plans show a WP GFI receptacle above roof on Buildings 5 and 6 per NEC 210-63, please clarify if Buildings 2, 3 and 4 are to be similar Layout of first and second floors of Buildings 2, 3 and 4 appear to be incorrect. Architectural Plans for first and second floors show Master Bathroom in a different location than shown on Sheet E2.3. Yet, on Electrical Sheet E2.4, the Master Bathroom matches Architectural Plans; please clarify and coordinate. Buildings 5 and 6 General 1. Feeders from 200 main breakers to apartment panels shown 4/0 XHHW A1 compact conductors. Breakers and panels only have terminals rated at 75ÿ, 4/0 XHHW A1 15 only rated at 180 Amps 75ÿ. However, HPO-1 may not be required to be used in Load Calculations. Recalculate conductors and overcurrent for feeders. Ref. NEC 310-16 (75ÿ column) and NEC 220-21. 2. Recheck calculation as it is unclear if HP-1, HP1-1 and/or HPO-1 are all required in Load Calculations. ENERGY COMMENTS General 1. Provide energy code compliance date for buildings 2 through 6. Should you have any inquires regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact the Plans Examiner at (602) 287-9441 or the Building Official at (520) 791-5550. |
01/05/2004 | ELAINE ROSE | ZONING | REVIEW | Approved | |
01/05/2004 | EROSE1 | WATER | REVIEW | Needs Review | |
01/05/2004 | EROSE1 | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved |
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
01/05/2004 | ELAINE ROSE | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |