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Permit Number: T03CM05159
Parcel: 14029052C

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: REVISION

Permit Number - T03CM05159
Review Name: REVISION
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
1. Statement about series testing for electrical equipment is inapplicable, as the only new panel is to be fed through a transformer. The 10,000A rating of the panel, however, should be sufficient if the distance from the service is 200 feet per the Engineer. Please verify on plans.
2. Circuit N-16, appears to have 720 VA, which is greater than the 180 indicated. Please clarify.
3. Circuit N-3, appears to have 720 VA, which is greater than the 480 indicated. Please clarify.
4. Circuit N-17, appears to have 1080 VA, which is greater than the 720 indicated. Please clarify.
5. There is lighting load on Circuit L-7, but no Panel L in this project. Please clarify.
6. Please revise feeder and service load calculations per the comments above.
7. Grounding electrode conductor and GND in secondary conduit to transformer needs to be changed from #6 to #4 per NEC 250-66.