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Permit Number: T03CM04535
Parcel: 14027051D

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: OTHER

Permit Number - T03CM04535
Review Name: OTHER
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
09/19/2003 Robert Sherry MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. Provide calculations used to size the vents for the new equipment. Reference Section 801.2, IMC 2000.
2. Provide details of the construction, installation, and termination of the vents for the new equipment. Reference Section 802, IMC 2000.
3. Provide details of the required clearances to combustibles for the new vents. Reference Section 801.18.4, IMC 2000.
4. Provide operational data for the new spray booth. Reference Section 502.6.3, IMC 2000.
5. Provide information to show that the exhaust fan for the spray booth meets the requirements of Section 502.6.3.7, IMC 2000.
6. Provide information to show that the exhaust fan for the phosphatizer meets the requirements of Section 503.4, IMC 2000.
7. Provide locations of all exhaust terminations to show compliance with Section 502.6.3.6, IMC 2000.
8. Provide information to show compliance to Section 502.7, IMC 2000.
09/19/2003 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. Provide approved gas shut off valves before each regulator. Reference Section 1218.5, UPC 1994
2. Resize the natural gas piping downstream of the regulator serving the evaporator and the phosphatizer using Table 12-3. Reference Section 1218.6, UPC 1994. Note: Southwest Gas provides gas with a heating value of approximately 1028 BTU per cubic foot, not 1100 BTU per cubic foot.
3. Revise combustion and relief air calculations for the room containing the hot tank, evaporator, and phosphatizer to conform to the requirements of Table 5-1, UPC 1994. Open doors are not an approved method of providing combustion and relief air.
09/29/2003 RAUL PALMA BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied City of Tucson, Development Services

1) Specify the use of each building(store, office, wood shop,etc.,).Also
Also specify the occupancy for each use on plans.
2) Specify the distance between buildings. If any openings, show them.
3) Does the longer building have an existing mezzanine? Is the equipement
Shown existing or new? Specify all the new equipment.
a) Specify the weight of the equipment.
b) Provide engineering calc`s for the deck supporting the equipment.
4) Specify the valuation.
5) Specify the occupant load.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
10/01/2003 DELMA ROBEY OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed