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Permit Number: T03CM04534
Parcel: 11615087J

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T03CM04534
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
10/15/2003 EROSE1 WWM REVIEW Needs Review
10/15/2003 EROSE1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Needs Review
1. Please provide the project specification book.

Sheet 0.1
1. Add City of Tucson Amendments to the list of governing codes for this project.

2. Revise Code Block to indicate 1998 IECC which has been adopted by the City of Tucson.

3. Review plumbing fixture requirement tabulations as the numbers shown to be provided are less than those listed in the schedule as being the minimum required.

4. Include area of ambulance canopy in the total area figures, and identify the square foot area as a separate line item. Ref. IBC Appendix Table A-29-A.

5. Denote in Code Data the requirement for an automatic fire detection system for spaces that are allowed to be open into corridor pursuant to IBC 407.56, and also indicate the manual fire alarm system as required by IBC 907.2.6.

Sheet 1.0
1. Provide Key Plan and Gridline References in order to place the intended work area with respect to the location within the facility.

Sheet 1.1
1. Provide plan references to tested/listed fire resistive assemblies for walls and ceiling where applicable/required to be of fire resistive construction. Attach copies of the listed assemblies, or incorporate into the drawings the listed/tested assemblies or detail, exactly as described in the listing, all material/construction/attachment requirements. Alternately the IBC Chapter 7 Table and item number could be referenced. See IBC 703.

2. Provide note in Code Data Section indicating that Special Inspection is required for spray applied fire proofing (compete a City of Tucson Special Inspection Certificate at time of permit issuance). Ref. IBC 1704.11. also indicate Special Inspection for smoke barriers per IBC 909.

3. Clarify in Code Data Section if spray applied fireproofing is to be a Deferred Submittal item (See IBC Denote on plan that a Key Plan identifying all members to receive the spray applied fireproofing, and listing the members' classification as primary or secondary member along with the required density and thickness of coating must be included as a part of the Deferred Submittal, or supply the above referenced information at resubmittal.

4. Plans do not address fire protection methods for columns, floor/ceiling, roof/ceiling assemblies (see Comment 1 above). Clarify if future floor is intended and indicate intentions regarding fire protection of current roof at the higher hourly rating for floor systems as applicable.

5. Please clarify method of providing for corridor construction that forms a barrier to limit the transfer of smoke as the partition types do not show corridor walls extending to floor or roof deck above. See IBC 407.3. An acoustical lay-in ceiling does not appear to provide a sufficient smoke barrier since tiles could be easily left out by maintenance, broken, forced out during fire, installed with gaps, or very little edge support, etc. Reflect sealing requirements for smoke retardation when corridor walls do not extend to deck along with revision to the type of ceiling. Coordinate with Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Plans for penetrations, and also include any medical equipment with supports penetrating the ceiling.
6. Provide for separation of Equipment Room 1190 if used for storage of equipment pursuant to IBC 302.1.1. Also address Janitor Room 1111 (over 100 s.f. in area), and Room 1235 on Sheet 1.2.

7. Physicians Work Area 1143 does not comply with IBC 407.2.2 if the partitions are full height (extend to ceiling); please clarify.

8. Provide firestopping details using listed/tested assemblies (IBC 711.3.1.1, 711.4.1.1) for walls and any current/future floor/ceiling and any roof/ceiling conditions where penetrations must be protected, or indicate in Code Data as a Deferred Submittal pursuant to all requirements of IBC Address penetrations of non-rated assemblies per UBC 711.4.3 as applicable.

9. Clarify piping materials for air tube system in Keynote 3 (combustible or non-combustible) for this phase and address other existing areas where the system runs. See IBC 711.4.3.1.

10. Corridors cannot be interrupted as they must be continuous to the exits pursuant to IBC 407.2 and dead-end conditions cannot exceed 20' per IBC 1004.3.2.3. Revise the area containing Rooms 1128, 1121, 1117 pursuant to IBC 407.2.1, Item 4. Also address the interruption of corridor at Rooms 1102, 1106, 1103, 1108, 1107, 1118, 1119, 1122 pursuant to IBC 1004.3.2.5, Items 407.2, 407.2.1.

11. The width of Corridor 1183 is not compliant with IBC 1004.3.2.2, whereas the adjoining/continuation corridors are 96" wide. Ref. IBC 1003.2.8.

12. Provide an Egress Plan that demonstrates compliance with IBC 407.4 for distance to smoke barrier doors. Include any impact this project has on existing adjoining smoke zones and reflect compliance with 407.4.1 for capacity of refuge area for this area, and for adjoining existing areas that might utilize this project area for refuge. Also address compliance with 407.4.2 for independent egress from this project area and adjacent.

13. On an Egress Plan, clearly identify location of all smoke zones. Smoke zones cannot exceed 22,500 s.f. and 200' maximum travel distance per IBC 407.4. Also provide plan detailing to reflect minimum of 1-hr fire resistive construction for new and altered smoke barrier walls that continue to underside of deck above, or detail plans for compliance with the exception to IBC 709.4.

14. The smoke barrier wall cannot continue along Line 8 through elevator opening unless a special product is used or other method of providing compliance with IBC 709.4 for 20-min smoke and draft control assembly. Ref. IBC 407.4, 709.5.

15. Elevator Shaft Partition Symbol does not appear in Legend; please clarify.

16. Reflect compliance with IBC 709.7 for joints in smoke barrier, and with 712 for joints in fire-rated floor/future floors. These elements are not permitted to be deferred as the confirmation of a compliant method needs to occur prior to finding out later in the construction that it cannot be done with the dimensions/materials currently available.

17. Clarify the intent of the fire wall denoted as Wall Type G at Room 1102, and revise Legend to clearly reflect each different fire rated wall type in the planset, as this area appears to be a 2-hr wall per Legend, but Plan Details and Door/Window Schedule conflict with 2-hr requirements.

18. Clarify materials to be used for the backing at walls receiving tile. Ref. IBC 2509.

19. Show the maneuvering clearances of ANSI A117.1 404.2.4 at push side of Door 1137A, and pull sides of Doors 1124A, 1107A, 1108A, 1220A, 1219A, 1218A, 1195A, 1210, 1200A, 1184A and 1103A.

20. High side of drinking fountain shall not create a protruding object as described in ANSI A117.1 307. Provide alcove, wing walls, or revise Plumbing Plans/Specifications to add an accessory skirt.

21. Break Room sink in Room 1198 shall be 6-1/2" maximum in depth, 34" maximum height to rim, and 24" from adjacent sidewall or opposing counter to centerline in order to be accessible. Address Break Room 1243 on Sheet 1.2 similarly.

22. Dimension/detail Reception Counter for compliance with IBC 1108.12.3. Clarify nurses Station Counters similarly on this sheet and on Sheet 1.2 along with Admitting and Discharge Area Counters/Tables.

23. Show locations of signage identifying permanent rooms and spaces adjacent to doors and out of door swing, height above floor to centerline and Braille requirement. Ref. ANSI A117.1, 703.

24. Specify slope of floor at clear floor area required for watercloset in Room 1186. Ref. ANSI A117.1 305.2. Detail/dimension shower for complete compliance with ANSI A117.1, 608.

25. Provide fire resistive separation of Elevator Machine Room per IBC 3006.4.

26. Helistop must have one enclosed stair per IBC 412.5.5, 1005.3.2, 1005.3.6.1 and 1005.3.6.5.
Sheet 1.2
1. Show maneuvering clearances per ANSI A117.1 404.2.4 at pull sides of doors at Hold 1265 and 1268 as wall alterations are being made that could correct the non-compliant conditions for new Doors 1238A and 1240A.

2. Clarify construction materials for Shed in Keynote 4 for compatibility with Type II-B restrictions. Ref. IBC 602.2.

3. Detail/Dimension common use sink in Room 1275 for compliance with ANSI A117.1, 606. Address sink in Detail 4 on Sheet 1.4 similarly.

Sheet 1.8
1. Clarify purpose of louvers in Keynotes 1 and 2.

2. Please clarify intent of the two rooms shown as to classification as Mezzanine, or classification as an industrial platform, or if it is to be considered as a second story. Include area of the upper level in the total area summary as applicable to the classification, and provide two means of egress (IBC 505.3, 1004.2.1) for second floor or Mezzanine as common path of travel exceeds 75' (IBC 1004.2.5). Coordinate with Electrical plans for exit signage per IBC 1003.2.10, illumination per 1003.2.11, and emergency power per 1003.2.11.2. If Industrial Platform approach is used, the stairs currently shown cannot be used for egress of platform since the stairs are also serving the Heliport. (See IBC 505.5, last sentence.)

3. Address guards per IBC 1003.2.12 at double door at exterior wall at Mechanical Room.

Sheet 1.12
1. Show weep screed at exterior walls and reflect height of screed above earth and paved surfaces. Ref. IBC 2512.1.2.

Sheet 1.13
1. Provide fire protection for roof and roof supports in Detail 2, and at left hand side of Detail 1 at Covered Area. Ref. IBC Table 601.

Sheet 2.2
1. Address egress to public way from Courtyard that is shown at bottom of exterior stairs with gates. Ref. IBC 1003.3.2.

2. Show all exterior exit doors to be connected to a smooth surface pathway to permit evacuation of litter patients. Ref. IBC 1006.2.2.

Sheet 7.1
1. Provide dimensions/cross reference appropriate details for precast scuppers sized to comply with UPC Appendix D.

Sheet 7.2
1. Details 9 and 14 show wood sheathing and plates; revise to comply with IBC 603.

Sheet 8.1
1. Revise the bottom portion of Door Type E to comply with ANSI A117.1, 404.2.10.

2. Denote the IBC requirements that sliding doors must comply with in order to be used as exits. See Items 1 through 8 of IBC Section 1003. Coordinate with Electrical Plans and reflect location/supervision termination per Item 7 also.

3. Clarify the door signage note below the schedule as it does not appear applicable to this project/I-2 occupancies. Ref. IBC 1003.3.1.8.

4. Provide ¾-hr fire-resistive assemblies for the following doors located in fire barrier walls required by IBC 302.1.1 per Table 714.2.2, 1190A, 1163A, 111A and 111B. Also clarify designer's intent for Door/Room 1204A whereas Room/Door 1164 is similar, but not fire rated for room/door.

5. Glazing in visions panels for cross corridor doors in smoke barriers shall comply with IBC 709.5, and specified for IBC 714.2.3 requirements within plan documents. Also clarify the hourly rating specified for cross corridor doors shown as 1-1/2-hr rated in the schedule with respect to IBC 714.2.6.1, and dimension area of glazing, specified size of glazed area in Door Types C and D..

6. Doors in smoke barrier walls shall be automatic closing per IBC 709.5 and activated by smoke detection, and as further specified in IBC 714.2.3. Revise Hardware Schedule and coordinate with Electrical Plans and Alarm Plans.

7. Clarify window in Room 1113 as it is shown in a fire resistive wall, however, hourly rating of wall is not clear and window types do not indicate any rating at all. Ref. IBC 714.3, 714.3.6.1

8. Show all locations on Floor Plan or by other specific method where safety glazing is required. See IBC 2406 for windows adjacent to doors, panes over 9 s.f. next to walking surfaces, etc.

9. Clearly indicate the location of card controlled access direction and demonstrate that such doors do not need to serve as exit access or needed for egress from smoke barriers serving other areas in that same direction of travel.

10. Clarify/coordinate doors which must be automatic closing with the ones shown to have card readers as these doors are normally open with hold-open devices.

Sheet 9.3
1. Plansheet does not bear the date, seal, or signature of an Arizona Registrant.

2. Complete floor and base material callouts in schedule for Toilet Rooms 1272, 1247. Ref. IBC 1209.

Sheet 9.4
1. Revise restroom elevations/Floor Plans to reflect 42" clear from centerline of watercloset to edge of adjacent lavatory or other obstruction. Ref. ANSI A117.1, 604.3. See Detail 4 at rear watercloset view along with grab bar/lavatory conflict.

2. Reflect watercloset flush controls to be mounted on the wide side of the room. Ref. ANSI A117.1. 604.6.

Sheets 13.1 & 13.2.
1. The above referenced plansheets shall bear the date, seal and signature of an Arizona Registrant.

2. Plans do not reflect compliance with IBC 412.5.4 for liquid spillage at Helistop. Any provided drainage system must also be directed into a containment system in accordance with fire code provisions.

3. Address the additional governing regulations of NFPA 418 within planset pursuant to IBC 412.5.6.

4. The Helistop is required to have two means of egress pursuant to IBC 412.5.5, and 1005.2.1.2. A fire escape or ladder is not allowed to be the second means of egress for this project as the 60' and 2000 s.f. limitations are exceeded. See IBC 1004.2.2.1/ 1004.2.2.2 for arrangement of exits. Coordinate with Electrical Plans for IBC 1003.2.11.2 illumination requirements for means of egress and exit discharge as well as exit signs pursuant to IBC 1003.2.10 when two exits are required.
Sheet 14.1
1. Provide complete detailing of ladder in Detail 3 to reflect size of rungs, size of handrails, width of ladder, spacing of rungs and method of attachment if it is to remain.

2. Address height of ladder with respect to the need for intermediate landing if it is to remain.

3. Provide plan information reflecting width and height of gate in Detail 3 as well as direction of swing.

4. Clarify how the 36" x 36" opening in safety net is closed off to maintain integrity of fall protection.

5. Planset does not contain construction/material detailing for wire mesh cage; please clarify.

6. Plans do not appear to provide specifications for the attachment of the safety net system; please clarify.

7. Address lack of dry sump or pumped sump for elevator pursuant to Arizona State Elevator Inspection rules.

8. Provide elevator hoistway ventilation as required by IBC 3004.

9. Address Emergency Door at elevator hoistway as described in IBC 3002.5 as appropriate.

10. Specify minimum roof covering classification to be used for this project (typical throughout). Ref. IBC Table 1505.1.

11. Provide stair handrail detailing for cross sectional areas, height, extensions past top and bottom risers, distance from vertical surfaces. Ref. IBC 1003.3.3.11.

12. Detail and dimension guardrails at sides and landings of stairs for complete compliance with IBC 1003.2.12.

13. Address limitations relating to open risers at stairs on plans pursuant to IBC 1003.
Sheet 3.0
1. Coordinate with IBC 1704 and add to the list of Special Inspections the site preparation, masonry, epoxy bolts, high strength bolts, and bolts in concrete if necessary.

2. Special Inspection for seismic requirements per IBC 1707.1 shall be specified. Please coordinate with Comment #1 above.

Sheet 3.1
1. Coordinate with Mechanical Floor Plan on Sheet 5.1 to submit supporting calculations for gravity load transfer connection at Northwest corner between two W12 x 22 beams. Clarify if such point load is taken by TS6 x 6 x 1/4 above this level as shown on Detail 11/5.5.

2. Clarify if drilled concrete shaft design accounts for additional load from columns of Main Building taking load from adjacent Canopy or Mechanical Mezzanine.

3. Provide concrete drilled shaft design, not found included with the submitted package. Coordinate required design criteria with Soils Engineer and clarify development of Tables A & B on page 97 of calculations. Show calculations determining maximum depth and pile moment and then verify vertical reinforcement. Ref. IBC 1809.1.2.2, 1807.2.1. The allowable axial and lateral loads of piles shall be determined by approved formula, load test, or method of analysis per IBC 1809.2.4. Also see IBC 1809.1.2 and recheck minimum tie spacing requirements and update plan schedule.

4. Engineer of Record shall provide Quality Assurance Plan per IBC 1705 requirements. Coordinate with City of Tucson Building Official if structural observations for SDC "D" as noted per IBC 1709.1 are necessary.

5. Address Dead and Live Load Design Criteria at W8 x 10 floor beams between Lines A & B. Then provide Structural Calculations for beam and beam to existing wall connection.

6. Clarify axial load of 265k at grade beam as shown on page 107 of calculations. The addressed load comes from page 106 which is axial for vertical steel columns, but not for the grade beam. Please update beam design.

Sheet 3.2
1. Provide missing calculations for retained concrete wall at Elevator Pit to show wall thickness and reinforcement development. Similarly see page 133 and provide missing calculations for new masonry shaft elevation walls. Clarify whether their loads are included in building weight calculations for seismic base shear development.

Sheet 5.2
1. Heliport Landing design shall include loads specified in IBC 1605.5 as additional to basic load combinations at the location where applicable, not as different load combination as shown per computer load combinations printout (for example page 19). Please clarify. Indicate where concentrated impact loads 8' apart representing Helicopter's main landing gear are assumed and included in Structural Calculations.

2. The proposed Architectural Plans indicate two Helipost Pads. Please clarify if structural design accounts for option when two Helicopters simultaneously occur on the roof pad, not indicated per submitted analysis.

3. Page 1 of Structural Calculation Package states that two load options have been used for steel frames design, one with the future addition relocating Helistop to the roof over the future second floor, and second for the current building construction. However, there are no Structural Calculations found justifying which of these options is governing, indeed it appears that Helistop load is taken at floor level when the future addition applies. Clarify lateral and gravity design of the proposed steel frames including option with future second floor. Clearly indicate and show computer input data or frame diagrams with Dead and Live Load values applicable to each frame in each direction. If current structural design intends to design frames with future second level, then helicopter's load would not be possible to apply at floor level, but at roof. Recheck Lateral Calculations developing building weight where such load is taken at floor level.

4. Coordinate with Comment #3 above and submit input and output data for lateral resisting steel frames. Provide complete engineering design at least for maximum loaded beam/column profile. Unable to locate where in the submitted Structural Calculations beam to column frame moments due to different loads are addressed/ or further designed; please complete.

5. Recheck Structural Calculations and clarify discrepancy in center of rigidity coordinates developed per page 11 of calculation and values used on page 15 spreadsheet.

6. Clarify and clearly address development of steel frames rigidity as shown on page 15. Verify if frame rigidity at floor and roof level should be the same.

7. Clarify and address where in the provided seismic analysis Mechanical Mezzanine load and its lateral support are addressed; please complete.
8. Complete Lateral Calculations indicating diaphragm roof, floor and mechanical floor design consistent with IBC 1620.3.3 for SDC "D". Also verify adequacy of building separation from the adjacent existing per IBC 1620.3.6.

9. Address suspended ceiling design per IBC 1621. Denote applicable loads at surgical lights for support applicability of Detail 5/5.5.

1. Provide complete piping specifications for water, DWV, rainwater, condensate and medical gas piping.

2. Provide Civil Utility Plans referenced for continuation of water/waste systems.

3. Indicate elevation of upstream man hole in relation to flood level of fixtures. Provide backwater valve if applicable. Ref. UPC 710.1.

Sheet 15-3.6
1. Verify overall adequacy for medical gas pipe sizing in conformance with NFPA 99 standards.

Sheet 15-3.7
1. Indicate minimum slope for roof drainage system. Ref. UPC Appendix D, 3"/hour.

Sheet 15-8.1
1. Indicate upper fixture P-6 in Waste and Vent Diagram 7.

Sheet 15-9.3
1. Provide new fixture total in Fixture Schedule.

2. Indicate maximum flow for lavatory faucets as follows per ARS Title 45
a) Private-3.0 GPM
b) Public- self-close upon maximum delivery of 0.25 gallons of water or shall flow a maximum of .05 GPM at 80 PSI.

3. Provide water pipe sizing calculations to ensure adequate supply. Ref. UPC 610.4, 610.5.

1. Provide specifications for duct materials, chilled water and steam piping.

2. Provide condensate drainage systems for air handlers and fan coil. Ref. IMC 307.
Sheet 15-9.1
1. Revise Energy Code Block to indicate 1998 IECC which is adopted by City of Tucson.

1. Provide note to address City of Tucson Outside Lighting Ordinance.

2. Correct AHU-1 voltage from 360 Volts to read 460 Volts on Sheet 15-9.1.

3. Plans indicate that Sheet 16-2.5 is required and is a part of the project, however, this sheet is not included in planset.

4. Provide calculations indicating total connected power in watts for interior lights as outlined in 1998 International Energy Conservation Code Table 705.4.

Sheet 16-1.1
1. Show Keynote #1 on plans.

Sheet 16-2.0
1. Under Note #11, reference to Sheet 16-2.5 (Sheet 16-2.5 not in planset). Feeders may be required to be installed in a 1-hr fire rated assembly. Ref. NEC 700-9(c)(d)(i) (a)(b)(c)(b).

Sheets 16-2.1 and 16-2.2
1. Please address Treatment Rooms (total of 35), Trauma, 1238, 1340, 1271, 1252A and 1252B wiring method. All rooms appear to be patient care areas and shall be wired as per NEC 517.13(a) and (b) or all rooms within hospital may be wired with two ground paths if covered by specifications, please show section number.

2. Provide reference note to cover bonding of panelboards serving the same individual patient vicinity. Ref. NEC 517-14.

3. Coordinate Note 12 with fire alarm and door holders.

4. Plans indicate that most treatment rooms have a sink located in room and require a GFI receptacle. Ref. NEC 210-8(a)(1).

5. Please add reference to hospital grade receptacles or show specification section. Ref. NEC 517-18(b) and Color 517-33(c).

6. Clarify if a sump pump will be provided for the elevator.

7. Indicate if pipe chase is fire rated.

Sheet 16-2.2
1. Detail B shows four transformers, two marked N, one marked L and one not marked. Coordinate markings of Panels A.T.S and transformers to match One-Line on Sheet 16-7.1.

2. Under Sheet 16-2.0, Note 11 and Note 7, three emergency feeders are shown from Switchboards EA, EB and EC to be fed up to Mezzanine. Please show routing up and over to electrical equipment. These feeders fall under fire protected conductors. Ref. NEC 700-9(c)(d)(1)(2).

Sheets 16-3.1 and 3.2
1. Provide reference to keyed notes or refer to Sheet 16-2.1 if correct.

2. Symbols on Sheet 16-0.1 do not indicate what fixtures with a slash are intended to be. Please clarify (critical, life safety).

3. Some circuits require circuit numbers, see for example Rooms 1165, 1166, 1168 and 1185.

4. Provide better information under Notes 11 and 18 on Sheet 16-2.1. Show if headwall fixture has a light source as plans only show critical branch lighting and two sources may be required. See NEC 517-13(a)(b) FPN.

Sheet 16-7.1
1. Provide a note to connect common grounding electrode main 800 Amp service entrance section to CB-L, CB-C and CB-E. Ref. NEC 250-58.

2. Main Circuit Breaker CB-L, CB-C and CB-E shall be service rated and a sign at location of main service shall indicate location of additional service mains. Ref. NEC 230-70(a)(b)(c).

3. Show number of poles for ATS-L, ATS, CB-C and CB-E (shall match existing ATS in hospital). Show any special grounding or bonding.

4. Show size of ATS in amps or provide note that ATS shall match overcurrent device.

5. Elevator shall be calculated at 140% or show duty cycle. A 30 HP motor at 40 Amps x 140% = 56 Amps. Load Calculation on panel EH may need to be adjusted. Panel Schedule shows 363 Amps and no continuous duty for elevator. Ref. NEC 430-22(b).
Sheets 16-7.2, 73, and 7.4
1. Please recheck number of panels. Schedule shows three Panels EL and two Panels NL.
10/15/2003 ELAINE ROSE ZONING REVIEW Needs Review
10/15/2003 EROSE1 WATER REVIEW Needs Review
10/15/2003 EROSE1 FIRE REVIEW Needs Review

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
10/15/2003 ELAINE ROSE OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed