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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: COMMERCIAL TI
Permit Number - T03CM03871
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
08/07/2003 | JIM EGAN | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
08/07/2003 | ROBERT SHERRY | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | Provide water pressure calculations to show how the water pipes were sized. Include the load of the existing fixtures in the calculation to verify that the existing 2" supply line is not being overloaded. |
08/07/2003 | ROBERT SHERRY | WATER | REVIEW | Approved | |
08/07/2003 | ROBERT SHERRY | MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. RH-1 does not comply with Section 507.2.2, IMC 2000. 2. Verify and show on the drawing that the existing restrooms comply with Section 403.2.1 (3), IMC 2000. |
08/08/2003 | PATRICIA GILBERT | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Approved | |
08/22/2003 | MVALDEZ1 | WWM | REVIEW | Needs Review | |
08/22/2003 | MVALDEZ1 | BUILDING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Needs Review | |
08/22/2003 | MVALDEZ1 | ZONING | REVIEW | Needs Review | |
08/22/2003 | LINDA BUCZYNSKI | ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Approved | 1. New ceiling fans on A8. (300W) (6) = 1800W/120 = 15A>9. Please correct. 2. Identify panel and circuit for new ceiling fans Children's and Two-Year Olds Rooms, and add to panel load calcs. 3. Identify panel and circuit for new receptacles in Office, and add to panel load calcs. 4. Signs on A12 & B8 should be assigned demand of 1.25. Or justify otherwise. 5. Since panels, feeders, and service are existing there is no need to address fault calcs or AFC. Information on plans is unclear. Note 8 on Sheet E1 does not address 208. Series rated for what voltages at the line side and load side devive? Fault calcs on the panel schedules do not identify corresponding points on line diagram for AFC. LAB, 8/7/03 |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
08/22/2003 | MONICA VALDEZ | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
08/22/2003 | MONICA VALDEZ | APPROVAL SHELF | Completed |