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Permit Number: T03CM03717
Parcel: 141012090

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: OTHER

Permit Number - T03CM03717
Review Name: OTHER
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments


1. Provide resubmittal sealed by a Registered Electrical Engineer.
2. Provide specifications for all equipment, such as conductor, conduit, disconnects, panels, inverter, junction boxes, combiner box. Specs for devices for which cut sheets have been provided may be simplified by reference to the product and catalogue number, but such cut sheets are no substitute for engineering due diligence. Note that the Operations Manual is also no substitute for project specifications.
3. Provide plans with all lettering in minimum font size #10.
4. Provide a Legend/Key to Symbols used on Plans.
5. Provide complete plan view with location of all pieces of equipment. Show the footprint of all equipment, both new and existing, to scale.
6. Demonstrate compliance with NEC Clearance Requirements of 110-16, and with manufacturer requirements of 6" of free air space on all sides of both cabinets for ventilation.
7. Diagram calls for garage mounting and roof mounting. Specify which mounting type this permit is to be for, and where. See Comment #4 above.
8. Manual refers to "2 PV modules in series" (p 1). Diagram calls for 32, 28, 36 & 24 module arrays. Submit plans with an array layout of the specific configuration submitted on this permit. How many panels in parallel, and how many in series, and wiring connections, shall be absolutely clear. Then it will be possible to evaluate circuits for NEC compliance.
9. Provide a Line Diagram with rating of all components. The one submitted appears to have many of these elements, but the font size is too small to read and reproduce properly, and it is overlaid with stamps. Provide identification of all enclosures, and clarify which system components exactly are within each enclosure. Provide a full size, clean copy for any further evaluation.
10. Provide overcurrent protection, along with rating and characteristics of such, of all conductors. Conductors need to be protected at its ampacity per NEC 240-3 (d), and the Photovoltaic Output Circuits shall be protected per NEC 690.9.

11. Notes may be difficult to read, but it appears that this installation is to comply with the 1996 NEC. Note that the City currently enforces 1999 NEC, and will accept 2002.
12. Notes mention something about the PV neutral connection which are a bit too small to read and overlaid with stamps such that not all the words are legible.
13. Specify the DC cable to be provided by Solarex.
14. Provide certification of UL listing of Inverter, Transformer, and Disconnects.
15. On the line diagram show all overcurrent devices supplying the bus at Panel of utility interconnect. Demonstrate compliance to NEC 690.64 (B) (2) and (4).
16. Specify that all overcurrent devices on the DC side of the system be DC rated, and specify voltage rating of such.
17. Specify marking per NEC 690.14 (C) (2).
18. Specify transformer KVA on Line Diagram.
19. Specify signing requirements per NEC 690.17.
20. Specify the grounding electrode depicted on the line diagram.
21. Size the grounding electrode conductor. Note that the Manual specifies a #6 BC ground conductor from the PV array to an acceptable earth ground.
22. Specify marking per NEC 690.53.
23. Specify marking per NEC 690.54.
24. Specify plaque or directory per NEC 690.56 (B).
25. Provide proper labeling/marking per NEC 690.5 ( C ).
08/26/2003 MARTIN HAEBERLE BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. Provide a current structural engineer analysis utilizing the IBC 2000.
2. Specify actual location of panels on roof. See Operation Manual
3. Detail on plan anchoring method of panels

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
09/19/2003 TAMI ACHONG OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
09/02/2003 TAMI ACHONG REJECT SHELF Completed