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Permit Number: T03CM00019
Parcel: 13707046C

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: SITE

Permit Number - T03CM00019
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
01/09/2003 JIM EGAN FIRE REVIEW Approved
01/24/2003 DAN CASTRO ZONING REVIEW Denied COMMENTS: Please attach a response letter with the next submittal, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. Per Pima County Assessors Records, the site is comprised of two separate parcels which must be combined by providing a copy of the recorded City of Tucson lot combination covenant and a copy of the approved Pima County Assessors Tax Combination form. Attached is a copy of the City of Tucson lot combination covenant.
D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.3

2. Note the project address on the plan.
D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.3

3. Note the proposed building height.
D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.6

4. Revise the dimension for the wheel stop location on the typical detail. The wheel stop must be located two and one-half (2½) feet in front of the parking space.
D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.8

5. All requested changes must be made to the site and landscape plans.
D.S. 2-07.2.1.A
REVIEWER: Doug Williams
DATE: 5 Feb 03
ACTIVITY NUMBERS: T03CM00019 and T03BU00024

SUMMARY: Engineering Section has reviewed the drainage report, site plan, and grading plan received on January 8, 2003. Approval of the Site Plan and Grading Plan is not recommended at this time. The Drainage Report was reviewed for grading plan and site plan review only. The following comments are offered:

The consultant should refer to drainage report content and format requirements outlined in the City of Tucson's Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management (SMDDFM) City of Tucson Development Standard (D.S.) 10-02.0, section 2.3. The drainage report must address the components outlined below.
a) Provide the administrative/site address on cover - see SMDDFM, D.S.10- B.
b) Identify and discuss drainage studies for the parcels adjacent to the site that may impact this project, in addition to Irvington Road flow depths, in accordance with (IAW) D.S.10- D of the SMDDFM. The consultant may wish to contact City of Tucson Department of Transportation (TDOT), Stormwater Management Section for verified flow rates and characteristics, if available. If not available, the consultant should examine and verify the offsite watershed characteristics and state the accuracy of such in the report. Include the major technical items discussed in D.S.10- A-G.
c) Specify the name, address, and telephone # of the person(s), firm(s), agency or agencies responsible for ownership, operation, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and liability of the drainage improvements (basin) described in the report (D.S.10- E).
d) Provide legible photo-topographic maps, for accurate depiction/delineation and review of the offsite watershed affecting the parcel, IAW D.S.10- A 3.
e) Clarify the statement in the introduction regarding stormwater detention that will be provided in the "…depressed landscaping area". Will this area be considered a water harvesting area?
f) Clarify the statement in the introduction regarding stormwater detention that "…1.5 cfs detain within the detention basin". The plans submitted in conjunction with the report propose a constructed basin for detention, 3' deep, 10' wide and 85' in length, however there is no indication for outlet flows. Provide discussion, outlet flow details, and reservoir routing data in the drainage report for a detention system. The consultant should ensure these items are thoroughly addressed in the resubmittal, IAW the Pima County/City of Tucson Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual D.S.10-01.0.
g) The statement in the introduction that retention is not required appears accurate, however, 3' of stormwater retention appears to be proposed. The consultant should provide percolation test results, IAW the recommended procedure of the Pima County Department of Transportation - Flood Control District, with the report, demonstrating sufficient infiltration rates (12 hours maximum, for contributing drainage areas of 10 acres or less). See D.S. 10-01.III.
h) Detention basin details, dimensions and design should be provided, fully labeled and discussed in the report, IAW D.S. 10- A 3-5, B, C, and D.S. 10-01. IV, and section V.
i) Discuss and include a basin security barrier, IAW D.S. 10-
j) For flows crossing sidewalk area, provide scupper conveyance calculations for basin outflow, demonstrating compliance with D.S. 2-08.4.1 E and 3-01.4.4 F.

a) Depict the limits of the 100-year floodplain, if applicable, and detention basin 100-year water surface elevation D.S. 2-02.1.15.
b) Depict site drainage patterns and the building finished floor elevation, at a minimum (D.S. 2-02.1.16)
c) Provide/label the near and far side Site Visibility Triangle dimensions (existing and future) on the plan (D.S. 2-02.1.10 and 3-01.5.0).
d) Depict maneuverability/access to and from the loading zone (D.S. 2-02.1.14).
e) Dimension from street monument lines to existing and proposed curbs, sidewalks, driveway(s) and utility lines (D.S. 2-02.1.21).
f) Depict and label any proposed fences, walls or vegetation for screening (D.S. 2-02.1.27).
g) Provide van accessible stall dimensions for parking detail 2.
h) Depict roof drainage direction and associated scuppers for 10-year flow conveyance under sidewalk areas (D.S. 2-08.4.1 E and 3-01.4.4 F2).
i) Depict refuse container access thereto and vehicle maneuverability departing from the site, including minimum 18' radii where all paals intersect another paal (D.S. 2-02.1.32, D.S. 3-01.0 - figure 6, and D.S. 6-01.0).

The consultant should note that subsequent comments might be forthcoming, should site/drainage design incorporate changes warranting such, upon resubmittal.
a) Provide bases of bearing and elevation, with reference to book and page. (COT field book/page required for elevation datum).
b) Include general grading/construction notes, IAW Chapter 36, 2000 IBC (excavation and grading). The consultant should direct special attention to the sections pertaining to cuts, fills, grading setbacks, slope treatments and geotechnical report requirements and recommendations.
c) Provide a legend, cross-sections fully labeled and dimensioned for the basin and each perimeter, grading limits and slope treatments with specific reference to riprap average diameter and thickness.
d) Include scupper, basin inlet and outlet details, fully dimensioned, and labeled.

Provide a revised drainage report, site plan and grading plan. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550, extension 1189.

Douglas Williams
Senior Engineering Associate
Engineering Section
Development Services
REVIEWER: Doug Williams
DATE: 5 Feb 03
ACTIVITY NUMBERS: T03CM00019 and T03BU00024

SUMMARY: Engineering Section has reviewed the drainage report, site plan, and grading plan received on January 8, 2003. Approval of the Site Plan and Grading Plan is not recommended at this time. The Drainage Report was reviewed for grading plan and site plan review only. The following comments are offered:

The consultant should refer to drainage report content and format requirements outlined in the City of Tucson's Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management (SMDDFM) City of Tucson Development Standard (D.S.) 10-02.0, section 2.3. The drainage report must address the components outlined below.
a) Provide the administrative/site address on cover - see SMDDFM, D.S.10- B.
b) Identify and discuss drainage studies for the parcels adjacent to the site that may impact this project, in addition to Irvington Road flow depths, in accordance with (IAW) D.S.10- D of the SMDDFM. The consultant may wish to contact City of Tucson Department of Transportation (TDOT), Stormwater Management Section for verified flow rates and characteristics, if available. If not available, the consultant should examine and verify the offsite watershed characteristics and state the accuracy of such in the report. Include the major technical items discussed in D.S.10- A-G.
c) Specify the name, address, and telephone # of the person(s), firm(s), agency or agencies responsible for ownership, operation, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and liability of the drainage improvements (basin) described in the report (D.S.10- E).
d) Provide legible photo-topographic maps, for accurate depiction/delineation and review of the offsite watershed affecting the parcel, IAW D.S.10- A 3.
e) Clarify the statement in the introduction regarding stormwater detention that will be provided in the "…depressed landscaping area". Will this area be considered a water harvesting area?
f) Clarify the statement in the introduction regarding stormwater detention that "…1.5 cfs detain within the detention basin". The plans submitted in conjunction with the report propose a constructed basin for detention, 3' deep, 10' wide and 85' in length, however there is no indication for outlet flows. Provide discussion, outlet flow details, and reservoir routing data in the drainage report for a detention system. The consultant should ensure these items are thoroughly addressed in the resubmittal, IAW the Pima County/City of Tucson Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual D.S.10-01.0.
g) The statement in the introduction that retention is not required appears accurate, however, 3' of stormwater retention appears to be proposed. The consultant should provide percolation test results, IAW the recommended procedure of the Pima County Department of Transportation - Flood Control District, with the report, demonstrating sufficient infiltration rates (12 hours maximum, for contributing drainage areas of 10 acres or less). See D.S. 10-01.III.
h) Detention basin details, dimensions and design should be provided, fully labeled and discussed in the report, IAW D.S. 10- A 3-5, B, C, and D.S. 10-01. IV, and section V.
i) Discuss and include a basin security barrier, IAW D.S. 10-
j) For flows crossing sidewalk area, provide scupper conveyance calculations for basin outflow, demonstrating compliance with D.S. 2-08.4.1 E and 3-01.4.4 F.

a) Depict the limits of the 100-year floodplain, if applicable, and detention basin 100-year water surface elevation D.S. 2-02.1.15.
b) Depict site drainage patterns and the building finished floor elevation, at a minimum (D.S. 2-02.1.16)
c) Provide/label the near and far side Site Visibility Triangle dimensions (existing and future) on the plan (D.S. 2-02.1.10 and 3-01.5.0).
d) Depict maneuverability/access to and from the loading zone (D.S. 2-02.1.14).
e) Dimension from street monument lines to existing and proposed curbs, sidewalks, driveway(s) and utility lines (D.S. 2-02.1.21).
f) Depict and label any proposed fences, walls or vegetation for screening (D.S. 2-02.1.27).
g) Provide van accessible stall dimensions for parking detail 2.
h) Depict roof drainage direction and associated scuppers for 10-year flow conveyance under sidewalk areas (D.S. 2-08.4.1 E and 3-01.4.4 F2).
i) Depict refuse container access thereto and vehicle maneuverability departing from the site, including minimum 18' radii where all paals intersect another paal (D.S. 2-02.1.32, D.S. 3-01.0 - figure 6, and D.S. 6-01.0).

The consultant should note that subsequent comments might be forthcoming, should site/drainage design incorporate changes warranting such, upon resubmittal.
a) Provide bases of bearing and elevation, with reference to book and page. (COT field book/page required for elevation datum).
b) Include general grading/construction notes, IAW Chapter 36, 2000 IBC (excavation and grading). The consultant should direct special attention to the sections pertaining to cuts, fills, grading setbacks, slope treatments and geotechnical report requirements and recommendations.
c) Provide a legend, cross-sections fully labeled and dimensioned for the basin and each perimeter, grading limits and slope treatments with specific reference to riprap average diameter and thickness.
d) Include scupper, basin inlet and outlet details, fully dimensioned, and labeled.

Provide a revised drainage report, site plan and grading plan. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550, extension 1189.

Douglas Williams
Senior Engineering Associate
Engineering Section
Development Services
REVIEWER: Doug Williams
DATE: 5 Feb 03
ACTIVITY NUMBERS: T03CM00019 and T03BU00024

SUMMARY: Engineering Section has reviewed the drainage report, site plan, and grading plan received on January 8, 2003. Approval of the Site Plan and Grading Plan is not recommended at this time. The Drainage Report was reviewed for grading plan and site plan review only. The following comments are offered:

The consultant should refer to drainage report content and format requirements outlined in the City of Tucson's Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management (SMDDFM) City of Tucson Development Standard (D.S.) 10-02.0, section 2.3. The drainage report must address the components outlined below.
a) Provide the administrative/site address on cover - see SMDDFM, D.S.10- B.
b) Identify and discuss drainage studies for the parcels adjacent to the site that may impact this project, in addition to Irvington Road flow depths, in accordance with (IAW) D.S.10- D of the SMDDFM. The consultant may wish to contact City of Tucson Department of Transportation (TDOT), Stormwater Management Section for verified flow rates and characteristics, if available. If not available, the consultant should examine and verify the offsite watershed characteristics and state the accuracy of such in the report. Include the major technical items discussed in D.S.10- A-G.
c) Specify the name, address, and telephone # of the person(s), firm(s), agency or agencies responsible for ownership, operation, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and liability of the drainage improvements (basin) described in the report (D.S.10- E).
d) Provide legible photo-topographic maps, for accurate depiction/delineation and review of the offsite watershed affecting the parcel, IAW D.S.10- A 3.
e) Clarify the statement in the introduction regarding stormwater detention that will be provided in the "…depressed landscaping area". Will this area be considered a water harvesting area?
f) Clarify the statement in the introduction regarding stormwater detention that "…1.5 cfs detain within the detention basin". The plans submitted in conjunction with the report propose a constructed basin for detention, 3' deep, 10' wide and 85' in length, however there is no indication for outlet flows. Provide discussion, outlet flow details, and reservoir routing data in the drainage report for a detention system. The consultant should ensure these items are thoroughly addressed in the resubmittal, IAW the Pima County/City of Tucson Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual D.S.10-01.0.
g) The statement in the introduction that retention is not required appears accurate, however, 3' of stormwater retention appears to be proposed. The consultant should provide percolation test results, IAW the recommended procedure of the Pima County Department of Transportation - Flood Control District, with the report, demonstrating sufficient infiltration rates (12 hours maximum, for contributing drainage areas of 10 acres or less). See D.S. 10-01.III.
h) Detention basin details, dimensions and design should be provided, fully labeled and discussed in the report, IAW D.S. 10- A 3-5, B, C, and D.S. 10-01. IV, and section V.
i) Discuss and include a basin security barrier, IAW D.S. 10-
j) For flows crossing sidewalk area, provide scupper conveyance calculations for basin outflow, demonstrating compliance with D.S. 2-08.4.1 E and 3-01.4.4 F.

a) Depict the limits of the 100-year floodplain, if applicable, and detention basin 100-year water surface elevation D.S. 2-02.1.15.
b) Depict site drainage patterns and the building finished floor elevation, at a minimum (D.S. 2-02.1.16)
c) Provide/label the near and far side Site Visibility Triangle dimensions (existing and future) on the plan (D.S. 2-02.1.10 and 3-01.5.0).
d) Depict maneuverability/access to and from the loading zone (D.S. 2-02.1.14).
e) Dimension from street monument lines to existing and proposed curbs, sidewalks, driveway(s) and utility lines (D.S. 2-02.1.21).
f) Depict and label any proposed fences, walls or vegetation for screening (D.S. 2-02.1.27).
g) Provide van accessible stall dimensions for parking detail 2.
h) Depict roof drainage direction and associated scuppers for 10-year flow conveyance under sidewalk areas (D.S. 2-08.4.1 E and 3-01.4.4 F2).
i) Depict refuse container access thereto and vehicle maneuverability departing from the site, including minimum 18' radii where all paals intersect another paal (D.S. 2-02.1.32, D.S. 3-01.0 - figure 6, and D.S. 6-01.0).

The consultant should note that subsequent comments might be forthcoming, should site/drainage design incorporate changes warranting such, upon resubmittal.
a) Provide bases of bearing and elevation, with reference to book and page. (COT field book/page required for elevation datum).
b) Include general grading/construction notes, IAW Chapter 36, 2000 IBC (excavation and grading). The consultant should direct special attention to the sections pertaining to cuts, fills, grading setbacks, slope treatments and geotechnical report requirements and recommendations.
c) Provide a legend, cross-sections fully labeled and dimensioned for the basin and each perimeter, grading limits and slope treatments with specific reference to riprap average diameter and thickness.
d) Include scupper, basin inlet and outlet details, fully dimensioned, and labeled.

Provide a revised drainage report, site plan and grading plan. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550, extension 1189.

Douglas Williams
Senior Engineering Associate
Engineering Section
Development Services
02/06/2003 JOE LINVILLE LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1) Revise the plans to provide the minimum tree planter width within the vehicular use area per LUC "An unpaved planting area, which is a minimum of thirty-four (34) square feet in area and four (4) feet in width, must be provided for each canopy tree.".

2) Provide information on the proposed hydroseeding (Sheet A.1.2). Per DS 9-06.5.0 "In projects where seeding is required or is being utilized to meet a landscaping requirement, the items to address, in addition to seed selection, are irrigation requirements, site preparation, and establishment guarantee."

3) Clarify the ground surface treatments proposed for the site.
"All disturbed, grubbed, graded, or bladed areas not otherwise improved shall be landscaped, reseeded, or treated with an inorganic or organic ground cover to help reduce dust pollution.

4) Trachelospermum asiaticum appears on the landscape plan to be located outside of oasis areas. These areas are to be included in the oasis calculations, as the plant is not included in the ADWR Drought Tolerant Plant List. It is likely that inclusion of these areas will exceed the maximum allowable oasis area. Revise as necessary. LUC

5) Dimension the street landscape border on the site and landscape plans. The borders must be a minimum of ten feet wide, measured from the property line. LUC

6) Screening plants located in front of the parking aisle along the east property line must be located per LUC which states "Hedges and other vegetative screens shall not extend more than three (3) feet into the street landscape border. If, based on the growing characteristics of the type of plant used, the ultimate width of the vegetative screen will be greater than three (3) feet, the vegetative screen must be
sufficiently set back from the landscape border to accommodate the wider growth."

7) A Native Plant Preservation Plan has not been received. If protected plants per LUC 3.8.5 exist on the site a plan will be required prior to acceptance of any plan resubmittals. If no protected plants occur on the site an application for exception is required. LUC 3.8, DS 2-15.0
The form is available at the following link: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/NPPOapp.pdf
02/06/2003 JOE LINVILLE NPPO REVIEW Denied A Native Plant Preservation Plan has not been received. If protected plants per LUC 3.8.5 exist on the site a plan will be required prior to acceptance of any plan resubmittals. If no protected plants occur on the site an application for exception is required prior to acceptance. LUC 3.8, DS 2-15.0
The form is available at the following link: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/NPPOapp.pdf

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description