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Permit Number: T03BU03106
Parcel: 12801011A


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: GRADING

Permit Number - T03BU03106
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
01/07/2004 Patricia Gehlen ZONING REVIEW Passed
01/12/2004 DOUG WILLIAMS ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied SUBJECT: Grading Plan Review - Alamo Wash
REVIEWER: Doug Williams
DATE: 9 January 2004

SUMMARY: Engineering Division has reviewed the subject Improvement Plans received 11 DEC 2003. Approval is not recommended at this time. Please address the following comments prior to resubmittal:

1. If the site development is conditional upon removing any portion of the project from the FEMA floodplain, a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) will be required. The CLOMR will be needed upon building or grading permit submittal for the site, whichever occurs first (Development Standard 10-02.0, Section 5.6.2).
2. Engineering and Zoning Review Division approvals of the W.A.S.H. Ordinance Study Report do not preclude obtaining approval by Mayor and Council for the proposed grouted riprap spillways and drainage crossing structure proposed under this grading permit application. These items must be reviewed by the City of Tucson Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) prior to going before Mayor and Council for consideration, as proposed wash treatments. The grading permit may not be issued prior to these approvals (Section 29-16 b 1 b, Tucson Code).
3. A floodplain use permit will be required prior to, or in conjunction with grading permit issuance. Resubmittal must include a completed a Floodplain Use Permit application.
4. Please indicate in the title block that the submitted plans are "grading" (Improvement) plans.
5. Depict and label Grading Limits. The submittal appears to propose only the Alamo Wash south bank improvements and spillway removal/replacement, excluding the bridge construction (see drainage crossing note referring to a separate permit).
6. Provide the total area to be disturbed under this permit application. If this area is one acre or greater, three sets of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans, with text, must be included with a resubmittal (Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) Construction General Permit requirements)
7. Include reference to Chapter 36, 2000 International Building Code (IBC) for excavation and grading requirements in the Grading Notes section.
8. There are two C/2 details provided on sheet 2 - revise as necessary.
9. Detail F/2 does not appear to have a reference keynote or callout - please revise as necessary. Also, check the accompanying note's reference to General Note no. 9 - it appears this is intended to be no.6).


1. A Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) is required for any proposed alterations/revisions to a federally mapped floodplain, whenever improvements/construction results in changes to water surface elevations, and/or floodplain limits. The LOMR must be submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) within 180 days of completion of construction.

2. A separate right of way excavation permit will be required for any work that may be proposed in the public right of way. Contact Permits and Codes Section, Engineering Division, Tucson Department of Transportation - TDOT at 791-5100 for questions.

3. Although not proposed under this permit, the drainage crossing is an integral part of this development as a whole. Please ensure all appropriate hydraulic calculations addressing the Alamo Wash 100-year water surface elevations, including freeboard, as they affect the proposed drainage crossing, are fully addressed and provided with the submittal.
If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550, extension 1189 or Dwillia1@ci.tucson.az.us

Douglas Williams
Sr. Engineering Associate
Engineering Division
Development Services Department
01/12/2004 Joseph Linville NPPO REVIEW Approved

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description