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Permit Number: T03BU02623
Parcel: 116093150


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL

Permit Number - T03BU02623
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
01/21/2004 Doug Williams ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied SUBJECT: Daystar Estates Grading Plan - Engineering Review
REVIEWERS: Doug Williams, Elizabeth Eberbach
DATE: 23 January 2004

SUMMARY: A current Grading Plan, SWPPP, Drainage Report, Geotechnical Engineering Report, and copy of accepted Tentative Plat were received on 8 January 2004. Engineering Division has performed a review of the received items and does not recommend approval at this time. The Drainage Report was reviewed for Grading Plan purposes. Some of the previous comments have not been sufficiently addressed. Please address all comments provided below.


1) Delineate the current FEMA Zone A Floodplain limits per panel 2210K on the drainage exhibits in the drainage report. To assure that a LOMR will not be required, the current FEMA delineation must be clearly depicted in the drainage report, demonstrating whether or not this project encroaches into the FEMA floodplain. Any development within the floodplain requires a floodplain use permit.


1. Delineate FEMA Zone A Floodplain limits as currently depicted on Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panel 2210K on all affected plan views.
2. Provide a callout for cross-section E/4.
3. Provide scupper details with type, number of openings, and widths noted between lots 3 & 4, 12 & 13 and 18 & 20.
4. Label and dimension the erosion protection toe-down depth to the scour depth with any freeboard as calculated in the drainage report appendix A4, in details L/3 and H/3. Also, note that detail L/3 is used for separate locations on the plan - a specific detail for the south perimeter callout locations is recommended (Anklam Road frontage).
5. The 30' undisturbed area identified in detail G/3 is depicted on the lot sides of this detail although the undisturbed area should be on the other side - revise as necessary.
6. Horizontal location of detail G/4 structure shall be clarified. Specify the horizontal distance of this erosion protection structure, and provide a note for angular rock to be used in its construction. Otherwise include notation for reference to construction plans for this drainage structure on this Grading Plan.
7. Add a grading limit line on detail A1/1 and clearly label area to remain undisturbed. Correct the callout direction on sheet 2.
8. Add the following as a Grading Note to the Grading Plan. A right-of-way permit must be obtained for any work in the public right-of-way. Contact Engineering Division, Permits & Codes Section for information at 791-5100.
9. The full 20' emergency access easement must be maintained at the basin access ramp location. Detention basin grading information on sheets 2 and 4 indicate a proposed cut/excavation within this easement. Revise as necessary, with clear indication that there will be traversable grades within this 20' easement.
10. Depict the continuation of the above-described easement southward to the Anklam Road right of way, with labeling and clear depiction of its split into two separate easements.
11. Provide the basin low flow pipe inlet invert elevation.
12. Identify the existing drainage structure northwest of common area "A".
13. Remove all "+/-" notations from the civil drawings / construction documents.
14. Include the project/administrative address on sheet1.
15. Submit a Floodplain Use Permit Application with the resubmittal. A floodplain use permit must be issued in conjunction with, or prior to issuance of the grading permit for floodplain development.
16. Omit or revise Grading Note # 10, and provide a proposed grade contour line (darkened) in the legend.
17. Provide an emergency spillway for the embankment area at the northwest corner of the basin. Please include a detailed cross section through this portion of the basin, fully labeled and dimensioned. The detail must include existing and finish grades depicting a match with existing elevations, and appropriate basin side slope erosion protection, fully labeled and dimensioned.


1. Provide 3 copies each of the following in a resubmittal:

a) Copies of the Notice of Intent (NOI) forwarded to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)
b) Construction General Permit
c) Narrative/text and plan sheets with all owner and operator certifications provided.

2. Address all redlines on the SWPPP's and include with the resubmittal.

Please ensure all of the above items are included in a resubmittal, at a minimum.

Resubmittal shall include a Floodplain Use Permit Application, three sets of revised Grading Plans, Drainage Report addenda, SWPPP, and any other accompanying documentation.

If you have any questions, contact either myself or Elizabeth Eberbach at 791-5550, extension 2204

Doug Williams
Sr. Engineering Associate
Engineering Division
Development Services Department

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description