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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: GRADING
Permit Number - T03BU01160
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
05/30/2003 | DOUG WILLIAMS | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Approved | |
05/30/2003 | LOREN MAKUS | NPDES | REVIEW | Approv-Cond | The stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) was accepted as adequate to protect the MS4 operated by the City of Tucson. The SWPPP does not appear to meet the minimum requirements of the general permit issued by Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). Revise the SWPPP to meet the requirements of the general permit before construction begins. A copy of the revised SWPPP must be maintained at the project site at all times during construction. Please provide Development Services Engineering Division a copy of the revised plan for our records. Address these comments: 1. Revise the SWPPP to provide identification of all operators and the areas over which each has control. Specify which of the roles described in the permit that each operator fills. (AzPDES Construction General Permit Part IV.C.1) 2. Revise the SWPPP to provide a description of the project and its intended use. (Part IV.C.2.b) 3. Revise the SWPPP to provide estimated run-off coefficients for pre-construction and post-construction conditions. (Part IV.C.2.d) 4. Revise the general location map to show receiving waters within one mile (Part IV.C.2.e) 5. Include a copy of the AzPDES permit. (Part IV.F) Each operator is responsible for submitting a completed Notice of Intent to ADEQ and to the city of Tucson. 6. The grading plan indicates that there will be a substantial export of soil. Revise the sequence of soil disturbing activities to include the export of soil. Address the potential tracking and an increased inspection and sweeping schedule while the export is occurring. (Part IV.C.2.b and Part IV.D.1) 7. The sequence of major activities does not appear to be descriptive of this project. USEPA has commented to us that SWPPPs should be specifically written to apply to the project it covers. The sequence should include construction of the building. Revise the sequence of major activities to address the specifics of this project. 8. The inspection schedules in the plan report and the inspection schedule on the site map do not agree and generally do not meet the requirements of the general permit. Revise the inspection descriptions to reflect the requirements of the general permit. 9. Revise the description of temporary stabilization practices. Sediment traps and silt fences do not provide stabilization. Interim stabilization may be provided with aggregate in the areas to be paved or by other surface treatments. (Part IV.D.2) 10. Revise the concrete washout instructions in the SWPPP report. If concrete trucks are not allowed to wash out on site, describe the procedures that will be followed to prevent the washout from becoming a pollutant. It is generally preferable to provide a designated washout location. A designated washout location has been shown on the site map. Make sure the site map and report are consistent. (Part IV.D.7) 11. Revise the SWPPP to include the following required elements: Description of the spill prevention and control plan (Part IV.D.8.c), description of vehicle and equipment maintenance controls (Part IV.C.5), schedule of implementation and removal for each structural control or stabilization practice (Part IV.D.1) and the party responsible for implementation and maintenance of each control (Part IV.D.1) 12. Revise the SWPPP to address any offsite accumulation of sediment. When sediment escapes the construction site, offsite accumulations of sediment must be routinely removed and at a frequency sufficient to ensure no adverse effects on water quality. (Part IV.D.2.c) 13. Revise the description of waste disposal practices to address the preventing litter from becoming a pollutant. (Part IV.D.3) 14. Note: The general permit, the fact sheet and other information about the general permit can be obtained from the ADEQ web site: http://www.adeq.state.az.us/environ/water/permits/stormwater.html#const. |
06/02/2003 | CRAIG GROSS | ZONING | REVIEW | Approv-Cond | Grading permit approved based on conditionally approved development plan. Building permits will not be issued until DP is completed. |
06/03/2003 | CRAIG GROSS | NPPO | REVIEW | Approved | NPPO exception approved |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
06/03/2003 | MONICA VALDEZ | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
06/03/2003 | ANGIE SHOFFSTALL | APPROVAL SHELF | Completed |