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Permit Number: T03BU00803
Parcel: 116274660

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: GRADING

Permit Number - T03BU00803
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/04/2003 DOUG WILLIAMS ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied SUBJECT: Blair SFR - 685 S. Little Bird Place
REVIEWER: Doug Williams
DATE: 4 April 2003

SUMMARY: Engineering Division has reviewed the grading concept plan received on March 31, 2003. Approval is not recommended at this time. Please address the following comments:

1. Provide a north arrow;
2. Provide general grading notes;
3. Depict and label proposed grade contour lines;
4. Provide a basis of elevation with reference to City of Tucson (COT) Field Book and Page;
5. Provide cross sections depicting existing cul-de-sac, top of curb and driveway area elevations and their corresponding proposed elevations. Include additional proposed spot elevations on the plan where pertinent, clearly demonstrating existing drainage patterns in this area will be maintained. The existing flows entering the site from the west must also be accommodated in a fashion similar or identical to existing conditions;
6. Provide details and cross sections, fully dimensioned and labeled, for all existing and proposed surface drainage mechanisms and slope protection (hand-placed riprap?), with reference to all dimensions, depths, thickness (t) and average diameter of rock size (d50). Indicate rock placement on filter fabric, if proposed under this permit application;
7. Indicate whether the treatment on and adjacent to the east lot perimeter (discussed in item 6), is existing or proposed, and provide details and cross sections fully labeled, with proposed finished elevations. Written permission is required from the affected property owner for all offsite grading. Copies shall be provided with the resubmittal, if this is proposed;
8. Depict and label on the Grading Concept plan all lot dimensions and bearings - with basis of bearing noted, floodplain building setback, utility, drainage and all other easements, with recording information, as delineated on the Final Plat.
9. Items 1, 4 and 8 should be provided on the Site Plan, in addition to the Grading Concept plan. Please include these items on the resubmitted plan set, and remove the "original development envelope" delineation from the Site Plan.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550, extension 1189 or Dwillia1@ci.tucson.az.us.

Doug Williams
Sr. Engineering Associate
Engineering Division
Development Services Department
04/07/2003 ELAINE ROSE ZONING REVIEW Needs Review
04/07/2003 EROSE1 NPPO REVIEW Needs Review

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
04/07/2003 ELAINE ROSE OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed