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Permit Number: T03BU00309
Parcel: 12510006A

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL

Permit Number - T03BU00309
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/03/2003 LOREN MAKUS NPDES REVIEW Denied Target at El Con
3699 E. Broadway
Reviewed by Loren Makus
USEPA has recently commented to us that SWPPPs should be written for the specific project and that they should not be generic and broad. Revise the plan to address the specific conditions that will be found at this project site. Further, the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan does not meet the requirements of the AzPDES Construction General Permit. The following items must be addressed:
Provide identification of all operators and the areas over which each has control (Part IV.C.1) Where an operator is unknown (such as a yet to be determined general contractor) leave space for the identity to be supplied later.
Revise the general location map to show receiving waters within 1 mile and to provide enough detail to identify the location of the construction site. (Part IV.C.2.e)
Describe appropriate best management practices for all of the identified non-stormwater discharges. (Part IV.D.7)
Describe vehicle and equipment maintenance controls (Part IV.c.5)
Describe good housekeeping practices to prevent litter, construction debris, and construction chemicals from leaving the site (Part IV.D.3)
Specify which inspection schedule will be followed during the rainier seasons of the year. The inspections must be either once per week or every 14 days and within 24 hours of any rain event of one half inch or more. (Part IV.H.1)
Describe construction and waste materials expected to be stored on-site with updates as appropriate. Include descriptions of controls to reduce pollutants from these materials. (Part IV.D.8.c)
Provide a plan and narrative that address the specific conditions at this location; address the following:
Revise the "Grading/Stabilization Activities" section, beginning on page 3, so that it describes this project.
Will there be any clearing and grubbing performed for this project? Is there mature vegetation to be preserved?
If the basement area of the former Ward's store is to be filled, include this in the sequence of soil disturbing activities.
Include the construction of the new building in the sequence as well.
This section indicates that "Recommended stabilization practices" are identified on page 7. Show or explain where specific practices are recommended.
A stabilized construction entrance is drawn on the site plan outside of the limits of disturbance. Revise the location of the stabilized construction entrance or the limits of disturbance or provide an equivalent method of controlling tracking of sediment from the construction area.
Recommend specific sediment controls and specific stabilization measures based onsite conditions. Sediment controls are not stabilization practices. Show how preservation of mature vegetation and landscaping are appropriate for this project or recommend other control measures.
Specify the timing of stabilization and sediment controls. Ensure that all items listed are applicable to this project.
Show how that flows from the roof drain bubble up will be diverted away from the disturbed area or show how flows will be otherwise managed.
Some parts of the project area drain to the southwest. Show perimeter sediment controls in these areas.
Show all catch basins in the parking areas around the project site. Indicate which catch basin will require sediment controls and recommend specific controls for these locations.
Provide for the removal of sediment that may accumulate on paved surfaces near the project site. Include a description of a sweeping schedule and/or other equivalent measures.
Page 13 indicates that Mr. Doe will be the site superintendent. Explain how you will maintain compliance with this requirement.
Explain the reference to the EPA Federa Register notice on page 10 and the inclusion of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quanities list since the Federal Register notice is no longer the controlling document.
Pages 9 and 10 include instructions for the contractor or subcontractor to provide narrative descriptions. This will be accepted but the permit will include a condition that no work may be performed until the narratives are reviewed and accepted by the plan reviewer or the Environmental Inspector.
Submit three copies of the revised plans for review.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
05/08/2003 DELMA ROBEY OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed