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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: COMMERCIAL NEW
Permit Number - T02CM05789
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/21/2003 | JIM EGAN | FIRE | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Provide complete code review checklist. Indicate requirement for panic hardware and show location on plan. 2. Fire sprinklers required. Provide design criteria on plan. See 2000 IBC Sec. 902.2.2-Tucson revisions. 3. Type 1 hood required over Kitchen range. |
01/27/2003 | DAN CASTRO | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | Zoning may not approve the building plans until the site plan is approved by all sections. |
02/26/2003 | LINDA BUCZYNSKI | ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | TRANSMIT ORIGINAL DRAWINGS WITH NEXT SUBMITTAL. PLEASE CALL AT 791-5550 X1106 OR EMAIL AT LBUCZYN1@CI.TUCSON.AZ.US IF YOU CARE TO DISCUSS. 1. For Panels A, B, & C, please establish grounding electrode per NEC 250.32 (B) (1). 2. Please submit lighting fixture cut sheets. Somehow I could not find them with the submittal. I will be looking especially at the exterior fixtures, such as Fixtures F, F1, and G. 3. Please submit IECC calculations for lighting power budget. 4. EF-3 in the Kitchen is listed on the Mechanical Schedule as ½ HP. At 9.8 A FLC per Table 430-148, the 6 AF at the disconnect may not allow it to start. 5. EF-4 in the Kitchen is listed on the Mechanical Schedule as 39W. The 6 AF at the disconnect may be too large. |
02/28/2003 | DOUG WILLIAMS | FLOODPLAIN | REVIEW | Denied | SUBJECT: Calli Ollin Academy REVIEWER: Doug Williams DATE: 28 Feb 03 ACTIVITY NUMBER: T02CM05879 SUMMARY: Engineering Section has reviewed the drainage report and site plan received on January 17, 2003. Approval of the Drainage Report and Site Plan is not recommended at this time. The following comments are offered: DRAINAGE REPORT COMMENTS: The consultant should refer to drainage report content and format requirements outlined in the City of Tucson's Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management (SMDDFM) - City of Tucson Development Standard 10-02.0, section 2.3. The submitted report does not address/discuss some of the required components, outlined below: a) Provide an administrative/site address, per SMDDFM, sec. B; b) Please address Balanced Basin flow reduction requirements in the "Objective/Purpose" portion of the report, per SMDDFM, sections B & C and A; c) Identify/discuss drainage studies for the parcels adjacent to, or nearby the site that may impact this project, in addition to Liberty Avenue and Irvington Road flows/depths, in accordance with section D of the SMDDFM. Include any of the items applicable listed in Section C; d) Please specify that the person(s), firm(s), agency or agencies will be responsible for the "ownership, operation, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and liability of the drainage improvements", rather than for the "project's improvements" on page six of the report, per sec. E, SMDDFM; e) Please provide a copy of any drainage-related items included in the CC&R's, referenced for long term maintenance responsibility, or include these items in the report, per SMDDFM, sections 1.5.2 and 14.3; f) Provide a legible photo-topographic map with delineation of the offsite watershed affecting the parcel, per SMDDFM, sec. A 3; g) Provide and depict a 15' wide vehicular access ramp for the basin, per SMDDFM, section 14.3; h) Submit a copy of the soils report, and percolation test results in accordance with the recommended procedures of the Pima County Department of Transportation - Flood Control District, demonstrating sufficient infiltration rates; i) Revise the 5-year threshold retention calculations to reflect a more accurate existing conditions runoff coefficient (use Cwex per table 3.4 in the Pima County/City of Tucson Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual - Development Standard 10-01.0); j) Provide revised detention basin, slope protection, and outlet weir (with tie-in) details, fully dimensioned and labeled in the report. The consultant should ensure that balanced basin flow attenuation and a revised 5-year threshold retention volume is addressed and accommodated in the basin design - SMDDFM, sec. A , B and C, and section V of the Detention/Retention Manual. Note: the consultant may also wish to refer to section IV of the Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual for design guidelines; k) The consultant shall ensure revised detention/retention basin design procedures and criteria (routing, working tables, hydrographs, etc.) addressing the above comments, have been met prior to resubmittal; l) Figure 4 basin sideslopes do not match those depicted in the drainage report. Also, there does not appear to be an opening depicted or addressed for the loading zone and refuse area drainage - please address as necessary. m) Revise or omit the weir callout note on figure 4, unless this exhibit is included with the report. Revise note B callout locations on the west side of the site (new curbing?); n) In the report summary, include certification of adherence to applicable local, state, and federal floodplain regulations, per SMDDFM, sec. B; o) Discuss/include a basin security barrier if applicable, per section 3.6.2 of the Det./Ret. Manual (Dev. Std. 10-01.0). p) Provide scupper conveyance calculations for basin outflow, demonstrating compliance with Development Standards (DS) 2-08.4.1 E and 3-01.4.4 F. SITE PLAN COMMENTS: Please note any changes resulting from drainage report revisions affecting the Site Plan should be reflected on the plan, as necessary. a) Depict and label lot dimensions and bearings (DS 2- b) Depict and label existing and future Site Visibility Triangles for the proposed Irvington Road access (DS 2- and 3-01.5.0). c) Depict maneuverability area for the loading zone (D.S. 2- d) Dimension the width of the proposed driveways and parking area access lanes (DS 2- e) Depict and label the 100-year water surface elevation on the site plan (DS 2- f) Depict drainage patterns and finish grades on the site plan (DS 2- g) Provide estimated cut and fill quantities (DS 2- h) Dimension and label from street monument lines to existing and proposed curbs, sidewalks, driveways and utility lines for existing and future (Major Streets and Routes - MS&R) rights of way, (DS 2- i) Depict refuse container maneuverability area, fully dimensioned and labeled. Include a minimum 18' radius at the turnaround (D.S. 2-, D.S. 3-01.0 - fig. 6, and D.S. 6-01.0). j) Depict roof drainage direction and associated scuppers for 10-year flow conveyance under sidewalk areas (D.S. 2-08.4.1 E and 3-01.4.4 F2). k) Provide a detail for the dumpster enclosure, in accordance with DS 6-01.4.0. l) Indicate whether the Irvington Road sidewalk is existing or proposed. New sidewalks must be six (6) feet wide on all major streets and routes, per Mayor and Council policy. m) Depict and label new sidewalk on Liberty Avenue, per DS 3-01.3.3 A. GENERAL COMMENTS: a) The consultant should note that subsequent comments might be forthcoming, should site/drainage design incorporate changes warranting such, upon resubmittal. b) A grading plan will be required for this project. Submit a completed a grading permit application with two sets of grading and paving plans. A reseeding bond is required for all sites greater than or equal to one (1) acre. The bond amount will be based upon the area to be graded. c) A stormwater pollution plan is required on all sites greater than 1 acre, effective March 2003, in accordance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. Provide a revised drainage report and site plan. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550, extension 1189 or Dwillia1@ci.tucson.az.us Doug Williams Sr. Eng. Associate Engineering Division Development Services Department |
03/25/2003 | DOUG LAAKSO | BUILDING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | .. T02CM05789 .. 251 W IRVINGTON ROAD .. DGL .. .. 3/25/03 .. STRUCTURAL COMMENTS .................... ...... .. .. S1. PROVIDE COMPLETED AND ACCURATE ' CODE REVIEW CHECKLIST', FOR EACH BUILDING, IF VIEWED SEPARATELY ; KITCHEN, AMPHITHEATER AND CLASSROOM BUILDING. .................................................. .. S2. CLARIFY ONE-HOUR FIRE-RATED SEPARATION AT INCIDENTAL STORAGE, PER IBC TABLE #302.1.1, DETAIL ON DRAWINGS ROOMS 142,125/126, 107,108, 109, AND 143. ......................................... ................................... . .. S3. SHOW PREMISES IDENTIFICATION ON ELEVATION PER IBC SEC 501.2 REF PLAN A-5. ........................ ........ . .. S4. PROVIDE ADDRESSING, ON DRAWINGS, TO SHOW HOW SITE ADDRESSING CONFORMS TO PIMA COUNTY ADDRESSING ORDINANCE, SEE ATTACHMENT, REF DRAWINGS A-0 AND A-5. ...................... ...................... ... .. S5. PROVIDE COMPLETED ALLOWABLE AREA CALCULATION PER IBC SEC 5, ON DRAWINGS FOR EACH BUILDING, EXPLAIN. ......................................... ......... .. .. S6. INDICATE FIRE-RATED WALLS ON A1, A7, AND SITE PLAN A-0, PER IBC SEC 3, 5, 6, AND 7, ADDRESS FEC/ FIRE RATING ON A-7. ........................................ ........... .. S7. JUSTIFY FIRE-RATED WALL/S BY PROVIDING FIRE ASSEMBLY LISTING AND DETAILS FOR CONSTRUCTION, ON DRAWINGS. ..................... ........................... ........ ... .. S8. DIMENSION EXTERIOR WALLS AT SOUTH PROPERTY LINE, REF DWG A-7, FOR KITCHEN AND AMPHITHEATER STRUCTURE. ........... ................... ......... .. S9. CLARIFY PARAPET HEIGHTS AT FIRE-RATED EXTERIOR WALLS PER IBC SEC 704, ON DWGS, ADDRESS OPENINGS. ......................................... .................... ..... . S10. PROVIDE MINIMUM 3/4 -HOUR FIRE-RATING PER TABLE 714.2 FOR DOOR ASSEMBLY, DOORS 109, 125, 126, 142A, 142B, AND 143. ..................................... ........ . S11. PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS THAT ARE CONSTRUCTION/PERMIT READY, NOT " PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION", INCLUDES C1, C2 AND C3, COORDINATE ALL DRAWINGS. .......................... ...... ..... . . S12. PROVIDE CODE CRITERIA FOR INTEROR FINISHES, PER IBC SEC 8, TABLE 803.4, ON DRAWINGS. ......... .... ... . S13. PROVIDE AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PER IBC SEC 903.2.2, SHOW CRITERIA ON DRAWINGS, AS AMENDED. ............................. ......................... .............. . S14. CLARIFY EXITING: ................................. ............... . ........1. COORDINATE DRAWINGS TO CLEARLY SHOW ACCESS TO EXITS, INCLUDING GATES. .................... ....... ... ..... 2. SHOW HOW ALL EXIT GATES CONFORM TO EXIT REQUIREMENTS, INCLUDE OCCUPANT LOAD AT AMPHITHEATER. .......................... ................. ................ ... ..... 3. EXITS TO SWING IN DIRECTION OF EGRESS INCLUDING ALL GATES. SHOW EXTENT OF FENCE CLEARLY. ............................... ....................... ................ ....... . 4. PROVIDE ADEQUATE FINISH GRADES TO SHOW CONFORMANCE WITH EXIT REQUIREMENTS. ................... ......... 5. SHOW EXIT WIDTH REQUIRED AND HOW IT IS MAINTAINED TO A PUBLIC WAY. .............................. ....... ......... 6. PROVIDE COMPLETE DETAILS OF FENCE INCLUDING GATES AND EXIT HARDWARE/ NO LATCH. ..... ......... 7. SHOW EXIT SIGNS ON ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ADEQUATE EXITING. .................. ........... ...... .. 8. SHOW DOOR HARDWARE CONFORMS WITH IBC SEC 1003.3.1.9, PANIC HARDWARE. ............ ........ ........... ...... .. 9. DETAIL HANDRAILS TO SHOW CONFORMANCE WITH IBC SEC 1003, FOR STAIRWAYS AND RAMPS, INCLUDING EXTENSIONS, CONNECTIONS W/ FASTENER ( TYPE,SIZE,NUMBER ) AND LOCATION BY DIMENSIONS. .. ... .... 10. FULLY DETAIL CORRIDORS PER IBC SEC 1004, PROVIDE COPY OF FIRE ASSEMBLY LISTING FOR WALLS AND CEILING ON DRAWINGS, ALSO; TRUSS, COLUMN AND BEAM DETAILS. ................................ ..................... . . ...... 11. FEC CABINET NOT ALLOWED TO BE RECESSED IN FIRE-RATED CORRIDOR WALL WITHOUT JUSTIFICATION FOR MAINTENANCE OF FIRE-RATED ASSEMBLY. ................................ ........................... ........ ........ 12. CLARIFY HOW 72" CLEAR CORRIDOR WIDTH IS MAINTANED. ................................... ...................... ........ ........ 13. EXPLAIN HOW AIR MOVEMENT IN CORRIDOR CONFORMS TO IBC SEC 1004. ....................... .............. PER IBC SEC 10. ....................... ...................... ............. . S15. CLARIFY ACCESSIBILITY PER IBC CHAPTER 11 AND ANSI A117.1-1998 ed, ON DRAWINGS; ............................. ....... 1. INDICATE ACCESSIBILE ROUTE .............. ............ ....... 2. CLARIFY PARKING AND PASSENGER LOADING FACILITIES. ...................................................... ............. ....... 3. SHOW TOILET FACILITIES CONFORMANCE WITH IBC SEC 1108 AND ANSI A117.1, LOCATE FIXTURES DIMENSIONALLY AND SHOW REQUIRED CLEAR FLOOR SPACE. ......................................................... ................. . S16. PROVIDE MINIMUM PLUMBING FIXTURE CALCULATION, ON DRAWINGS, ADDRESSING OCCUPANT LOADS FROM CLASSROOMS, OFFICES, LOBBY, AMPHITHEATER AND KITCHEN, PER IBC CHAPTER 29. .... . S17. ADDRESS LOCATION OF RETENTION/DETENTION BASIN PROXIMATY TO STRUCTURE IN SOILS REPORT AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN. ........................... ................ . S18. ADDRESS EFFECTS OF LOCATION OF RETENTION/DETENTION BASIN ADJACENT TO BUILDING HAS ON STRUCTURE IN SOILS REPORT, DRAINAGE REPORT AND STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS AND DESIGN, INCLUDE ON DRAWINGS. .............................. ................. . S19. PROVIDE SOIL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ON DRAWINGS PER IBC CHAPTER 18 AND SOILS REPORT. ... . S20. PROVIDE NAME AND MODEL NUMBER FOR CEILING SUSPENSION SYSTEM/S MANUFACTURER OR FULLY DETAIL AND SPECIFY ON DRAWINGS, REF DWG A3 AND SPEC'S. 9510. ........................................ ................. ...... . S21. EXPLAIN HOW ACCESSIBILITY IS PROVIDED FOR : IN KITCHEN,LOUNGE, CLASSROOMS 131 AND 127, AND NURSES OFFICE AREA, IBC CHAPTER 11 AND ANSI A117.1-1998 ed. .............................................. ........... .... . S22. REVISE STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS , ALL STRUCTURES, IMPORTANCE FACTOR CATEGORY II, PER TABLE 1604.5; KITCHEN, AMPHITHEATER CANOPY AND CLASSROOM BUILDING. ............................... ............. .... . S23. PROVIDE DOCUMENTS WITH A MINIMUM FONT SIZE OF 10 POINT. .................. ........................... . ......... . S24. DIMENSIONALLY LOCATE MECHANICAL UNITS AND EQUIPMENT ON THE ROOF OF STRUCTURES. COORDINATE ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS AND DESIGNS, INCLUDING STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS REF DWGS A-4, M-1 AND S-5, INDICATE ON DRAWINGS. ........................... ......... ... . S25. EXPLAIN WIND CALCULATIONS SHEET #4 OF STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS. ............................ ........... . S26. SHOW MECHANICAL UNITS AND EQUIPMENT IS ACCOUNTED FOR IN STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND ON DRAWINGS. ................................... ................................ . S27. COORDINATE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS AND CALCULATIONS. ..................................... ............... ........ . S28. L-1 ON LEDGER DWG S-3 SCHEDULE, 800T200-54 AT KITCHEN, L-1 4x8 LEDGER PER CALCS, COORDINATE. . . S29. SPECIFY CONNECTORS ON DRAWINGS. ............. ... . S30. PROVIDE CONNECTOR MANUFACTURERS APPROVAL/PROCEDURES FOR WELDING AND FASTENING, TYPICAL INCLUDING VALIDITY OF INSTALLATION. ............................................. ............ .... . S31. PROVIDE COMPLETE CALCULATION WITH BACKUP DATA TO SUPPORT DETAIL 205/S8, 207/S8, AND 211/S8. . S32. PROVIDE BEAM TO COLUMN CONNECTION DETAIL W/CALCULATIONS AT CANOPY REF DWG S-6 OVER PLATFORM. ................................................ ................ .. . S33. PROVIDE CALCULATIONS AND DETAILS ADDRESSING UPLIFT AT PLATFORM ROOF/CANOPY. ....... . S34. PROVIDE DESIGN CRITERIA AND SOURCE FOR GLB DESIGN B-2 CALCS, ( RIDGE AT CLASSROOM BLDG) OR COMPLETE CALCULATION. .............................. ................ . S35 ADDRESS ROOF LOADS FROM ROOF-MOUNTED EQUIPMENT IN DESIGN, COORDINATE WITH ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL DESIGNS. ............. ... . S36 LOCATE DOUBLE JOISTS ON ROOF PLAN AND CLEARLY SHOW NUMBER TO BE USED. ................ .......... . S37. PROVIDE READABLE COPY/S OF STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS, PORTIONS DID NOT COPY. .......... ........ . . S38. CONTINUE FOOTING AT EXTERIOR WALL ACROSS 6' OPENING AT EAST EXTERIOR WALL OF CLASSROOM STRUCTURE, REF DWG S-4, IBC SEC 1805.2. ................... . S39. CLARIFY DEPTH OF FOOTINGS. ....................... ...... . S40. CLARIFY JOIST SPACING IN CALCS, J4 AND J5. ...... . S41. COORDINATE MECHANICAL SCREEN REF ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING A-4 AND STRUCTURAL DWGS S-5, S-8 AND STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS. .................... . S42. COORDINATE FOOTING STEEL, SHEET #30 OF CALCS 5-#6 BARS CONT. LONG. vs 5-#5 WF2 DWG S-3. .... . S43. WHERE DOES CALC SHEET #31 MASONRY JAMB APPLY? ...................................................... ............. ...... . S44. DESIGN FOR STEEL STUD SHEARWALLS TO CONFORM WITH IBC CHAPTER 22 vs CALC SHEETS 39, 40 AND 41. ..... ................... .............................. ............. ... . S45. PROVIDE COMPLETE PLANS AND CALCULATIONS VERIFYING COMPLIANCE WITH ER-4943 SEC4.4. ....... ...... . S46. CLARIFY MASONRY WALL DESIGNS USED FOR CLASSROOM WALLS REF CALCS SHEET #23 AND MAIN CLASSROOM KEY PLAN. ............................. .................... . S47. SHOW PROPER CLEARANCES; WOOD TO MASONRY DETAIL 227/S8.1, PER IBC SEC 2304.11. .......... ......... ..... . S48. CLEARLY SHOW HOW CONTINUITY OF THE SHEAR PATH IS MAINTAINED AT DETAILS #223 AND 224, EXPLAIN. ........................................ .............. ................ . S49. PROVIDE STRUCTURAL DETAILS AND CALCULATIONS FOR HOLD-DOWNS, LEDGERS, AT METAL STUD SHEAR WALLS IN CLASSROOM BUILDING, REF S-4, S-7, S-5, AND S-8.1, ALSO DRAG STRUT. ................... ..... . S50. STORAGE RACKS OVER 8 FEET HIGH REQUIRE A BUILDING PERMIT. ............................. ................... ........ . S51. PROVIDE INSPECTION PROGRAM PER U. A. C. SEC 302.5 ( 1994 ed ). ................................. ............... ........... . S52. SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR : ................ . .......... 1. SPECIAL EXCAVATION AND FILLING .................. .......... 2. STRUCTURAL MASONRY ...................... ........... .......... 3. FIELD WELDING .................................... .......... . S53. PROVIDE PORCH DESIGN/CALCULATIONS AT CLASSROOM BUILDING , INCLUDING UPLIFT. ............. ..... . S54. PROVIDE SHOP DRAWING SUBMITTAL FOR WOOD TRUSSES. .................................................................... . . S55. PROVIDE SHOP DRAWING SUBMITTAL FOR : ......... ......... 1. METAL DECKING ................................................ ......... 2. STRUCTURAL COLD-FORMED STEEL FRAMING ... |
03/26/2003 | ROBERT SHERRY | WATER | REVIEW | Approved | |
03/28/2003 | ROBERT SHERRY | MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1) Recalculate ventilation requirements to conform to requirements of Section 403.3, IMC. a) Show the occupancy classification of rooms. b) Unoccupied spaces (e.g. closets) do not need to be included in calculations. c) Provide ventilation for corridors. d) The minimum occupant load is to be based on the values shown in Table 403.3 unless approved statistical data is provided to prove a lesser occupant load. Please note, however, if the actual number of occupants exceeds the number from Table 403.3, the ventilation rate must be based on the actual number of occupants. Reference Section 403.3.1. e) The amount of outside air to be supplied to spaces that include different occupancy types but are served by a common ventilation system must be determined using the method shown in Section 403.3.2, IMC. f) Refer to footnotes (e) and (f) of Table 403.3, IMC, for the minimum ventilation in the kitchen when the hood is not running. 2) Provide a Type I kitchen hood over range in the kitchen. Reference Sections 507.2.1 and 507.2.2, IMC. 3) Provide details of kitchen grease duct, duct and hood support, and clearances. Reference Sections 506 and 507, IMC. 4) Show that the exhaust outlet for the kitchen hood is not less than 40" above the roof surface. Reference Section 506.3.13.1, IMC. 5) Provide listing for exhaust fan EF-3. Reference Section 506.3.1 6) Electrically interlock the supply fan for AC-15 to run continuously when the kitchen hood, H-1, is operating as well as opening the outside air damper. Reference Section 508.1, IMC. 7) Refer to Section 508.1, IMC, for the minimum amount of makeup air to be provided to the kitchen when the hood is in operation. 8) Provide results of the kitchen hood performance test to the Mechanical Inspector prior to final approval of the installation. Reference Section 507.17, IMC. |
03/28/2003 | ROBERT SHERRY | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Provide water pressure and water pipe sizing calculations based on the total demand, including all fixtures. Reference Section 610.1 and Appendix A, UPC. 2. Use 4 fixture units (water) for a 2-compartment sink in public use. Reference Table 6-3 and Table A-2, UPC. 3. Show routing of vent for grease trap on plans. Locate vent per manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Fixture P-4, P-9, and P-10 are shown with 3" cleanouts on a 2" soil or waste line in violation of Section 316.4.1, UPC. 5. Coordinate pipe sizes shown on Detail 3/P-2.1 with pipe sizes shown on sheet P-1.1. 6. Label waste and soil line sizes on Details 4/P-2.1 and 5/P-2.1. 7. Label vent line sizes, routing, and termination for fixtures located in rooms 125, 127, 131, and 132. 8. Complete Detail 5/P-2.1 to show connection of waste lines from fixtures in rooms 131 and 132 to 4" soil and waste line on detail. 9. Indicate allowed slope of horizontal drainage piping on drawings. Reference Section 708.0, UPC. 10. Provide referenced details 201, 202, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, and 211. 11. Confirm size of natural gas pipe between AC-3 and AC-4. Reference Table 12-3, UPC. 12. Resolve the difference between drawings C-3 and P-1.2 with regard to the location and size of the building water supply line. 13. Resolve the difference between drawings C-3 and P-1.1 with regard to the location of the building sewer. 14. Provide location, size, and equipment data for the site backflow preventer. 15. Provide up and downstream manhole rim elevations, sewer inverts, and first floor elevations. 16. Provide roof drain calculations. Reference Appendix D, UPC. 17. Roof drain detail shown on sheet A-22 does not comply with D1.1 (d), UPC. 18. Provide calculations to show the scuppers shown on sheet A-4 are adequately sized and properly located. 19. Provide water riser diagram. |
04/02/2003 | GERRY KOZIOL | WWM | REVIEW | Denied | Site plumbing does not match building plumbing drawings. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
04/07/2003 | ELAINE ROSE | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Denied |