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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: SITE
Permit Number - T02CM05480
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/06/2003 | PAUL MACHADO | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | To: E.A. Fagin & Associates Architects 110 S. Church Ave. SUBJECT: 60 N. Harrison Road Site plan T02CM05480 (First Review) T15S, R15E, Section 11 RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Site Plan and Drainage Statement. The Site Plan (SP) and Drainage Statement (DS) cannot be approved as submitted. Please address the following review comments prior to the next submittal. Site Plan: 1. Please provide property description per D.S. 2- 2. Please label all vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and handicapped circulation clearly identified per D.S. 2- 3. Please provide Drainage patterns per D.S. 2- 4. Please list estimated cut & fill quantities per D.S. 2- 5. Dimension from street monument lines to existing and proposed curbs, sidewalks, driveways, and utility lines per D.S. 2- 6. Please provide existing topographic contours at intervals not exceeding two (2) feet and/or spot elevations as pertinent and Bench Mark based on City of Tucson Datum, including City Field Book and page number per D.S. 2- 7. A private improvement agreement may be necessary for any work performed within the Right-of-way. Contact Department of transportation at (520) 791-4249 for permit information. 8. The basin outflow uses 5 12" cmps. The COT does not allow cmp to be used in the r/w. 9. Please show a typical cross section of the P.A.A.L. or call out the percentage of slopes. Call out the GB at the D/W, if applicable. 10. Please show the proposed roof drainage patterns, 100% of the 10-year flow must be conveyed under the sidewalks. Please provide supporting calculations to demonstrate compliance with D.S. 3-01.4.4. If the location(s) of the roof scuppers have not yet been decided, a general note indicating sidewalk scuppers (per COT/SD) will be used when the roof scuppers locations have been designed will suffice. 11. List the consulting engineer and the owner/developer on the plans with the pertinent information. 12. Add note: "Depress all landscaped areas 6" maximum for water harvesting". 13. Should the key note pointing to the pedestrian access route be #16? 14. Add basin maintenance responsibility note to plans and also refer to previous drainage report and date in the note. 15. Add project address to cover sheet. Drainage Statement: 1. A percolation test is required due to the proposed depth of the ret./det. basin. 2. Add annual maintenance check list to statement. 3. Show the project address on the cover of the Hydrology report. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550 or pmachad2@ci.tucson.az.us Paul Machado Senior Engineering Associate, |
01/06/2003 | ANY | FLOODPLAIN | REVIEW | Denied | To: E.A. Fagin & Associates Architects 110 S. Church Ave. SUBJECT: 60 N. Harrison Road Site plan T02CM05480 (First Review) T15S, R15E, Section 11 RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Site Plan and Drainage Statement. The Site Plan (SP) and Drainage Statement (DS) cannot be approved as submitted. Please address the following review comments prior to the next submittal. Site Plan: 1. Please provide property description per D.S. 2- 2. Please label all vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and handicapped circulation clearly identified per D.S. 2- 3. Please provide Drainage patterns per D.S. 2- 4. Please list estimated cut & fill quantities per D.S. 2- 5. Dimension from street monument lines to existing and proposed curbs, sidewalks, driveways, and utility lines per D.S. 2- 6. Please provide existing topographic contours at intervals not exceeding two (2) feet and/or spot elevations as pertinent and Bench Mark based on City of Tucson Datum, including City Field Book and page number per D.S. 2- 7. A private improvement agreement may be necessary for any work performed within the Right-of-way. Contact Department of transportation at (520) 791-4249 for permit information. 8. The basin outflow uses 5 12" cmps. The COT does not allow cmp to be used in the r/w. 9. Please show a typical cross section of the P.A.A.L. or call out the percentage of slopes. Call out the GB at the D/W, if applicable. 10. Please show the proposed roof drainage patterns, 100% of the 10-year flow must be conveyed under the sidewalks. Please provide supporting calculations to demonstrate compliance with D.S. 3-01.4.4. If the location(s) of the roof scuppers have not yet been decided, a general note indicating sidewalk scuppers (per COT/SD) will be used when the roof scuppers locations have been designed will suffice. 11. List the consulting engineer and the owner/developer on the plans with the pertinent information. 12. Add note: "Depress all landscaped areas 6" maximum for water harvesting". 13. Should the key note pointing to the pedestrian access route be #16? 14. Add basin maintenance responsibility note to plans and also refer to previous drainage report and date in the note. 15. Add project address to cover sheet. Drainage Statement: 1. A percolation test is required due to the proposed depth of the ret./det. basin. 2. Add annual maintenance check list to statement. 3. Show the project address on the cover of the Hydrology report. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550 or pmachad2@ci.tucson.az.us Paul Machado Senior Engineering Associate, |
01/06/2003 | ANY | SANITATION | REVIEW | Approved | |
01/14/2003 | JOE LINVILLE | NPPO | REVIEW | Denied | A native plant preservation plan is required. LUC 3.8 OK to resubmit required by the Landscape Section. |
01/14/2003 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | 1) Revise the landscape plan to include a street landscape border per LUC Identify all plants and screening elements. 2) Based on the number of parking spaces provided revise the plans to provide a minimum of one tree for every 15 spaces. LUC Other acceptable compliance options are detailed in LUC 3) All areas of the site, including the pad labeled future, must conform to the requirements of LUC for dust control. Revise the plans as necessary. 4) Retention basins are required to be landscaped in conformance with Development Standard 10-01.0. LUC 5) Revise the plans to comply with the water harvesting provisions of LUC 6) Additions to the irrigation plan will be required based on comments requesting additional landscape areas. 7) Identify all required screening elements on the landscape plan. DS 2-07.2.2 See LUC Table 3.7.2-I for requirements. 8) A native plant preservation plan is required per LUC 3.8. The landscape plan may require modification based on requirements of the native plant preservation submittal. |
12/03/2002 | DAN CASTRO | HANDICAP-SITE | REVIEW | Denied | Provide the handicap parking calculation based on both phases proposed. |
12/03/2002 | DAN CASTRO | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | COMMENTS: Please attach a response letter with the next submittal, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed. CODE SECTION/ DEVELOPMENT STANDARD 1. Since this project is being phased, calculations must show that, at each phase, requirements are being met. D.S. 2-02.2.2.B 2. Note the legal description of the property. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.2 3. Note the project address. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.3 4. Provide the vehicle parking and handicap parking calculation based on the requirements for both phases. D.S. 2-02.2.1A.8 5.Provide the bicycle parking calculation based on the requirements for both phases. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.9 6. Provide a continuous on-site pedestrian circulation path, which connects to the Harrison Road right-of-way. Refer to D.S. 2-08 for pedestrian circulation criteria. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.12 7. If applicable, provide a detail of proposed free-standing signage, billboard, or outdoor lighting on the site plan. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.13/ D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.25 8. Label and dimension the existing and future curb location along Harrison Road. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.21 9. Under the proposed use note on sheet AS-1, note the proposed retail use as it is listed under L.U.C. Sec. along with any applicable "subject to" sections. D.S. 2-02.2.1A.31 10. All requested changes must be made to the site and landscape plans. D.S. 2-07.2.1.A |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
01/28/2003 | CINDY AGUILAR | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |