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Permit Number: T02BU02463
Parcel: Unknown

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: GRADING

Permit Number - T02BU02463
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
09/19/2002 PATRICIA GILBERT NPPO REVIEW Denied An approved tentative plat is required prior to grading plan approval. Please submit the approved tentative plat and the approved native plant preservation plan.

Add a general note to the grading plan stating that all grading is required to conform with the approved native plant preservation plan.

Once the tentative plat is approved a pre-permit inspection is required for complaince with native plant preservation. To schedule call 791-5640, ext. 1140.
09/19/2002 LOREN MAKUS NPDES REVIEW Denied Provide sediment control for inlet to bleed pipes in easch sediment basin.
Address any changes that may be needed due to changes to the grading plan requested by other reviewers.
10/23/2002 ELIZABETH EBERBACH ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied ===================
TO: Paul Iezzi, P.E.
Rick Engineering, Inc
1745 East Williams Circle
Suite 1030
Tucson Arizona 85718

PROJECT # T02BU02463
ACTIVITY # S02-025
LOCATION: T15S, R14E, Section 10
DATE: October 22, 2002
SUBJECT: Desert Vista Terrace Subdivision Grading Plan Engineering & Floodplain Review
SUMMARY: I have received and reviewed the Grading Plan and Geotechnical Evaluation Report and do not recommend approval at this time.

1) Pad elevations for the lots 6-12, 92-101, & 111-117 along the site boundaries still do not meet grading standards. Pad grades shall be changed to meet two-foot differential limit otherwise the procedures for differential grading outlined in this section shall apply. This issue shall be addressed prior to grading permit issuance. (IBC Chap 36 Sec 13.1)
2) Add administrative / site address and grading permit number "T02BU02463" on the cover sheet.
3) Label distance and bearings, as well as curve data (arclength, delta and radius), as recorded and measured for all property lines.
4) Show basis of bearings and tie to project on a plan view.
5) On sheet 3, label basis of elevation on plan view.
6) Provide and label Grading Limits (IBC Chap 36 Sec 9.4.3) on plan view to show restricted disturbance in Wash Study Area. Also, label any areas for "no disturbance".
7) Address the following for general notes:
a) add note for amount of disturbed area square footage;
b) add Rezoning Conditions 19, 20, & 23 and General Notes 11, 13, & 23 from Tentative Plat;
c) add a reference to the public paving and sewer plans;
d) add basin maintenance note per DS Sec.10-02.XIV.3;
e) add a general note stating that if during construction, human remains or associated burial items are discovered, then the ground disturbing activities in the vicinity of the discovery will cease, the discovery site will be secured, and the Arizona State Museum will be immediately notified as required under Arizona Revised Statues Title 41-865, per Rezoning Condition 21;
f) complete General Note 6 regarding geotechnical engineer information;
g) General Note 30 shall also correspond to geotechnical report requirements (page 14);
h) on the cover sheet, under the section WORK TO BE DONE, add notation that all grading shall also conform to the latest edition of the 2000 International Building Code.
8) Show and label existing conditions within project boundary:
a) label more existing contour lines;
b) show the street right-of-way dimensions on plan view;
9) Provide proposed conditions for the following:
a) all property lot dimensions, radii and bearings that matches title report exhibit;
b) centerline bearings data for proposed roadways;
c) all storm drainage inlet invert elevations;
d) label all Q100 at basin outlets, channels, and entering and exiting the project boundaries;
e) provide basin horizontal dimensions on plan view and label basin slope grades;
f) dimension and label all private drainage maintenance access / pedestrian easements for drainage channels and to basins on plan view. Include label for constructed slope grades in these areas. Minimum width for access ramps is 15 feet and maximum slope shall not exceed 15% (per DS Sec.10-02.XIV.3.4);
g) spacing for wall opening Detail C on sheet 5;
h) add keynote call outs for 1' no access easements along portions of Valencia Avenue & Columbus Boulevard;
i) show all floodplain limits per approved Tentative Plat. For the FEMA floodplain, limits must be platted as currently shown on the panel unless a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) or physical map revision is obtained prior to platting of this site;
j) provide spot elevations or labeled proposed contour lines for channels, water harvesting areas, and Common Areas to show that grades for all lot drainage, including lots 1-3, 31-40, 99, 100, 103-115, and all lots within Watershed A, is discharged into water harvesting areas with positive drainage or detention / retention basins prior to discharge into Earp Wash, per Rezoning Condition 14;
k) provide the Typical Sidewalk Detail per approved Tentative Plat and Rezoning Condition 18;
l) label and show proposed recreation construction;
m) delineate ten-foot wide pedestrian trail and label proposed material on plan view.
10) Provide and clarify call-outs on plan view for typical locations of all cross sections. (See also general comment 18 below). Provide additional cross sections for clarification of the following:
a) provide sections for each channel, labeling proposed slopes, Q100, depth of flow, water surface elevation, velocity, showing existing grades and proposed slope stabilization;
b) Valencia Road section; include right-of-way dimensions, sidewalk, property line, water harvesting area in Common Area "A", lot slope and pad grade;
c) typical lot-to-lot section detail, showing building setback, drainage swale location, proposed wall location, existing grades, proposed slope stabilization, and proposed minimum slopes adjacent to building foundations, per geotechnical report;
d) typical lot section detail adjacent to basins, showing existing grades, proposed basin slope location, proposed slope stabilization, proposed wall location, and minimum slopes adjacent to building foundations per geotechnical report;
e) typical rear lot section detail for lots 92 -117, showing Wash Study Area, grading limits, rear property line, existing grades, proposed pad slope grade and stabilization, proposed wall location, and pad grade;
f) section details near lots 8, 14, 23, & 30 to show existing grades at adjacent property, proposed grades, proposed slope stabilization, property line, and lot pads. Show how proposed toe of fill slopes meet the minimum 2-foot slope setback at site boundary per IBC Chap 36 Sec 14.3;
g) southwest corner of Basin 2, show existing grades and how toe of basin slope is constructed within project boundary, and, to meet minimum 2-foot slope setback at site boundary;
h) northern existing grades, proposed slope grade and stabilization for Common Areas "B" & "C" adjacent to Columbus Boulevard;
i) clarify how 37 cfs and 13 cfs are split at the intersection of Mesquite Desert Trail & Columbus Avenue.
11) Revise spot elevations on lots 31-40 to reflect new watershed limits; clarify lot drainage for lots 31-40 per approved Tentative Plat drainage watershed delineation.
12) Spot elevations for some lots reflect top of curb elevation while others reflect property corner grade elevation; provide consistency or clarification of spot elevations.
13) For Basins 1 and 2 Spillway details on sheet 5, provide Q100, depth of flow, water surface elevations, and exit velocity for each basin spillway and drainageway to match approved Tentative Plat basin data.
14) Show sight visibility triangles that meet City of Tucson Standards at intersections on Columbus Avenue and internal streets. Provide notation for restriction of existing or proposed structures within 30" to 72" in height within the sight visibility easements.

15) Infiltration rates shall meet Water Harvesting and Detention / Retention criteria. Per your soil percolation test results, Basin 2 drains over 12 hours. Discuss and show how this can be reduced. Add basin time-to-drain calculations and infiltration discussion in Drainage Report.
16) Provide revised retention calculations and discussion in section 3.3 in the Drainage Report regarding reduction of retention due to proposed basketball court in Basin 1.

17) The Grading Plan shall comply with the approved Tentative Plat (per DS Sec.2-03.5.2).
18) Assure grading plan conforms to geotechnical report and addenda, including basin setback from structures. The geotechnical report shall specifically address all criteria listed in DS Sec.10-02.XIV.2.6. See last sentence of this section for items 6 (c) & (d) regarding hydro-collapsing soils and 30-foot test boring for basin design.
19) Submit copy of Title Report (per DS Sec.2-03.3.1.E).
20) An archaeological study shall be performed prior to issuance of a grading permit, as outlined in Rezoning Condition 21.
21) A report shall be prepared and submitted for approval by the City of Tucson that requests for a Letter of Map Revision from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to redelineate the floodplain along Earp Wash on the Flood Insurance Rate Map as it pertains to the project. The LOMR or physical map revision to change the Earp Wash floodplain delineation shall be completed prior to platting. Regarding floodplain use permitting, any permit applications dated before the date of a LOMR or physical map change will be processed assuming the present configuration of the FEMA floodplain. Any hydraulic analyses (encroachment, etc.) submitted with these permit applications must take into account the floodplain delineation at the time the application is processed.
22) IBC Chap 36 Sec 11: A bond shall be posted for native seeding. If grading construction does not commence within 60 days after grubbing, the disturbed area shall be native seeded within 30 days following the expiration of the 60 day period.
23) Proposed developments exceeding 5 acres are subject to NPDES requirements. Contact Loren Makus, 791-4251 for submittal requirements.

Address all the above comments and provide any soils report addenda, floodplain use permit application, approved tentative plat, revised grading plan, drainage calculations and addenda with resubmittal. Prior to resubmittal, schedule a meeting with me to go over your comments. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 791-5550, extension 2204.
Elizabeth Eberbach, PE
Engineering Section
Development Services Department
City of Tucson
10/23/2002 ELIZABETH EBERBACH FLOODPLAIN REVIEW Denied Floodplain review shall be completed upon acceptance of revised grading plan and after LOMR processing by applicant.
10/24/2002 MICHAEL ST. PAUL ZONING REVIEW Denied Engineering, Floodplain, NPPO and NPDES approval required before zoning review.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description