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Permit Number: T01OT01028
Parcel: 11108172F

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: SITE

Permit Number - T01OT01028
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
01/15/2002 JOE LINVILLE NPPO REVIEW Denied Submit NPPO Plan.
01/15/2002 JOE LINVILLE LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied A Native Plant Preservation plan is required. Requirements of this plan may necessitate changes to the landscape plan. DS 2-07.0

Decomposed granite is required in the right of way area along Haskell Drive between the property line and the street curb, excluding the sidewalk. LUC Sec.

The parking area must be screened from the property to the north with a five-foot high screen. Revise plans to provide the required screening. LUC Sec Table 3.7.2-I

The trash enclosure must be screened from Haskell Drive with a six-foot high masonry wall. LUC Sec. Table 3.7.2-I

A continuous 30" high screen is required along the development side of the Haskell Drive street landscape border. LUC Sec.Table 3.7.2-I

Revise the site and the landscape plans to show sight visibility triangles. DS 2-07.0 List the height of the existing walls along Haskell Drive.
12/05/2001 JIM EGAN FIRE REVIEW Approved
1. Location map requires to be a scale of 3" = 1 mile with legal description below map.
2. Show existing and proposed buildings and structures, height overhangs, roof drainage direction, down drains, canopies and use.
3. Label existing and future sight visibility triangles with appropriate lengths.
4. Indicate location, type, size and height of existing and proposed signage if applicable.
5. Along with street names please indicate "Public" or "Private".
6. Dimension from street monument lines to existing and proposed curbs and sidewalks.
7. Refuse container location, size and access thereto fully dimensioned. Demonstrate maneuverability.
D.S. 6-01.3, 6-01.4 and 6-01.10
8. Indicate detention basin on site plan with dimensions.

Drainage Report
9. Demonstrate how the discharge from Basin 1 will adversely impact the adjacent parcels.
10. Demonstrate percolation as per SDRM
11. Retention/Detention Basin sizing is too small as per my calculations.

Grading Plan
12. Approved Site Plan required for Grading Plan approval.
13. Correct detail number Subdivision or Development Plan Number is required to be on plan.
14. Legend showing all symbols used.
15. Cloud-in revisions and provide dates as needed.
16. Special Grading Notes:
· Show the area to be graded
· Show Average Cross Slope Analysis (ACS)
· Show Limits of grading
· Show all slopes 15% or greater

17. Identify roof drainage direction for each building. Show all down drains per building.
18. Show a cross section across property line showing clear acceptance of off-site flow.
19. Identify any nuisance ponding off-site due to development.
20. Provide FFE for houses within 100 feet from outside perimeter of site.
21. Provide existing contours around site to at least 25' from property line.
22. Proposed FFE's should not exceed 2 feet from existing house adjacent to site.
23. Proposed subdivision streets and drainage structures labeled as public or private (public infrastructure by P.I.A.) not G.P.
24. Stabilization material (concrete, riprap, gabbions or vegetation).
25. Slopes of 2H:1V require hand placed riprap.
26. Slopes of 1H:1V or greater requires grouted riprap.
27. Cut or fill slopes require a 2' minimum setback from property line.
28. Proposed fill to conform to Section 3313 of the U.B.C. - address grade differential of proposed lot grades from the existing buildings adjacent to the graded site - 2' maximum setbacks from top and toe of cut or fill slopes (U.B.C. Section 3314 & figure A-33-1).
29. Provide Maintenance Note for on site detention/retention basin.
30. Flow arrows, grades and flow rates within and adjacent to site to show drainage scheme.
31. Call out flow peak discharges entering and exiting site.
32. Please address all issues pertaining to Detention/Retention Basins:
· Must match drainage report
· nlet/outlet structural details (weir design)
· Cross sections and dimension
33. Water surface elevations
34. Peak Discharge at basin's outlet
35. Check velocity peak discharge velocity for potential erosion.
36. Show details of all surface and subsurface drainage devices.

NOTE: If approved plans limit grading areas because of HDZ, ERZ, SCZ or rezoning conditions - clearly designate "no disturbance areas," type of barrier to be used during construction and grading, and note that Landscape Inspector must inspect barrier location before any grubbing or grading commences. All Plans must conform to the Native Plant reservation Ordinance.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
02/04/2002 TGRIFFU1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed