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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: SITE
Permit Number - T01CM05242
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
10/19/2001 | ESTEVAN TINEO | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | |
10/19/2001 | ESTEVAN TINEO | FLOODPLAIN | REVIEW | Denied | |
10/19/2001 | ESTEVAN TINEO | SANITATION | REVIEW | Denied | |
10/30/2001 | PATRICIA GEHLEN | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | CITY OF TUCSON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ZONING REVIEW SECTION DATE: October 30, 2001 ACTIVITY NUMBER: T01CM05242 PROJECT NAME: Leon's Automotive Exhaust Center PROJECT ADDRESS: 5418 South Park Avenue PROJECT REVIEWER: Patricia Gehlen The following items must be revised on or added to the site plan. Please attach a response letter with the next submittal, which states how all Zoning Review Section Comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed: 1) The existing and proposed use of this site must be added to the general notes. It is assumed that the proposed use is "Automotive Service and Repair Major" and the review has been done based on this use. If the proposed use is different additional comments may be necessary upon resubmittal of these plans (DS 2-02.2.1.A.31), 2) According the Pima County Assessor Records this site is a portion of a lot within a subdivision. Revise the legal description as required (DS 2-02.2.1.A.2), 3) All type must be a minimum of 12 point to ensure readability after the approved plans are microfilmed. It does not appear that the address meets this minimum requirement. Revise as required, 4) The height of the building shown on the site plan must be revised to be from design grade not finished floor. Also since the roof is pitched, please provide the height of the building at the highest point not the lowest for setback purposes. The proposed porch must be shown on the site plan (DS 2-02.2.1.A.6, LUC &, 5) Vehicle parking spaces which are 90 degree must abut PAAL's which are a minimum of 24 feet wide for maneuverability. Some of the proposed parking spaces north of the handicap spaces abut PAAL's which are less than 24 feet wide. Revise as required (LUC table 3.3.7-I). Dimension the distance between the front of the proposed vehicle spaces and the wheel stop. 2.5 feet is required (DS 3-05.2.3.C.2 & 2-02.2.1.A.8 & 11), 6) Bicycle parking is not required for this use. The site plan may be revised if desired. If the bicycle parking is to remain, please provide a fully dimensioned top down view of the parking as detailed in DS 2-09 (DS 2-02.2.1.A.9), 7) Existing and future sight visibility triangles must be added to the site plan for both ingress/egress locations (future sight triangles must be added to the landscape plan) (DS 2-02.2.1.A.10), 8) Access to the rear of this lot via the northern most PAAL must be barricaded per the letter from Walter Tellez, the Zoning Administrator, dated May 9, 2001. In addition, a general note must be added to the site plan which states that gates which provide access to the parking spaces north and west of the proposed building must be open during all business hours, 9) The on-site pedestrian circulation system must be modified to provide continuous access from the right-of-way along Park Avenue and around the proposed building. Between any building and a PAAL, a five (5) foot pedestrian refuge with a four (4) sidewalk (or stripped crosswalk adjacent to overhead doors) must be provided (DS 3-05.2.2.B.1). The sidewalk under the proposed porch must be a minimum of four (4) feet wide between the building and the posts. Demonstrate compliance (DS 2-02.2.1.A.12, DS 2-08), 10) If applicable, please detail all proposed free-standing signage and outdoor lighting on the site plan (DS 2-02.2.1.A.13 & 25), 11) The proposed gross floor area, including the mezzanine, must be added to the general notes on the site plan (DS 2-02.2.2.A.2), 12) If applicable, the location, width, type, and recordation information for all easements of record must be added to the site plan (DS 2-02.2.1.A.20), 13) The zoning of this site and all adjacent properties (as shown in red on this site plan) must be added to all revised site plans (DS 2-02.2.1.A.28), 14) The proposed floor area ratio must be added to the general notes on the site plan (DS 2-02.2.2.A.3, LUC 3.2.11), 15) Add the development designator "30" to the general notes on the site plan. |
10/30/2001 | PATRICIA GILBERT | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | Where screening for phased development is required, the perimeter screen for the entire site must be installed during development of the first phase or where undisturbed natural desert is maintained in areas to be developed in subsequent phases, a temporary screen can be used around the perimeter of the initial phase, subject to the following; 1. Temporary screening may be an opaque wood fence or a chain link fence with wood slats. 2. Temporary screening must be replaced by a permanent screen if construction of the subsequent phases is not started within two years of the date the original phase received a certificate of occupancy. Please indicate on the landscape plan how screening will be addressed for phasing the development of the site. Refer to LUC A 6' screen is required for the trash enclosure adjacent to commercial zoning. Refer to LUC table 3.7.2.I. The provisions of LUC 3.7 require that 1 canopy tree for every 15 motor vehicle parking spaces or a fraction there of. Include calculations of the required number of canopy trees. Refer to LUC, DS 2-06.3.3. and 2-07.2.2.A..2.c. Trees that are located in areas of required landscaping will be a minimum 15 gallon container size. Under the landscape material, the proposed tree, Cercidium Sonorae-Sonoran Palo Verde states it will be of 5 gallon in size. Please revise plan accordinly. Refer to DS 2-06.3.5. Indicate how the development will make maximum use of stormwater for on-site supplemental irrigation purposes. Refer to DS 2-07.2.2.B.6., LUC and Areas where plants are susceptible to injury by vehicular or pedestrian traffic must be protected by the appropriate means, bollards, curbs or low walls. Please indicate plant protection on the landscape plan. Refer to LUC Should changes/amendments to the base/site plan occur through the review process, the same changes/amendments will be made to the landscape plan when resubmitted. Refer to DS 2-07.2.1.A. Ground surfaces in planting beds, planters, medians or tree understory within a landscaped area that are not covered with shrubs, accent plants vines, ground cover or other vegetation from the Drought Tolerant Plant List shall be treated with an inorganic ground cover. Refer to LUC Additional comments could be made on the second submittal. |
11/23/2001 | PATRICIA GILBERT | NPPO | REVIEW | Denied | Native Plant Preservation Plan or an exception application is required. Refer to LUC 3.8 and DS 2-15. |
11/28/2001 | JIM EGAN | FIRE | REVIEW | Denied | |
11/29/2001 | PHIL SEADER | HANDICAP-SITE | REVIEW | Denied |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
11/30/2001 | MONICA VALDEZ | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |