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Permit Number: T01CM04044
Parcel: 117071910

124 W 18TH ST

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: SITE

Permit Number - T01CM04044
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/27/2001 TOM WEIDEMAN ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: August 27, 2001

FROM: Engineering Section

SUBJECT Barrio Viejo Elderly Housing Site Plan

COMMENTS: The Site Plan and Drainage Report have been reviewed and are not acceptable.
Please address the following comments.

Site Plan Comments:

1. Provide the estimated cut and fill quantities per development standard 2-
2. The new half right-of-way should state "dedicated by separate instrument" in lieu of "per this development."
3. Right-of-way spandrel dedication or a pedestrian easement will be required at the northwest corner of Seventh Avenue and 18th Street to accommodate the handicap ramp as the ramp should not be located on private property.
4. Right-of-way should be dedicated in increments that result in even footages.
5. The sight visibility triangles located along 18th Street appear to be placed incorrectly, not adjacent to the parking lane as shown on Seventh Avenue. In order to allow the parking lane distance to be used as part of the sight visibility triangle distance please provide information that on street parking is authorized on these two streets.
6. Keynotes 6 and 17 should state "per development standard 6-01, at a minimum."
7. Provide the standard detail number for keynote #34.
8. Provide information / details that show South Rubio Avenue not extending into the development as it appears along the northerly property line.
9. The drainage report states the court yard area is the only area being used for water harvesting, although the site plan shows several areas being used for water harvesting. The grading plans show all of the "water harvesting" areas being drained to the future drain system, which is inconsistent with the purpose of water harvesting. Correct the site plan, drainage report and grading plan to show water-harvesting areas without drainage or change the nomenclature of the water harvesting areas to allow drainage, etc.
10. Please be advised the development plan will not be approved until the right-of-way dedication has been completed and shown by docket and page.

Drainage Report Comments:

1. Add the T01CM04044 number to the front cover of any future submittals.
2. The site location description, item #1 is described incorrectly.
3. Item #8, developed site drainage should be indicating Appendix A and not B.
4. Call out Appendix A under item #9, paragraph 2.

5. Amend the stated water harvesting statements under #8, developed site drainage, to be consistent with the site plan and grading plan as stated in site plan comment # 9.
6. Provide a copy of the complete percolation test.
7. Our office will require a percolation test at the bottom of the leach field relative to the retention basin with the results being placed in the drainage report.
8. Please provide a complete revised drainage report in lieu of an addendum.

Items Required: Revised Site Plan and Drainage Report
Re-submittal Required: Yes

If you have any questions on the above comments feel free to call Tom Weideman at 791-4942. My E-mail address is tweidema@ci.tucson.az.us.

TO: McCarty Engineering FROM: David Rivera
1821 East Broadway Boulevard Senior Planner
Tucson, AZ 85719 Development Services Dept.
(520) 770-1318 Zoning Review Section

Lalo Guerrero's Barrio Viejo Elderly Housing
549 South Convent Avenue
Multi-Family Residential Use
Site Plan Review (1st review) TRANSMITTAL: September 11, 2001

COMMENTS: Please attach a response letter with the next submittal, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed. CODE SECTION/ DEVELOPMENT STANDARD

Please list the square footage of the existing buildings to remain. Clarify if the existing buildings will be converted to living quarters and how many.
DS 2-02.2.1.A.6
Per LUC section 3.3.4 Residential Care Services 21 or more residents, the required bicycle parking is based on four (4) percent of the number of vehicle parking spaces provided. Even though the bicycle parking spaces provided are more than required, the bicycle parking calculation should be revised to correctly indicate the number required based on four (4) percent of the 49 vehicle parking spaces provided. The bicycle parking facility is not visible from the street and therefore directional signage to direct cyclists to the bicycle parking facility must be provided. Indicate on the site plan the location of the directional signage.

The on street parking spaces on the street must be correctly dimensioned. The spaces must to be 23 feet in length by 8 feet in width. Revise as required.
DS 2-02.2.1.A.9

DS 2-02.2.1.A.8
If applicable, all proposed freestanding lighting must be shown and labeled on the site plan.
DS 2-02.2.1.A.25
4. See Landscape Reviewer comments regarding screening, landscape borders, and NPPO requirements.
DS 2-02.2.1.A.26 & .27
5. Under the general notes, note 2 please add the following "Proposed use is Residential Care Services DD "30" Subject to section, .D and .H and criteria and LUC section Drachman Overlay Zone criteria."
DS 2-

6. The existing square footage of the two existing building must be listed and must be included in the overall building square footage and the lot coverage calculation. The lot coverage calculation must be listed. The allowed lot coverage per the overlay zone criteria is 60 percent.
DS 2-02.2.2.A.2 and .3
7. If additional residential units are proposed for the existing buildings the additional units must be included in the calculations for vehicle parking. (Residential units used by caretakers must be included.) See related comment six (6).
DS 2-02.2.A.3
8. If additional residential units are proposed in the existing buildings, please revise all calculations related to vehicle parking based on the number of residential units.
DS 2-02.2.2.A.4
9. Two (2) 12 feet wide by 35 feet long loading spaces are required for this use. Please show on the site plan the location of the loading spaces. The loading spaces must be labeled and dimensioned. A loading space calculation indicating the number of loading spaces required and provided must also be listed. Maneuverability into the loading space must be demonstrated.
DS 2-02.2.2.A.5
10. For consistency, please ensure that all required changes are made to the site plan and the landscape plans.

11. This site plan was reviewed for compliance with the applicable criteria for residential care services. Criteria from LUC as it pertains to Development Designator "30" and the criteria as listed in the Drachman Overlay Zone (DSO). The following changes must be made to site plan and general site plan notes,
1. Site plan Note 4. - The vehicle parking calculation is not based on LUC 3.3.4 it is based on the DSO section Required Bicycle parking is based on four (4) percent of the number of vehicle parking spaces and the vehicle parking spaces as noted in LUC 3.3.4 residential care Services use. The vehicle parking space dimensions are based on LUC section and 3.3.7-I table and DS 3-05.2.1.B.2.
2. General site plan note 2. - The correct use for this development is Residential Care Services DD "30" per LUC section and the criteria per Drachman Overlay Zone LUC section
3. General site plan note 4. - The note indicates that fourteen buildings are proposed and that the buildings will be 14 feet in height. The plan shows 14 new buildings but not all the buildings are 14 feet. The buildings range in height from 14' to 16'-8". The note also indicates that the maximum height is 14 feet. The maximum allowed height per the DSO is 21 feet. Please revise this note accordingly.
4. General site plan note 5. - This note must be revised to include the square footage of the existing buildings.

Please submit for review, revised blueline or reproducible copies along with the redline copies of the site plan.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call me at (520) 791-5608.

09/12/2001 PATRICIA GILBERT LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied Information on the site plan shall be included on the landscape plan. The landscape plan should include location map, street names, adjacent zoning and ROW easements. The same scale for the site plan and landscape plan is required. Refer to DS 2-07.2.1.A.******

Include legal description and the address of the site in the lower right hand corner of each sheet of the landscape plan. Refer to DS 2-07.2.1.B.******

Identify what is proposed for ground cover, existing sidewalk, etc., along Convent Ave. 60% or more of the street landscape border must be covered with shrubs or vegetative ground cover. Refer to LUC*******

All required landscaping on site or within the abutting ROW shall be maintained as shown on the approved plan. Include Maintenance notes to show compliance. Refer to LUC 3.7.6., DS 2-06.6 and 2-07.2.2.******

Indicate stormwater harvesting for on-site supplemental irrigation purposes in a general note. Refer to DS 2-07.2.2.B.6., LUC and ******

On the Landscape plan include the required calculations for the site, including oasis and vehicle use area calculations. Refer to DS 2-07.2.2.A.2., 2-06.2.2.H and LUC******

Identify the location of the oasis allowance areas. Refer to DS 2-07.2.2.A.1.f. ******

Please general notes addressing the irrigation standards found in DS 2-06.5.4.******

The irrigation plan must include the type of water conserving irrigation system for the different water use zones on the Landscape Plan, (zone 1; the oasis zone, zone 2; the transitional zone and zone 3; plants with the lowest irrigation requirements). The irrigation system should be valved separately to address different water requirements for the proposed vegetation. Refer to DS 2-07.2.2.C.1., 2-06.5.1. ******

Identify the location of the proposed Sod and specifications in the general notes of the Layout Plan, note 12. ******

On the planting plan the proposed bareroot Mr. Lincoln and the Oregon Gold Hybrid Tea Roses have a different acronym then what is proposed on the actual plan (page L6). Please correct for purpose of clarity. ******

Areas where plants are susceptible to injury by vehicular or pedestrian traffic must be protected by the appropriate means, bollards, curbs or low walls. Please indicate plant protection on the landscape plan. Refer to LUC ******

Call out the height and label screen wall located at the north property line. Refer to DS 2-07.2.2.A.3.******

Should changes/amendments to the base/site plan occur through the review process, the same changes/amendments will be made to the landscape plan when resubmitted. Refer to DS 2-07.2.1.A.******

Additional comments could be made from the second submittal.
09/24/2001 PATRICIA GILBERT NPPO REVIEW Denied Please submit a Native Plant Preservation Plan or a exception application.