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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Stopped
Review Details: SITE
Permit Number - T01CM01430
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Stopped
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
08/24/2001 | JIM TATE | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | |
08/24/2001 | JIM TATE | SANITATION | REVIEW | Denied | |
08/24/2001 | JAMES TATE | FLOODPLAIN | REVIEW | Denied | |
10/04/2001 | PHIL SEADER | HANDICAP-SITE | REVIEW | Approved | |
10/04/2001 | MICHAEL ST. PAUL | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | |
10/04/2001 | JOE LINVILLE | NPPO | REVIEW | Denied | Submit a Native Plant Preservation Plan or Application for an exception. |
10/04/2001 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Please submit a landscape plan. DS 2-06 & 2-07 2. A 10' wide street landscape border is required along Broadway Boulevard, Park Avenue, 12th Street and McKey Street. LUC 3.7.2 The street landscape borders must be located on the property based on the MS&R right-of-way line. On streets designated as Major Streets And Routes (MS&R), a portion of the border may be located within the MS&R right-of-way if approved by the City Engineer. The street landscape border must contain the following: a. One 15 gal. tree per 33 L.F. of property frontage minus entry/exit widths. b. 50% of the landscape border must be covered with shrubs or vegetative groundcover within two years. Tree canopy does not count toward coverage requirements. c. All landscape and open areas, areas between the property line and the sidewalk and areas between the sidewalk and the street curb must receive dust control at a 2" depth. d. All plant materials, including seed mixes, must be from the approved plant list found in the Development Standards (DS 9-06) and identified on the plans. e. Shrubs can not exceed 30" in height and tree canopies can not be less than 6' if planted in sight visibility triangles. 3. Within a vehicular use area, one canopy tree is required for every 15 parking spaces provided or fraction thereof. A minimum of 50% of the required trees must be located within the vehicular use area. Provide calculations for vehicular use area trees. LUC 4. A 30-inch screen is required along Broadway Boulevard. A 30-inch screen is also required along Park Avenue. A five foot screen is required along both McKey Street property frontages. LUC 3.7.3 The screens must be located at the back (property side) of the landscape border. A vegetative screen or offset wall may encroach into the landscape border a maximum of 3'. A straight wall may encroach only for the width of the wall. 5. The refuse storage areas must be screened with a 6'wall 6. Any proposed loading areas must be screened with a 6' masonry wall. LUC Table 3.7.2-I 7. Please provide an irrigation plan. Locate and identify the source of water, controller and back-flow preventer. DS 2-07 8. Per LUC 3.7.6, All required landscaping, irrigation systems, walls, screening devices, curbing, and detention basin landscape improvements on the site or within the abutting right-of-way shall be maintained as shown on the approved plans. The property owner is responsible for proper maintenance to achieve permanent, safe, and successful landscaping as required by Article III, Division 7 of the City of Tucson's Land Use Code 9. Identify Broadway Boulevard as a Gateway Route on all plans. Please add a note to the site and utility plans stating that all new and existing utilities shall be located underground per LUC a. Existing poles will be used to provide the required transition to underground service to new development adjacent to Gateway Routes. When necessary to serve new development, a new pole set in line with, but not extending, an existing overhead system used to serve new development is not considered a new utility. b. Upgrades and reinforcements of existing overhead facilities are allowed to the extent that the total number of electrical circuits or communication cables is not increased. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
09/06/2002 | ELAINE ROSE | APPROVAL SHELF | Stop |
10/04/2001 | ANY | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Stopped |
10/04/2001 | ANY | REJECT SHELF | Stopped |