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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: RESUBMITTAL
Permit Number - T01CM00759
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
05/09/2001 | RANDY SCHULER | ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Approved | E-1.0 7) 03/22/01-Provide a complete electrical design for the walk-in cooler evaporator and compressor. Include Disc, OL, SC protection, conduit and conductor sizes. 05/04/01-Add circuit 31,33 to panel B for compressor, include the load and circuit breaker size. Remove #35 adjacent to the light fixture in the cooler. Reduce the circuit breaker size to 15 amp for circuit B-29. 8) 03/22/01- The circuit serving EF-3 is B-26 however that does not correspond with the light and exhaust control diagram on E-3.0 or the panel schedule. 05/04/01- Extend the circuit to the receptacle in the bathroom and add a homerun leader (circuit B-26). 9) 03/22/01-Provide a complete design for the HVAC system. Include Disc, OL, SC, protection, conduit and conductor sizes. 05/04/01-Provide AC FLA for the compressor, evaporator fan and condenser fan. Revise load in the panel to accurately reflect the proper loads (see M-2.0 for compressor load). Change the AC disconnect to fused type (unless the AC nameplate allows a 40 amp HACR type circuit breaker). E-2.0 3) 03/22/01- Provide a complete electrical design for EF-1, EF-2 and MUA-1. Include an interlock diagram. Include DISC, OL, SC protection, conduit and conductor sizes. 05/04/01-Provide a disconnect within sight of the control panel. This can be a note on the plan if the disconnects are integral to the control panel. E-3.0 1) 03/22/01-Provide a complete up to date one line service diagram reflecting both the existing and new conditions. Clearly delineate between bot he new and old. Provide the total service load including both the new and existing loads. 05/04/01- It appears the space for the 400 amp disconnect should indicate the actual disconnect (as opposed to "space"). Provide fuse types and sizes. Extend the existing conduit from the bottom of the disconnect to the connection to the new conduit (use solid bold line). 2) 03/22/01-Provide a complete fault current calculation beginning at the secondary terminals of the utility transformer and terminating at the new tenant panels. 05/04/01- The conduit serving panel A is most likely PVC therefore the fault at panel B is greater than 10k amps. NEW COMMENTS E-1.0 1) Provide a main breaker in panel B. In addition it appears panel A requires double lugs or feed through lugs out the bottom. |
05/10/2001 | HOLLY PEARCE | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Approved | Plumbing 1. Provide an access to the flow control that allows it to be fixed,repaired or replaced Per SEC1011.3UPC1994 Az. Code 2. Provide a union after the M.S.O.V. and before the auto shut off valve. Show on the plan. 3. Enlarge waste & vent riser isometric drawing and provide a detail of the connection from the GT's and the F.S. coming in at 180 degrees from each other and the existing 4" waste. |
05/10/2001 | HOLLY PEARCE | MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Approved | Mechanical 1. Architect and Mechanical engineer should get together to find out how the exhaust ducts for the type I hood are going to get through the trusses. The one hour ceiling shall stop at the one hour chase. A 3" air space is required between the hood, ceiling and chase. |
05/11/2001 | MICHAEL ST. PAUL | ZONING | REVIEW | Approved | |
05/11/2001 | GERRY KOZIOL | WWM | REVIEW | Approved | |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
05/15/2001 | LISA LESNY | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
05/15/2001 | LISA LESNY | APPROVAL SHELF | Completed |