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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: SITE
Permit Number - T00CM05235
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
02/02/2001 | TOM WEIDEMAN | FLOODPLAIN | REVIEW | Denied | 1. The report should include a site location map, at a minimum scale of three inches equal to one mile, which shows the geographical relationship of the project to nearby properties, streets and watercourses. (Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management in Tucson, Arizona paragraph 2. The introduction section of the report should briefly describe the type, and approximate size of the project to be constructed. (Standards Manual paragraph 3. If the site is not impacted by any off-site drainage flows, state so in the report. Otherwise provide off-site drainage information as required by paragraph of the Standards Manual. 4. The report should provide an onsite hydrologic analysis for existing conditions that demonstrates the peak discharge of the site and locations of discharge prior to proposed development. 5. The report should address how run-off from the area 5 building will be conveyed to retention basin 5 as opposed to allowing this run-off to flow directly into the adjacent street. (Standards Manual paragraph 6. The report should address how the runoff from the landscaped area east of building 5 will be conveyed under the sidewalk at the north side of the building. (Standards Manual paragraph 7. The report should address the location, size and type of outflow structure to be employed at each basin. ( 8. The report should include maximum water surface elevations, and the limits of ponding for each retention basin. ( 9. If the maximum water surface elevations of any of the basins exceed two feet and the side slopes exceed 4:1 security barriers will be required. 10. The report demonstrates that the six retention basins have been designed to provide a total nominal volume that meets the calculated retention volume requirement for the developed site. However, the report must demonstrate that the contributing area for each respective basin will generate enough runoff volume to satisfy the retention volume requirement. Reference equation 3.1 of the Stormwater Retention/Detention Manual. 11. State or demonstrate how the off-site flows will not negatively impact the adjacent properties as per Chapter 14, section 1 of the SMDDFM. 12. The report should include a copy of the retention basin infiltration test procedure and results. Testing should be accomplished at a depth representative of the basin bottom elevations. Percolation testing should conform to Pima County Flood Control District criteria. The report should present the results of the basin infiltration testing in terms of maximum disposal time of stormwater retention. (Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual paragraph 3.5.1) 13. A detailed retention basin maintenance checklist and schedule should be provided in the report. (Standards Manual paragraph Chapter 26 of the Tucson Code (Floodplain Ordinance #7407) states that the first review of the drainage report will be free of charge. The second submittal will be subject to a review fee of $150. All subsequent reviews will be subject to a fee of $300 each. Fees shall be collected prior to the start of each review. A review fee of $150 will be collected prior to the next review. |
02/02/2001 | TOM WEIDEMAN | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | 1. The Basis of Bearing statement should include a map or plat reference from which the bearing was established. 2. Reference COT field book in the Basis of Elevation. 3. Correct the spelling of the word "provided" under general note 15. 4. Add a general note stating "the refuse enclosure area will be constructed per development standard 6-01, at a minimum." 5. Provide sidewall bollards in the refuse enclosure detail per development standard 6-01.4.2.C.2. 6. Update the Legend to show only those items pertaining to this development. 7. Curb and sidewalk will be required through the north and south PAAL areas from Wilmot Rd. connecting to the westerly buildings. Please show this on the plans. 8. Call out the centerline of Wilmot Rd. Provide dimensions from the centerline to the property line and include dimensions to the curb, sidewalk, etc. 9. Properly identify the floodplain line which splits the property in a southeasterly to northwesterly direction. Lines depicting floodplains other than the 100 yr. event need not be shown. 10. Provide estimated cut and fill quantities for the development. 11. Provide a water surface elevation for the Alamo Wash. 12. Describe under the Legend what the "R1&C" nomenclature shown in the boundary bearings depicts. 13. Provide distances from the building edges to their respective basin edges. 14. Call out the 50' wash study area line pertaining to the Alamo Wash. 15. The Area 5 building should not be shown as Area 45. 16. Provide a detail or cross-section indicating if the sidewalk leading from Wilmot Rd. to building 2 is raised or at pavement grade. If raised, indicate drainage conveyance patterns and structures related to flows across this area. 17. Please be advised that grading permit and approved grading will be required for this development. |
02/02/2001 | PHIL SEADER | HANDICAP-SITE | REVIEW | Approved | |
02/02/2001 | TOM WEIDEMAN | SANITATION | REVIEW | Denied | see engineering comments |
10/25/2000 | JIM EGAN | FIRE | REVIEW | Denied | |
11/09/2000 | DAN CASTRO | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | |
11/21/2000 | JOE LINVILLE | NPPO | REVIEW | Denied | NATIVE PLANT PRESERVATION (NPPO) COMMENTS CODE SECTION/ DEVELOPMENT STD. 1. If protected native plants do not exist on the site or will not be substantially impacted by development, please submit an application for an exception to the Native Plant Preservation requirements. a. If protected native plants exist on site but will not be impacted by development, please locate and identify the protected plants on the site, landscape and grading plans. Plants should be identified as to their genus, species and size and notes must be added stating that these plants will be preserved in place and fenced for protection prior to any land disturbance activity., & 3.8.5/2-15.2.0 2. If protected native plants do exist on the site, please have a plant professional provide all data required for the NPPO. These requirements shall be submitted by one of the following methods. a. Plant Inventory Methodology - Submit all requirements for this method, including but not limited to: a Native Plant Inventory per DS Sec. 2-15.3.1, an Analysis and Objectives Statement per DS Sec. 2-15.3.3 and a Plant Preservation and Salvage Plan per DS 2-15.3.4. b. Plant Appraisal Methodology - Submit all requirements for this method including but not limited to, a Plant Appraisal per LUC Sec. based on a Native Plant Inventory for each plant to be removed from the site per DS 2-15.3.1. c. Set Aside Methodology - Submit all requirements for this method including but not limited to, an Environmental Resource Report per LUC Sec. and DS 1-07. d. Combined Methodologies - Submit all requirements for this method as stated in the LUC Sec and the related DS Sections. 3.8.0 / 2-15.0 / 2-15 / 2-15 / 2-15 / 2-15 RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised Site Plan, Revised Landscape Plan, NPPO Plan or exception application. |
11/21/2000 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Please show the location and label and dimension all property lines, right-of-ways and easements on the landscape plan. Label the Alamo Wash and the study area. Locate the 100 year floodplain. Revise landscape plan to include site plan revisions. /2-07 2. All landscape and open areas, areas between the property line and the sidewalk and areas between the sidewalk and the street curb must receive dust control at a 2" depth. Designate D.G. in the areas indicated above. & Table 3.7.2-I / 2-06.3.4 3. Shrubs can not exceed 30" in height and tree canopies can not be less than 6' if planted in sight visibility triangles. Please add notes, if appropriate, to the landscape plan. /2-06.0 4. Within a vehicular use area, one canopy tree is required for every 15 parking spaces provided or fraction thereof. A minimum of 50% of the required trees must be located within the vehicular use area. Please provide calculations for vehicular use area trees. 5. The minimum planting area required for trees within the vehicle use area is 34 square feet. Show and dimension typical planter area. 6. Protection for landscape areas adjacent to vehicle areas is required. Show all curbing, or other protective measures. / 2-06.3.3 7. The refuse storage areas, including the openings of enclosures must be screened. Show all screening on the landscape plan. 3.7.3 & Table 3.7.2-I / 2-06.3.7, 2-07.2.2 8. Identify all proposed or required retention/ detention basins. Basins must be landscaped, as follows: A min. of 20 trees per acre are required for the detention basin. Provide total area of basins and tree calculations. Minimum tree size should be 15 gallon. 33% of trees should be 24" box or larger. Please identify all inert materials to be used in conjunction with drainage basins and drainageways. / 10- 9. Provide specifications for the native seed mix including species proposed, soil preparation, irrigation proposed and recommended scheduling, and establishment guarantee. /9-06.5.0 |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
04/23/2001 | DELMA ROBEY | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |