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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Plan Number - S07-121
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
05/09/2008 | FERNE RODRIGUEZ | START | PLANS SUBMITTED | Completed | |
05/12/2008 | JIM EGAN | COT NON-DSD | FIRE | Denied | Show the existing hydrant locations. It appears one will be blocked by the new building in between the hydrant and the existing fire lane. |
05/14/2008 | FRODRIG2 | PIMA COUNTY | WASTEWATER | Denied | May 13, 2008 To: Stephanie Rowe Reece Angell Rowe Architects Thru: Patricia Gehlen, CDRC Manager City of Tucson Development Services Department From: Chandubhai C. Patel, P.E., Civil Eng. Manager Development Review Division ( Wastewater) Pima County Development Services Department Subject: Casa Del Pueblo Expansion Tentative Plat – 2nd Submittal S07-121 The proposed sewer collection lines for the above-referenced project have been reviewed on behalf of the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality (PDEQ) and the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD). This review letter may contain comments pertaining to the concerns of either Department. The following comments are offered for your use. Sheet 2: Show the existing public and private sewer lines using different line-types , both in the legend as well as on the site plan, so that they can readily be distinguished from each other. You have used the same line type for both. Sheet 1: Since you are now proposing to construct new private sewers for a building, revise Wastewater Management Note #1 to this effect: SOME ON-SITE SEWERS ARE EXISTING AND PRIVATE. SOME NEW SEWERS ARE PROPOSED AND WILL BE PRIVATE. Sheet 1: It is noticed that the new private sewers will be connected to the existing private sewer. If this is true, revise the Wastewater Management Note #2 to read as follows: THE ON-SITE SANITARY SEWERS WILL BE PRIVATE AND WILL BE CONSTRUCTED, OPERATED AND MAINTAINED ON A PRIVATE BASIS, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN APPROVED OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN, IF REQUIRED. NO NEW CONNECTION TO AN EXISTING PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IS PROPOSED. This office will require a submittal of the revised set of bluelines, and a response letter, addressing these comments. Additional comments may be made during the review of these documents. The next submittal of this project will be the third (3rd) submittal. A check for the review fee of this submittal in the amount of $78.00 (made out to PIMA COUNTY TREASURER) must accompany the revised set of bluelines and response letter. If you have any questions regarding the above comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Chandubhai C. Patel, P.E. CC: Project File |
05/30/2008 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | 1) Revise the landscape plan to include landscape information for the existing portion of the site. Landscape borders, screening elementsand parking lot trees are required to comply with current code provisions. LUC 2) Revise the Native Plant Preservation plan to improve clarity. The plans received were too dark to read. |
06/05/2008 | KAY MARKS | PIMA COUNTY | ADDRESSING | Approv-Cond | 201 N. STONE AV., 1ST FL TUCSON, AZ 85701-1207 KAY MARKS ADDRESSING OFFICIAL PH: 740-6480 FAX #: 740-6370 TO: CITY PLANNING FROM: KAY MARKS, ADDRESSING OFFICIAL SUBJECT: S07-121 CASA DEL PUEBLO/REVISED TENTATIVE PLAT DATE: 6/04/08 The above referenced project has been reviewed by this Division for all matters pertaining to street naming/addressing, and we hereby approve this project. NOTE: ON FINAL PLAT: Number buildings. ***The Pima County Addressing Section can use digital CAD drawing files when submitted with your final plat Mylar. These CAD files can be submitted through Pima County Addressing. The digital CAD drawing files expedite the addressing and permitting processes when we are able to insert this digital data into the County’s Geographic Information System. Your support is greatly appreciated.*** |
06/06/2008 | HEATHER THRALL | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department, Plans Coordination Office FROM: Heather Thrall, Senior Planner PROJECT: S07-121 Casa del Pueblo, 4975 S. Liberty Avenue Tentative plat, 1 lot into 2 lots, 2nd review TRANSMITTAL DATE: June 6, 2008 DUE DATE: June 9, 2008 COMMENTS: 1. Sheet 1, in Existing Zoning Designation - Please remove the Residential Care Service reference - this is Multi-Family per all other notes on plan and your response letter. 2. (PER LAST & CURRENT REVIEW) DS 2-05.2.2.B.4, number units/density: A) Provide density calculation for number of units per zone - clarify square footage of land per zone and total number of units proposed for each zone. BE ADVISED - preliminary density calculations done by staff using the numbers from the lot coverage calculation for inferred amount of land area in each zone shows both zones will exceed their density allowances. The R-2 zone allows a maximum of 15 units an acre. The O-3 zone allows a maximum of 22 units an acre. 3. (PER LAST & CURRENT REVIEW) Per DS 2-05.2.2.B.5, 75% of land area in each zone can be covered (lot coverage is vehicular and building footprint areas) A) clarify lot coverage percentage for each zone -list allowed maximum and proposed. Check calculation - project has more than 9% of lot coverage in O-3 zone per drawing. Is vehicular use area included? In calculation, please list square footage of building area footprint, square footage of vehicular use area and square footage of lot area per zone. B) list overall lot coverage for entire site- both allowed maximum and actual proposed 4. Per DS 2-05.2.4.D.3, widen south entry/exit PAAL to 24' for two way travel. 5. Per DS 2-05.2.4.D.4, I acknowledge cross-access and cross parking agreement noted between the two properties. When recorded, please provide recordation information for these documents, in the "docket _____ page _____" note. 6. On last review, I advised a recorded lot combination covenant was required. City Attorney has advised covenant not possible for residential projects. No need to record. 7. PER LAST & CURRENT REVIEW: Per DS 2-05.2.4.I, regarding setbacks: A) show ACTUAL setbacks at new lot line to existing building-atporch & far east corner B) show ACTUAL setback from existing east lot line & patio-roofed?- on new building. C) SHT 1, LIST MINIMUM setback, R-2 toR-2, R-2 to C-1, O-3 to O-3 & O-3 to C-1 D) SHT 1 references setbacks as 30 - could change once building wall height provided. Note maximum building height is 25' both in R-2 and O-3. E) I ACKOWNLEDGE A DDO FOR REDUCED SETBACKS IS REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: for multi-family residential use in O-3 zone, abutting an O-3 zone, minimum required building setback between new lot line and both old and new buildings is equal to building wall height. The proposed lot line provides an insufficient setback between both old and new buildings, given the building walls are two story and the setbacks scales to 9'/10' respectively. Also, a proposed covered walkway or hallway is shown straddling the new lot line, indicating a 0' setback proposed at each side of the lot line. Before zoning can issue DDO referral, obtain written permission from Fire and Structural to go through DDO process. Provide building wall heights on both sides of new lot line for DDO referral. 9. Provide wheel stops in parking spaces in east lot to secure 4' wide sidewalk with vehicle overhang. 10. ADDRESS ON DRAWING -Per DS 2-05.2.4.N, note height of all structures: A) measure from grade to top of all walls B) specify type of roof - ridge or flat with parapet C) if pitch roof, measure from grade to midpoint of pitch roof and also ridge top D) if flat roof, measure from grade to flat roof and top of parapet 11. Per DS 2-05.2.4.P, accessibility reviewed -with advisement from Ron Brown : A) Revise details A & D, Sht 4. As advised prior, handicapped parking sign must have $518.00 fine noted per Tucson City Code 20-222, sign must be 7' from grade to bottom of sign - excludes van accessible sign. B) Add van accessible sign to details A & D. C) Keynote location of ramps, marked crossings and truncated domes on plan near north entry to site. I acknowledge detail J meets code. D) Show position of handicapped sign posted in front of accessible spaces. 12. Per DS 2-05.2.4.Q, regarding bicycle parking: A) Revise typical detail for class 2 bike parking to meet DS 2-09 acceptable types B) Provide typical detail drawing for class 1 bicycle parking spaces C) Keynotes for both types of bicycle parking have incorrect detail references 13. Please note further review comments may be forthcoming, depending upon responses provided. I may be reached at Heather.Thrall@tucsonaz.gov or at 520-837-4951. C:\planning\cdrc\tentativeplat\S07-121 casa del pueblo 1.tpa.doc RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised tentative plat and additional requested documents. |
06/13/2008 | ANDY VERA | ENV SVCS | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Reposition gate post to the face of the CMU wall to allow gate opening at 11 ft minimum. 2. Recommend providing a 10 ft x 10 ft concrete slab in front of the enclosure to reduce pavement damage from service operation. 3. Call out a 3 ft dimension of side bollard to front gates to protect side walls from damage. Please provide corrections on resubmittal. If you have any questions you may contact Andy Vera at (520) 791-5543 ext 1212 or e-mail: Andy.Vera@tucsonaz.gov |
06/19/2008 | JASON GREEN | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | DATE: June 19, 2008 SUBJECT: Casa Del Pueblo Development Plan- 2nd Engineering Review TO: Patricia Gehlen, CDRC Manager LOCATION: 4975 S Liberty Avenue, T15S R13E Sec01 Ward 5 REVIEWERS: Jason Green, CFM ACTIVITY: S07-121 (Tentative Plat/Development Plan/Development Plan) SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Development Services Department has received and reviewed the revised Tentative Plat/Development Plan, Drainage Report (Patterson Hydrology Drainage Engineering, Inc., 20JUN07 with addendum Knudsen-Smith Engineering, Inc., 30APR08), and Geotechnical Investigation Report (Speedie and Associates (19FEB07). Engineering Division does not recommend approval of the Tentative Plat/Development Plan at this time. The Drainage Report was reviewed for Tentative Plat/Development Plan purposes only. The following items need to be addressed: TENTATIVE PLAT/DEVELOPMENT PLAN COMMENTS: The proposed project falls under both Tentative Plat (DS Sec 2-03) and Development Plan (DS Sec.2-05) requirements. The project is showing a lot split via the Tentative Plat process, but is also showing the development of the property, which is in essence a Development Plan review. The project was reviewed for conformance with the content requirements under DS 2-03 and 2-05. Due to the 25% expansion of building area and vehicular use area this plan was reviewed for full code compliance of the entire site. 1) DS Sec.2-03.2.1.D: Revise the project location map on Sheet 1 to be drawn at a scale of 3 inch equals 1 mile. 2) DS Sec.2-03.2.3.B Revise the Tentative Plat/Development Plan to label the basis of bearing in plan view along the center line of Liberty Ave. 3) DS Sec.2-03.2.4.C: Revise the Tentative Plat/Development Plan so that all areas of shared common use (i.e. PAALs, vehicular use areas, retention basins, utilities, etc.) are contained within either a common area or within a private easement. Revise the Tentative Plat/Development Plan to provide for one of the following: a) Provide all areas, PAALs, vehicular use areas, retention basins, utilities, etc. within a common area that is labeled individually with a separate letter designation and is enclosed with a solid line to clarify each common area (PAALs, vehicular use areas, retention basins, utilities, etc) that will have separate restrictions and/or a separate homeowners'. Provide Covenant, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the project stating maintenance responsibilities for these areas or; b) Provide separate easements (with survey information) for each area (PAALs, vehicular use areas, retention basins, utilities, etc.). If these areas are within easements then the easements must clearly state responsibility of these areas for future maintenance. The Tentative Plat/Development Plan will not be approved until all shared areas that require maintenance from HOA's or property owners are within either a Common Area or private easement. 4) DS Sec.2-03.2.4.F: Revise the Tentative Plat/Development Plan to label and show all existing and proposed handicap access ramps. Provide keynote call outs (with associated detail) for all handicap ramp locations, specifically at the 2 driveway access points. Refer to Ron Brown, RA Structural Plan Examiner for further ANSI requirements. 5) DS Sec.2-03.2.4.J: Revise the Tentative Plat/Development Plan to show that all proposed easements (utility, sewer, drainage, access, etc.) are dimensioned and labeled as to their purpose and whether they will be public or private. The proposed sewer line needs to be entirely placed within an easement or clearly delineated within a common area and the Title Block must be updated to reflect the changes. The entire sewer line must be within an easement not just the portion located on Lot 1. This needs to be revised for all utilities (water, fire lines, gas, etc.). Tentative Plat/Development Plan will not be approved prior to these utilities being placed in either an easement or common area. 6) DS Sec.2-10.3.2.E: Provide a copy of the CC&Rs (if utilities, PAALs, vehicular Use Are, Retention Basins, etc or placed within a common area) discussing responsibility and maintenance of all vehicular use areas, PAALs, common areas and retention/detention basins. Or verify that any proposed easements provide maintenance language. DEVELOPMENT PLAN: 7) DS Sec.2-05.2.4.D.3: Revise the Tentative Plat/Development Plan to label and dimension all existing and proposed handicap access ramps. Provide keynote call outs (with associated detail) for all handicap ramp locations, specifically at the 2 driveway access points. 8) DS Sec.2-05.2.4.D.3: Verify that the proposed PAAL meet the minimum 24-foot width requirement at all areas. Dimension the PAAL width at both refuse container locations. The 24-foot width requirement must be measured from the curb to the containers door when in open position to verify that 2-way traffic will not be obstructed when container doors are opened. 9) DS Sec.2-05.2.4.D.4: Provide the cross-access and cross parking (if applicable) easement agreement required for the proposed PAAL and vehicular use area of the proposed building. Provide the recordation information in plan view or revise general note #7 for the cross access agreement. 10) DS Sec.2-05.2.4.G: Revise the Tentative Plat/Development Plan to show that all proposed utilities (water, sewer, gas, etc) or contained within applicable easements or common areas. 11) DS Sec.2-05.2.4.I: Provide the dimensions for the retention basins/water harvesting areas that are shown on the Tentative Plat/Development Plan. Revise the cross sections and/or plan view for the retention basin areas to provide all dimensions, i.e. top width, bottom width, length, etc. if these areas vary provide enough information so that the basins are constructed to retain the required volume of stormwater runoff per Drainage Report. 12) DS Sec.2-05.2.4.K: Revise the Tentative Plat/Development Plan to be in conformance with the geotechnical report recommendations. Per the report all down spout locations can not discharge into the landscaping adjacent to the building. The down spouts must be directed away from the building by paved scuppers and then routed under the sidewalks with the proposed scuppers, revise. 13) DS Sec.2-05.2.4.T: The refuse detail for Tentative Plat/Development Plan purposes is acceptable, however prior to grading plan approval additional details will be required on the refuse container to verify conformance with DS Sec.6-01 and Figure 3 within the referenced section. 14) DS Sec.2-05.2.4.T: Show maneuverability for the refuse vehicles in plan view. Label and show the turning radii (provide minimum radii, 36-feet inside and 50-feet outside, for refuse vehicle in plan view) refer to Environmental Services comments. 15) Review and approval from TDOT Permits and Codes for all improvements within the public right-of-way will be required. A right-of-way use permit application will be required prior to construction. Refer to the following links for TDOT Forms and applications: a) http://www.tucsonaz.gov/dsd/Forms_Fees___Maps/Applications/applications.html / b) http://www.dot.ci.tucson.az.us/engineering/pia.php c) Or contact Thad Harvison at 837-6592 for all additional questions regarding r-o-w. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: 16) DS Sec.10- Provide a revised geotechnical evaluation or addendum that addresses the following: a) Soils report should provide any recommendation for setbacks from building to proposed retention systems. b) Provide slope stability recommendations for any proposed constructed slopes (i.e. 4:1 H:V slopes in basins). GRADING PLAN: 17) DS Sec.11-01.2.1: A grading permit is required for this project due to the cut and fill quantities provided. A grading plan and a grading permit application will be required after Tentative Plat/Development Plan approval and prior to any construction activity. A grading permit may not be issued prior to Tentative Plat/Development Plan approval. 18) Please ensure that any future grading plan will be consistent with the Tentative Plat/Development Plan, Drainage Report, and geotechnical report. Grading standards may be accessed at: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/DevStandsTOC.pdf 19) Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) requirements are applicable to this project. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and text addressing stormwater controls for all areas affected by construction activities related to this development might be required with a grading plan submittal. For further information, visit www.adeq.state.az.us/environ/water/permits/stormwater.html. GENERAL COMMENTS: Please provide a revised Tentative Plat/Development Plan and a geotechnical report that address the comments provided above. Include a comprehensive response letter (separate reply comments into the respective DSD review divisions, i.e. Engineering Comments- your reply, Zoning Comments- you reply, etc) addressing in detail responses to all of the above comments. Further comments may be generated upon resubmittal of the Tentative Plat/Development Plan and geotechnical report reviews. For any questions or to schedule meetings call me at 837-4929. Jason Green, CFM Senior Engineer Associate Engineering Division Development Services |
06/20/2008 | PATRICIA GEHLEN | ZONING-DECISION LETTER | REVIEW | Denied | COMMUNITY DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES June 20, 2008 Stephanie Rowe Reece Angell Rowe Architects 4343 East Avalon Dr. Phoenix, Arizona 85018 Subject: S07-121 Casa Del Pueblo Tentative Plat Dear Stephanie: Your submittal of May 9, 2008 for the above project has been reviewed by the Community Design Review Committee and the comments reflect the outstanding requirements which need to be addressed before approval is granted. Please review the comments carefully. Once you have addressed all of the comments, please submit the following revised documents and a DETAILED cover letter explaining how each outstanding requirement has been addressed: ALL BLACKLINES MUST BE FOLDED 7 Copies Revised Tentative Plat (Wastewater, Fire, Landscape, Zoning, ESD, Engineering, DSD) 4 Copies Revised Landscape Plan (Landscape, Zoning, Engineering, DSD) 2 Copies Revised NPPO Plan (Landscape, DSD) 2 Copies Geotechnical Report (Engineering, DSD) Should you have any questions, please call me at 837-4919. Sincerely, Patricia Gehlen CDRC Manager All comments for this case are available on our website at http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/ Via fax: (602) 957-7546 |