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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Plan Number - S07-034
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/04/2008 | PATRICIA GEHLEN | ZONING-DECISION LETTER | REVIEW | Denied | COMMUNITY DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES January 4, 2008 Charles Corrales Steve Corrales Engineering Corporation 1008 West Saint Mary's Road Tucson, Arizona 85745 Subject: S07-034 Colonia Mariposa Final Plat Dear Steve: Your submittal of October 30, 2007 for the above project has been reviewed by the Community Design Review Committee and the comments reflect the outstanding requirements which need to be addressed before approval is granted. Please review the comments carefully. Once you have addressed all of the comments, please submit the following revised documents and a DETAILED cover letter explaining how each outstanding requirement has been addressed: ALL BLACKLINES MUST BE FOLDED 7 Copies Revised Final Plat (Wastewater, TEP, Zoning, Addressing, Real Estate Engineering, DSD) 2 Copies Title Report (Engineering, DSD) 2 Copies CC&R's (Engineering, DSD file copy) Should you have any questions, please call me at 837-4919. Sincerely, Patricia Gehlen CDRC Manager All comments for this case are available on our website at http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/ Via fax: 622-2554 fpresubmittal |
10/29/2007 | FERNE RODRIGUEZ | START | PLANS SUBMITTED | Completed | |
11/01/2007 | FRODRIG2 | PIMA COUNTY | WASTEWATER | Denied | October 31, 2007 To: Joaquin Rincon Civil Works Engineering Thru: Patricia Gehlen, CDRC Project Manager City of Tucson Development Services Department ____________________________________ From: Tom Porter, Sr. Civil Eng. Assistant (520-740-6706), representing the Pima County Departments of Wastewater Management and Environmental Quality Subject: Colonia Mariposa, Lots 1-16 & Common Areas A, B-1 - B-16 & C-1 - C-2 Final Plat – 1st Submittal S07-034 The proposed sewer collection lines for the above-referenced project have been reviewed on behalf of the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality (PDEQ) and the Pima County Wastewater Management Department (PCWMD). This review letter may contain comments pertaining to the concerns of either Department. The following comments are offered for your use. We will send to your office via e-mail, a .pdf file containing a Sewer Service Agreement for the proposed number of residential lots. Three originals will need to be printed out from this file for notarized signatures by the Owner of Record. The three signed originals of the Agreement must be returned to this office in order to satisfy the necessary requirements needed to approve the Mylars of the final plat. Sheet 1: In the Dedication Block, second paragraph, first line after the word PUBLIC add the words ,PIMA COUNTY. Sheet 1: Add the Trust No. where appropriate. This office will require a revised set of bluelines, and a response letter, addressing these comments. Additional comments may be made during the review of these documents. Pima County Code Title 13.20.030.A.2 requires that a wastewater review fee be paid for each submittal of the . The fee for the first submittal is $166 plus $50 per sheet. For the second submittal, the review fee is $50 per sheet. For all subsequent submittals, the review fee is $39 per sheet. The next submittal of this project will be the second (2nd) submittal. A check for the review fee of this submittal in the amount of $50.00 (made out to PIMA COUNTY TREASURER) must accompany the revised set of bluelines and response letter. If the number of sheets changes, please adjust the review fee accordingly. If you have any questions regarding the above mentioned comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. CC: Project file |
11/02/2007 | LIZA CASTILLO | UTILITIES | TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER | Denied | SUBJECT: COLONIA MARIPOSA Lots 1-16 S07-034 Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP) has received the final plat submitted for review October 30, 2007. TEP is unable to approve the plat at this time. An electrical design to determine our easement requirements will be provided on the Approved Tentative Plat within fifteen (15) working days upon receipt of the plat. Additional plans necessary for preparation of the design are: building plans including water, electrical, landscape, sidewalk and paving plans. Also, submit the AutoCAD version of the plat on a CD or email to lcastillo@tep.com <mailto:lcastillo@tep.com> . Please contact me at (520) 917-8745 if you have any questions. Liza Castillo, Right of Way Agent Tucson Electric Power Co. Unisource Energy Services offc-(520) 917-8745 fax-(520) 545-1416 lcastillo@tep.com |
11/15/2007 | KAROL ARAGONEZ | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office FROM: Karol Aragonez Planner PROJECT: S07-034 Colonia Mariposa Lots 1-16 Final Plat TRANSMITTAL DATE: November 13, 2007 DUE DATE: November 28, 2007 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed. 1. An applicant has one (1) year from the date of approval of tentative plat to obtain approval of a final plat that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application. This final plat must be approved and recorded on or before August 26, 2008. 2. Please place the words "Book ______ Page ______" in both the upper and lower right corners outside the margin line. The blanks will be completed by the Pima County Recorder's Office at the time of recordation. DS 2-03.6.1.G 3. Please revise line weights. Line weights will reflect the nature of the line, e.g., right-of-way lines will be more prominent than lot lines or easements, and drainageways will be in heavy solid lines except at street crossings. DS 2-03.6.1.J 4. Case number S07-034 has been assigned to this final plat. Please place this number in the right corner of all sheets of the final plat. DS 2-03.6.1.K 5. Please add to general note 3 "Total miles of new private streets are zero (0)". DS 2-03.6.2.C 6. Please add as a general note "There will be no further division of lots without the expressed approval of the City of Tucson". DS 2-03.6.2.H 7. Please revise the Certification of Survey paragraph verbatim as follows as required by DS 2-03.6.3.A: CERTIFICATION OF SURVEY "I hereby certify that the boundary survey as shown on this plat was performed under my direction and that all existing or proposed survey monuments and markers shown are correctly described. I further certify that this plat was prepared under my direction." 8. Please revise the first paragraph of the dedication to read as required by DS 2-03.6.3.B.1. "I, the undersigned, hereby warrant that I am the owner and the only party having any interest in the land shown on this plat, and I consent to the subdivision of said land in the manner shown hereon." 9. Please fill in the name of the current City Clerk (Kathleen S. Detrick) in the approval paragraph. DS 2-03.6.3.D 10. Please add the time space after the date in the recording paragraph to read "On This _____ Day of______, 20___, at _____.m, in Book", and add the name of the current County recorder (F. Ann Rodriquez). DS 2-03.6.3.D.1 11. Please add to the first sheet of the CC&Rs the number of lots and common areas as listed in the title block of the final plat. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call David Rivera, (520) 791-5608. KAA S:\zoning review\karol\planning\cdrc\finalplat\S07-034fp.doc RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised final plat and CC&R's. |
11/16/2007 | KAY MARKS | PIMA COUNTY | ADDRESSING | Denied | 201 N. STONE AV., 1ST FL TUCSON, AZ 85701-1207 KAY MARKS ADDRESSING OFFICIAL PH: 740-6480 FAX #: 740-6370 TO: CITY PLANNING FROM: KAY MARKS, ADDRESSING OFFICIAL SUBJECT: S07-034 COLONIA MARIPOSA, LOTS 1-16/FINAL PLAT DATE: 11/16/07 The above referenced project has been reviewed by this Division for all matters pertaining to street naming/addressing, and the following matters must be resolved prior to our approval: Include Section lines on Location Map. On Location Map delete Rodeo Addition No. 3 Bk/Pg 13020 (eastern most) and both Randall Square (1-7) Bk/Pg 33081 (southern most.) es |
11/28/2007 | FRODRIG2 | COT NON-DSD | REAL ESTATE | Denied | S07-034 Colonia Mariposa Lots 1-16: Final Plat Review -Request words be included in the Dedication block to convey to the public Drexel Place and 20' along Drexel Rd. -Within the Dedication and Beneficiary blocks, request "Title Security Trust" be changed to "Title Security Trust 766." -Concerning the 8' wide drainage easement along the E. boundary of the Subdivision, request clarification if the easement will be public or private. -Request annotations "Bk. 17 Pg. 39" be changed to "Bk. 17 of Surveys Pg. 39." Andy (520) 837-6715 Real Estate Division |
11/29/2007 | ED ABRIGO | PIMA COUNTY | ASSESSOR | Approved | Office of the Pima County Assessor 115 N. Church Ave. Tucson, Arizona 85701 BILL STAPLES ASSESSOR TO: CDRC Office Subdivision Review City of Tucson (FAX# 791-5559) FROM: Gary Ault, Mapping Supervisor Pima County Assessor’s Office Mapping Department DATE: November 28, 2007 RE: Assessor’s Review and Comments Regarding FINAL PLAT S07-034 COLONIA MARIPOSA T151406 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * X Plat meets Assessor’s Office requirements. _______ Plat does not meet Assessor’s Office requirements. COMMENTS: PLEASE MAKE THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS BY FINAL PLAT STAGE: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMITTAL. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL ROSANNA WERNER AT 740-4390 NOTE: THE ASSESSOR’S CURRENT INVOLVEMENT IN PROCESSING ITS MANUAL MAPS TO DIGITAL FORMAT IS EXPEDITED GREATLY BY EXCHANGE OF DIGITAL DATA. IN THE COURSE OF RECORDING THIS SUBDIVISION YOUR ASSISTANCE IN PROVIDING THIS OFFICE WITH AN AUTOCAD COPY WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANK YOU FOR ANY DIGITAL DATA PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED. ROSANNA WERNER |
12/18/2007 | ELIZABETH EBERBACH | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | TO: Patricia Gehlen; CDRC Coordinator SUBJECT: Colonia Mariposa (S04-166) Submittal Final Plat Engineering Review LOCATION: T15S R14E Section 6 REVIEWER: Elizabeth Eberbach ACTIVITY NUMBER: S07-034 SUMMARY: The Final Plat package including a copy of the Final Plat, copy of the CC&R's, copy of the title report schedule B with updated sewer easement information were received by Engineering for review. Engineering does not recommend approval of the Final Plat until assurances are reviewed and approved and the following Final Plat comments must be addressed. Assurances may be submitted with second submittal of the Final Plat package. FINAL PLAT COMMENTS: 1) City of Tucson Development Standards (DS) Section No. 2-03.7.1.G: The final plat cannot be scheduled for Mayor and Council consideration until the financial assurances are approved. Submit the following for the assurance package: a) If a third party trust is proposed for the subdivision assurances, provide: i) original copy of the AGREEMENT TO CONSTRUCT SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS / THIRD PARTY TRUST with the assurable items list; ii) original copy of the AMENDMENT TO TRUST / THIRD PARTY TRUST; iii) assure that all exhibits are attached, and the case number "S06-185" is at the top of the first page of the AGREEMENT TO CONSTRUCT and AMENDMENT TO TRUST; iv) copy of the original Trust Agreement; v) copy of a sample Warranty Deed; vi) copy of the current Title Report. b) Assure that the descriptions of the common areas of the Final Plat title block match the CC&R's descriptions of the subdivision common areas and the descriptions in the assurance paperwork for the AGREEMENT TO CONSTRUCT and the AMENDMENT TO TRUST / THIRD PARTY TRUST. Please be aware that the City of Tucson's legal office may reject the assurance paperwork if the verbiage does not match exactly the verbiage on the Final Plat's Title Block. c) Assure Subdivision case number S07-034 is provided on the first sheet and exhibits of the AGREEMENT TO CONSTRUCT and the AMENDMENT TO TRUST / THIRD PARTY TRUST. d) For this and future projects, please provide a 8½" by 11" location map sheet for assurance submittals that go to Mayor & Council. Typically, these are similar to an enlarged location map on Final Plats. 2) DS Sec.2-03.6.1.D.2: On location map, differentiate between sections. 3) DS Sec.2-03.6.1.G: Place the words "Book ____ Page ____" in the upper right corner outside and bottom margin lines. 4) DS Sec.2-03.6.1.J: Revise line weights for project boundary and right-of-way lines to be more prominent than lot lines or easements. 5) DS Sec.2-03.6.1.L: Address the following legend comments: a) Add to legend delineations for different types of easements. b) Add star to legend for access stars for lots 1, 8, 10, and 16. Also, show stars on plat. c) Add project property corner survey monumentation, existing and proposed. d) Provide "100-year" floodplain limits if applicable. 6) DS Sec.2-03.7.1.B: Regarding the engineering certification on sheet 1, any floodplain or erosion hazard setback lines that fall within the project boundary shall be shown on the plat. Verify whether engineering certification is needed if floodplain or EHS lines do not fall within project boundary. 7) DS Sec.2-03.7.1.E: Provide a revised copy of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) addressing the following comments: a) DS Sec.2-03.6.6: The CC&R's shall establish responsibility for construction, maintenance, and ownership of the basin and liability for any proposed commonly-owned areas. Provide maintenance verbiage for the drainage easements and detention basin area from these sections of code within the CC&R's per DS Sections 10- & 3. Otherwise, the verbiage from these sections needs to be added to the Final Plat as general notes - including the following verbiage: (a) that the owner or owners shall be solely responsible for operation, maintenance, and liability for drainage structures and detention basins; (b) that the owner or owners shall have an Arizona Registered Professional Civil Engineer prepare a certified inspection report for the drainage and detention/retention facilities at least once each year, and that these regular inspection reports will be on file with the owner for review by City staff, upon written request; (c) that City staff may periodically inspect the drainage and detention/retention facilities to verify that scheduled and unscheduled maintenance activities are being performed adequately; and (d) that the owner or owners agree to reimburse the City for any and all costs associated with maintaining the drainage and detention/retention facilities, should the City find the owner or owners deficient in their obligation to adequately operate and maintain their facilities. b) Assure that the CC&R's are revised to include a maintenance checklist as provided in the Drainage Report from the approved Tentative Plat. c) At Final Plat approval, a signed original copy of the CC&R's will be required to be submitted to CDRC Office. d) Provide easement maintenance verbiage is in the CC&R's, that all erosion protection, drainage improvements, and revegetation in all easements shall be the responsibility of the Homeowners Association. e) Add Subdivision case number S07-034 to first sheet of CC&R's. f) Show any TEP pedestal or other proposed utility easements on the plat. 8) DS Sec.2-03.6.3.A: Revise the Certification of Survey to match this section of the standards: "I hereby certify that the boundary survey as shown on this plat was performed under my direction and that all existing or proposed survey monuments and markers shown are correctly described. I further certify that this plat was prepared under my direction." With registrant's name, seal and signature. 9) DS Sec.2-03.6.5.B: Assure all proposed easements, and existing easements as listed in the Title Report Schedule B, are clearly drawn, identified, and labeled on the Final Plat. 10) DS Sec.2-03.6.5.C.5: Address the following boundary data and survey items: a) Clarify bearings and distances for tie to section corner from a corner of the project. b) DS Sec.2-03.6.5.C.4.b: Show project boundary survey monuments to be set at all property corners. If they are existing, fully describe and show all markings on found monuments, labeling survey monument type and description. c) Clarify all bearings and distances for project boundary data as recorded, measured or calculated. d) DS Sec.2-03.6.4.F: For any surveyable 100-year floodprone limits if applicable, show frequent ties to intersecting lot lines. e) For clarification, add crow's feet to distance 104.78 for lot 10. f) DS Sec.2-03.6.5.C.3: Provide closure sheet for project boundary with error calculation. 11) DS Sec.2-03.6.4.I: Show 100-year ponding limits and minimum geotechnical setback within basin common area. 12) DS Sec.2-03.6.3.B.2.d: Add verbiage to cover common area dedication language. "Drainageways, and common areas shown on this plat are reserved for the private use and convenience of all owners of property within this subdivision, and easements are granted to the Public and all utility companies together with access for the installation, maintenance, and improvements of aboveground and underground utilities, public sewers, and drainage. Title to the land of all drainageways, and common areas will be vested in an association of individual lot owners as established by Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions recorded in Docket ____ at Pages ____ through ____ in the office of the Pima County Recorder. The association will accept responsibility for control, maintenance, and liability for the private streets, drainageways, private sewers, and common areas within this subdivision." 13) DS Sec.2-03.6.3.D: Revise per this section of the standards the Recording Data section on sheet 1. "… Filed for record at the request of (fill in name)____________________________ ________________________ on this _______ day of ______________, 20__, at _________.m. in Book ____ of Maps and Plats at Page ____ thereof. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above as written. (Name of current Recorder) Pima County Recorder Deputy County Recorder 14) DS Sec.2-03.6.3.E: Under the Assurance section on sheet 1, revise "City of Tucson Engineer" to "City of Tucson Development Services Department Engineering Administrator" Submit complete assurance package, copy of the latest title report effective date 10/28/2007, revised Final Plat, copy of the revised CC&R's, and response letter. The next submittal should address all the above items. If you have questions or would like to set up a meeting, call me at 837-4934. Elizabeth Eberbach, PE Civil Engineer Engineering Division Development Services |