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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Active
Review Details: DEV PKG
Permit Number - DP22-0254
Review Name: DEV PKG
Review Status: Active
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
09/23/2022 | SBEASLE1 | START | PLANS SUBMITTED | Completed | |
09/23/2022 | ANY | ZONING-DECISION LETTER | REVIEW | Active | |
09/26/2022 | PAUL CAMARENA | ZONING | REVIEW | Reqs Change | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office FROM: Paul Camarena PDSD Zoning Review Section PROJECT: 1995 E AJO WY Development Package (1st Review) DP22-0254 TRANSMITTAL DATE: September 26, 2022 DUE DATE: October 6, 2022 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. Section 3.3.3.G.5.c UDC, An applicant has one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a site plan that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application, unless an ordinance adopted by Mayor and Council during this period states otherwise. A site plan application that has been in review for a period of one year and has not yet been approved is considered denied. To continue the review of a site plan for the property, a new site plan must be submitted that complies with regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal. The new submittal initiates a new one-year review period. One year Expiration date is September 7, 2022. SECTION 2-06.0.0: DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE (TENTATIVE PLATS AND SITE PLANS) CONTENT REQUIREMENTS 2-06.4.3 - The administrative street address and relevant case numbers (development package document, subdivision, rezoning, board of adjustment, DDO, MDR, DSMR, overlay, etc.) shall be provided adjacent to the title block on each sheet. 1. COMMENT: 2-06.4.3 - Provide the development package case number, DP22-0254, adjacent to the title block on each sheet. 2-06.4.7 - General Notes The following general notes are required. Additional notes specific to each plan are required where applicable. Zoning and Land Use Notes 2-06.4.7.A.4 - Identify the existing and proposed use of the property as classified per the UDC. List all UDC sections applicable to the proposed uses. 2. COMMENT: 2-06.4.7.A.4 - Remove the use standards as they are not applicable. 2-06.4.7.A.6.a - List additional applications and overlays, by case number (if applicable), in lower right corner of each sheet. As a general note provide the type of application processed or overlays applicable, a statement that the project meets the criteria/conditions of the additional application or overlay, the case number, date of approval, what was approved, and the conditions of approval, if any. 3. COMMENT: 2-06.4.7.A.6.a - Provide the information noted by the standard above for the new subdivision. 2-06.4.8 - Existing Site Conditions The following information shall be provided on the plan/plat drawing to indicate the existing conditions on site and within 50 feet of the site. On sites bounded by a street with a width of 50 feet or greater, the existing conditions across the street will be provided. 2-06.4.8.B - All easements shall be drawn on the plan. The recordation information, location, width, and purpose of all easements on site will be stated. Blanket easements should be listed in the notes, together with recordation data and their proposed status. Should an easement not be in use and be proposed for vacation or have been abandoned, so indicate. However, should the easement be in conflict with any proposed building location, vacation of the easement shall occur prior to approval of plan unless written permission from easement holder(s) is provided. 4. COMMENT: 2-06.4.8.B - Provide the information noted by the standard above for access easement. 2-06.4.8.C - The following information regarding existing private or public right-of-way adjacent to or within the site shall be provided: the name, right-of-way width, recordation data, type and dimensioned width of paving, curbs, curb cuts, and sidewalks. 5. COMMENT: 2-06.4.8.C - Provide the information noted by the standard above for Kino PW/Ajo connection (dimensioned width of paving, curbs, curb cuts, and sidewalks) 2-06.4.9 - Information on Proposed Development The following information on the proposed project shall be shown on the drawing or added as notes. 2-06.4.9.H.2 - Show future and existing sight visibility triangles. On a designated MS&R street, the sight visibility triangles are based on the MS&R cross-section. 6. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.H.2 - Provide the sight visibility triangles as noted by the standard above. 2-06.4.9.H.3 - Indicate fire circulation, including accessibility and vehicle maneuverability. 7. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.H.3 – Provide the information noted by the standard above. 2-06.4.9.H.5.a - Show all motor vehicle off-street parking spaces provided, fully dimensioned. As a note, provide calculations on the number of spaces required (include the ratio used) and the number provided, including the number of spaces required and provided for the physically disabled. The drawing should indicate parking space locations for the physically disabled. A typical parking space detail shall be provided for both standard parking spaces and those for the physically disabled. For information on parking requirements for the physically disabled, refer to adopted building and accessibility codes of the City of Tucson. Design criteria for parking spaces and access are located in Section 7.4.6, Motor Vehicle Use Area Design Criteria, of the UDC. 8. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.H.5.a - 9. Adhere to UDC section 7.4.7.A. the minimum vehicle stacking requirement is 3 vehicle spaces. Provide a detail showing stacking requirements. “Each stacking space must be a minimum of nine feet in width and 18 feet in length” 10. Ensure that the vehicle over have will not implied pedestrian circulation. Provide a detail showing a “clearance space of at least four feet in width is provided for pedestrian access” 2-06.4.9.H.5.d - Show bicycle parking facilities fully dimensioned. For specifics, refer to Section 7.4.9, Bicycle Parking Design Criteria, of the UDC. Provide, as a note, calculations for short and long term bicycle spaces required and provided. 11. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.H.5.d - Please adhere to UDC section Ensure that the bicycle parking does not obstruct the pedestrian circulation provide a detail. 2-06.4.9.O - All applicable building setback lines, such as erosion hazard, floodplain detention/retention basins, and zoning, including sight visibility triangles, will be shown. 12. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.O – Provide the information noted by the standard above. Provide the building setback from the east side. 2-06.4.9.Q - Provide the square footage and the height of each commercial, industrial, or business structure and the specific use proposed within the footprint of the building(s). 13. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.Q - Provide the information noted by the standard above, It is acknowledge that the information is provided on page 3 but relocate so that the information is within the footprint of the building. 2-06.4.9.R - Show on-site pedestrian circulation and refuge utilizing location and the design criteria in Section 7-01.0.0, Pedestrian Access, of the Technical Standards Manual. 14. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.R - It appears that the connection to the north property building #4 is incorrect. (pedestrian path from the site (building #4) to this proposed site leads to a light pole) 2-06.4.9.S - Show existing or proposed pedestrian circulation along abutting rights-of-way. Such sidewalks must comply with accessibility requirements for the physically disabled and the design criteria in Section 10-01.0.0, Street Technical Standards, of the Technical Standards Manual. 15. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.S - Provide the information noted by the standard above. It appears that the pedestrian circulation along that right of way that connects to the adject property does not appear to be correct please clarify. 2-06.4.9.T - Show refuse collection areas, including locations of dumpsters, screening location and materials, and vehicle maneuverability, fully dimensioned, and access route. If dumpster service is not proposed, indicate type of service. For specific information on refuse collection, refer to Section 8-01.0.0, Solid Waste and Recycle Disposal, Collection, and Storage, of the Technical Standards Manual. Refuse collection on all projects shall be designed based on that section, even if collection is to be contracted to a private firm. 16. COMMENT: 2-06.4.9.T - It appears that a portion of the refuse collection area is encroaching on the adjacent property please clarify, ***For additional information on the any standard presented in this memo, please refer to the City of Tucson “Unified Development Code” – Administrative Manual Section 2-06 or Technical Standards noted in the comments. https://www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd/all-codes-plans-determinations To resubmit your plans for additional review, please visit: https://docs.tucsonaz.gov/Forms/tucsonpermitapp If you have any questions about this transmittal, Contact Paul Camarena at (520)837-4986 or by email Paul.Camarena@tucsonaz.gov RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised development package |
09/29/2022 | JGARCIA9 | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Reqs Change | 1. Minimum parking spaces 8.5'x18. If you intend on sidewalk encroachment, provide details showing uninterrupted pedestrian access of a minimum 4', including all access ramps and their design. It appears that encroachment and disabled parking signs may interfere with functioning ramps. 2. Single parking at north parking area appears to require vehicle overhang into basin/landscaping. Clarify 2.5' vehicle buffer 3. Pedestrian Circulation Path connecting to NW development leads to light pole in a Water Harvesting Area. Ensure an accessible route is provided. Joshua Garcia joshua.garcia@tucsonaz.gov |
10/04/2022 | JPEELDA1 | FIRE | REVIEW | Reqs Change | All portions of the building shall be within 400' feet of a fire hydrant. Hydrant shown measures over 500'. A new fire hydrant shall be installed and or fire sprinklers installed. If there is another hydrant in close proximity please show that hydrant on your plans. Questions: Jennifer Peel-Davis Tucson Fire Department Fire Plans Examiner Fire Inspector I, II and Fire Alarm Plans Examiner Jennifer.Peel-Davis@Tucsonaz.gov Desk: 520-837-7033 |
10/20/2022 | AWARNER1 | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Reqs Change | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Planning and Development Services Department, Plans Coordination FROM: Anne Warner, RLA PDSD Landscape/Native Plant Preservation Section PROJECT: Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins ACTIVITY NO: DP22-0254 Address: 1995 W Ajo Way Zoning: Existing Use: previously graded pad Proposed Use: Food Service TRANSMITTAL DATE: October 20, 2022 DUE DATE: October 6, 2022 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Landscape Review Section comments were addressed. This plan has been reviewed for compliance with applicable development criteria in the City of Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-11 and Technical Manual (TM) Section for landscape, native plants and water harvesting. General Note - UDC 2-10.4.1 Identification and Descriptive Data - All improvements and site information, such as adjacent rights-of-way and property lines, shown on the landscape plan will be identical in size and location to those shown on the base plan (site plan or tentative plat). Should amendments be required to the base plan through the review process, the same amendments will be made to the landscape plan which will then be resubmitted along with the base plan. 1. A Commercial Rainwater Harvesting plan is required. Multi-family projects are commercial developments. UDC Technical Standards Manual – Section 4-01.0.0. and Section 5-01.0.0 Landscaping and Screening. Demonstrate how water harvesting is being maximized. 2. If using d.g. at 2” depth, make sure that the water harvesting basins are 8” deep to allow for d.g. depth. Make sure that grading, water harvesting and landscape plans match, as well as details. 3. Engineer & LA comment - The tables 2.2 and 2.3, pages 12-13 in the PCRFCD Manuel can be used in lieu of the Water Budget Table, the only thing that is missing is water demand for plants, which can be added. Make sure units match. 4. The grading plan and water harvesting plan do not meet the requirements of the water harvesting ordinance and technical standard. The plan doesn't show the effective use of run-off to supplement irrigation. a. The catchment areas must provide water to the infiltration areas. Revise the grading to direct runoff to the landscape infiltration areas to the maximum extent possible. b. Catchment areas in the water harvesting table can only count the areas that are directed to the landscape infiltration areas. c. Clearly show the areas in each catchment area and the areas of effective infiltration and water harvesting. All landscape areas should be included within infiltration areas. d. UDC section 7.6.6.C requires the use of all runoff to supplement irrigation. Show how this is attained. e. Provide a planting inventory or some other mechanism so we can confirm the canopy areas for each water harvesting infiltration area. Ensure all on-site landscape areas are accounted in the canopy area. f. Show rooftop drainage patterns and show how they are incorporated into the water harvesting calculations and on grading plan. g. Water harvesting areas should be depressed between 6 and 9 inches. These areas can be counted toward first flush retention requirements. 5. The landscape, water harvesting, and grading plans must match. 6. Show how First Flush Volumes relate to plant water demands. 7. Identify curb inlets/splash pads to landscape areas on grading and water harvesting plans. 8. Please add a detail to show depressed landscape areas or indicate with notes. 9. The basin floor requires something other than bare dirt, hydroseed or rock larger than 4” is acceptable. 10. A 10’ landscape border is required along the access road to Kino from Ajo. Existing vegetation can be counted towards the required buffer, show existing plants on landscape plan. 11. Please provide all landscape calculations on the landscape plan, including required trees for the parking areas, Admin. Manual 2-10-4.2.A.2.c and landscape borders, UDC Technical Standards 2-10.4.2.f & g. 12. Consider using an organic groundcover such as mulch instead of d.g. 13. Include all parking areas in calculations, the access road parking area requires trees. 14. Placing trees along the edge of a parking area or at the ends of parking row does not meet the intent of the UDC. All spaces within 40’ of a tree is only one of the requirements, and it is required to meet all. The intent is to provide as much shade on the asphalt as possible, and the requirement is 1 tree per 4 parking spaces; trees are expected to be placed within the parking area itself to mitigate the heat and glare radiated by the built environment, UDC 7.6.1.A.3. Trees are to be distributed evenly throughout the parking area, UDC 7.6.4.B.1.a., UDC Technical Standards Manual 5-01-.3.2 15. Please label the separate irrigation meter “irrigation only”. UDC Technical Standards 4-01.6.1.A.1. Show POC. 16. Identify the type of irrigation controller with soil moisture gauge, tensiometer, weather station and/or evaportranspiration data. UDC Tech Standards 4-01.4.A. 17. Provide a detail to show tree planting with root barrier adjacent to walkways. 18. Provide a maintenance schedule for the landscape and irrigation for this project. UDC 7.6.8, Admin Manual 2-10-4.2.A.4. and Technical Standards 5-01.9., please be specific. RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised development package YOUR NEXT STEPS: Submit documents to the Filedrop https://docs.tucsonaz.gov/Forms/tucsonpermitapp Select "Existing Application" 1) Comment Response Letter (your response to the reviewer's Requires changes comments) 2) Plan Set (or individual sheets) 3) Any other items requested by review staff If you have any questions, please contact me at anne.warner@tucsonaz.gov |