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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - DP22-0129
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
09/14/2022 | SBEASLE1 | START | PLANS SUBMITTED | Completed | |
09/22/2022 | PAUL CAMARENA | ZONING | REVIEW | Reqs Change | PDSD TRANSMITTAL FROM: PDSD Zoning Review PROJECT: Donut Wheel – 2775 S Wilmot Rd Development Package (2nd Review) DP22-0129 TRANSMITTAL DATE: September 22, 2022 DUE DATE: COMMENTS: Resubmit revised drawings and a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. This plan has been reviewed for compliance with the Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-06. Also, compliance with applicable development criteria for the proposed use as listed in the City of Tucson Uniform Development Code (UDC) and the UDC Technical Standards Manual (TSM). Section 3.3.3.G.5.c UDC, an applicant has one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a site plan that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application, unless an ordinance adopted by Mayor and Council during this period states otherwise. A site plan application that has been in review for a period of one year and has not yet been approved is considered denied. To continue the review of a site plan for the property, a new site plan must be submitted that complies with regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal. The new submittal initiates a new one-year review period. One-year Expiration date is May 17, 2023. CONTENT REQUIREMENTS 2-06.4.9 - Information on Proposed Development The following information on the proposed project shall be shown on the drawing or added as notes. 1. COMMENT Per Technical standard manual section 7-01.4.1.G. Sidewalks or crosswalks cannot cross any type of stacking areas for drive-through lanes. Relocate the crosswalk that goes to the trash enclosure. If you have any questions about this transmittal, Contact Paul Camarena at (520)837-4986 or by email Paul.Camarena@tucsonaz.gov RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised development package |
10/03/2022 | SBLOOD1 | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Reqs Change | 1. Show the vehicular maneuverability for the trash pickup on the plans, also the existing vertical curb in front of the trash enclosure is not going to work. Revise as needed. 2. The first flush tables on figure 5 of the drainage report look good - thank you for providing those. However, basins 7 and 8 are still non-contributing and need to be for the first flush requirement to be satisfied. I understand your argument for not grading such that the floodplain is adversely impacting the site. The 147 cfs overflow from the channelized wash flows through the site via the parking area and paal, and that is fine. The building and everything east of the building could be draining first to basins 8 and 7 and then north through the basins to drain out as planned without significantly impacting the floodplain onsite. Note - retention basins can't be made contributing only with offsite flows into them. 3. A floodplain use permit will need to be applied for and issued before this plan can be approved. Stephen Blood (520) 837-4958 Stephen.blood@tucsonaz.gov |
10/14/2022 | AWARNER1 | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Reqs Change | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Planning and Development Services Department, Plans Coordination FROM: Anne Warner, RLA PDSD Landscape/Native Plant Preservation Section PROJECT: Donut Wheel ACTIVITY NO: DP22-0129 v2 Parcel: 136-26-1310 Zoning: C-2 Existing Use: previously graded vacant land Proposed Use: Food Service TRANSMITTAL DATE: October 14, 2022 DUE DATE: October 7, 2022 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Landscape Review Section comments were addressed. This plan has been reviewed for compliance with applicable development criteria in the City of Tucson Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-11 and Technical Manual (TM) Section for landscape, native plants and water harvesting. 1. This comment was not adequately addressed - Please label the existing and future rights of way for all public streets, UDC 7.6.4.C.2.a. 2. The R/W approval was not uploaded - Installing landscape/irrigation in the right of way requires approval from DoT&M, contact david.marhefka@tucsonaz.gov, plans cannot be approved without the department’s consent. 3. This comment was not adequately addressed – A separate meter for irrigation is required for irrigation, or a submeter must be provided - Please label water meter as irrigation only. UDC Technical Standards 4-01.6.1.A.1 4. If d.g. placed at 2” in the basin, then the basin has to be 8-11” deep, please clarify - Please add a detail to show depressed landscape areas or indicate with notes. 5. Engineer’s Comments - The grading plan and water harvesting plan do not meet the requirements of the water harvesting ordinance and technical standard. The plan doesn't show the effective use of run-off to supplement irrigation. a. The catchment areas must provide water to the infiltration areas. Revise the grading to direct runoff to the landscape infiltration areas to the maximum extent possible. b. Catchment areas in the water harvesting table can only count the areas that are directed to the landscape infiltration areas. c. Clearly show the areas in each catchment area and the areas of effective infiltration and water harvesting. All landscape areas should be included within infiltration areas. d. UDC section 7.6.6.C requires the use of all runoff to supplement irrigation. Show how this is attained. e. Provide a planting inventory or some other mechanism so we can confirm the canopy areas for each water harvesting infiltration area. Ensure all on-site landscape areas are accounted in the canopy area. f. Show rooftop drainage patterns and show how they are incorporated into the water harvesting calculations. g. Water harvesting areas should be depressed between 6 and 9 inches. These areas can be counted toward first flush retention requirements. h. The landscape, water harvesting, and grading plans must match. RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised development package YOUR NEXT STEPS: Submit documents to the Filedrop https://docs.tucsonaz.gov/Forms/tucsonpermitapp Select "Existing Application" 1) Comment Response Letter (your response to the reviewer's Requires changes comments) 2) Plan Set (or individual sheets) 3) Any other items requested by review staff If you have any questions, please contact me at anne.warner@tucsonaz.gov |
10/18/2022 | SBEASLE1 | ZONING-DECISION LETTER | REVIEW | Reqs Change | email from: COTDSDPermits To: Richard Macias 10/18/2022 REVIEW NOTICE Returned for Corrections: DP22-0129 Site/Grading/Floodplain - Donut Wheel. New food service building. 2775 S WILMOT RD FEE BALANCE: $ 1,305.70 ONLINE PAYMENTS ** If the online amount doesn't match "Fee Balance" above, check again in a few hours ** https://www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd/fees 1- Click on: Pay Planning & Permit Fees 2- Enter Permit Nbr, example: dp20-0000 (not case-sensitive but a hyphen-dash- is needed) 3- Business/Individual Name: Leave this blank 4- "Continue" 5- In the Pay column - check the boxes YOUR NEXT STEPS 1. SEE REVIEW COMMENTS and documents on PRO: www.tucsonaz.gov/pro - Home page, Activity Search, enter the Activity/Permit Number - Permits - click on the blue tab - Reviews section - click on REVIEW DETAILS - Documents section - click on VIEW 2. Title your THIRD submittal documents accordingly, example: 3_Comment Response Letter 3. UPLOAD documents to Filedrop: - Comment Response Letter (your response to REQUIRES CHANGE comments) - Plan Set (all pages, full set, even if no changes were made) - Documents requested by review staff FILEDROP https://docs.tucsonaz.gov/Forms/tucsonpermitapp - "Existing Application" - "Permit Number" field: enter the number (and any notes for our staff) Sharon Beasley, Certified Permit Specialist City of Tucson, Planning & Development Services Dept. Email: COTDSDpermits@TucsonAz.gov |