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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: DEV PKG - OK TO SUBMIT
Permit Number - DP21-0356
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/05/2022 | ELISA HAMBLIN | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | 1. The proposed number of residential units (19 or 20 total, cover sheet and site plan do not match) is not permitted with the zoning and site area. The R-2 zone allows a maximum of 15 units/acre. Assuming the noted site area of 0.91 acres is accurate, a maximum of 13 dwelling units would be permitted. Resubmit a revised Development Package that meets zoning standards. -Elisa Hamblin, AICP Site Review Section Manager |
01/06/2022 | SBEASLE1 | ZONING-DECISION LETTER | WRITE DECISION LETTER | Reqs Change | Email from: COTDSDPermits To: Erin Harris Thu 1/6/2022 11:29 AM Returned for Corrections Notice / Plan Denied for Review View the ZONING review comments on PRO: www.tucsonaz.gov/pro NOTE: Please follow the steps below to resubmit your documents for review Permit/Activity Number: DP21-0356 Project Description: Site/Grading - Pima Street Multi-Family with associated parking, landscape, drainage and utility improvements. 3726 E PIMA ST To view the "Dev Pkg - Okay to Submit" comments by Reviewers and your documents: www.tucsonaz.gov/pro 1. Home page, left side - Activity Search 2. Enter the Activity Number (it’s not case-sensitive) 3. Under "Permits" heading, click on blue tab and you will see different sections 4. Reviews section - click on Review Details 5. Documents section - click on View to the right of each document YOUR NEXT STEPS After corrections are made, name your documents as a first submittal (the number one leads the title), for example: 1_Dev Pkg Application. Upload ALL documents to the Filedrop. https://docs.tucsonaz.gov/Forms/tucsonpermitapp - Select "Existing Application" - In the "Permit Number" field, enter the number and if applicable, any notes for our staff Thank you. Sharon Beasley, Building Permit Specialist City of Tucson, Planning and Development Services Department Email: COTDSDpermits@TucsonAz.gov (disregard the email response that will be sent automatically) |
12/28/2021 | SBEASLE1 | START | PLANS SUBMITTED | Completed | |
12/28/2021 | LOREN MAKUS | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Needs Review | |
12/29/2021 | SBEASLE1 | PIMA COUNTY - ADDRESSING | PIMA COUNTY - ADDRESSING | Needs Review | Email from: <Addressing@pima.gov> To: CDRC Wed 12/29/2021 10:50 AM This project requires review by Pima County Addressing. Thank you Nicholas Jordan, Addressing Specialist |