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Permit Number: DP20-0073
Parcel: 13213099A

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: DEV PKG

Permit Number - DP20-0073
Review Name: DEV PKG
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/10/2020 SBEASLE1 UTILITIES TUCSON ELECTRIC POWER Passed Review not required. This agency was notified for their information only.
04/10/2020 SBEASLE1 UTILITIES SOUTHWEST GAS Passed Review not required. This agency was notified for their information only.
04/10/2020 SBEASLE1 OTHER AGENCIES PIMA ASSN OF GOVTS Passed Review not required. This agency was notified for their information only.
04/10/2020 SBEASLE1 OTHER AGENCIES U. S. POST OFFICE Passed Review not required. This agency was notified for their information only.
04/15/2020 SBEASLE1 COT NON-DSD PARKS & RECREATION Approved No existing or proposed Tucson Parks and Recreation facilities are affected by this development.

Howard B. Dutt, RLA, Landscape Architect
Tucson Parks and Recreation, (520) 837-8040
04/15/2020 SBEASLE1 PIMA COUNTY ADDRESSING Passed See comments in Okay to Submit.
04/24/2020 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. An approved development plan is not to be used for construction or modification of on-site utilities (e.g. water service to buildings, building sewers, site lighting, electrical service to buildings, etc.). The construction of the on-site utilities may be included with the permit for constructing the building or as a separate building permit. Remove construction instructions from the development package.
2. The first floor elevation (2489.63') is more than 12" higher than the rim elevation of the next upstream sanitary manhole (MH-01, 2487.61'). A backwater valve may not be installed. Reference: Section 714.1, IPC 2018, as amended by the City of Tucson.


4.1 Identification and Descriptive Data

A. All improvements and site information, such as adjacent rights-of-way and property lines, shown on the landscape plan will be identical in size and location to those shown on the base plan (site plan or tentative plat). Should amendments be required to the base plan through the review process, the same amendments will be made to the landscape plan which will then be resubmitted along with the base plan.

The development package will contain the following identification in the lower right corner of each sheet:

Any relevant case numbers for reviews or modifications that affect the site.

Provide Case # DP20-0073 on each sheet.

Indicate graphically that the site meets criteria in PAD document.

Ensure that Zoning and Engineering comments are addressed prior to landscape section approval.

Additional comments may apply
04/29/2020 GDAURIA1 COT NON-DSD FIRE Reqs Change * Provide/verify required 26' wide fire (aerial) access lanecomplying with 2018 Fire Code D105. to one side of the building. Does not have to run entire lingth of building.

TO: Development Services Department
Plans Coordination Office

FROM: Steve Shields
Section Manager

PROJECT: Woodspring Suites at Tucson Marketplace
Development Package (1st Review)


DUE DATE: May 5, 2020

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

This plan has been reviewed for compliance with the Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-06. Also compliance with applicable development criteria for the proposed use as listed in the City of Tucson Uniform Development Code (UDC) and the UDC Technical Standards Manual (TSM).

Section 3.3.3.G.5.c UDC, An applicant has one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a site plan that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application, unless an ordinance adopted by Mayor and Council during this period states otherwise. A site plan application that has been in review for a period of one year and has not yet been approved is considered denied. To continue the review of a site plan for the property, a new site plan must be submitted that complies with regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal. The new submittal initiates a new one-year review period. One year Expiration date is April 09, 2021.


1. 2-06.3.5 - Remove the development package approval stamp from all sheets and provide a three-inch by five-inch space in the same location on each sheet near the lower right quadrant of each sheet for an electronically applied stamp.


2-06.4.2 - The title block shall include the following information and be provided on each sheet:

2. 2-06.4.2.A - Provide a brief legal description within the title block.

3. 2-06.4.3 - Provide the development package case number, DP20-0073, adjacent to the title block on all sheets.

4. 2-06.4.3 - Provide the following case numbers adjacent to the title block on all sheets; C9-06-32, S08-100, S11-043, S12-055, S13-039, S15-027, S16-080, S18-100, D09-0010, D11-0001, DP12-0113, DP13-0227, DP13-0228, DP15-0039, DP15-0103, DP15-0138, SP16-0032, DP16-0094, DP18-0233, DP19-0054 & DP20-0050

5. 2-06.4.6 - As this project is located within the boundaries of a Planned Area Development (PAD) zone, include a reduced-scale map of the PAD on the first sheet, indicating the location of the portion being developed.

2-06.4.7 - General Notes
The following general notes are required. Additional notes specific to each plan are required where applicable.

2-06.4.7.A.8 - For development package documents provide:

6. 2-06.4.7.A.8.b - Remove the lot coverage calculation from the plan as it is not applicable and provide the required Floor Area Ratio (FAR), see PAD-15 Section C.2.2.C.1 and Table D.

2-06.4.9 - Information on Proposed Development
The following information on the proposed project shall be shown on the drawing or added as notes.

7. 2-06.4.9.E - As it appears that some type of land split is proposed for this site provide a copy of the recorded deed and legal description with your next submittal.

8. 2-06.4.9.H.5 - Per UDC Article 7.4.6.H.1 Barriers, such as post barricades or wheel stop curbing, are required in a vehicular use area to prevent vehicles from extending beyond the property lines, to prevent cars from damaging adjacent landscaping, walls, or buildings, overhanging adjacent sidewalk areas, and/or driving onto unimproved portions of the site. That said there are 3 locations that require some type of barrier to prevent vehicle access to the unimproved portions of the site, one at the northeast, one at the southeast, and one at the southwest.

9. 2-06.4.9.H.5.a - The vehicle parking space calculation is not correct. Per PAD-15 Section C.2.2.5.b.for Sub-Area A vehicle parking is based on a minimum of 4.5 spaces for each 1,000 square feet of Gross Floor Area.

10. 2-06.4.9.H.5.a - Provide a wheel stop location dimension per UDC 7.4.6.H.3.

11. 2-06.4.9.H.5.d - Per UDC Article 7.4.9.C.2.a Within 50 feet of each public entrance to a building as measured along the most direct pedestrian access route. It does not appear that the proposed location of the bike racks meets these requirements.

12. 2-06.4.9.H.5.d - Keynote 21 Sheet 6 references "BIKE RACK, SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAIL". Zoning was not able to find the detail so provide the detail number and sheet that it is located on in this keynote. This keynote also needs to clarify if these are short or long term. Provide a detail for both the short- and long-term bicycle parking. These details shall address all requirements of UDC Articles 7.4.9.B, .C, & .D.

13. 2-06.4.9.Q - Provide the square footage and the height of each commercial, industrial, or business structure and the specific use proposed within the footprint of the building(s).

14. 2-06.4.9.R - Per TSM 7-01.4.3.A the minimum sidewalk width is 4'-0". Anywhere where vehicles are allowed to overhang a sidewalk the sidewalk must be 6'-6" wide or wheel stops must be provided to prevent vehicles from encroaching into the 4'-0" minimum sidewalk width.

15. 2-06.4.9.W - Indicate the locations and types of proposed signs (wall, free-standing, pedestal) to assure there are no conflicts with other requirements and that minimal locational requirements can be met. Also provide a general note stating "ALL SIGNAGE REQUIRES SEPARATE PERMITS".

16. Provide a revised "TRACKING TABLES FOR THE BRIDGES - SUB AREA "A" AND "F" OF PAD DISTRICT" in the next submittal of this DP. Contact Jeff Behrana, P.E. (602) 286-9300.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please Steve Shields, (520) 837-4956 or Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov

05/04/2020 SBEASLE1 OTHER AGENCIES TUCSON AIRPORT AUTHORITY Reqs Change The TAA review letter dated 05/04/2020 can be viewed online: www.TucsonAz.gov/Pro. See the Documents section.

1) Ensure that roof drains scupper underneath sidewalks. Reference COT Technical Standards Manual (TSM) section 7-01.4.1.E
2) Provide a complete pedestrian circulation path per COT TSM section 7-01.3.3.B, includes a path to the proposed trash enclosures
3) Provide wheel stops as needed to prevent vehicles from extending over pedestrian circulation paths or beyond the proposed property boundaries. Typical detail provides 2.5' of vehicle overhang beyond a 6" wide wheel stop
4) Update detail D/3 to show that a 2.5' vehicle overhang is provided beyond the wheel stops
5) Provide waste stream calculations on plans per TSM section 8-01.8.0
6) The disturbed area shown on sheet 1 note 5 is inconsistent with total disturbance area shown In the General Grading Notes on sheet 2 note 1. Update as needed
7) Sheet 4. At the bottom right hand corner there is a survey tie to a section corner. It is not clear to where the tie goes as the line is blocked by the PDSD approval stamp. Update as needed. Please note that the PDSD approval stamp will be placed by PDSD at the time of approval, so a blank space needs to be reserved
8) Show how the proposed plan is in compliance with City of Tucson (COT) Unified Development Code (UDC) section 7.6.6.C. Curb cuts should be provided at optimal locations to allow runoff to enter landscaped areas. There are several opportunities for this to occur primarily along the east and west project boundaries. Along the western boundary as water flows north/south, it should first enter the landscaped areas instead of bypassing them Also for example the roof drain at the northeast corner of the building can be directed under the sidewalk to the landscaped area to the north
9) Section 3.4 of the drainage report indicates that 2989 sf of water harvesting will offset the 80,711 sf of impervious area. It is not clear how this is being achieved. There aren't any apparent curb openings showing how water enters the proposed water harvesting area. Also no volume calculations are provided or tributary areas shown
10) The City of Tucson uses the Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual found in the following link. https://www.tucsonaz.gov/files/pdsd/codes/Stormwater_detention-retention_manual.pdf Section 1.4 requires 5 year threshold retention be provided. Please update as needed to reference this design manual. Provide calculations or confirm that this minimum volume is being provided
11) Provide scuppers or another drainage feature as needed at Concentration Point 5, so that all flow is conveyed underneath the proposed sidewalk. Reference TSM section 7-01.4.1.E
12) Please confirm the elevation of CP-4, it appears the the invert elevation is shown but stated to be the grate elevation
13) It is not clear in either the project specific drainage report (EPS) or the Tucson Marketplace (Phase 4) drainage report what the allowable developable area of Drainage Areas 19 and 20 is. (As shown in FIG-4 of the Phase 4 drainage report). For example is appears that the Phase 4 drainage report considered a 10 year discharge for the B-7 storm drain of 31.2 cfs for all of Drainage Area 19. The EPS report shows that the 10 year discharge to this storm drain to be 22.0 cfs. This does not provide much additional capacity for future development. Please provide a copy of any development agreements which show how much area may be developed and in turn which portion of that developed area is allowed to be discharged into the existing storm drain system. Also provide a copy of any agreements showing how and when drainage improvements are triggered based on new impervious area
14) At the points where offsite discharge enters the site provide detail showing how sediment will be prevented from entering the developed area. Particularly it appears that a sediment trap is needed at CP-5 and where OFF-4 enters the property
15) Provide a complete SWPPP manual upon next submittal
16) This project will require a pre-construction meeting prior to issuance of the development package permit. Project will require EOR certification prior to final inspection

John Van Winkle, P.E.
Your Next Step: Resubmittal of documents

NOTE: All City of Tucson offices (except for emergency services) will be closed on Monday, May 25, for the Memorial Day holiday.

DESCRIPTION: SITE/GRADING/SWPPP - Woodspring Suites, new hotel.

FEE BALANCE: $0 (zero) Thank you for the payment.

SEE REVIEW COMMENTS and your submitted documents on PRO: www.tucsonaz.gov/pro
(If information is not available, check back later after data transfers to PRO.)
- Home page, Activity Search, enter the Activity/Permit Number
- Permits - click on blue tab
- Reviews - click on Review Details
- Documents - click on blue icon to the right of each document

YOUR NEXT STEP: Submit documents to the Filedrop

NOTE: On the Filedrop page, select the box "Development Package or Land Division" for quickest processing

1) Comment Response Letter (your response to the reviewer's Requires Change comments)
2) Plan Set (all pages, full set, even if no changes were made)
3) Any other documents requested by review staff

- Name the 2nd submittal documents starting with the submittal number, for example: 2_Plan_Set

NOTE: The City of Tucson's Permit Counter at 201 N. Stone Avenue (the physical office) is closed to the public until further notice.
Our staff is working remotely.
All communications are by telephone or email.

CONTACT US Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 12:00 noon
For information or an over-the-counter review, sign in to the
Virtual Service Counter and we will give you a call.

Thank you.
Sharon Beasley, Permit Specialist

City of Tucson
Planning and Development Services
email: COTDSDPermits@TucsonAz.gov
05/19/2020 TOM MARTINEZ OTHER AGENCIES AZ DEPT TRANSPORTATION Approved Regional Traffic Engineering has no comments on this submittal and supports its acceptance. The proposed development should have no significant impact on nearby ADOT facilities.
Thank you.

Tom Martinez

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
05/18/2020 SBEASLE1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed