Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.

Permit Number: DP18-0229
Parcel: 14021002B

5489 S PARK AV

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: DEV PKG

Permit Number - DP18-0229
Review Name: DEV PKG
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
10/01/2018 KELLY LEE OTHER AGENCIES PIMA ASSN OF GOVTS Passed Agency notified for information only.
10/01/2018 KELLY LEE UTILITIES SOUTHWEST GAS Passed Agency notified for information only.
10/01/2018 KELLY LEE OTHER AGENCIES U. S. POST OFFICE Passed Agency notified for information only.

Kelly Lee
Lead Planner
City of Tucson
Public Works Buildings - 201 North Stone Avenue
Tucson, AZ. 85701

RE: DP18-0229 Rio Madera Apts / 1st Submittal, Received September 19, 2018

Dear Ms. Lee,

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on DP18-0229, Rio Madera Apts; 1st Submittal, a development package application for an approximately 1.03 acre site, located northeast of the intersection of East Minorka Road and South Park Avenue. The land use is commercial with the proposed development being multifamily dwelling units.

This site is within the Tucson International Airport avigation easement requirements and public disclosure area, FAA traffic pattern airspace, and FAA Part 77 airspace.

The Tucson Airport Authority conditionally approves the subject request contingent upon the following conditions of approval, as noted below. These conditions shall be identified in the general notes of the revised development plan.

Condition of approval:

1. "According to the FAA Notice Criteria Tool, this project is located in proximity to a navigation facility and could impact navigation signal reception. The applicant shall file Form 7460 with the FAA at least 45 days before construction activities begin for the project. It is highly recommended that the applicant file earlier than 45 days to provide the applicant with sufficient time to respond to any concerns which are identified by the FAA. Any cranes used which are used must also be identified with Form 7460. Please file Form 7460 at https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/portal.jsp"

2. "That prior to the City's approval of any construction permit for a permanent building, the property owner shall record the Avigation Easement which discloses the existence, and operational characteristics of the Tucson International Airport to future owners or tenants of the property and further conveys the right to the public to lawfully use the airspace above the property. The Avigation Easement shall be recorded in a manner with the Pima County recorder which shall document it as having title liability. The content of such documents shall be according to the form and instructions provided."

The current property owner or person authorized to sign on behalf of the current property owner shall complete, sign, and record the Avigation Easement. Please record the Avigation Easement with the Pima County Recorder's Office. Once the Avigation Easement is recorded please send a complete copy of the recorded easement document to Tucson Airport Authority by either email (send to srobidoux@flytucson.com) or to the mailing address provided below.

Scott Robidoux
Senior Airport Planner
Tucson Airport Authority
7250 South Tucson Boulevard
Suite 300
Tucson, AZ 85756

3. "The developer shall provide the Airport Disclosure Statement form, at time of sale, to the new property owners with new unit purchases. In the event the development of any residential uses does not involve the sale of new units, but is instead offering rental residential units to the public, the new tenant of the rental unit shall be provided a copy of the Airport Disclosure Statement form. The intent of the Airport Disclosure Statement form is to educate and notify the new residents that they are living near an airport. The content of such documents shall be according to the form and instructions provided."

The new property owner or new tenant shall forward a signed copy of the Airport Disclosure Statement form to the Tucson Airport Authority, using the mailing address provided below.

Scott Robidoux
Senior Airport Planner
Tucson Airport Authority
7250 South Tucson Boulevard
Suite 300
Tucson, AZ 85756

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this comment letter. I can be reached by email at srobidoux@flytucson.com or by telephone at 520-573-4811.


Scott Robidoux,
Senior Airport Planner

cc file
4.1 Identification and Descriptive Data
A. All improvements and site information, such as adjacent rights-of-way and property lines, shown on the landscape plan will be identical in size and location to those shown on the base plan (site plan or tentative plat). Should amendments be required to the base plan through the review process, the same amendments will be made to the landscape plan which will then be resubmitted along with the base plan.
The landscape plan will contain the following identification in the lower right corner of each sheet:
Any relevant case numbers for reviews or modifications that affect the site.
Street Landscape Borders

To enhance the visual appearance of the streetscape, a street landscape border is required in accordance with Table 7.6.4-1 along the street frontage of a site as follows, except as provided in Section 7.6.4.C.4, Exceptions to the Landscape Border Standards:

Minimum Width
Street landscape borders must be a minimum of ten feet wide as measured from the street property line.

Located on Site
Street landscape borders must be located entirely on site, except that, if approved by the City Engineer or designee, up to five feet of the required ten foot width may be placed within the adjacent right-of-way area or within the Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) right-of-way area on MS&R streets.

Portion of landscape buffer on Minorka Rd is located in Public Right of Way. Obtain permission for use of ROW.

Use of the Public Right-of-Way

landscaping may be placed in the public right-of-way, if the following standards are met:

1. The landscaping is approved by the City Engineer or designee and complies with the City Engineer's standards on construction, irrigation, location, and plant type;
2. All vegetation complies with the standards of Section 7.6.4, Landscaping Standards; and,
3. The landscaping does not interfere with the use of the sidewalk.

Ensure that all Zoning and Engineering comments and concerns are addressed.
Additional comments may apply
10/12/2018 ZELIN CANCHOLA COT NON-DSD TRAFFIC Reqs Change October 12, 2018
PROJECT NAME: Rio Madera apartments

Resubmittal Required: The following items must be revised and added to the Development Package

1. Add curb and sidewalk along Minorka Rd along frontage of proposed project property to meet with Park Avenue. Verify connection requirements from project to new sidewalk.

2. Replace curb access ramp at north east corner required to accommodate new sidewalk. PAG 207 type 1

3. Add new pedestrian access ramps for driveway on Minorka Rd.

4. Add new asphalt along Minorka that connects to new curb as needed.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 520 837 6659 or zelin.canchola@tucsonaz.gov
10/15/2018 KELLY LEE PIMA COUNTY ADDRESSING Reqs Change DP18-0229 / RIO MERCADEO- MINORKA APTS/ 1ST SUBMITTAL is being Returned for Corrections by Pima County Addressing.

Please see the attached pdf for Addressing’s comments.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Robin Freiman

Addressing Official

Pima County Development Services Department

201 N Stone AV – 1st Floor
Tucson, AZ 85701

(520) 724-7570
10/16/2018 EHAMBLI1 ZONING HC REVIEW Reqs Change See Zoning comments.
10/16/2018 MARTIN BROWN COT NON-DSD FIRE Reqs Change Please locate on plans No Parking - Fire Lane signs on both sides of the curved part of the fire access road.
Please indicate on plans proposed location of fire service underground piping.

TO: Development Services Department
Plans Coordination Office

FROM: Elisa Hamblin, AICP
Lead Planner

PROJECT: Rio Mercado - Minorka Apartments, 5489 S Park Ave
Development Package (1st Review)

TRANSMITTAL DATE: October 16, 2018

DUE DATE: October 17, 2018

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

This plan has been reviewed for compliance with the Unified Development Code (UDC) Administrative Manual (AM) Section 2-06. Also compliance with applicable development criteria for the proposed use as listed in the City of Tucson Uniform Development Code (UDC) and the UDC Technical Standards Manual (TSM).

Section 3.3.3.G.5.c UDC, An applicant has one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a site plan that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application, unless an ordinance adopted by Mayor and Council during this period states otherwise. A site plan application that has been in review for a period of one year and has not yet been approved is considered denied. To continue the review of a site plan for the property, a new site plan must be submitted that complies with regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal. The new submittal initiates a new one-year review period. One year Expiration date is September 18, 2019.

1. 2-06.3.8 - The north arrow, contour interval, and scale as applicable to each sheet should be placed together in the upper right corner of each sheet. Relocate the scale and north arrow on sheets 8 and 9.

2. 2-06.4.1 - The name, mailing and email addresses, and phone number of the primary property owner of the site, the developer of the project, registrant(s), and other person(s), firm(s), or organization(s) that prepared the development package documents shall be provided on the right half of the cover sheet. The applicable registration or license number shall be provided if prepared by or with the assistance of a registered professional, such as a surveyor, architect, landscape architect, or engineer. All sealing shall be consistent with Arizona Board of Technical Registration guidelines. An expiration date has not been provided with the Civil Engineer seal. Registered Landscape Architect information should also be listed on the cover sheet with other contact information.

3. 2-06.4.3 - The administrative street address and relevant case numbers shall be provided adjacent to the title block on each sheet. Related case numbers are DP18-0229 and C9-73-42.

4. 2-06.4.7.A.6.a - As a general note, provide information on the approved rezoning, a statement that the project meets the criteria/conditions of the rezoning, the case number, date of approval, what was approved, and the conditions of approval.

5. 2-06.4.7.A.6.a. - As a general note, state this site is subject to the Tucson International Airport Avigation Easement and Disclosure Area.

6. 2-06.4.8.C - Clarify or correct the ½ right-of-way width on sheet 3. It is listed as 45' for an 85' right-of-way. One-half of an 85' right-of-way should be 42.5'.

7. 2-06.4.9.F - All existing zoning classifications on and adjacent to the project (including across any adjacent right-of-way) shall be indicated on the drawing with zoning boundaries clearly defined. Include zoning boundary lines on sheet 1 or sheet 3.

8. 2-06.4.9.J - Clarify or correct the future right-of-way detail on sheet 3. One-half of 85' should be 42.5' and one-half of 100' should be 50'. See also comment 6.

9. 2-06.4.9.O - Correct setback lines on sheet 3. Park Ave is a Major Street and Route and is subject to MS&R setbacks. Minorka Rd is also subject to MS&R setbacks. The correct setback on Park Ave is 21' as measured from the back of future curb. The current design only includes a 20' setback and must be adjusted. The correct setback on Minorka Rd is 23' as measured from the outside edge of the adjacent travel lane.

10. 2-06.4.9.Q -Provide the specific use proposed (multi-family development) within the footprint of the buildings on sheet 3.

11. 2-06.4.9.R - At least one sidewalk is required to a project from each street on which the project has frontage. The sidewalk should be located to minimize any conflict with vehicular access to the project. A sidewalk is required from Minorka Rd to the development.

12. 2-06.4.9.S - Show existing or proposed pedestrian circulation along abutting rights-of-way. Such sidewalks must comply with accessibility requirements for the physically disabled and the design criteria in Section 10-01.0.0, Street Technical Standards, of the Technical Standards Manual.

13. 2-06.4.9.U - Indicate graphically, where possible, compliance with conditions of rezoning.

14. 2-06.4.9.V - For gang mailboxes indicate location to assure there are no conflicts with other requirements, such as pedestrian accessibility, utilities, and landscaping.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Elisa.Hamblin@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 837-4966.

10/17/2018 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Verify the need for backwater valves at the Northeast building. Assuming each building sewer serves the building drain for one suite, it appears that four of the suites have unneeded backwater valves and four other suites require backwater valves but are not identified as such. Where the finished floor elevation is less than 12 inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole in the public sewer or private sewer collection system, a backwater valve shall be installed in the building drain or branch of the building drain serving that floor. Floors discharging from above that reference point shall not discharge through the backwater valve. Indicate which lots will require the installation of a backwater valve. Reference: Section 715.1, IPC 2012, as amended by the City of Tucson.

1) Provide curb along E Minorka Rd Av per PAG standard detail 209
2) Per City of Tucson (COT) Technical Standards Manual (TSM) section 10-01.4.1. Provide a minimum 5' wide sidewalk along E Minorka Rd. Sidewalk to meet Pima Association of Governments (PAG) standard detail 200.
3) Adjust placement of proposed trash enclosure such that no portions of the trash enclosure, including the swing gates and concrete service pad/ramp extend into the right of way
4) Show on plans that proposed central drive aisle meets minimum turning radius requirements for service vehicles such as fire or delivery vehicles. Reference figure 9 in TSM section 8-01.9.0
5) Project site lies with a critical basin. Update the drainage report and grading plan as needed to reflect the detention/retention requirements for a critical basin. A 15% reduction in the existing 2,10 and 100 year peak discharges along with 100% retention of the difference between pre and post developed conditions for a 5 year event. Reference COT Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual.
6) If basins are required per comment 5, Per City of Tucson Stormwater Detention/Retention Manual section 3.4.2 provide a grade control marker for each proposed basin. On the plans please also provide the coordinates of the grade control markers so that they can be easily located in the future. Reference COT Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management, include all applicable drainage maintenance responsibility notes found in section 14.3
7) Sheet4, Keynote 4. Provide connections details at both ends of the proposed Storm Drain. A Depth and Slope profile view for the proposed installation
8) Show how the proposed plan is in compliance with COT Unified Development Code (UDC) section 7.6.6.C. Particularly the grading of the vehicular use areas should be in such a manner that runoff is directed into landscaped areas. Curb cuts should be provided at optimal locations to allow runoff to enter landscaped areas. Available landscape area should be depressed up to 6" to maximize water harvesting
9) Provide top/bottom spot grades for all proposed water harvesting areas to ensure that a 6" ponding depth is maintained throughout. For instance the rectangular water harvesting area to the north, provide spot grades in each corner to show that a minimum depth is maintained
10) Sheet 6 details M and N. Revise detail so that the invert of the CMU's turn on their side is at or just below grade. Currently there would be about an inch of ponded water behind the CMU before water flows out.

John Van Winkle, P.E.
10/17/2018 KELLY LEE COT NON-DSD PARKS & RECREATION Approved No existing or proposed Tucson Parks and Recreation facilities are affected by this development.

Howard B. Dutt, RLA

Landscape Architect
Tucson Parks & Recreation
(520) 837-8040



Dear Richard

SUBJECT: Rio Mercado - Minorka Apts
5489 S Park Ave

Tucson Electric Power Company has reviewed and approved the development plan.

There are no apparent conflicts within the existing facilities. If any relocations become necessary, the costs will be billable to the customer.

In order to apply for electric service, call the New Construction Department at (520) 918-8300. Submit a final set of plans including approved site, electrical load, paving off-site improvements and irrigation plans, if available include a CD with the AutoCAD version of the plans.

If easements are required, they will be secured by separate instrument. Your final plans should be sent to:
Tucson Electric Power Company
Attn: Rich Harrington
New Business Project Manager
P. O. Box 711 (DB-101)
Tucson, AZ 85702

Should you have any technical questions, please call the area Designer, Jennifer Eckenrod @ 917-8717.

Beth Shelton
Elizabeth "Beth" Shelton
Admin Assistant, Design
10/23/2018 KELLY LEE ZONING-DECISION LETTER REVIEW Reqs Change This review has been completed and resubmittal is required. Please resubmit the following items:
Prepare a Comment Response Letter which tells the reviewer what changes have been made to the plan and what comments are addressed. When you have made the necessary corrections to the plans, please resubmit the following items to PDSD Filedrop: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/file-upload-pdsd

1) Corrected plan set
2) Items requested by review staff
Please remember to name your files appropriately, for example: second (2nd) submittal,
2_swppp_report.pdf and the plans will re-enter the review cycle.
Thank you,
Kelly Lee
Lead Planner
Planning & Development Services

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
11/23/2018 AHINES2 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed