Microfiche records prior to 2006 have not been completely digitized and may not be available yet on PRO. If you can not find what you are looking for please submit a records request.

Permit Number: DP16-0077
Parcel: 11101035C


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: DEV PKG

Permit Number - DP16-0077
Review Name: DEV PKG
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
05/10/2016 TIM ROWE PIMA COUNTY WASTEWATER Passed Connecting to existing on-site private sewer. Plans do not need review. Will need building permit review. ~5/9/16 Worksheet
05/11/2016 ED ABRIGO PIMA COUNTY ASSESSOR Passed Since this is not a Tentative or Final Subdivision, our section does not have any comments to make on this project.

Sherry Hyde
Sr. Property Technician
Pima County Assessor's Office
05/12/2016 AHINES2 OTHER AGENCIES PIMA ASSN OF GOVTS Approved See documents in PRO/SIRE.

No objections/adverse comments. See attached.

Eric W. Kramer, Ph.D., AICP
Senior Land-Use Modeler
1 E. Broadway Blvd, Ste. 401
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 495-1455 (tel)
(520) 620-6981 (fax)

May 16, 2016

Tucson Expediting & Development
124 W. Cushing St.
Tucson, AZ 85701

Attn: Lisa Bowers

SUBJECT: Water Availability for project: 3800 E. River Rd., APN: 11101035C,
Case #: WA1970, T-13, R-14, SEC-28, Lots: 9999, Location Code: TUC, Total Area: 21.5ac Zoning: PAD-8

Tucson Water will provide water service to this project based on the subject zoning of the above parcels. Tucson Water has an assured water supply (AWS) designation from the State of Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR). An AWS designation means Tucson Water has met the criteria established by ADWR for demonstration of a 100-year water supply - it does not mean that water service is currently available to the subject project.

The approval of water meter applications is subject to the current availability of water service at the time an application is received. The developer shall be required to submit a water master plan identifying, but not limited to: 1) Water Use; 2) Fire Flow Requirements; 3) Offsite/Onsite Water Facilities; 4) Loops and Proposed Connection Points to Existing Water System; and 5) Easements/Common Areas.

Any specific area plan fees, protected main/facility fees and/or other needed facilities' cost, are to be paid by the developer. If the existing water system is not capable of meeting the requirements of the proposed development, the developer shall be financially responsible for modifying or enhancing the existing water system to meet those needs.

This letter shall be null and void two years from the date of issuance.

Issuance of this letter is not to be construed as agency approval of a water plan or as containing construction review comments relative to conflicts with existing water lines and the proposed development.

If you have any questions, please call New Development at 791-4718.


Richard A. Sarti, P.E.
Engineering Manager
Tucson Water Department

05/17/2016 AHINES2 UTILITIES SOUTHWEST GAS Approved See Document in PRO/SIRE.

May 17, 2016

City of Tucson CDRC
Attn: Patricia Gehlen, Manager
201 N. Stone Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85701

RE: SWG Plan Review for the Jewish Federation Office - DP16-0077

Dear Ms. Gehlen:

Southwest Gas Corporation (SWG) has no objection to the development of the above-mentioned project. Existing natural gas facilities are located in adjacent rights-of-way to the area of development and may be affected by construction of this project; specifically, an existing 4" gas main is located within the right-of-way of Tucson Marketplace Blvd. and may be impacted by pavement saw cutting along the North edge of Tucson Marketplace Blvd, along with driveway grading into development. In addition, an existing 4" gas main is located along west property line and within the right-of-way of the pedestrian walk way north of the proposed project.

Blue Stake and potholing are suggested for best accuracy when locating SWG facilities. Please be aware that SWG requires a minimum one-foot separation from distribution facilities and any proposed structures and two-foot separation from high pressure gas facilities. SWG requests the contractor use caution when working in the vicinity of gas facilities and protect and support gas facilities per Blue Stake requirements.

SWG also requests that no trees be planted within close proximity to gas facilities due to root intrusion; therefore, SWG requires all tree placements have a minimum eight-foot clearance from the tree center line to existing or proposed gas facilities. Shrubs and bushes may be planted within the eight-foot clearance zone.

All information is provided for reference use only. Please note that it is the responsibility of excavators or those developers planning excavation to verify actual field conditions in advance of construction so that requests for gas service or any potential issues can be addressed in a timely manner, including payment for conflict mitigation if applicable.

Please include SWG in all future development plan submittals of this project. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact me at (520) 794-6049 or TUCSWGDevReview@swgas.com.


Shawn Stoner
Engineering Technician
Southern Arizona Division

Enc: SWG Contact Information and Excavators Responsibilities (pdf)
05/17/2016 KBROUIL1 COT NON-DSD FIRE Reqs Change Please indicate on plans all existing and/or proposed fire hydrants, with dimensions to property lines. Review 2012 International Fire Code, section 507 for location requirements. Be advised distances mandated by this section are "as the hose lays".
05/18/2016 TOM MARTINEZ OTHER AGENCIES AZ DEPT TRANSPORTATION Approved Regional Traffic Engineering has no comments on this submittal and supports its acceptance. The development will have no impact to any ADOT facilities because of its location. Thank you.


Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Notice: This email transmission and any attachments are intended for use by the person(s)/entity(ies) named above and may contain confidential/privileged information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or distribution is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by email, and delete or destroy all copies plus attachments.

DP16-0077 Jewish Federation Office is being Returned for Corrections. Please see Pima County Addressing’s sticky note comments on the attached plan. The comments are also provided in a Summary format.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if I may assist you further.

Warm Regards,

Robin Freiman

Addressing Specialist

Pima County Development Services Department

201 N Stone AV – 1st Floor
Tucson, AZ 85701

(520) 724-7570
05/26/2016 DAVID RIVERA ZONING HC REVIEW Reqs Change See Zoning review comments.

TO: Development Services Department
Plans Coordination Office

FROM: David Rivera for Steve Shields Principal Planner
PDSD Zoning Review

PROJECT: Jewish Community Center Office
Development Package (1st Review)


DUE DATE: June 7, 2016

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

Section 3.3.3.G.5.c UDC, An applicant has one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a site plan that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application, unless an ordinance adopted by Mayor and Council during this period states otherwise. A site plan application that has been in review for a period of one year and has not yet been approved is considered denied. To continue the review of a site plan for the property, a new site plan must be submitted that complies with regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal. The new submittal initiates a new one-year review period. One year Expiration date is May 5, 2017.


2-06.4.3 - The administrative street address and relevant case numbers (development package document, subdivision, rezoning, board of adjustment, DDO, MDR, DSMR, overlay, etc.) shall be provided adjacent to the title block on each sheet.

1. COMMENT: Provide the development package case number, DP16-0077, adjacent to the title block on each sheet.

2-06.4.2.C - Section, township, and range; section corners; north arrow; and the scale will be labeled.

2. COMMENT: Add Section corner number 28 to the location map.

2-06.4.7 - General Notes
The following general notes are required. Additional notes specific to each plan are required where applicable.

2-06.4.7.A - Zoning and Land Use Notes

2-06.4.7.A.4 - Identify the existing and proposed use of the property as classified per the UDC. List all UDC sections applicable to the proposed uses.

3. COMMENT: Clarify under General note 3, which uses are the existing and which are the proposed uses. Indicate what use(s) will be occupying the new building.

2-06.4.7.A.6 - If a plan or plat is prepared in conjunction with other applications or overlays or the parcel being developed is subject to conditions of an application processed previously, additional information must be added to the plan. Such applications and overlays include, but are not limited to: annexations; rezonings; special exceptions; Board of Adjustment variances; Design Development Options; Technical Standard Modification Request; overlays (Airport Environs Zone, Environmental Resource Zone, Gateway Corridor Zone, Hillside Development Zone, Historic Preservation Zone, Major Streets and Routes, Rio Nuevo District, Scenic Corridor Zone, WASH); Modification of Development Regulations through the Downtown Area Infill Incentive District or Rio Nuevo District; Downtown Heritage Incentive Zone; or, Design Review Board. Provide the following information on the plan.

4. COMMENT: This site is subject to compliance with the regulations of the MS&R and SCZ overlays. At then of the comments section I have added a list of Scenic Corridor notes that must be added to the plan. The notes can be added to the landscape plan sheets

2-06.4.7.A.8 - For development package documents provide:

2-06.4.7.B.2 - If applicable, list the following notes and complete the blanks.

2-06.4.8.A - Provide site boundary/subdivision perimeter information, including bearing in degrees, minutes, and seconds, with basis for bearing noted, together with distances in feet, to hundredths of a foot, or other functional reference system.

5. COMMENT: In reviewing the project overview plan and comparing the site area with the current lot configurations listed by the Pima County Assessor's, it appears that the two northeast lots are being split or reconfigured. Clarify if this is the intent and if so has lot split application been processed or will have to be processed and approved prior to approval of this Development Package.

Also clarify if the abandoned right of way has been combined with the main parcel.

2-06.4.8.C - The following information regarding existing private or public right-of-way adjacent to or within the site shall be provided: the name, right-of-way width, recordation data, type and dimensioned width of paving, curbs, curb cuts, and sidewalks.

6. COMMENT: Draw and label the location and width of the future sidewalks along Dodge BL. and River Rd.

2-06.4.9 - Information on Proposed Development
The following information on the proposed project shall be shown on the drawing or added as notes.

2-06.4.9.A - Draw in all proposed lot lines with approximate distances and measurements.

7. COMMENT: Until Comment five is addressed, this comment will be made based on the current lot configuration noted by the Pima County Assessor's information. The overall property as noted on the cover sheet does not match the current lot configuration. Revise the cover sheet "Project Overview Map" accordingly.

2-06.4.9.E - Proposed land splits or existing lot lines shall be drawn on the plan with dimensions and the identification number and approximate square footage of each lot. (Please be aware that, if land division occurs and the number of lots falls within the definition of subdivision, a subdivision plat is required.) Land splits require a separate permit and review.

8. COMMENT: See related comments 5 and 8.

2-06.4.9.H.5 - If utilizing parking area access lanes (PAALs), they shall be designed in accordance with Section 7.4.6, Motor Vehicle Use Area Design Criteria, of the UDC.

9. COMMENT: All back up spurs shall be designed with a minimum three foot radius and three separation behind the spur and any barrier that is over 6" in height. Label the distance behind the back-up spur and the sidewalk and or barrier. The back-up spur radius for the parking lot location along the southeast of the proposed building is labeled as 2.5 feet. Revise the radius to three feet.

2-06.4.9.H.5.a - Show all motor vehicle off-street parking spaces provided, fully dimensioned. As a note, provide calculations on the number of spaces required (include the ratio used) and the number provided, including the number of spaces required and provided for the physically disabled. The drawing should indicate parking space locations for the physically disabled. A typical parking space detail shall be provided for both standard parking spaces and those for the physically disabled. For information on parking requirements for the physically disabled, refer to adopted building and accessibility codes of the City of Tucson. Design criteria for parking spaces and access are located in Section 7.4.6, Motor Vehicle Use Area Design Criteria, of the UDC.

10. COMMENT: Clarify if the total number of parking spaces to be provided is 417 as noted and if that includes the accessible parking spaces. If so this project is short three parking spaces. Add a calculation that lists the total number of parking spaces provided which includes existing, new and accessible spaces.

Wheel stops must be provided for the parking spaces adjacent to the northwest end of the new building. If wheel stops are not provided the minimum width of the sidewalk must be 6.5 feet. Revise as required.

2-06.4.9.H.5.c - Show all loading zones, vehicle maneuverability fully dimensioned, and access route. Provide as a note the number of loading spaces required, the number provided, whether the loading space is a Type A or B as provided in UDC Section 7.5.4.

11. COMMENT: Indicate by response the location of the other two loading zones.

2-06.4.9.H.5.d - Show bicycle parking facilities fully dimensioned. For specifics, refer to Section 7.4.9, Bicycle Parking Design Criteria, of the UDC. Provide, as a note, calculations for short and long term bicycle spaces required and provided.

12. COMMENT: Label or add to key note 25, the distance from the farthest short term bicycle rack to the main public entrance to the new building. The distance may not be greater than 50 feet as measured along the most direct pedestrian access route.

2-06.4.9.J - If street dedication is not required or proposed and the project site is adjacent to a Major Street or Route, draw the Major Street right-of-way lines for those streets. (Add the MS&R future sidewalk, right-of-way lines, sight visibility triangles, etc.)

13. COMMENT: Draw. Label and dimension the future sidewalk along Dodge and River.

2-06.4.9.M - Grading Plan

2-06.4.9.M.1 - A conceptual grading plan is required on projects with significant topographic conditions. The PDSD Engineering Administrator or designee will determine the need for such a plan. 2-06.4.9.M.2 - Concurrent Review. For all projects, grading plans may be included in the development package and will be reviewed concurrently.

14. COMMENT: Zoning has done a concurrent review of the grading plan along with the DP site plan. Once the DP site plan is approved the grading plan is also approved by zoning as it relates tot eh zoning review purview.

2-06.4.9.O - All applicable building setback lines, such as erosion hazard, floodplain detention/retention basins, and zoning, including sight visibility triangles, will be shown.

15. COMMENT: Label the actual building setback from the River Road property line to the nearest wall of the new building. The building setback is based on a 3 to 1 ratio. Based on the 30 tall building the setback must be 90 feet. Label the building setback from the Dodge BL nearest edge of travel lane and from the adjacent SR property along the east side. Be aware that within the scenic corridor the height is measured to the highest point of a roof or Parapet wall for purposes of measuring height.

2-06.4.9.R - Show on-site pedestrian circulation and refuge utilizing location and the design criteria in Section 7-01.0.0, Pedestrian Access, of the Technical Standards Manual.

16. COMMENT: Label the width of the new sidewalks where they are not dimensioned especially at locations where transitions from 5.5 feet wide sidewalks to narrower sections of sidewalks.

Label the longitudinal and cross slopes on new sidewalks utilizing the spot elevations noted on the grading plan. Add detail drawing of the sidewalk access ramps. The detail shall be dimensioned and slopes referenced.

2-06.4.9.V - For gang mailboxes indicate location to assure there are no conflicts with other requirements, such as pedestrian accessibility, utilities, and landscaping.

17. COMMENT: It is acknowledged that this is a new building that is part of the existing overall use(s) on the site. As reference, indicate by note if the there will be separate mailboxes for the new building or is there a main mailbox elsewhere on the site.

2-06.4.9.X - Show compliance with landscaping and screening requirements by locations, material descriptions, and dimensions. Specific plant or hardscape material shall be detailed on a landscape plan. A detailed landscape plan is required. In accordance with Section 2-11.0.0, Landscape Plan Requirements.

18. COMMENT: Reference the landscape reviewer comments related to applicable landscape buffers and screening requirements.

19. Scenic corridor notes:

A. Requirement:

1. A buffer area 30 feet wide, adjacent to the MS&R future right-of-way line, is required and shall be preserved and maintained in its natural state;

2. No development or improvements shall occur in a Scenic Route buffer area except as provided in Section 5.3.4.C, Permitted Improvements; (See Figure 5.3-B.)

3. The buffer area shall be restored as closely to its natural state as possible In areas where public safety or the delivery of public services precludes preservation of existing vegetation; and,

4. The buffer area is in lieu of the landscape border required along street frontages under Section 7.6, Landscaping and Screening Standards.

C. Permitted Improvements
The following improvements are permitted in the Scenic Routes buffer area:

2. Trenching for the placement of utility lines, if the area is re-vegetated in accordance with Section 5.3.4.D, Re-vegetation of Site;

3. An area not larger than 18 square feet and not exceeding 30 inches in height per lot or parcel for the placement of utility transformers, pedestals, and service meters and hookups for utilities; and,

4. Selected vegetation may be removed when the Department of Transportation determines that removal is necessary for public safety if the removed plants are replaced with native vegetation.

D. Re-vegetation of Site:

1. Any portion of the Scenic Route buffer area and the MS&R right-of-way disturbed by development activity shall be re-vegetated with native vegetation.

2. Within the SCZ, excluding the Scenic Routes buffer area, all disturbed areas on the site that are visible from the Scenic Route and are not covered by permanent improvements shall be re-vegetated with native plants, plants from the Drought Tolerant Plant List, or a combination of both.

3. In areas not visible from the Scenic Corridor Zone, vegetation may consist of native plants indigenous to the site or drought tolerant plant material. Oasis area landscaping material may also be planted within this area at the levels permitted by the landscaping ordinance.

E. Cut and Fill:

Exposed cut or fill slopes shall be no greater than a one foot rise or fall over a three foot length.

A. All new utilities for development on private property and on public right-of-way along Scenic Routes shall be underground.


Building or structure surfaces, that are visible from the Scenic Route, shall have colors that are predominant within the surrounding landscape, such as desert and earth tones. Single-family dwellings, except in subdivisions recorded after May 28, 1985, are exempt from this standard.

Fencing and freestanding walls facing the Scenic Route shall meet the material restrictions in Section 7.6.5, Screening Standards.

Signs are required to comply with the following:
1. Section 3-32, Scenic Route District, of Chapter 3, Advertising and Outdoor Signs, of the Tucson Code;
2. Signs shall use colors that are predominant within the surrounding landscape, such as desert and earth tones;
3. No commercial advertising sign, except a sign pertaining to a use conducted on the premises or a sign advertising the sale or lease of the property upon which the sign is located, and no billboard shall be erected within 400 feet of the right-of-way line on any Scenic Route; and,
4. When the standards of this section and Section 3-32 conflict, the more restrictive of the two prevails.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please Steve Shields, (520) 837-4956 or Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov

06/01/2016 GLENN HICKS COT NON-DSD PARKS & RECREATION Approved No existing or proposed Tucson Parks and Recreation facilities are affected by this development.

Howard B. Dutt, RLA

Landscape Architect
Tucson Parks & Recreation
(520) 837-8040


>>> DSD_CDRC 5/10/2016 6:09 PM >>>

Dear Reviewers:

This is an electronic distribution for a CDRC Development Plan review. If you normally receive paper copies of the review documents, you will receive them soon.

The applicable case numbers are:

CDRC Development Plan: DP16-0077

Existing and Proposed Zoning: PAD-8

Identification and Descriptive Data

All improvements and site information, such as adjacent rights-of-way and property lines, shown on the landscape plan will be identical in size and location to those shown on the base plan (site plan or tentative plat). Should amendments be required to the base plan through the review process, the same amendments will be made to the landscape plan which will then be resubmitted along with the base plan.

The landscape plan will contain the following identification in the lower right corner of each sheet:

Rezoning case;

Subdivision case;

Board of Adjustment case;

Design Development Option case;

Development Review Board (DRB) case; and/or,
Any other relevant case number for reviews or modifications that affect the site.

Ensure that all Zoning and Engineering comments and concerns are addressed.

Additional comments may apply
06/06/2016 LOREN MAKUS ENGINEERING REVIEW Reqs Change 1. In the drainage report explain the values used for runoff coefficients in the retention volume calculation. The runoff coefficients must be for the 5-year return period. The values may be taken from the table or determined hydrologically.
2. All pages of the drainage report, including the appendices must be numbered.
3. The drainage report provides the Flo2D results. Provide a discussion of the results and the effects on the proposed development.
4. Include a discussion of the inputs into the Flo2D model. Discuss the effects of the overbank areas of the Rillito and Finger Rock Wash.
5. Clearly label the Flo2D output sheets. Also include sheets showing the proposed improvements and the effect on the floodplain.
6. The floodplain boundaries, including the boundary between Zone AE and Zone A must be shown on the plans.
7. Show water surface contours for the project area.
8. Several notes on sheet 2 indicate the requirements for as-built plans and certifications. Since this doesn't meet the definition of engineered grading the final reports are not required. If the notes stay on the plans, their requirements will need to be met before the final inspections are approved.
06/07/2016 AHINES2 COT NON-DSD ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Reqs Change The Development Package has been reviewed on behalf of the Environmental Services Dept. and the following will need to be addressed on the resubmittal:

1. Per TSM 8-01.4.0.D, provide a recycling metal container enclosure in addition to the refuse metal container enclosure as the waste stream calculation exceeds 190 gallons per week. Also, revise the waste stream calculation note on the cover to reflect the total calculated waste stream is to be divided evenly between the refuse and recycling containers.

2. A minimum safe access and operational area of 14 ft. by 40 ft., with a minimum vertical clearance of 25 ft. free of overhead obstructions such as wires and branches, shall be provided in front of each enclosure and within the collection area per TSM and TSM It appears from the landscape plans that existing trees to be preserved in place are in close proximity to the enclosure and adjacent to the 14 ft. x 40 ft clear operation area. Demonstrate the canopies of the trees will not encroach into the 25 ft. vertical clear area or revise the plans to provide the required clearance.

If there are any questions, I can be reached at kperry@perryengineering.net

Ken Perry, Principal
505 W. Wetmore Road
Tucson, Arizona 85705
Office 520.620.9870, ext. 1
06/07/2016 AHINES2 COT NON-DSD TUCSON POLICE DEPARTMENT Approved I have no issues with this.

Kara Curtis
Community Service Officer
Tucson Police Department
Operations Division Midtown
1100 S. Alvernon
Tucson, AZ 85711
(520) 837-7428
06/07/2016 AHINES2 ZONING-DECISION LETTER REVIEW Reqs Change This review has been completed and resubmittal is required. Please resubmit the following items:

1) Two rolled sets of the plans
2) A disk containing all items submitted
3) All items requested by review staff
4) All items needed to approve these plans

Good afternoon, attached is the facilities map associated with the development plan for The Jewish Federation Office that was reviewed by the Area Designer, Chuck Leon. If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach Chuck Leon at 917-8707.

Thank you

Michael Norris
Tucson Electric Power
Scheduling Coordinator