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Permit Number: DP14-0189
Parcel: 140260380

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - DP14-0189
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments

TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office

FROM: David Rivera
Principal Planner

PROJECT: DP14-0189
2565 E Commerce Center Place
Development Package - Walmart Store #4490-00

TRANSMITTAL DATE: December 30, 2014

DUE DATE: January 8, 2015

COMMENTS: The Development Package has been reviewed for compliance with the zoning comments made on the first review. The following comments are follow-up or additional comments due to revisions to changes to the plans or insufficient information provided in your response comments or changes to the plans. Review the zoning comments and address as required and resubmit the development package along with response comments.

This plan has been reviewed for compliance with the Development Package Standards listed in section 2-06 of the City of Tucson Administrative Manual. Also compliance with applicable development criteria for the proposed use as listed in the City of Tucson Uniform Development Code (UDC).

1. Section 3.3.3.G.5.c UDC, An applicant has one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a site plan that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application, unless an ordinance adopted by Mayor and Council during this period states otherwise. A site plan application that has been in review for a period of one year and has not yet been approved is considered denied. To continue the review of a site plan for the property, a new site plan must be submitted that complies with regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal. The new submittal initiates a new one-year review period. One year Expiration date is October 15, 2015.

01. Follow-up comment to previous comment 2: The 3"x5" address block was not added to the cover sheet as requested.

2-06.3.6 - Provide a blank three-inch by five-inch block in the lower right corner of the plan adjacent to the title block on the first sheet of the development package for use by Pima County Addressing.

02. COMMENT: Add the three-inch by five-inch block on the cover sheet only, as noted by the standard above.

02. Follow-up comment to previous comment 5: Include the words "Map and Plat in Book 51 at page 25" in the title block as requested in the previous comment.

2-06.4.2.B - A brief legal description and a statement as to whether the project is a re-subdivision are to be provided. On re-subdivisions, provide the recording information of the existing subdivision plat;

05. COMMENT: Add the following in the title block for the legal description, Tucson Airport Commerce Center Block 3, Map and Plat Book 51 at page 25. Include, A Portion of the NW Qtr, of the NE Qtr of Section 08, T14S, R14E.

03. Follow-up comment to previous comment 11: Clarify if a lot split is to be processed prior to approval of the development package. If not, the site plan must be revised to depict one lot/parcel. If a lot split is to be processed concurrently with the development package the recordation must be completed prior to approval of the development package. List the lot split application case number in the lower right corner of all plan sheets. (The lot split application case number will be provided when the application for the lot split is made.)

2-06.4.7.A.2 - List the gross area of the site/subdivision by square footage and acreage.

11. COMMENT: The gross area of the site is listed as 5.067 Acres on the cover sheet. The recorded plat indicates the overall site area of Block 3 is 398,146 SF or 9.140 Acres. Which is correct? Unless there is a proposal to subdivide Block 3, revise the site area note on the cover sheet accordingly.

04. Follow-up to previous comment 13: This comment was not addressed as requested. The existing use of the property is "Vacant" the proposed should be revised as noted in the previous comment, see below.

2-06.4.7.A.4 - Identify the existing and proposed use of the property as classified per the UDC. List all UDC sections applicable to the proposed uses.

13. COMMENT: List the proposed use of the property, "Retail Trade Land Use group-General Merchandise- Subject to Use Specific Standard 4.9.13.Q"

05. Follow-up to previous comment 14: The MSL elevation of the pad for the building and the fueling station canopy was not listed on sheet 2 under the AEZ text block. The difference in elevation between the runway and the site pad elevation must also be listed.

2-06.4.7.A.6 - If a plan or plat is prepared in conjunction with other applications or overlays or the parcel being developed is subject to conditions of an application processed previously, additional information must be added to the plan. Such applications and overlays include, but are not limited to: annexations; rezonings; special exceptions; Board of Adjustment variances; Design Development Options; Technical Standard Modification Request; overlays (Airport Environs Zone, Environmental Resource Zone, Gateway Corridor Zone, Hillside Development Zone, Historic Preservation Zone, Major Streets and Routes, Rio Nuevo District, Scenic Corridor Zone, WASH); Modification of Development Regulations through the Downtown Area Infill Incentive District or Rio Nuevo District; Downtown Heritage Incentive Zone; or, Design Review Board. Provide the following information on the plan.

14. COMMENT: This site/project is subject to compliance with the regulations of the Airport Environs Overlay. Include a note that states that the project been designed to comply with the AEZ overlay section 5.6.0. Include the mean sea level elevation at the end of the runway that affects this site, list the mean sea level elevation of the property based on the final grade of the PAD for the building, and include the calculation that demonstrates compliance. Draw and label on the site plan sheet the Airport Environs height lines and heights that affect this site as depicted on the PDSD GIS map.

06. Follow-up to previous comment 15: Clarify if the fueling station canopy/building and the Walmart Store building are proposed to be constructed at a height of 28 feet. The matrix table lists a building height of 28 feet but is it not clear if both buildings are the same height. List the heights of both structures and if the same height is proposed indicate as such.

2-06.4.7.A.8.a - Floor area for each building;

15. COMMENT: Zoning is requesting that zoning table/matrix be added to the cover sheet that includes all the zoning data required and provided. The table/matrix should include vehicle and bicycle parking, loading zones, building height, floor area, site area etc.

07. Follow-up to previous comment 23. Label the width of the drive-through lane; label the width of the PAAL between the Drive-through striped island and the parking spaces to the south. Label the width of the PAAL adjacent to the Fueling station canopy and the parking spaces along the north of the canopy.

2-06.4.9.H.5 - If utilizing parking area access lanes (PAALs), they shall be designed in accordance with Section 7.4.6, Motor Vehicle Use Area Design Criteria, of the UDC.

23. COMMENT: Add to the requested site plan the information as noted by the standard above.

08. Follow-up to previous comment 24. Revise the parking calculations to indicate that 164 parking spaces have been provided. The cart corrals cannot be counted towards the number of spaces provided. Also all required parking spaces must be available, only excess parking shall be reserved for staff/associate parking only . Revise the parking in the matrix in all tables.

2-06.4.9.H.5.a - Show all motor vehicle off-street parking spaces provided, fully dimensioned. As a note, provide calculations on the number of spaces required (include the ratio used) and the number provided, including the number of spaces required and provided for the physically disabled. The drawing should indicate parking space locations for the physically disabled. A typical parking space detail shall be provided for both standard parking spaces and those for the physically disabled. For information on parking requirements for the physically disabled, refer to adopted building and accessibility codes of the City of Tucson. Design criteria for parking spaces and access are located in Section 7.4.6, Motor Vehicle Use Area Design Criteria, of the UDC.

24. COMMENT: Add to the requested site plan the information as noted by the standard above.

09. Follow-up to previous comment 26. Label the 2'-6" distance from the wall of the building to the edge of the Short Term bicycle parking loop as noted in the Article 7, section 7.4, figure 7.4.9-C.

2-06.4.9.H.5.d - Show bicycle parking facilities fully dimensioned. For specifics, refer to Section 7.4.9, Bicycle Parking Design Criteria, of the UDC. Provide, as a note, calculations for short and long term bicycle spaces required and provided.

26. COMMENT: Add to the requested site plan the information as noted by the standard above. Include fully dimensioned detail drawings of the short and long term facilities.

10. Follow-up to previous comment 30. The overall building setbacks as requested could not be verified on the site plan sheet(s). It is clear that the building setback for both the canopy and the Store buildings meet the minimum but an overall dimension from the Tucson Blvd. and Commerce Center Place right of way / property line to the canopy is requested. Label an overall dimension from the Commerce Center Place right of way / property line to the south wal of the Walmart store building is requested.

2-06.4.9.O - All applicable building setback lines, such as erosion hazard, floodplain detention/retention basins, and zoning, including sight visibility triangles, will be shown.

30. COMMENT: Draw and label the overall building setback from both street frontages based on the future back of curb location.

11. Follow-up to previous comment 31. Label on sheet 5 and 7 the height of the canopy and kiosk building if different than the height of the canopy. Label the square footage of both the canopy and the kiosk building on both sheets.

2-06.4.9.Q - Provide the square footage and the height of each commercial, industrial, or business structure and the specific use proposed within the footprint of the building(s).

31. COMMENT: Label on the requested site plan the overall height of the building within the building footprint as noted by the standard above.

12. Follow-up to previous comment 32. All sidewalks must be constructed of Portland cement and be physically separated from the vehicular use areas. Address the following items related to pedestrian circulation.

a. The area between the accessible parking spaces must be constructed of concrete, physically separated from the parking spaces and labeled as a walkway on sheets 5 and 7.
b. Clarify if the sidewalk area adjacent to the southwest portion of the Store is physically separated from the pavement. Striping is not an acceptable method to provide the physical separation. Raised concrete sidewalks or bollards must be provided at no more than five feet on center.

c. Asphalt is not an acceptable material for required pedestrian sidewalks. All required pedestrian sidewalk must be constructed of concrete or material similar in smoothness, hardness and durability as concrete. Revise the note for the material of the proposed from the Drexel Road frontage to the Walmart building to concrete.

2-06.4.9.R - Show on-site pedestrian circulation and refuge utilizing location and the design criteria in Section 7-01.0.0, Pedestrian Access, of the Technical Standards Manual.

32. COMMENT: Label on the requested site plan the width of all onsite sidewalks. A sidewalk that provides access from Drexel Road to the main entrance shall be drawn, labeled, and dimensioned.

13. Follow-up to previous comment 35. Include a keynote related to the proposed monument signs that states that the monument signs will be permitted by others under separate permit.

2-06.4.9.W - Indicate the locations and types of proposed signs (wall, free-standing, pedestal) to assure there are no conflicts with other requirements and that minimal locational requirements can be met. Indicate if there are any existing billboards on site. Compliance to the Sign Code, Chapter 3 of the Tucson Code, is required.

35. COMMENT: Draw and label on the requested site plan the information as noted by the standard above.

14. As noted before: Be aware that additional comments may be forthcoming based on the responses to the zoning comments and revisions to the plan sheets.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call David Rivera, (520) 791-5608.

RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised development package site plan and any requested documents.
01/06/2015 MARTIN BROWN FIRE REVIEW Approved
01/07/2015 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change The presence of manholes in a private sewer collection system will still require review of the sewer design by the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality. [Initial comment: The presence of manholes and a lift station in a private sewer collection system will require review of the sewer design by the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality. Submit the design to PDEQ at 150 W Congress St, 1st Floor (520-724-7382). A separate plumbing permit from Development Services will be required for construction of the private sewer collection system.]
1. As required by the 2012 IBC, Section 1104, provide an accessible route from the right of way to the gasoline distribution kiosk, then to the two new accessible parking spaces and then to the Walmart building .
2. Detail A
a. Delete all ADA references. This is a private project where all accessibility requirements are governed by the 2012 IBC, Chapter 11 and the 2009 ICC A117.1.
b. What is dimension note "B". Needs to be a minimum of 18'.
3. Detail E: The bottom of the main accessible parking sign is to be 7'-0" a.f.g.
01/08/2015 JOE LINVILLE LANDSCAPE REVIEW Approv-Cond Revise as requested by other agencies.
01/08/2015 JOE LINVILLE NPPO REVIEW Reqs Change Revise notes 1, 5, and 6 on the Native Plant Preservation Plan to use updated code references and contact numbers. UDC 7.7.4
01/12/2015 ZELIN CANCHOLA COT NON-DSD TRAFFIC Reqs Change January 12, 2015
PROJECT NAME: Walmart neighborhood Market #4490-00
PROJECT ADDRESS: 2565 E Commerce Center Pl. Tucson, AZ 857

Resubmittal Required: TDOT does not recommend approval of the Development Plant; therefore a revised Plan is required for re-submittal. The following items must be revised or added to the plat. Include a response letter with the next submittal that states how all comments have been addressed.

1.From Previous comment #3 Show and label sight visibility triangles:

SVT's drawn incorrectly.

2. From previous comment #13, Stop signs should be placed on private property:

Eliminate Stop signs for the driveways if they cannot be placed on private property. Stop signs are not required for driveways. Striping can remain, but will not be maintained by the City of Tucson.

3. Refer to plan set for signing and striping comments.

If you have any questions, I can be reached at 520 837 6659 or zelin.canchola@tucsonaz.gov
12/24/2014 JASON GREEN ENGINEERING REVIEW Reqs Change DATE: January 5, 2015
DUE DATE: January 8, 2015
SUBJECT: Walmart Store #4490-00 Development Plan Package- 2nd Engineering Review
TO: MetroTED, Attn: Lisa Bowers
LOCATION: 2565 E Commerce Center Pl

SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Planning & Development Services Department has received and reviewed the proposed Development Plan Package, Drainage Report (Manhard Consulting, 01OCT14 revised 22DEC14) and Geotechnical Engineering Report (Terracon Consultants, Inc., 11AUG14). Engineering Division does not recommend approval of the Development Plan Package at this time. This review falls under the Unified Development Code (UDC), Administration Manual (AM) and Technical Standards Manual (TSM). Refer to the following link for further clarification:

The following items need to be addressed:


1) Restated: AM Sec.2-06: The 2nd submittal generated new comments that can be found below under the NEW COMMENT Section.

2) Complied.
3) Complied.
4) Complied.

5) Restated: AM Sec.2-06.4.8.A: It is acknowledged that the lot dimensions and bearings have been added to the plan set however revise the development plan package to clearly show if the lot is to be combined or provide a cross access (vehicular and pedestrian) agreement for the use of the driveways across Parcel 2.

6) Complied.
7) Complied.

8) Restated: AM Sec.2-06.4.9.H.2: Revise the development plan package to correctly label and dimension the existing and/or future SVTs for all driveway entrances, refer to TSM Sec.10-01.5.3 for line of sight matrix. On a designated MS&R street, the SVTs are based on the MS&R cross-section. The SVTs that are shown are drawn incorrectly and do not reflect the requirements of the referenced standard.

9) Complied.

10) Restated: AM Sec.2-06.4.9.H.5.a: Revise the development plan package to clearly label all dimensions onsite for the vehicular use area. Provide all dimensions for PAAL widths, access lanes, drive-thru lanes, parking spaces, landscape islands, sidewalks, etc. that need to be clearly dimensioned to ensure overall site layout. Examples include the PAAL adjacent to the drive thru and striped area, the PAAL adjacent to the north side of the fuel canopy, and verify the 2-foot setback from the proposed cart corrals to the parking spaces. Other areas may apply, revise.

11) Complied.
12) Complied.
13) Complied.
14) Complied.
15) Complied.
16) Complied.

17) Restated: AM Sec.2-06.4.9.R: Revise the development plan package to provide the required pedestrian circulation connection from the building to Drexel Rd refer to TSM Sec.7-01.3.3.A. A temporary sidewalk will not suffice. The proposed sidewalk must be constructed out of Portland cement and be physically separated from the vehicular use areas.

18) Complied.
19) Complied. Per ES approval email dated December 30, 2014.


20) Complied.
21) Complied.


1) AM Sec.2-06.3.6: Revise the development plan package to provide the three-inch by five-inch block on the cover sheet for use by Pima County Addressing.

2) AM Sec.2-06.4.2.B: Revise the development plan package to provide a brief legal description in the title block. The legal description must include the following, Tucson Airport Commerce Center Block 3, Map and Plat Book 51 at page 25. Include, A Portion of the NW Qtr, of the NE Qtr of Section 08, T14S, R14E.

3) AM Sec.2-06.4.7.A.2: Revise the development plan package to provide the gross area of the site. Per the recorded plat it indicates the overall site area of Block 3 is 9.140 Acres. The plat does not show 2 parcels as indicated on the plan set. Either provide the approved split recordation information or revise the plan to clearly show the parcel as one lot.

4) AM Sec.2-06.4.8.B: Revise the development plan package to provide the recordation information for the 15-foot water easement that is labeled on the development plan package. All recordation information is required for existing and/or proposed easements.

5) AM Sec.2-06.4.8.F: Revise the development plan package to provide the improvement plan number for the existing storm drains shown under Commerce Center Place.

6) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.H.5.a: Revise the development plan package to a typical parking space detail for both standard parking spaces and those for the physically disabled. Refer to UDC Sec.7.4.6 for the design criteria for parking spaces.

7) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.M: Revise the development plan package and all applicable cross sections to label and dimension the required minimum 2-foot setback from the top and toe of all proposed fill slopes located along all property lines per TSM Sec.2-01.9.2&3.

8) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.N.3: Revise the development plan package to label all proposed drainage infrastructure as shown on the grading plan sheets. Label the pipe size, type of pipe, grates, inlet and outlet structures along with all inlet and outlet inverts and top of grate elevations.

9) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.N.3: Revise the development plan package to label all proposed rock rip rap as shown at the outlet of the drainage pipes. Provide the rock size, thickness and filter fabric specifications if hand placed and not grouted.

10) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.N.3: Revise the development plan package to provide the locations, dimensions, details and manufactures specifications for the required remediation improvements within the retention/detention basins adjacent to the fuel canopy to ensure that discharged petroleum products cannot enter the existing storm drain system. The retention/detention basins must provide appropriate containment and/or diversionary structures to prevent discharged petroleum products from reaching the regional watercourse. This method of containing spills and providing routing maintenance will only be reviewed for approval once the manufacture specifications and recommendations are presented and approvable.

11) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.R: Revise the development plan package to label the sidewalk adjacent to the accessible parking spaces. All pedestrian access must be physically separated from the vehicular use area, revise.

12) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.R: Revise the development plan package to clarify if the sidewalk area adjacent to the southwest portion of the Store is physically separated from the pavement. Striping is not an acceptable method to provide the physical separation. Raised concrete sidewalks or bollards must be provided at no more than five feet on center.

13) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.R: Revise the development plan package to provide a pedestrian access area adjacent to the building and vehicular use area that surrounds the building. Per TSM Sec.7-01.4.1.B a sidewalk is required adjacent and parallel to any access lane or PAAL on the side where buildings are located.


14) CGP Sec.6.3(5)c: Revise the SWPPP to provide the percentage of the site that is impervious (e.g. paved, roofed, etc.) before and after construction.


Provide a revised Development Plan Package that addresses the comments provided above. Include a comprehensive response letter addressing in detail responses to all of the above comments.

For any questions or to schedule meetings call me at 837-4929.

Jason Green, CFM
Senior Engineer Associate
Engineering Division
Planning & Development Services Department

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
02/03/2015 CPIERCE1 REJECT SHELF Completed