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Permit Number: DP14-0013
Parcel: 117140930


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: DEV PKG - REVISION

Permit Number - DP14-0013
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/28/2015 ANDREW CONNOR LANDSCAPE REVIEW Reqs Change The following comments apply:


Identification and Descriptive Data

All improvements information shown on the landscape plan will be identical in size and location to those shown on the base plan (site plan or development package). Should amendments be required to the landscape plan through the review process, the same amendments will be made to the (site plan or development package), which will then be resubmitted along with the base plan.

Revise the site plan within the development package to match the landscape plan.

Verify that changes to approved DDO plans require additional review by staff.

Ensure that all Zoning and Engineering comments and concerns are addressed.

Additional comments may apply
08/31/2015 JASON GREEN ENGINEERING REVIEW Reqs Change DATE: August 31, 2015
DUE DATE: September 09, 2015
SUBJECT: Downtown Motor Apartments Revised Development Package- 2nd Engineering Review
LOCATION: 383 S Stone Ave; T14S R13E Sec13

SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Planning & Development Services Department has received and reviewed the revised Development Package. Engineering Division does not recommend approval of the Development Package at this time. This review falls under the Unified Development Code (UDC), Administration Manual (AM) and Technical Standards Manual (TSM). Refer to the following link for further clarification:

The following items need to be addressed:


1) Complied.
2) Complied.
3) Complied.
4) Complied.
5) Complied.

6) Restated: AM Sec.2-06.4.9.R: It is acknowledged that the pedestrian access has been revised so that it does not cross behind the proposed parking space to the short term bicycle parking space however the revised location shows a proposed 3-foot wide pedestrian access which does not meet the minimum width of 4-feet per TSM Sec.7-01.4.3.A. The TSMR that was submitted (DS15-20) will need to be revised to reflect this modification. Contact Patricia Gehlen for processing the TSMR revision. Provide a General Note on the development package (DP14-0013) referencing the TSMR Case #DS15-20, date of approval and any conditions (if applicable)

7) Restated: AM Sec.2-06.4.9.R: It is acknowledged that the development package was revised to dimension the minimum 4-foot width requirement of the pedestrian access path adjacent to the long term bicycle parking and exercise room however per this revision it appears that the proposed pedestrian access path that is required between the proposed Lobby building and the PAAL has been removed. Per TSM Sec.7-01.4.1.B a sidewalk is required adjacent and parallel to any PAAL on the side where a building is located. The TSMR that was submitted (DS15-20) will need to be revised to reflect this modification of the pedestrian access. Contact Patricia Gehlen for processing the TSMR revision. Provide a General Note on the development package (DP14-0013) referencing the TSMR Case #DS15-20, date of approval and any conditions (if applicable)

8) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.T: Provide a General Note on the development package (DP14-0013) referencing the TSMR Case #DS15-20, date of approval and any conditions (if applicable) for the modifications to the refuse containers as per the TSMR.


Please provide a revised Development Package that addresses the comments provided above. Include a comprehensive response letter addressing in detail responses to all of the above comments.

For any questions or to schedule meetings call me at 837-4929.

Jason Green, CFM
Senior Engineer Associate
Engineering Division
Planning & Development Services Department

TO: Development Services Department
Plans Coordination Office

FROM: Michael St Paul
Planning Technician

PROJECT: DP14-0013
383 South Stone Avenue
Apartment Complex

TRANSMITTAL DATE: September 2, 2015 (1st revision) (2nd review)

DUE DATE: September 9, 2015

This site is located in the C-3 zone (UDC Section 4.7.22 & Table 4.8-4).
This site is also located in the Downtown Area Infill Incentive District (IID) UDC Section 5.12).

There are three areas of concern that have been changed or revised relative to the last approved set of plans for this Development Package: The required vehicle parking spaces; the bicycle parking plans; and the accessible pedestrian circulation.


The required number of vehicle parking as provide with the Individual Parking Plan (IPP) for the Downtown Motor Apartments at 383 South Stone Avenue is twenty-eight (28) parking spaces (T14SA00036). The number of parking spaces provided on the revised plan is twenty-six (26). Provide twenty-eight (28) vehicle parking spaces on the site. The minimum dimension for a ninety (90) degree parking space is eighteen (18) feet by eight (8) feet, six (6) inches (UDC Section 7.4.6.D.1 and Figure 7.4.6-A). The "compact" parking space is under-sized and inadequate. Revise the parking plans to meet code.


2-06.4.9.H.5.d - Show bicycle parking facilities fully dimensioned. For specifics, refer to Section 7.4.9, Bicycle Parking Design Criteria, of the UDC. Provide, as a note, calculations for short and long term bicycle spaces required and provided.

1) COMMENT: The long term appears to have maneuverability in both the vehicle parking and pedestrian access. The plan details for the bicycle parking do not appear to match the site. Dimension the bicycle parking on the site plan. The long term bicycle parking must also provide for security, lighting and weather protection (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.1,.2, .3, .4 & .5). The site and the details must be revised.

Despite emails, phone calls and sending a Word copy of Section 7.4.9, almost none of the above criteria have been met. The long-term and short term plan view details look almost identical.


"The purpose of short-term bicycle parking is to encourage shoppers, customers, messengers, and other visitors to use bicycles by providing a convenient and readily accessible place to park bicycles" (UDC Section 7.4.9.C). The placement of the short-term bicycle parking is more hidden from the entrances rather than visible.

The short-term bicycle parking near the front office/gallery along the north property line appears to block pedestrian access and circulation to the doorway or gate (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.1.a). "A clearance space of at least four feet in width must be provided for pedestrian access" (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.1.a). Also provide dimensions to the access adjacent to the bicycle parking between the Community Building and the Lobby. A minimum of four (4) feet is required (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.1.a).

"Adequate maneuvering space must be provided behind all outdoor bicycle parking facilities" (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.1.c). Neither of the bicycle parking facilities near the Office/Gallery or the Lobby appear to provide adequate maneuverability for the bicycle spaces.

"A bicycle rack must be a minimum of two and one half feet from a wall or other obstruction" (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.2.g). Details 8.1/C2 and 8.2/C2 depict the bicycle racks less than 2.5 feet. Neither of the bicycle parking facilities identified above have the 2.5 feet from the wall or other obstruction.

"The bicycle parking area must be hard surfaced and maintained in a smooth, durable, and well-drained condition. Stabilized decomposed granite is an acceptable surface material for bicycle parking areas" (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.1.d). Keynote 7 "Proposed PCC Pavement Section" is limited to the bicycle parking space only and does not include the bicycle parking area. The "hard surface" must include the "area" around the space.

Outdoor bicycle parking areas must be lighted so that they are thoroughly illuminated and visible from adjacent sidewalks, parking lots, or buildings during hours of use" (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.2.e). The placement of the bicycle parking is more hidden than visible to the entrance of the front buildings. Provide the lighting information with the bicycle parking details or on the site plan.


The original plan had a enclosed long-term bicycle parking area. This security measure appears to have been omitted from the current plan.

"The purpose of long-term bicycle parking is to provide employees, students, residents, commuter and others who generally stay at a site for several hours, a secure and weather-protected place to park bicycles" (UDC Section 7.4.9.D).

Security is of concern and has to be provided for on the plan.

"To provide security, long-term bicycle parking must have controlled access" (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.2)

"Examples include, but are not limited to:" (UC Section 7.4.9.D.2)

"Inside residential units;" (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.2.a)

"Inside buildings provided the bicycle parking does not create a safety hazard or impede pedestrian circulation and in an area that is visible from employee work areas or in a locked room;" (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.2.b)

"In a bicycle room or an area enclosed be a fence that is eight feet high or connected floor-to-ceiling accessed by key, smartcard, or other secure method;" (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.2.c)

"In bicycle lockers that fully enclose the bicycle, resist tampering, are securely anchored, and constructed of durable materials, such as, but not limited to steel." (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.2.d)

The long-term bicycle parking area for twenty-four spaces was identified as a secured fully fenced in room. Provide a security plan for this area. (See Detail 8.4.C2).

The other long-term bicycle parking area is for four bicycle parking spaces (See Detail 8.3/C2). Provide for bicycle lockers or other secure storage method for this area.

Provide lighting for each long-term bicycle parking area (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.5).

The required number of p


Provide a clear pedestrian circulation plan. Clearly indicate accessible pedestrian path throughout the site.

Note that the arrow for the access ramp points to the landscaped area. It does not match Detail 3/C2. It is also not clear where the sidewalk begins and ends along the north boundary of the property.
See the IPP letter from Glenn Moyer and the UDC Section 7.4.9 attached to the paper copy of these returned comments.

Contact me for setting up a meeting prior to resubmittal.

Michael St. Paul @ 520-837-4959 or Michael.StPaul@tucsonaz.gov

TO: Development Services Department
Plans Coordination Office

FROM: Michael St Paul
Planning Technician

PROJECT: DP14-0013
383 South Stone Avenue
Apartment Complex

TRANSMITTAL DATE: September 2, 2015 (1st revision) (2nd review)

DUE DATE: September 9, 2015

This site is located in the C-3 zone (UDC Section 4.7.22 & Table 4.8-4).
This site is also located in the Downtown Area Infill Incentive District (IID) UDC Section 5.12).

There are three areas of concern that have been changed or revised relative to the last approved set of plans for this Development Package: The required vehicle parking spaces; the bicycle parking plans; and the accessible pedestrian circulation.


The required number of vehicle parking as provide with the Individual Parking Plan (IPP) for the Downtown Motor Apartments at 383 South Stone Avenue is twenty-eight (28) parking spaces (T14SA00036). The number of parking spaces provided on the revised plan is twenty-six (26). Provide twenty-eight (28) vehicle parking spaces on the site. The minimum dimension for a ninety (90) degree parking space is eighteen (18) feet by eight (8) feet, six (6) inches (UDC Section 7.4.6.D.1 and Figure 7.4.6-A). The "compact" parking space is under-sized and inadequate. Revise the parking plans to meet code.


2-06.4.9.H.5.d - Show bicycle parking facilities fully dimensioned. For specifics, refer to Section 7.4.9, Bicycle Parking Design Criteria, of the UDC. Provide, as a note, calculations for short and long term bicycle spaces required and provided.

PREVIOUS COMMENT: The long term appears to have maneuverability in both the vehicle parking and pedestrian access. The plan details for the bicycle parking do not appear to match the site. Dimension the bicycle parking on the site plan. The long term bicycle parking must also provide for security, lighting and weather protection (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.1,.2, .3, .4 & .5). The site and the details must be revised.

Despite emails, phone calls and sending a Word copy of Section 7.4.9, almost none of the above criteria have been met. The long-term and short term plan view details look almost identical.


"The purpose of short-term bicycle parking is to encourage shoppers, customers, messengers, and other visitors to use bicycles by providing a convenient and readily accessible place to park bicycles" (UDC Section 7.4.9.C). The placement of the short-term bicycle parking is more hidden from the entrances rather than visible.

The short-term bicycle parking near the front office/gallery along the north property line appears to block pedestrian access and circulation to the doorway or gate (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.1.a). "A clearance space of at least four feet in width must be provided for pedestrian access" (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.1.a). Also provide dimensions to the access adjacent to the bicycle parking between the Community Building and the Lobby. A minimum of four (4) feet is required (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.1.a).

"Adequate maneuvering space must be provided behind all outdoor bicycle parking facilities" (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.1.c). Neither of the bicycle parking facilities near the Office/Gallery or the Lobby appear to provide adequate maneuverability for the bicycle spaces.

"A bicycle rack must be a minimum of two and one half feet from a wall or other obstruction" (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.2.g). Details 8.1/C2 and 8.2/C2 depict the bicycle racks less than 2.5 feet. Neither of the bicycle parking facilities identified above have the 2.5 feet from the wall or other obstruction.

"The bicycle parking area must be hard surfaced and maintained in a smooth, durable, and well-drained condition. Stabilized decomposed granite is an acceptable surface material for bicycle parking areas" (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.1.d). Keynote 7 "Proposed PCC Pavement Section" is limited to the bicycle parking space only and does not include the bicycle parking area. The "hard surface" must include the "area" around the space.

Outdoor bicycle parking areas must be lighted so that they are thoroughly illuminated and visible from adjacent sidewalks, parking lots, or buildings during hours of use" (UDC Section 7.4.9.B.2.e). The placement of the bicycle parking is more hidden than visible to the entrance of the front buildings. Provide the lighting information with the bicycle parking details or on the site plan.


The original plan had a enclosed long-term bicycle parking area. This security measure appears to have been omitted from the current plan.

"The purpose of long-term bicycle parking is to provide employees, students, residents, commuter and others who generally stay at a site for several hours, a secure and weather-protected place to park bicycles" (UDC Section 7.4.9.D).

Security is of concern and has to be provided for on the plan.

"To provide security, long-term bicycle parking must have controlled access" (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.2)

"Examples include, but are not limited to:" (UC Section 7.4.9.D.2)

"Inside residential units;" (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.2.a)

"Inside buildings provided the bicycle parking does not create a safety hazard or impede pedestrian circulation and in an area that is visible from employee work areas or in a locked room;" (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.2.b)

"In a bicycle room or an area enclosed be a fence that is eight feet high or connected floor-to-ceiling accessed by key, smartcard, or other secure method;" (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.2.c)

"In bicycle lockers that fully enclose the bicycle, resist tampering, are securely anchored, and constructed of durable materials, such as, but not limited to steel." (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.2.d)

The long-term bicycle parking area for twenty-four spaces was identified as a secured fully fenced in room. Provide a security plan for this area. (See Detail 8.4.C2).

The other long-term bicycle parking area is for four bicycle parking spaces (See Detail 8.3/C2). Provide for bicycle lockers or other secure storage method for this area.

Provide lighting for each long-term bicycle parking area (UDC Section 7.4.9.D.5).

The required number of p


Provide a clear pedestrian circulation plan. Clearly indicate accessible pedestrian path throughout the site.

Note that the arrow for the access ramp points to the landscaped area. It does not match Detail 3/C2. It is also not clear where the sidewalk begins and ends along the north boundary of the property.
See the IPP letter from Glenn Moyer and the UDC Section 7.4.9 attached to the paper copy of these returned comments.

Contact me for setting up a meeting prior to resubmittal.

Michael St. Paul @ 520-837-4959 or Michael.StPaul@tucsonaz.gov
09/08/2015 BVIESTE1 COT NON-DSD ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Approved The Development Package has been reviewed on behalf of the Environmental Services Dept. and is approved. If there are any questions, I can be reached at kperry@perryengineering.net
09/10/2015 BVIESTE1 ZONING-DECISION LETTER REVIEW Reqs Change This review has been completed and resubmittal is required.
Please resubmit the following items:

1) 2 Rolled sets of the plan
2) All items requested by review staff
3) And all items needed to approve the plan

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
09/10/2015 AROMERO4 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed