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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: SITE and/or GRADING
Permit Number - DP14-0013
Review Name: SITE and/or GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/31/2014 | RBROWN1 | ADA | REVIEW | Passed | |
02/03/2014 | JASON GREEN | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Needs Review | DATE: February 5, 2014 SUBJECT: Downtown Motor Apartments Development Plan Package- Engineering Review TO: Richard Fe Tom LOCATION: 383 S Stone Ave; T14S R13E Sec13 REVIEWERS: Jason Green, CFM ACTIVITY: DP14-0013 SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Planning & Development Services Department has received and reviewed the proposed Development Plan Package and Drainage Statement (JE Fuller Hydrology & Geomorphology, 24JAN14). Engineering Division does not recommend approval of the Development Plan Package at this time. This review falls under the Unified Development Code (UDC), Administration Manual (AM) and Technical Standards Manual (TSM). Refer to the following link for further clarification: http://www.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll/Arizona/tucson_az_udc/administrativemanual?f=templates$fn=default.htm$3.0$vid=amlegal:tucson_udc_az The following items need to be addressed: SITE PLAN: 1) AM Sec.2-06.3.2: Revise the development plan package and all mapped data to be drawn at engineering scale having no more than 50-feet to the inch. The scale is the minimum accepted, architectural scale does not meet this requirement. 2) AM Sec.2-06.4.3: The relevant Development Plan Package case number (DP14-0013) may be added to the lower right hand corner of the plan on all sheets. 3) AM Sec.2-06.4.7.A.6: Revise the development plan package and General Note to provide the code reference for the overlay applicable to the site, specifically state that "the project is designed to meet the overlay zone criteria for Sec.5.4, Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Setback Zone." 4) AM Sec.2-06.4.7.B.2.a: Revise the development plan package to include the flowing note; "This project is affected by the City of Tucson Floodplain Regulations." 5) AM Sec.2-06.4.7.B.2.b: Revise the development plan package to include the flowing note; "A Floodplain Use Permit and Finished Floor Elevation Certificates are required for all new buildings." 6) AM Sec.2-06.4.8.C: Revise the development plan package to dimension the existing width of the public right-of-way in plan view for both roadways, Stone Avenue and Russell Avenue. Provide right-of-way (ROW) width, type and dimensioned width of paving, curbs, curb cuts, sidewalks and on street parking. Label both roadways as "Public" and Stone Ave also as "Arterial MS&R." 7) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.A: Revise the development plan package to provide approval and/or proposed land buy of the right-of-way from the City of Tucson Real Property and TDOT adjacent to the existing structure located within the current right-of-way. The lot lines including bearing in degrees, minutes and seconds together with distance in feet will need to be revised to reflect and new lot reconfiguration. 8) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.H.1: Revise the development plan package to verify conformance with handicap accessibility for the existing sidewalk within the right-of-way. Provide existing longitudinal and cross slopes to ensure maximum 2% or provide written approval from TDOT Permits and Codes that the existing sidewalk meets accessibility requirements. 9) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.H.1: Revise the development plan package to label the required 25-foot radii at the proposed driveway location on Stone Ave per City of Tucson Transportation Access Management Guidelines (TAMG), Section 5.5. Refer to TSM Sec.10-01 for street development standards. TSM Sec.10-01.3.2.C: At the intersections of streets with other streets or collector or arterial streets with PAALs/driveways, the curb lines will be connected with a curve having the minimum radius shown in Figure 6, measured at the face of the curb. Per Figure 6 the minimum radii for a driveway to an Arterial MS&R Street is 25-feet. Provide written approval from TDOT Permits and Codes that the proposed project does not have to meet the minimum 25-foot radii and a smaller radii or standard driveway apron can be utilized. 10) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.H.2: Revise the development plan package to correctly label and dimension the existing/future SVTs for the driveway entrance and Stone Ave, refer to TSM Sec.10-01.5.3 for line of sight matrix. The SVT's shown for Stone Ave do not meet the matrix dimensions for a PAAL to an Arterial MS&R Street. The 20-foot stem dimension can also be revised to start from the outside travel lane of the bike path due to the striped on street parking and bike path in the existing right-of-way. 11) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.H.5.a: Revise the development plan package to label and dimension the minimum 24-foot clear PAAL width for the vehicular use areas adjacent to a parking space or 20-foot minimum for access lane areas. 12) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.H.5.a: Revise the development plan package to provide a Parking Space Detail so that it is designed in accordance with Sec.7.4.6, Motor Vehicle Use Area Design Criteria, of the UDC. Specifically a standard parking stall must be 8.5 feet wide by 18-feet long and the proposed bumper blocks must be placed to allow for the 2.5 foot overhang so that the vehicle does not encroach into the required pedestrian access space or landscape area. 13) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.H.5.a: Revise the development plan package to ensure all dimensions are labeled for the vehicular use area. 14) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.H.5.a: Revise the development plan package to label the minimum 10-foot dimension for any parking spaces adjacent to a vertical barrier greater than 6-inches. Per UDC Sec.7.4.6.D.2.b a motor vehicle off-street parking space must have a minimum width of ten feet when the side(s) of the parking space abuts a vertical barrier over six inches in height, other than a vertical support for a carport/ Verify the dimensions on all parking spaces at the end of each aisle and for the space adjacent to the proposed rolling gate. 15) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.H.5.a: Revise the development plan package to label and dimension the proposed parallel parking spaces in front of the existing south office building. 16) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.M: Provide a note on the development plan package to state; "Approval from TDOT Permits and Codes for all improvements within the public right-of-way will be required. A right-of-way use permit application will be required prior to construction." 17) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.M: Provide a note on the development plan package to state; "All proposed fencing and walls will require a separate permit for review and approval by all necessary Planning & Development Services Departments." 18) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.N: Revise the development plan package to label the minimum finish floor elevation (FFE) in plan view for all new structures on the 1st floor. The FFE must match the FFE called out on the submitted Drainage Statement due to floodplain restrictions. The existing structures should also show conformance with the regulatory flood elevation (RFE) otherwise building restrictions may apply if it is shown that the FFE is lower than the RFE. 19) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.N.6: Revise the development plan package to label and dimensions the 100-year water surface elevations for the regulatory flow adjacent to the site. Either label the floodplain limits in plan view or provide cross sections per the Drainage Statement to assure future buildings are constructed per Chapter 26 of the Tucson Code. 20) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.R: Revise the development plan package to clearly dimension all sidewalks onsite to ensure the minimum 4-foot width. Revise Detail 9/A000 to correctly dimension the 4-foot width for plan view and the 6-inch reveal for section view. 21) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.R: Refer to comments from Ron Brown, RA Structural Plans Examiner for all handicap accessibility comments that may be associated with this project. 22) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.S: Revise the development plan package to label and dimension the minimum 6-foot width requirement for the sidewalk within the right-of-way of Stone Ave. 23) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.T: Revise the development plan package to provide for centralized onsite solid waste and recycle collection service pick up per TSM Sec.8-01.5.1.A. Revise the plan set and any associated details for the refuse enclosures to show that it meets TSM Sec.8-01, Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3a for the required enclosures, examples to include clear 14'x40' approach, 45 degree angle, rear and side bollards with 10'x10' clear, door anchors, etc. Provide written approval for the proposed refuse collection location. Per TSM Sec.8-01.5.3.G specifically Figure 1 this type of collection requires prior approval from Environmental Services (ES) in writing. Any deviation from the standard will require a Technical Standard Modification Request (TSMR), it is advisable that prior to submitting the TSMR to contact ES to see if they would support the modifications. 24) AM Sec.2-06.4.9.T: Verify on the development plan package the minimum right-of-way width for Russell Avenue adjacent to the refuse container location. The existing public right-of-way can not be encroached upon with the refuse doors are in the open position. Verify that the door when open stay completely onsite and does not encroach into the right-of-way. DRAINAGE STATEMENT: 25) Revise the Drainage Statement to addresses the minimum finish floor elevation (FFE) for all new buildings and the existing offices. The Drainage Statement must clearly provide the upstream water surface elevation for all new structures so that the FFE can be set to the regulatory flood elevation (WSEL + 1 foot freeboard). The statement should also address the existing structures as to whether their existing FFE's are conforming or nonconforming. Elevation Certificates will be required for all new structures at time of construction; the as-built survey can be used for the existing structures. GENERAL COMMENTS: Please provide a revised Development Plan Package and Drainage Statement that addresses the comments provided above. Include a comprehensive response letter addressing in detail responses to all of the above comments. For any questions or to schedule meetings call me at 837-4929. Jason Green, CFM Senior Engineer Associate Engineering Division Planning & Development Services Department |
02/03/2014 | RONALD BROWN | H/C SITE | REVIEW | Reqs Change | SHEET G000 1. Required Parking: As per the 2012 IBC Table 1106.1, 3 accessible parking spaces are required for a total of 55 parking spaces provided. Please provide 1 more accessible parking space. SHEET A100 2. Provide two additional marked crossings: a. From the accessible parking to the lobby and offices. b. From the Southerly Stair to the dumpsters 3. Please comply with ICC A117.1, Section 403.3 for all accessible route slopes, 5% max running and 2% cross. Provide a note to that effect on the drawings. 4. At Detail 3, provide a van accessible space as per the 2012 IBC, Section 1106.5 and ICC A117.1, Section 502.2. 5. Provide a large scale accessible parking sign detail. END OF REVIEW |
02/05/2014 | MICHAEL ST. PAUL | ZONING | REVIEW | Reqs Change | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Development Services Department Plans Coordination Office FROM: Michael St Paul Planning Technician PROJECT: DP14-0013 383 South Stone Avenue Apartment Complex TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 6, 2014 DUE DATE: February 28, 2014 This site is located in the C-3 zone (UDC Section 4.7.22 & Table 4.8-4). This site is also located in the Downtown Area Infill Incentive District (IID) UDC Section 5.12). 1) COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Unified Development Code, The Administrative and Technical Manuals were addressed. This plan has been reviewed for compliance with the Development Package Standards listed in section 2-06 of the City of Tucson Administrative Manual. Also compliance with applicable development criteria for the proposed use as listed in the City of Tucson Uniform Development Code (UDC). The review comments include the actual standard first with the applicable Administrative Manual section number and the following paragraph is the actual comment related to the specific item that must be addressed. If you need to review the sections listed below click on the link or copy it in the address bar of your internet program. http://www.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll/Arizona/tucson_az_udc/administrativemanual?f=templates$fn=default.htm$3.0$vid=amlegal:tucson_udc_az This link will take you directly to the section used for the standards review. The UDC requirements are in the Unified Development Code and can be viewed at the same web link as above 1. Section 3.3.3.G.5.c UDC, An applicant has one year from the date of application to obtain approval of a site plan that complies with zoning and other development requirements in effect at the time of application, unless an ordinance adopted by Mayor and Council during this period states otherwise. A site plan application that has been in review for a period of one year and has not yet been approved is considered denied. To continue the review of a site plan for the property, a new site plan must be submitted that complies with regulations in effect at the time of re-submittal. The new submittal initiates a new one-year review period. One year Expiration date is January 31, 2015. 2. SECTION 2-06.0.0: DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE Section 2-06.1.0 GENERAL 2-06.2.0 APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 2-06.3.0 FORMAT REQUIREMENTS 2-06.4.0 CONTENT REQUIREMENTS 2 2-06.1.0 GENERAL 2-06.1.1 PURPOSE This standard has been prepared for the purpose of informing applicants of the submittal and review requirements for development package documents to assure proper and adequate information is presented in a consistent manner, thereby providing the basis for an efficient and timely review. The development package documents are prepared in support of applications for building permits and related reviews. The information that is requested establishes the basis upon which the project will be approved and could affect what is required of the property in the future, should there be a proposal for expansion or for a different use of the property. This standard does not waive any applicable city regulations or codes. 2-06.1.2 APPICABILITY This standard shall be used for all site plans and tentative plats submitted to PDSD for review. 2-06.2.1 APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Development Package applications are available from PDSD. Completed applications and accompanying materials shall be submitted to PDSD. Incomplete or inaccurate applications will not be accepted, nor will any application in which the pre-application conference or neighborhood meeting requirements have not been met. The types of documents and the specific number of copies required of each of the documents are on the PDSD website or may be obtained from PDSD. Resubmittals of development packages require a comment response letter that details how all previous comments have been addressed. Provide the same number of copies of the comment response letter as plans provided. The following documents and information shall be submitted upon application: 2-06.2.1 Application Form A completed application signed by the property owner or authorized designee; 2-06.2.2 Development Package A development package must be prepared to the format and content requirements described herein; 2-06.2.3 Related Reviews In addition to the plan process, a project may require review for other types of plans and documents. The applications for those processes are submitted to the appropriate department for review and approval. These related reviews can be applied for so that review can occur concurrently with the development package application. However, it must be understood that, should the related application be approved subject to conditions or denied, this may affect the; 2-06.2.4 Concurrent Reviews The development package is designed to allow for concurrent review of any site related reviews. Concurrent review means that all plans and documents needed for the review are submitted as one package. Examples of site related reviews include but are not limited to: site plans, landscape plans, NPPO plans, water harvesting plans, grading plans, SWPPP plans, floodplain use permits, and overlay reviews. Separate applications are often required for the different site related reviews even if the plans are submitted concurrently; and, 2-06.2.5 Fees Fees in accordance with Section 4-01.0.0, Development Review Fee Schedule. 2-06.3.0 FORMAT REQUIREMENTS 2-06.3.1 - Each sheet shall measure 24 inches by 36 inches and include a minimum one inch margin on left side and one-half inch margin on all other sides to facilitate efficient record keeping. A larger sheet format may be used with the approval of the Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD). 2-06.3.2 - All mapped data shall be drawn at an engineering scale having no more than 50 feet to the inch. This scale is the minimum accepted to assure the plan will be legible during review and when digitized and/or reduced for record-keeping purposes. The same scale shall be used for all sheets within the set. Smaller scales (60:1 or greater) may be used for some or all of the sheets with the prior approval of PDSD when it is determined legibility and the ability to be digitized and/or reduced for archiving will not be affected. 2-06.3.3 - All lettering and text (upper or lower case), and numbering, shall be a minimum of three-thirty-seconds inches in height to assure the plan will be legible during review and when digitized and/or reduced for archiving. 2) COMMENT: Provide the site plans and grading plans in engineering scale. 2-06.3.8 - The north arrow, contour interval, and scale as applicable to each sheet should be placed together in the upper right corner of each sheet. 3) COMMENT: Provide north arrow, contour interval and scale in the upper right corner of each sheet. 2-06.3.10 - A legend that shows and describes all symbols used on the drawing is to be provided, preferably on the first sheet. 4) COMMENT: Provide the legend on the cover sheet. 2-06.3.11 - A key plan (if provided) shall be located on the first sheet. 5) COMMENT: Provide a key plan on the coversheet. 2-06.4.0 CONTENT REQUIREMENTS 2-06.4.1 - The name, mailing and email addresses, and phone number of the primary property owner of the site, the developer of the project, registrant(s), and other person(s), firm(s), or organization(s) that prepared the development package documents shall be provided on the right half of the cover sheet. The applicable registration or license number shall be provided if prepared by or with the assistance of a registered professional, such as a surveyor, architect, landscape architect, or engineer. All sealing shall be consistent with Arizona Board of Technical Registration guidelines. 2-06.4.2.D - The page number and the total number of pages in the package (i.e., sheet xx of xx). 6) COMMENT: Provide the continuous pagination on the survey drawings. 2-06.4.7 - General Notes The following general notes are required. Additional notes specific to each plan are required where applicable. 2-06.4.7.A - Zoning and Land Use Notes 2-06.4.7.A.4 - Identify the existing and proposed use of the property as classified per the UDC. List all UDC sections applicable to the proposed uses. 7) COMMENT: Identify the existing and the proposed uses on the coversheet. It appears that you just provided the proposed use. 2-06.4.7.A.5 - On residential projects, list the total number of units/lots proposed. 8) COMMENT: Provide the density calculation on the coversheet. It appears that the plan exceeds the maximum density allowed for the C-3 zone. The maximum density is 87 units per acre (UDC Table 6.3-4.A). The square footage of the site is 22,024.98 square feet. The square footage of an acre is 43,560 square feet. The site is 0.5056967 of an acre. The maximum density for this site in this zone is forty-three (43) units. [22,024.98 / 43560 = 0.5056967 (87) = 43.98] (See final comments.) 2-06.4.7.A.8 - For development package documents provide: 2-06.4.7.C - Streets and Roads Notes 2-06.4.7.E.1.a 2 - "A project Construction Permit must be secured from Pima County Wastewater Management before beginning any work on this project." 9) COMMENT: See comments by Pima County Wastewater Management. 2-06.4.8 - Existing Site Conditions The following information shall be provided on the plan/plat drawing to indicate the existing conditions on site and within 50 feet of the site. On sites bounded by a street with a width of 50 feet or greater, the existing conditions across the street will be provided. 2-06.4.8.C - The following information regarding existing private or public right-of-way adjacent to or within the site shall be provided: the name, right-of-way width, recordation data, type and dimensioned width of paving, curbs, curb cuts, and sidewalks. 10) COMMENT: Provide all of the above right-of-way (ROW) information, with dimensions, for both Stone Avenue and Russell Street, on the site plan. Clearly delineate and dimension any property in the ROW to be acquired. (See final comments.) 2-06.4.8.D - The following information regarding existing utilities shall be provided: the location and size of water wells, water pumping plants, water reservoirs, water lines, fire hydrants, sanitary and storm sewers, including the pipe diameter and the invert and rim elevations of all manholes and cleanouts; the Pima County Wastewater Management Department (PCWMD) reference number; locations of gas lines, electric and telephone lines, poles, and communications cables, on-ground junction boxes, and street lights. If water mains and sewers are not located on or adjacent to the tract, indicate the direction, distance to, and sizes of those nearest the property. Identifying the locations of all utilities and service equipment immediately adjacent to the project is especially important in situations where pedestrian and vehicular access and circulation or landscaping can be in conflict. By knowing the location of the existing utilities, design of the project can take those elements into consideration and can help avoid expensive and time-consuming relocation of utilities, major redesign, or requests to vary regulations after commencement of construction. 11) COMMENT: Provide all the existing utility information on the site plan. 2-06.4.9 - Information on Proposed Development The following information on the proposed project shall be shown on the drawing or added as notes. 2-06.4.9.A - Draw in all proposed lot lines with approximate distances and measurements. 12) COMMENT: It there to be changes in the lot lines for the existing buildings and the proposed building overhangs in the ROW provide that information, with dimensions on the site plan. (See final comments.) 2-06.4.9.H - Proposed Traffic Circulation 2-06.4.9.H.3 - Indicate fire circulation, including accessibility and vehicle maneuverability. 13) COMMENT: See Fire comments. 2-06.4.9.H.4 - Indicate if existing streets are public or private; provide street names, widths, curbs, sidewalks, and utility locations, all fully dimensioned. 14) COMMENT: Fully dimension both Stone Avenue and Russell Avenue on the site plan. 2-06.4.9.H.5 - If utilizing parking area access lanes (PAALs), they shall be designed in accordance with Section 7.4.6, Motor Vehicle Use Area Design Criteria, of the UDC. 15) COMMENT: Dimension the driveway and the pedestrian access to Stone Avenue. 2-06.4.9.H.5.a - Show all motor vehicle off-street parking spaces provided, fully dimensioned. As a note, provide calculations on the number of spaces required (include the ratio used) and the number provided, including the number of spaces required and provided for the physically disabled. The drawing should indicate parking space locations for the physically disabled. A typical parking space detail shall be provided for both standard parking spaces and those for the physically disabled. For information on parking requirements for the physically disabled, refer to adopted building and accessibility codes of the City of Tucson. Design criteria for parking spaces and access are located in Section 7.4.6, Motor Vehicle Use Area Design Criteria, of the UDC. 16) COMMENT: Provide the approved parking plan. 2-06.4.9.H.5.d - Show bicycle parking facilities fully dimensioned. For specifics, refer to Section 7.4.9, Bicycle Parking Design Criteria, of the UDC. Provide, as a note, calculations for short and long term bicycle spaces required and provided. 17) COMMENT: The bicycle parking calculations look. Provide a detail and floor plan for the secured bicycle parking area. 2-06.4.9.L - All proposed easements (utility, sewer, drainage, access, etc.) are to be dimensioned and labeled as to their purposes and whether they will be public or private. The easements may have to be recorded and the recordation information added to the development package prior to approval. 18) COMMENT: Delineate any and all proposed easements as describe above. 2-06.4.9.M - Grading Plan 2-06.4.9.M.1 - A conceptual grading plan is required on projects with significant topographic conditions. The PDSD Engineering Administrator or designee will determine the need for such a plan. 19) COMMENT: No grading plan has been provided. 2-06.4.9.O - All applicable building setback lines, such as erosion hazard, floodplain detention/retention basins, and zoning, including sight visibility triangles, will be shown. 20) COMMENT: The required setback for South Stone Avenue is the greater of twenty-one (21) feet, or the height, from the back of the travel lane (UDC Section 6.4.5.C.2.a & Table 6.4.5.C-1). The setback to South Russell Avenue is one-half the height of each of the building's walls facing Russell (UDC Section 6.4.5.C.2.a & Table 6.4.5.C-1). The height measurement for the building setbacks are from design grade (ground level) to the highest point of each vertical plain or wall (UDC Figure 6.4.5.-D). Roof overhangs are also required to meet setback. There is an exception of two (2'-0") feet of the overhang (UDC Section 6.4.5.D.1.B). Provide the height dimensions on the site plan and confirm the dimension on the elevation drawings. (See final comments.) 2-06.4.9.P - The following Pima County Wastewater Management information will be indicated on the development package documents. 21) COMMENT: See comments by Pima County Wastewater Management. 2-06.4.9.V - For gang mailboxes indicate location to assure there are no conflicts with other requirements, such as pedestrian accessibility, utilities, and landscaping. 22) COMMENT: Provide the mailbox location as described above. 2-06.4.9.X - Show compliance with landscaping and screening requirements by locations, material descriptions, and dimensions. Specific plant or hardscape material shall be detailed on a landscape plan. A detailed landscape plan is required. In accordance with Section 2-11.0.0, Landscape Plan Requirements. 23) COMMENT: See Landscape comments. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Michael St. Paul, (520) 837-4959. RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised development package site plan and any requested documents. Provide revised plans with the response comments, and resolve the following issues: The plan cannot be approved with any building footprint or overhang in the right-of-way. Both the existing foot prints of the buildings in the ROW and any proposed building overhangs in the right-of-way may be resolved with Tucson Real Estate. Contact Jim Rossi ( 837-6718 or jim.rossi@tucsonaz.gov) to look into purchasing or leasing the necessary ROW. The purchase of the necessary ROW may provide enough square footage to the site to meet the intended number of units for the density requirement. |
02/05/2014 | ROBERT SHERRY | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | Revise the site drawing to include the following information: a. The location of sanitary and storm sewers, including the pipe diameter and the invert and rim elevations of all manholes and cleanouts; along with the Pima County Wastewater Management Department (PCWMD) reference number. b. The point of connection to existing public sewers. c. The locations of gas lines, electric and telephone lines, poles, and communications cables, on-ground junction boxes, and street lights. d. Any existing or proposed utility easements e. The first floor elevation for the building Reference: City of Tucson Administrative Manual No. 2-06.0.0, Section 4.8 and Section 107.2.13, IBC 2012. |
02/06/2014 | MARTIN BROWN | FIRE | REVIEW | Denied | Please provide details and commentary regarding rolling gates(s). Refer to Section 503.6 for fire department requirements for Security gates. Fire department appoved lock box(es) will be required. |
02/11/2014 | ANDREW CONNOR | NPPO | REVIEW | Approved | |
02/11/2014 | ANDREW CONNOR | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Reqs Change | Clarify if the underlining zone is being used for reviews or the following code section applies: 5.12.4. GREATER INFILL INCENTIVE SUBDISTRICT A. Modification of Development Requirements (MDR) Development requirements may be modified within the GIIS subdistrict. This process shall be known as the Modification of Development Requirements (MDR). B. General Except as provided in this subsection, the requirements in the following sections of the UDC may be modified up to 25% of the dimension amount permitted by the underlying zoning: Art. 6: Dimensional Standards and Measurements; Section 7.4, Motor Vehicle & Bicycle Parking; Section 7.5, Off-Street Loading; and Section 7.6, Landscaping and Screening. The MDR process shall not be used to modify Section 7.7, Native Plant Preservation. Landscaping and Screening a. Except as required by Section 5.12.6.B, Development Transition, a complete or partial exception to Section 7.6, Landscaping and Screening Standards, may be granted when shade is provided for pedestrians and customers, such as along sidewalks , pedestrian circulation paths , and outdoor patios, in accordance with Section 5.12.6 .A.2. b. The following types of landscaping and improvements may be used to comply with this section: (1) Existing landscaping; (2) Shade trees in the right-of-way; (3) Green walls or green roofs; and/or, (4) Shade structures, such as awnings. If the underlining zone is being used then the following comments apply: ARTICLE 7: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 7.6.2. APPLICABILITY The provisions of this section apply to the following: A. All new development; and, to all developments that provide more than four motor vehicle parking spaces. Landscape must be submitted for review. LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING To enhance the visual appearance of the streetscape, a street landscape border is required in accordance with Table 7.6.4-1 along the street frontage of a site as follows: Minimum Width Street landscape borders must be a minimum of ten feet wide as measured from the streetproperty line. On streets designated as Major Streets and Routes (MS&R), the street landscape border must be measured from the future MS&R right-of-way line as determined by Section 5.4.4, Establishment of MS&R Right-of-Way Lines and Gateway Routes. Fifty percent or more of the area of the street landscape border must be covered with shrubs or vegetative ground cover. The required ground coverage must be achieved within two years from the date of planting. Interior landscape borders are required as determined in Table 7.6.4-1, which ranks land uses and zones based upon their land use intensity and the impact a use will have on adjacentland uses. One canopy tree is required for every 33 linear feet of landscape border or fraction thereof, excluding vehicular ingress or egress points. Continuous screens along street frontages for vehicle use area must be as determined by Table 7.6.4-I. Provide appropriate screening. Screening for individual land uses and zones must be provided as determined in Table 7.6.4-1 and in addition to the required landscape borders. Screening is not required between similar uses in accordance with Table 7.6.4-1 Within a vehicular use area, one canopy tree is required for each four motor vehicle parking spaces or fraction thereof. The canopy trees must be evenly distributed throughout the vehicular use area. Every parking space must be located within 40 feet of the trunk of a canopy tree (as measured from the center of the tree trunk). Ensure that all Zoning and Engineering comments and concerns are addressed. Additional comments may apply ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL SECTION 2-10.0.0: LANDSCAPE PLAN REQUIREMENTS Identification and Descriptive Data All improvements and site information, such as adjacent rights-of-way and property lines, shown on the landscape plan will be identical in size and location to those shown on the base plan (site plan or tentative plat). Should amendments be required to the base plan through the review process, the same amendments will be made to the landscape plan which will then be resubmitted along with the base plan. The landscape plan will contain the following identification in the lower right corner of each sheet: Rezoning case; Subdivision case; Board of Adjustment case; Design Development Option case; Development Review Board (DRB) case; and/or, Any other relevant case number for reviews or modifications that affect the site. Planting Plan Vegetation Plan and Schedules Ultimate size of plants indicated by the spread of canopy, circumference of shrubs, or spread of ground cover; Both the proper and common name of each type of plant material. Material and areas of inert ground cover. Calculations Square footage of the site; Square footage of the oasis allowance area and calculation; Square footage of the vehicular use area; number of parking spaces, including the required and provided parking space calculations; and the calculation of the required number of canopy trees. Maintenance Schedule Pruning schedules to show that plant material will maintain pedestrian and vehicular clearances or that the material will establish opaque hedge screens, if required; Replacement criteria, should plant material not survive; Replacement or upkeep maintenance schedules for inert ground cover materials; Upkeep maintenance schedules for exterior hardscape materials; and, Maintenance and replacement schedules for irrigation systems. Grading Information Grade changes across the site indicated by one-foot interval contour lines or by spot elevations; Percent slope across the site and the direction of the slope of paved areas; Existing grades on adjacent rights-of-way and adjacent sites. If an adjacent right-of- way or site is under construction, show the proposed finish grade Extent of grading boundaries if a portion of the site is to be kept in its natural undisturbed state. Indicate natural contours of undisturbed areas; Areas of detention/retention, depths of basins, and percentage of side slope; The methods by which water harvesting or storm water runoff is used to benefit the planting areas on the site. Irrigation Plan Type of water conserving irrigation systems proposed and differentiation between systems for the different water use zones on the site; Source of irrigation water; Indicate potable or reclaimed water use. Reclaimed water system specifications, if used; System specifications and system design and layout (Section 4-01.4.2, Irrigation Standards, of the Technical Standards Manual); Extent of supplementary irrigation in each planting area, provided by water harvesting methods; Point of drainage off roof areas, amount of flow, and disposition of flow; Temporary systems proposed to establish native seeded areas; The length of irrigation duration (e.g., for native plat material, automatic drip for two years or until established); and, The extent to which systems are proposed within the public right-of-way. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
02/12/2014 | SHANAE POWELL | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
02/12/2014 | CPIERCE1 | REJECT SHELF | Completed |