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Permit Number: DP12-0100
Parcel: 12106401B

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - DP12-0100
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
1. The Comprehensive Site Plan does not match the Site Plan on Sheet C1.1. Please reconcile.

2. OK

3. Replace the concrete wheel stop at the "Van Accessible" parking space. Reference zoning requirements.

4. OK

5. Provide detectable warning strips at the marked crossing to Van Buren as shown on Sheet C1.1 Site Plan.
a. Also show the ramp and it's slope on the west end of the marked crossing.
6. Provide a marked crossing and detectable warning strips at the Speedway drive entrance.
10/11/2012 JASON GREEN ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: October 17, 2012
SUBJECT: Cathey's Sew and Vac Development Plan Package- Engineering Review
TO: Architectural Design Group Inc; Attn: David Garcia, RA
LOCATION: 5701 E Speedway Blvd; T14S R14E Sec01; Ward 6

SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Planning & Development Services Department has received and reviewed the proposed Development Plan Package. Engineering Division does not recommend approval of the Development Plan Package at this time. This review falls under Development Standard 2-01. All comments reflect Site Plan and Grading Plan. The following items need to be addressed:


1) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.N: Provide a Drainage Statement for the property, prepared in accordance with the COT Standards Manual for Drainage Design and Floodplain Management. Provide verification within the statement for the existing FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) Zone AE and for all onsite drainage. Verify that any proposed improvements to the site do not adversely impact the existing 100-year floodplain and clarify the existing finished floor elevation to the existing 100-year water surface elevations.


2) DS Sec.2-01.3.7.B.2.a: Provide a Drainage Note to include the following per the referenced Section; "This project is affected by the City of Tucson Floodplain Regulations." A Floodplain Use Permit will be required at resubmittal for all proposed work within the mapped SFHA Zone AE, i.e. sidewalk and associated grading.

3) DS Sec.2-01.3.7.B.2.b: Provide a Drainage Note to include the following per the referenced Section; "A Floodplain Use is required." A Floodplain Use Permit is required for all proposed work within the SFHA.

4) DS Sec.2-01.3.8.C: Revise the development plan document to label the existing right-of-way for Van Buren Avenue. Provide the right-of-way width and dimensioned width of paving, curbs, curb cuts and sidewalks.

5) DS Sec.2-01.3.8.F: Revise the development plan document to label the Improvement Plan reference number, either in plan view or Keynote #22, for the existing storm drainage facilities located within the Van Buren right-of-way.

6) DS Sec.2-01.3.8.I.1: Revise the development plan document to label the 100-year water surface elevations for the FEMA SFHA Zone AE per the FEMA Flood Insurance Study (FIS). Water surface contours with WSEL indicated must be shown and clearly labeled. Provide either the FEMA FIRM Panel reference, FIRM Panel 04019C2301L, in plan view or in the Drainage Note required above.

7) DS Sec.2-01.3.8.I.1: Revise the development plan document to label the Q100 discharge value for the mapped FEMA SFHA as shown on the FIS Study.

8) DS Sec.2-01.3.8.I.3: Revise the development plan document to provide the symbol identical to that used to represent the FEMA SFHA Zone AE and the water surface elevation on the development plan documents in the legend.

9) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.2: Revise Keynote #33 to correctly state the Far Side dimension for the SVT at the PAAL access onto Van Buren. Plan view correctly shows a 20'x110' Far Side SVT however the Keynote labels it as a 20'x30' which is not applicable.

10) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.5: Revise the development plan document to verify the minimum 12-foot one-way PAAL width adjacent to the proposed refuse location.

11) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.5: Revise the development plan document to clearly Keynote (#31) the vertical curbing that separates the one-way PAAL area from the landscaping area adjacent to Van Buren Avenue.

12) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.H.5: Revise the development plan document to dimension the radii and depth of pavement for the area adjacent to the last parking stall along the northeast corner of the site.

13) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.I: Verify if street dedication in accordance with the Major Streets and Routes Plan is required at this time for this property. Provide written approval from both TDOT and Real Estate Departments per the statement in Keynote #23.

14) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.I: Revise the development plan document to clearly label Keynote #26 in plan view for the future right-of-way for Speedway Blvd.

15) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.R: Revise the development plan document to clarify the minimum width of the proposed sidewalk that connects the existing building to the adjacent right-of-way of Van Buren Avenue.

16) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.R: Revise the development plan document to label and dimension the required sidewalk along the entire right-of-way of Van Buren Avenue. The sidewalk must run the entire length of street frontage adjacent to the property.

17) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.R: Refer to comments from Ron Brown, RA Structural Plans Examiner for all handicap accessibility comments that may be associated with this project.

18) DS Sec.2-01.3.9.T: Verify or provide approval through Environmental Services for refuse pickup. Per DS Sec.6-01 onsite refuse collection is required and the development plan package should reflect the location and access to the required refuse containers (per General Note #10 on Sheet C2.1 the standard referenced no longer exists). If Environmental Service is not requiring onsite collection then PDSD Engineering will approve this comment based on their written approval for refuse collection. Otherwise revise the development plan document and a detail for the refuse enclosure to provide all aspect for construction purposes. The detail must match DS Sec.6-01 and Figure 3a for the required enclosure walls with gates, concrete thickness and compressive strength, concrete approach apron dimensions, etc. Any deviation from the Development Standard and Figure 3a will require prior approval from Environmental Services along with a Development Standard Modification Request (DSMR) application and approval.


Please provide a revised Development Plan Package and Drainage Statement that addresses the comments provided above. Include a comprehensive response letter addressing in detail responses to all of the above comments.

Further comments may be generated upon re-submittal of the Development Plan Package. For any questions or to schedule meetings call me at 837-4929.

Jason Green, CFM
Senior Engineer Associate
Engineering Division
Planning & Development Services Department
10/22/2012 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied Comment not resolved. Revise the site drawing to include the following information:
a. the location and size of the backflow preventer
b. the location of the main water lines and fire hydrants
c. the location and size of the public sanitary sewer
d. the location of the building connection to the public sewer
e. the location, invert, and rim elevation of the upstream and downstream manholes and cleanouts
Reference: City of Tucson Development Standard No. 2-01.0.0, Section 3.8 D and Section 103.2.3, UPC 2006.

FROM: Terry Stevens
Lead Planner

PROJECT: DP12-0100
5701 E. Speedway Blvd
Development Package


COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. DS 2-01.3.7.A.4 In general note number 2 include the development designator for this use. "General Merchandise Sales "31", subject to: Sec.

2. DS 2-01.3.7.A.9.c Percentage of building, lot area, or vehicular use area expansion. If the building(s) or lot area have been previously expanded, those calculations shall be included. This project has had a previous expansion of approximately 500 sq.ft. which must be included in the expansion calculations. Provide a copy of the last approved plan in order to verify the square footage of the previous expansion. The total of the two expansions appear to be greater than 25% therefore requiring full code compliance for the entire site. Revise expansion calculations.

3. DS 2-01.3.8.A This project consists of two tax parcels. Since this is full code a tax parcel combination will be required or recording a covenant regarding the development and use of real property can be done. If the covenant is used provide the recording information on the plan. Provide documentation of the approved tax parcel combo if this option is used.

4. DS 2-01.3.9.H.5 Provide a dimension of the access lane between the trash enclosure and the sidewalk at the northwest corner of the building.

5. DS 2-01.3.9.H.5.a In the parking calculations the number of required parking spaces is 11 not 12. 3414/300=11.38 rounding down is allowed. Revise.

Clearly indicate in the parking calculations the number of provided handicap parking spaces provided.

Provide a dimensioned detail of both standard parking space and handicap parking space.

Wheel stop curb is missing at the handicap parking space. On the details for the parking spaces clearly indicate the location of the wheel stops. Min. 2'-6" from the front of the parking space.
Provide a dimension of the width of the parallel parking spaces. Min. width is 8'.

6. DS 2-01.3.9.H.5.d The bicycle parking caculations do not meet the requirements of LUC Sec. Min. 2 short term an 2 long term bicycle parking spaces are required. Revise calculations.

Provide a dimensioned detail of the short term and long term bicycle parking spaces. Clearly indicate the size, type of rack and enclosure, access aisle, surface materials, location, etc. Review LUC Sec. 3.3.9 for required criteria.

7. DS 2-01.3.9.I Show all right-of-way dedications on or abutting the site and label. Clearly indicate how this site will meet full code compliance after the right of way taking.

Should there be any proposed street or alley vacation, provide this information. If
vacation has occurred, include the recording information.

8. DS 2-01.3.9.J If street dedication is not required or proposed and the project site is adjacent to a Major Street or Route, draw the Major Street right-of-way lines for those streets. (Add the MS&R future sidewalk, right-of -way lines, sight visibility triangles, future curb location, etc.)

9. DS 2-01.3.9.O Provide the required setback dimension from the front of the building to the back of future curb along Speedway. Also provide dimension from the west side of the building to the back of future curb along Van Buren.

10. DS 2-01.3.9.Q Revise general note #8 in regards to the maximum allowed building height. Max. height is 30' not 350".

11. DS 2-01.3.9.R Provide dimensions for all sidewalks within the pedestrian circulation path. Min. 4' in width.

12. DS 2-01.3.9.W If dedication of right of way along Speedway is proposed, the existing monument sign cannot be located in the right of way and would be required to be relocated or a Temporary Revocable Easement (TRE) would be required to be obtained from the Real Estate Division of the City of Tucson.

13. The site plan with the indicated scale of 1"=10' does not appear to have plotted correctly. Clarify.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 837-4961


RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised site plan and additional requested documents
10/25/2012 ANDREW CONNOR LANDSCAPE REVIEW Denied 1. If the expansion is twenty-five (25) percent or more, the MS&R provisions apply to the proposed expansion and to any parking and landscaping requirements which apply to the overall development.

2. A street landscape border, per Sec. of the LUC, is a landscape area with a minimum width of ten (10) feet, running the full length of the street property line(s) bounding the site except for points of ingress-egress. Portion along Van Buren Ave does not have vegetative cover.

3. A 30" continuous screen along street frontages for vehicle use area must be provided per LUC Table 3.7.2-I. Identify screening elements.

4. A 6' continuous screen along street frontages for billboards must be provided per LUC Table 3.7.2-I. Identify screening elements.

5. Note: The screening requirement is in addition to the landscape requirements and Vegetative screens can encroach three (3) feet into the street landscape border.

6. Inorganic ground cover is to comply with the dust control measures of Sec. of the LUC including adjacent ROW.

7. The site plan and landscape plan must show identical site layout to avoid conflict between the two plans. Ensure that all changes to the site plan are reflected on the landscape plan.

8. Additional comments may apply.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description